imMgimppp^ THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, MAY 13,1921 "......................................t JociaJ HappeiMivdr VXfanette ^^KeiulvkMrtlv byRufKRijley *w -i L AND MRS. JOSEPH ADELBERT BCSHNELL of 6$ II in man avenue, Evan stun, announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Harriet, to Julian Conrad Hess, son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hess of J~vlIIage. The wedding will take place Saturday evening, June at the Evanston Hotel. Mr.°and Mrs. Harry A. Dubia announce the marriage of their lighter, Avis, to Earl Parker Cowing, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. rker Cowing of Winnetka, formerly of Wilmette. The service s very quietly celebrated on Thursday of this week at the home the bride's parents, 1309 Astor street, Chicago. Following a honeymoon trip the young couple will take posses* m of the senior Cowing's home in Winnetka for the summer ring the absence of the latter on a tour of Europe. Mr- and Mrs. George Edwin Fouts of 530 Greenleaf avenue, an- »>unce the engagement of their daughter, Minerva, to A. Leal Bib- ns of East Lansing, Mich. Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Bull of 524 aple avenue, of the engagement of their daughter, Dorothea, to Wallace B. Behnke, son of Mrs. Julius C. Behnke of Chicago. Clubwomen all over the__country Mr. L. F. English, 1007 Greenwood avenue, and Mr. William C. Napier of Kenilworth. at representatives of the Wilmette Council of the Knights of Columbus, attended the convention held til Peoria ou Thursday-attd-Fri^ day. Miss Margaret Millen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Millen of 1128 Greenleaf avenue, who is. a senior at Guerin Hall, St. Mary of the Woods, Ind., was crowned Queen of the May at the May Day Festival celebrated there recently. Mrs. Samuel Hastings was host- ess at a reception given at her home in Highland Park on Tuesday of last week in honor of her daughter-in- law, Mrs. Rolland Hastings and the latter's mother, Mrs. Beebe of New York. The Wilmette Council of the Knights of Columbus were guests at an enjoyable banquet given at the Winnetka* Woman's club on Thursday evening. Mr. D. F. Kelly was toast- master of the occasion. The date of the marriage of Miss Elsie A. Munning, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. P. Munning of Brooklyn, N. Y., to John A Bauer of 1619 Wash- ington avenue, has been set for June 21. i_. McAllister -Wor then llllllllHIIIMIIUUIIHUIMIHntHIHIIIinillllll"«l»l'»""»lll|,llu",,i,IM,"",,,",""H"",n"" Ladies9 Dresses Something entirely new in the Tie-Back^ Apron Dress made from good grade percale plain colors, blue, pink, lavender or green, white organdie collar and cuffs. The greatest value we've ever offered at ON DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOW Moth Proof Bags <e || Large Size -- Suitable for storing Furs. Cloth- J[ vC ing. Etc Specially priced at viuuwumcii an uvci iiije__vvuiiu y I BO.TS. V-uai ics i^uu^iun anu misi have been asked tq contribute to the I Karl D. King, are attending the state At the annual luncheon and meet- c of the Wilmette Catholic Worn- s club held on Thursday, April 21, the Wilmette Woman's clubhouse, _e following officers were elected to rve for the ensuing year: president, rs Wendelin P. Seng; first vice esident, Mrs. Albert Reichmann; •cond vice president, Mrs. Fred'Har- !y; recording sercetary, Mrs. Walter illcr; corresponding secretary, rs. Frank Hoffman; treasurer, Mrs. ertrude Ketcham; three new direct- rs, Mrs. Bernard Patterson, Mrs. heodore Adams and Mrs. John Bud- iger. â- ____________-â€"-g- Rcports of the various officers and apartments were read, and one par- cularly interesting one read by the inance committee showed that $1,800 id been earned and used in philan- ropic work, during the year. Mrs. ouis Gruslv the retiringâ€"©residentr as presented with a handsome silver „. „..»._.., .....