Wilmettea 75th Anniversary 1872-1947WILMETTE LIFENorthridge Womans ClubServes Newer NeighborhoodThe Northridge Womans club wasfounded in 1930, shortly after thestarted under the chairmanship ofgreater portion of the northwestMrs. William Hughes.section of the village was trans-Philanthropy Projectsformed from prairie land into a resi-Mrs. A. H. Ahlstrand was thedential district. Mrs. P. Jay Churchclubs first philanthropy chairman.called in three of her neighbors toThe members have sewed for thetell them her idea of a club.Park Ridge School for Girls andThemade scrap book for the Crippled purpose of this club, accordingChildrens hospital, a project startedto the organizations first publicity,"isin 1937 and continued until 1942. to create a neighborly feelingandThe club has also sponsored many to study the problems of thisEARLYactivities, plays and card parties. FIRE DEPARTMENT In 1915, the firemen were off to thecommunity and work as a unit forAmong those benefiting from thesefire in, the wagon pictured above. Purchased in 1905, the wagon hadits improvement in every way."programs have been the Hadleyno pumps. It was outfitted, however, with a 45-gallon chemical tankFollowing the first unofficial meet-School for the Blind, the Seeing Eye,and two ladders one 25-foot extension ladder and the other a 10-footing, a general meeting was heldthe Wilmette Health center, the Wil-roof ladder.with 30 women attending. The firstmette Family Welfare association,officers were elected: President, Mrs.the Wilmette Girl Scouts, the Ameri-The fire fighters are, from right toPcan Red Cross, the U.S.O. and theleft: Walter H. Zibble, the driver andW. ilJliaay Church; vice-president, Mrs.m Purcell; secretary, Mrs.Hospital and Veterans Relief pro-only paid man on the crew, JosephChiefs of WilmetteLeonard Van Deursen; and treasur-gram.WSteililniaer, chief of the volunteer force,mer, Mrs. Bruce Reynolds.Two Playgrounds Herbon, A. C. Wolff, GeorgeFire DepartmentNEarlyIn 1942, the club was instrumental ProgramWeoiltfhfaver, Roy Henderson, A. E.E. M. Enstead 1894-1898in setting up two playgrounds, at, Martin Kalmes, and JacobD. E. Clow1898-1914The name chosen for the -club wasTwenty-third street and KenilworthSmith. All are living with the excep-Joseph Steiner 1914-1919suggested by Mrs. Edgar Fielding.avenue, one for the pre-school andtion of Mr. Smith. Incidentally, theCommittees appointed in that daythe other for older children. Playhorses are "Charlie" and "Snake."WA. alCte. Wolff1919-1921r H. Zibble 1921-1946are indicative of the clubs earlyMrequipment was bought and volun-. Zibble retired as fire marshalRalph K. Reardon 1946-work. The first program-social chair-tary supervision was organized. Thisonly last year. Building in back-man was Mrs. Arthur Burg. Theproject was discontinued with theground then housed the old VillageLANDcommunity interest committee com-building of the Harper school. PRICEStheater. Later it was occupied bybined with the local improvementDuring the war, Mrs. Howard In-the First National bank (closed inAbout a century ago, Henry Din-committee was very important thengersoll and her war activities com-1932). Now its the headquarters ofgee of New York, through his agent,and Mrs. J. D. Kinnear was its firstmthe film division of the EncyclopediaJohn Westerfield, purchased at pub-chairman. The garden committeeWiitltmeee ttsponsored evenings at thee U.S.O. center and at GreatBritannicalic sale, 270 acres of Wilmette land.was also active and had for its firstLakes.for $4,000.chairman Mrs. R. C. Quinlevan.The Northridge Womans club has10Childrens recreation was in chargesent delegates to the school board YEARS IN OFFICELongesof Mrs. E. H. Runnfeldt.caucus and holds representation ont tenure of office for a Wil-SENIOR OFFICIALmette village president was that ofSenior elective Wilmette villageJointhe Harmony convention. FederationHarry C. Kinne, 1935 to 1945, whoofficial in length of service iswaFor their first programs the clubsLONG SERVICE a member of the village boardNicholas P. Miller, who has beeninvited village officials, state repre-for three years prior to that time.villageIt is believed that the record for clerk since 1932.sentatives and presidents of othercontinuous service in public officeorganizations to acquaint memberswitin the village is held by J. Robbh civic responsibilities and to in-Harper, a director of the public li-troduce the new organization to thebrary for 33 years. Mr. Harper wasCongratulationsvillage.superintendent of schools for 34In 1931, the club joined the Tenthyears.district of the Federation of Wom-To WILMETTE and those who haveens clubs.SIDEWALK OF PLANKSThe first sidewalk built about 1888,enjoyedThe literature group was formed living in this communitybetween Ridge road and "the Vil-in 1932, after the plan of the Evans-lage" was constructed with plankstheseton drama group and had as its first16-feet long and 12-inehes wide. Twochairman Mrs. F. G. Stecker. Inrunways were laid with a foot space75 YEARS .. .1933 parliamentary law classes wereleft between.WILMETTE COAL & MATERIAL YARD1361 LAKE AVE.WILMETTE 4200Highest QualityCOAL-COKE STOKER COALGrades and sizes to meet all requirementsSeasoned Fireplace LogsTO INSURE SATISFACTORY RESULTSSee us for Crushed Stone for driveways Sand Gravel, CementStepping Stones, Lime, Soil Sweetner, etc.ENJOY COMPLETE CONVENIENCEwith Conoco Carefree HeatSA Leading Name in Heating ResearchWThIeLL IN SERVICE after 31 years is the fire engine shown above.n the picture was taken in 1922, the truck had a 750-gallon rotarypump and a 45-gallon chemical tank. It also carried a 28-foot exten-sion ladder and a 12-foot roof ladder. Notice the solid rubber tires.The newest, most modern, most effi-cienbert Hoffmeyer, Martin Kalmes, Ar-t stoker on the market today. Re-The engine has been remodeledthur Smith, Anton Schwall, Georgeduced fuel bills trouble free opera-several times since then and now isNeithaver, William Herbon, andtion Order now for prompt installa-equipped with a booster tank inGeorge Mayfield, and in the frontplace of the old chemical tank, andtion.row, A. C. Wolff, Walter H. Zibble,pneumatic tires. Members of volun-chief of the volunteer force, Jamesteer force in 1922, were, from leftBrady, Jack Mayfield, and Augustto right: back row, A. E. Wolff, Al-Herbon.