Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jan 1924, p. 14

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14 WILMETTE LIFE c·ormerlv Tile Lake Shore Newa) Eet&bllehed 1111 wltb which 11 combined '~'a. WILMBTT& LOOAL Nli:WI li:·tahlhtbed 1898 UI'IJIU) JI'RJDAY b~r BACH WBBK LLOYD HOLLISTER. INC, uu Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. 'l'elepltoae . ... : . . ...... wu..ette 1ne ~·-tJJI--·=c=a... IPT_,r.,.o=N====-===='~==:=""=YB=A.Il= All communications must be aecom· p&Died by the name and addreu ot the writer. Articles for publlcauon should r:~~e t~~::~~~~~: ~e:~::::t Resolutions of condolence, cards of ~nk., obituary, poetry, notices ot en· =-~~'ft~'!.~1ce 0~ba~~;r,.. 1rf'~~~~m~!e~~ a collt.ctlon taken, will be charged at ncular advertising rates. Bntered at the postomce at Wilmette, DUnol., as mall matter of the second claa., under the act ot March I, 1879. FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1924 May, Joseph Bauer, <J.nd George Diettrich. The youngest of the trio, Joseph Bauer, was seventy. The oldest, George Diettrich, was ninety-five. Mr. May came to Wilmette in 1852. Mr. Diettrich came to Glencoe in his early childhood, s,omewh~re about 1835. For us these men are links between the present age of electricity and the aboriginal Indian. These "forefathers of the hamlet" recall the dav when the North · "ld Shore was a primeval Wt erness and when the howling of real wolves chilled the lonely hearts of the pioneer. The "last leaves" are falling. CONGRATULATIONS We congratulate the Presbyterian church on the completion of its second unit, consisting of a Sunday School room accommodating five hundred, a kitchen, up to date in all its appointments, and a commodious study for the pastor In the twelve years qf its life in Wilmette the Presbyterian church has had an encouraging gr.owth, having doubled its membership. The. increase of its influence on the life of the community can not be measured in figures, not even though it's a fact that the fund for benevolences has trebled within these dozen years. In accordance with the present demand, provision has been made for physical, dramatic, and the various other kinds of recreational agencies. ~t is a sign of the det~rminati.on of the modern church to meet the needs ofAmerican democracy. It is an evidence that church and community are co-operating. SefJarate the Grades. £,.force the Traffic Build the Truck Road. PUT YOURSELF IN HIS PLACE The c )rated novelist, Charles Reade wrote an influential novel en tit krl "Put yourself in his place." ln it he made a modern application of the Golden Rule. It's a most interesting story, s.o well told that the moral won't annoy you. What brought the title of this book to our m\nd was the item in a recent copy of WILMETTE LIFE telling of a dinner to be given at the First Congregational Church at which the men were to act as waiters. Since the world began, :_tlmost, this privilege has been given to women. In fact, this custom of women serving has been so deeply ingrained by long unbroken usage· that in many countries such as Germany and "~ TIIREE TIIINGS." Turkey the thoug-ht of men, men KEEP THEM OUT OF YOUR of standing, waiting- on WQtnen at dinner is positively repugnant, 'HOUSE! utterly impossible! But Amer- ~tf you kn.'ow that your home i~ icans, especially in Wilmette, alle to ~~_left unoccupied for an e,·enpig, or !longer, be sure to do little for precedent. We'd like to see the idea tried three ~hirtgs: ·,, · out in other places. It should H1 Cafl up the Police at Wilbe a valuable experiment were the m~tte 1600 and tell them that you men to stay at home, say~ne a~e 'eaving your . home unO('·:uday a week, and do the hou!ie- pied for whatever length of time work, cook the meals, wash the y~)expect to be away. clothes, and take care of the chil(.2 Leave the window shades dren. The women would go CP. D,o n't pull them down. down-town to the offi-ce and (3) !;eave at least one ligh_t transact the daY's business. At burnirtg t.f you are to be away for first, no doubt: both home and fhe eve·nmg. office would suffer, but when You will easily see the reason were beginninJZS ever perfect? Each sex would understand the for these sugg6stions, but a word other better. and that would cer- or so about ti:Je last two will not be unwelcome. Here they are. tainly be fine! \iVindow shades down and no Then, tf)o, why shouldn't the lights b~rning make the best poschurch jat titor, once in a ·while, sible cover for the operations of preside at a chuJ:ch meeting? burgfitrs., But if shades are ·up Otherwise. how will h.e and and· .