â€"~. „........._, _. »rvice, in appreciation of the splend- Bowers, who is spending a fortnight 1 work she has accomplished this I with friends in the village. It will ist season. - â€" ibe remembered that Rev. Boy Bowers â€"•â€" was formerly pastor of the Congre-r As the ooening gun in the Y. W. C. 'gational church for several years. In I drive^fo? opefafing funds, a dinner the receiving line were. Mrs. McCue, as held Monday night at the Drake otel, Chicago, at which time the rorkersâ€"eutlmed-theirâ€"planof-at- ick. The campaign for $227,000 will e put under way Tuesday. Six hun- red women will take the field for he cause in Chicago, forty-eight will e at work in Evanston and ten in Vilmette. It is specifically stated that house-to-house canvass will not be lade. Lists of former contributors o the Y. W. C. A. cause have been ompiled and each person on this list vill be approached personally and <Hie*ted-to-aid-agai On Tuesday evening of this w Mrs. George W. Slocum entertained at a family dinner party at her home, 940 Forest avenue* inâ€"honor of^tht seventieth birthday anniversary of her mother, Mrs. C. B. Massey. Mrs. Charles Douglas and Mrs. fund of $100,000 which will enable Mme. Curie to gain possession of a grain of radium which she needs for further researches. â- â- ~~~ Mme. Curie has come to America for the purpose of continuing experi- ments to find better methods for the treatment of cancer, for she believes that radium is a positive cure for cancer. Any contributions that Wilmette women may care to make should be send to Mrs. Frank Scheidenhelm, or to,Mrs. John C. Mannerud. â€"♦â€" Mrs. Charles B. McCue opened her home at 631 Washington avenue on Friday afternoon of last week for a reception given by the members of the Woman's Guild of^ the Congregation- al church, in honor of Mrs. Roy £. Mrs. Stephen A. Lloyd," Mrs. L. A. Bower and Mrs. E. Anderson. Those on the Wilmette committee re Miss Helen Shurtleff, captain, lh$â€"Prancesâ€"Scheidenhelm,â€"Miss- Miss Sara Huguenin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Huguenin of 506 Lake avenue, will be presented in an organ recital at Fisk Hall, North- western university campus, next Wednesday evening, May 18, at 8 o'clock. Miss Huguenin is a pupil of Mr. Stanley Martin of Northwestern university school of music, and at present holds the position of organ- ist at the Church of the Holy Com- forter in Kenilworth. All friends of Miss Huguenin are invited To attend this recital. â€"♦â€". â- â- convention of the Parent-Teacher association, being held in Galesburg, 111., on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday c^this-weel^~â€" ------ â- T â€".4,â€" Mr. and Mrs. George E. West of 1033 Greenleaf avenue, announce the engagement of their niece, Miss Dor- othy""Jacobsonr to^MrT Alban T. El- wood of Chicago. The wedding will take place sometime in June. On last Tuesday evening a charity card party was given at the Ouil- mette Country club for the purpose of raising funds with which to furnish a bed in the new addition at the Ev- anston hospital. _4»â€" The Bookworm club entertained with a dinner party last Friday even- ing at the home of Mrs. William Struggles,, 87 Foxdale avenue, Win- netka, in honor of Mrs. Roy E. Bow- ers of Lakeside, O., a former member. REPAINT GOLF BALLS The Wise-Way Pat. applimd tor. Complete outfit SpociflEnamel Brush, Holder* and Protective Discs for preserving and mark- ings. ___a EASY to USE - NO DIRTY HANDS Complete Outfit. $1.50, postpaid Iff your Golf Store cannot supply you *% order from WISE-WAY SALES AGENCY Hubbard Woods, Illinois Special for Sat. and Mon., May 14th and 16th Rag Rugs Well woven "hit-and-miss" patterns (Assorted Colors) Suitable for bath room and bed room etc. is regular SI .50 rug.. For 2 days only WE DELIVER iiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinm.....Hiiimiiimiumiimi.....iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiuiiiiiiiiii 1148 Central