Mr. Roland Hurford is home from Florida.
Mr. Glen Park will spend the winter in Tennessee.
Mrs. Alec Smith and daughter have moved into their bungalow.
Mrs. Fred Goodspeed and son, Frederick, are home from Florida.
Mrs. John Dietrich is home from an extended trip through the west.
Mrs. W. A. Kittermaster is home after an extended stay in Montreal, Canada.
The Misses jean and Frances Hurford entertained their bridge Club last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Matlock are the proud parents of a little boy that arrived November 7.
Mr. Charles Dupee of San Francisco, California, was the guest of Mrs. Emeline Dupee last week.
Dr. and Mrs. O.D. Swain have returned from a visit to their daughter at Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
M. and Mrs. Ben Newhall had as their guest last week Mr. William Stark of Eureka Springs, Mo.
On Nov. 10 Miss Harriet Blackstone and Mrs. B. G. Poucher sailed from Gibralter for New York. They have spent five months abroad.