Mr. A. E. Remick is in New York on a business trip.
Mr. Albert Hansen has returned after a week's absence from home.
Mr. Paul Frank, who has been the guest of R. L. Gonsalves, has returned to his home in Jacksonville, Ill.
Mr. L. L. Buchanan, 591 Cherry street is in New York on a business trip.
Mrs. F. K. Copeland and Miss Margaret Copeland are at Nassau, Bahama Islands.
The Misses Bishop of Oak Park, Ill., were the guests of Mrs. W. S. Bishop Sunday.
Miss Florence Miller and Miss Ruth Chrisinger, formerly of 436 Linden street, were in Winnetka Sunday.
Mrs. Paul Fisher, 893 Elm street, has been ill the past week and confined to the house.
Mrs. E. Ferguson of Harbor Springs, Michigan, is the guest of Mrs. E. B. Brown of Maple avenue.
Mrs. F. H. Mann of Philadelphia is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Farnsworth Fisher, 822 North avenue.
Mrs. J. N. Carter of Quincy, Illinois, is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Montague Ferry, 826 Lincoln avenue.
Miss Virginia Cushing, who is in Fairhope, Alabama, is expected home the latter part of this month.
Mr. J. W. F. Davies has returned from Yankton, S. D., where he was the guest of the Yankton college.
Mr. Sherman B. Orwig has moved into the house at 553 Elder Lane, formerly occupied by Mr. E. F. Ward.
Mr. Husband and family of Highland Park are now occupying the Cornelius Lynde house at 601 Ash street.
Mr. Charles Svanderlik has moved from his Railroad avenue house to his new home on Provident avenue, corner of Oak street.
The regular meeting of the Winnetka Relief and Aid society will be held Monday morning, March 10, at 10 o'clock at the Public Library.
Mrs. W. H. Cox of 577 Oak street and Mrs. George Rudolph of Spruce street, who are in the Evanston hospital, are gaining nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Eisendrath and children are staying at the Kenilworth Inn while their home, which was damaged by fire last week, is being rebuilt.
Mr. Donald Knox, who was taken sick with scarlet fever last week, is getting along as well as could be expected. He is in the Evanston Contagious hospital.
Mrs. William B. Dale, 519 Ash street, entertained at a luncheon last week in honor of her sister, Mrs. C. C. Prest of Orange, N. J. who is visiting her.
The north shore health resort of Winnetka will be host to the Wilmette Physicians' club and physicians of the north shore towns Friday, March 14. Dinner will be served at 7:30 o'clock and a varied program will follow.
The mothers' meeting at the Community House will be held on Thursday afternoon of this week. The topic of discussion will be the "Montessori Method."
Mr. James Thompson, a former resident of Winnetka, visited friends here Sunday. Mr. Thompson has been engaged in the cattle business in Montana and South Dakota since leaving Winnetka.
Mrs. T. A. West, 860 Pine street, entertained Sunday and had as her guests Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cazel, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thursen, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shantz and the Misses Shantz of Wilmette.
Mr. E. T. Shantz of Wilmette announces the engagement of his daughter, Mabel, to Homer G. Cazel of Pittsburgh, Pa., formerly of Winnetka. The wedding is to take place in April, after which the couple will make their home in Pittsburgh.
Among the new arrivals in Winnetka are Mr. George F. Brown, Jr., and family, who have moved into their new home at 860 Spruce [360?] street, and Mr. E. D. Pence and family who have just moved into their new place on Walden road.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. McKay returned Friday. Mr. McKay was in the Canadian Northwest for three weeks and returning stopped in Sault St. Marie to visit relatives. Mrs. McKay left a week ago and joined Mr. McKay at the Soo for the return trip.
Mr. Allen W. Wylie of the Burkitt, a Wylie Construction company, has returned from New York, where he spent the winter. Mrs. Wylie and son are visiting relatives in Romulus, N.Y., and will return about April 1.
Rev. J. W. F. Davies left Monday evening for Cleveland Ohio, where he is to speak before the convention of the Religious Educational association. Mr. Davies' address is to be on the subject, "Children and Church Worship."
Mr. W. A. [damaged] to Minnesota for a two [damaged] trip.
Mr. and Mrs Frank Greene, Miss Katherine Greene, and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Anning left Friday for Washington, D.C. They will stop in Washington for a few days and from there will go to Pinehurst, N.C., for a few weeks' stay.
Some of the Winnetka letter carriers attended a meeting Saturday in Waukegan of the North Shore Civil Service [unclear]. Mr. Henry Thorsen, Carrier No. 2 of Winnetka, has been elected collector for this district.
The meeting of the Woman's Society of the Congregational church last week was largely attended and the paper read by Miss Rachel Rogers, dean of the Chicago Training School for Bible Workers was very interesting to those present.
Mr. William Fischer of Chestnut street, who has been in Philadelphia the last month as a member of the orchestra of the Chicago Philadelphia Grand Opera Company, has returned to Winnetka. Mr. Fisher is not to make the trip to the Pacific coast with the opera company.
The New Trier Glee Club held a very successful dance in Mess hall at New Trier last Friday evening. Several numbers were sung by the club, which is under the leadership of Mr. Stevens, a member of the New Trier faculty. Raymond Orwig and Donald Cox of Winnetka are members of this club.
The boys of the basketball team of New Trier were entertained at dinner by Dinsmore Ely last week. While at New Trier, Dinsmore Ely was a member of the team and he still keeps up his interest. The great showing of the team this year has aroused the "old guard" to much ethusiasm."
Mrs. W. D. Washburn and Miss Hester Washburn of 461 [unclear] Maple Avenue, left Tuesday for an ext3ended trip through the east. The trip includes visits in Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Washington. Mrs. and Miss Washburn plan to spend Easter week in New york, where they will be joined by Miss Sara Washburn, who is student at Dana Hall. Mrs. Washburn, who is a delegate to the D. A. R. Congress, will be in Washington for the meetings beginning April 14, and will return home about April 20.
The regular monthly meeting of the Relief and Aid Society was held Monday morning in the Library building. The main business to come before the meeting was the reading of the report of the visiting nurse, which shows some very interesting figures. There [were] 134 calls made during the month, 20 new patients being added to the visiting list, and 22 visits to the school were made. Miss Garretson co-operates with the village health officer in detecting and keeping track of all contagious diseases. The society is to be commended for the work being done and much praise is due Miss Garretson, the visiting nurse. The free dental work being done by one of the local dentists through the Relief and Aid society has been a great help to those in need.