September 18, 1947Wilmettes 75th Anniversary 1872-1947Hardware Firm IsOne of Villages18711947Older EnterprisesOne of the older businesses in Wil-mette, the A. C. Wolff and SonsHardware, Inc., formerly the Wolffand Watt Hardware company, cele-brated its 35th anniversary in 1939.MrOne Year Older. Wolff entered the hardwarebusiness in his teens and at the ageThan WilmetteThe Iredale Storage and Moving Co. wasfounded by George Iredale in 7877View of cabinet mak-ing shop of GeorgeIredale located on theS. E. corner of MapleAvenue and DavisStreet in the year 1871.A. C. Wolffof twenty, with financial aid fromhis father, became the owner of ahardware store and tin shop.After the depression duringTheodore Roosevelts time the busi-ness was enlarged from sheet metaland furnace to include tile andslate roofing. Because his son, Rob-ert, at an early age showed an in-terest in hardware, Mr Wolff, in1925, purchased a half-interest in theGriffis Hardware store operated byErnest Griffis and his father oppo-site the village hall on Wilmette ave-nue.Chose New SiteFinding this building unsuited fora well-equipped business, Mr. Wolffselected the present site at 1119-21CentraIredale Storagel avenue. Completely fire-prbof, this building ranks as one ofwarehouse of to-the most complete hardware, sheetmetalday. We have, and furnace establishmentsin the area.been serving theDuring the most recent depres-North Shore forsion the concern became affiliatedwith the Ace Hardware group, toseventy-six years.offset jobber retailing competition.About 13 years ago a reorganizationwas effected when Frank L. WattWacaqtuired the Griffis interests. Mr.t came to the firm with exten-sive retail and wholesale experi-ence and also training in electricaland radio lines.New OfficersAt the time of their 35th anni-versary, Mr. Wolff headed the com-pany as president, F. L. Watt wasvice president and treasurer; andRobert Wolff was secretary.In July, 1946, Mr. Watt left thecompany and the officers now are:IREDALEWMr. Wolff, prWoollfffesident; Mrs. Robertf, vice president; and Robert, secretary, treasurer, andmanagerSTORAGE & MOVING CO.. A younger son, Alfred, isattending college but later is ex-pected to become a member of theWAREHOUSES ATfirm.EVANSTON, WINNETKAGIFT TO BOWLAND HIGHLAND PARKCharles A. Feltman, a commis-NATION-WIDE MOVINGsioner of the Wilmette park districtfrom 1937 to 1947, last year contrib-utedTELEPHONES $10,000 to the districts treas-uWryil mteot tcomplete the stage at thee amphitheater.Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe 1332 University 9300 Highland Park 181