Avenue WILMETTE, ILL. Announcing lildred Spear, Miss Bernice Shurt- eff. Mis,s Lucille Drake, Miss Ruth Ksley, Miss Hazel Russell, Mrs. W. ). Hamilton, Mrs. Leland Pterson, nd Miss Ruth Moulding. â€"♦â€" An attractive wedding was solemn- zed on Tuesday morning when Miss Meyer, daughter of Mr. and Irs. John Meyer, was united in mar- iage to Mr. Frank Schopjen^ son of r. and Mrs. John Schopen of 418 rairie avenue. Rev. Father Megin- s read the service at 9:30 o'clock at Frances Xavier's church. Miss Katherine Meyer attended her sister as maid~^of honoiy~and Miss Miss Genevieve Schopen, the groom's istcr, served as bridesmaid. Her- ert Schopen and Mr. Benjamin ruse attended the groom. Following the ceremony, S wedding nvikfast was served at the home of e ^rrde^sparents, at 1335 Central avenue, followed by a supper party nd reception at Community House n the-evening. . ______ . ifr. and ""Mr s. Schopen will make their home in the apartment at 1335 "entra! avenue. ; •,• '.._â- â- J_ ~^~ Miss Dorothy Yonkers, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Edward H. Yonkers, of 911 Sheridan road, attended the afternoon tea given by Mrs. Warren Harding at the White House, for the faculty^ and the graduating class of National Park seminary* Mrs* Yonk- ers is leaving this week to attend j commencement at the seminary in Forest Glenn, Maryland.. jr Our opening as a High Grade Millinery and DryjGoods^tore. â€" Our Stock is a complete"one, and we inviteâ€"your-ui^ spection of it. ___ -..... â€" SPECIAL Stamped Unbleached Muslin Arrons $1.48 Exclusive Millinery Styles • with the prices right A Large Stock ] Ft inker & Ft inker Millinery - and - Dry poods 1217 Wilmette Ave, M St ki i) tin Miss Eleanorr^€hiteâ€"entertained eight of her friends at luncheon on Wednesday at her home, 735 Ninth street. These young girls, under the leadership of Miss Pauline Pettibone, are trying to organize a new chapter of the Camp Fire, ^mt" their nrst meeting was held at this time. As yet, no name has been selected, and no officers have been elected. . â€"*â€"' The Camp Fire Girls of Winnetka Will meet together for a Grand Cere- monial meeting in the gymnasium of Community House, Saturday, May 14. Mrs. Moody, who has charge of Chi- cago headquarters of Camp Fire.wiil be guardian of the fire. This is to be an open meeting and a number of Wilmette Camp Fire Girls are planr ning to attend. V ' .„ Mrs. O. A. Hinsdell of 501 Wash- ington avenue, returned This warm weather brings then* out EVERY SHAPE and STYLE of HAT $2M^^^(1Q^ $3.50^ BURNS' TOGGERY Right across from Ik N.~W. Station. â- sjsMpsjsjsjsjsjMSjsppjs "Ouilmette Country club has issued th«â€"fallowing list of events for the month of May: \s^Tan%astern soionrn of some tjvo Wday, May 14, May Party Dan- J- - --« ^nde, the ta* r^-^^^^-LM^ is spending Saturday, May 21, Military Euchre, this week in Elgin^Ill. ^Monday, May 23, Afternoon Bridge. I Monday, May 23, Men's Night. Friday, May 27, Junior Party- Saturday, May 28, Beef Steak Bar- becue; dancing. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Newkirk oi 1025 Ashland fr*mm>â€"SKf^rmting ^turd"ay"evening of this week White ^hdne^^^JernsaJeBj, is giving a May party m )â„¢'*E*ei Everything is being done to â„¢"J» t a regular old-fashioned May party. $8.50 This means a savins for years. Other Irons in thb sale $SJs>-to-S&St BUY NOW tUCTWCUBOlSAYOSPOtTBEBOIlE Davis Street Wiltiam Salmen CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER ESTIMATES cheerfullyfurnished on New or Repair Work 964SproceSt.,Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1055 Wilmette Ice & Teaming Co. F. MEIER, Prop. DISTILLED WATER ICE WeihnUDnimjt FILLINGâ€"REASONABLE TOW- fcjpMi Af. W3.SJ HUPMOBILE Sales and Service *eek to spend the summer at Beach, Michigan City, lad. Mr and Mrs. G. a frm* »»™ ^^ to 9Bi AiMMid aveaae • fANSTON A very Sensible Car for Sensible People GAGE MOTOR SALES CO. 1«29 OrrinctMi Ave., Ei Ei