\ights bur-ning the' moveothers ever find out his potential ments of marauders within the .executive abilities? Surely, if he house can easily be seen. ·js fit for something better you '\·ouldn't want him to be a janitor :all his life! Society needs more WILMETTE LIFE LINES leaders. Wilmette . takes much pride, See to it the mediocre and justly m the nomination oi bank-pre!'ident is given a chance Carl J. Sterner for admission to· to try out as a tnotor-man. He the V. S .. Military Academy at mav ·be cracker-iack in that ca- West Pomt. . Moreover, Conpadty. Put a nair of overalls on gressman Chmdblom named the teacher. The world will be St-erner as his principal candidate, minus one poor teacher and ahead a honor than ordinary one go9£,,E1lrage _!!l~l!,anic:.. ___ nomin~.~-. May we congratuare against the prevailing late ffie you'g man and nis parprac ice of having the slioe- ents? mak r stick to his laft. That idea origtnated .in China; spreal to As a community. and as in.;... En~land, and ne~r should have .dividuals we 1 are indebted to all been/ aJiowed to come to America. p~lic ~ervajnts who carry on ttmes ·of extreme need and LAST LEAVES d&.l<!er. Fiiemen; police, telephone. ,and ~elegr~ph operator.S, 01 ver Wendell HQJ~es wrote glfn:;1.1) busiftess, domestic helpa de ightfully natural and some- ers, and many others-thev diswha pathetic poem which he ~barge their 1responsibilities concalled "The "Last Leaf." In it he tinuously an~ courageously. tells 1 of the old fathers of the I com~ unity; clinging for a while DIPHTHE~IA Dt:CER LESS like~ · withered oak leaves to the D 1' -~ 11· ts · pmnerta four r cent less fatal bou and then, -at -intervah, flut- ~-wa~ -three years ago- in Illinois, tering to th~ ground to join the according to official statistics. Where millions· goite before. Some .day, !G cases out of each 100 terhlinatecf he savs, he too. perhaps. will be 10 t d:th, prior to 1921, now only 6 one of th~ "last leaves," almost oufavo.:a uch 1® result fatally. 'fhis · ible condition is the result of ready to leave the parent stem. ·he more f!"eneral aqd immediate ust> · nd, true enough, he was one of ,.,f antitoxin in diphtheria patients. the last to go, dying at the good ay the health officers. old age of eighty-five. Three of the oldest settlers on PULL LIKE A POLITICIAN the North Sho.. e nas~etf ~W"ly Politicians havl' " big pull. So hav, only a little while ago--Anthon our Want ~ds. They can get you al-· Y most anythmg you want. Why You Should Orde.,. Your Ford Car Now 123,607 Actual retail dellverW1 In ~Namtber, e.rtablull· ,., a new 1111111 r'IICOrtl fo,. wiater b~lnfl. Considering tha~ as spring approaches, retail buying will become more active. there will be a greater ~d for Ford Cars tW. eprinc than ever before. Therefore, the only way you caD be sure of obtaining delivery thia coming spring or summe! ia to place your order immediately. ~JDYment !:""'":;:!'u::!':r:::.::TorU:';,!:,, doam anti easy on ~:: ~~c1veec:t, 'rl:,.~: !"J.,a~ term~ .. See the Nearest Authori7ed Ford Dealer f SINGER SPEC IA A One Week Sale wi money saving possibiliti<' that have never been dupl cated in ChicaKo. , 600 standard makes o sewing machines-.most o them are brand new-oth · era are expensive mo<kb that have been used tor demonstration purposes' a few are rebuilL All are' ftrhy .ruarantecc' and You un Buy Yotr~ on Easy Terms if you li t' ~3911 The sal~ starts tomorrow ~d you, :U.d your netghbor, and your friends should make ·, it a poil\t to "be here: Value~ such as. !ou iu:ver dreamed ' possible ~re awaatang yo.ur s~lection and if you ltke You un Use Your Credit. Wir -ALL ARE TREMEND ·: ven Professional Dre!l!lnakers will swoop down )" us tomorrow and ;all 1ext week for these ll'eat ·alues. Standard Makes 'lf Sewing Machines, induding Singer, White. Wheeler & Wilson, a~ well as other famou~ makes. Most of them brand t1e" OUSLY UNDERPRICED .,..,.._ ;. c......,.. "...., ~ ..... $10. C...llli- AN l'rieed a · ··-"· tl SMALL DF..LIVER Y PATTERSON BROS. 828 DAVIS STREET Phone 654 EVANSTON

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