Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jan 1924, p. 15

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'FHERE · AMATEUR one-act play requiring rather than the average size of cast, iderable amount of preparasome skill in direction was by the Winnetka Commonclub at ·the Community on Tuesday evening, January Gale was the author and was called "The Neighbors." concerned in the action typify well known types of small people, indulge in the usual t of small town talk and gossip the injection of the character seen boy develop another side natures that apparently has ·a state of coma for an experiod. · hard working mother, the deaf igran4rlmlotlher, the chronic invalid fiery old man of the neigheach occupies his or her acplace in the play and each shows the true, though poshidden, feeling that 'l'ests beneath heart at the anticipation of the of an orphan boy to the !picture and there is a storm scene which is decidedly meritorious. llr. Ray · gives an excellent performance as Jobn Alden and Ettd Bennett ia a most charming Priscilla. Mr. Allyn Warren is Miles Standish. While there are points in the picture as presented that are not entirely forceful, it is as a whole a most pleasant picture of early days and early ways with just ~nough of comedy and adventure to keep interest from Jagging. ADBLPHI C~mes" and "The Light that Failed," wdl be seen at the Adelphi on Friday and Saturday of this week in his latest success, "You Can't Get Away with It" . Jacki.e Coogan eomes to the Adelphi for ~unday, Monday and Tuesday showmgs next week with his most recent tri~mph, "Long Live the King," charactenzed as one of his best efforts. "Big Brother," starring Tom Moore, E~ith Roberts and Raymond Hatton, "DON'T CALL IT LOVE' w11l be seen at the Adelphi on Wednesday and Thursday of n~xt week. McVicitrs Theatre Those who have witnessed this proA Paramount picture directed by duction, place it among the re'llllly pictures of the season; one that William De Mille, this picture misses great being mediocre because of fine cast- should stand the test of years. ing and excellent direction. The plot is one of the oldest in existence involving the story of the nice girl and the nice boy with the latter vamped by the bold lady. And when the Official bsformatiOfl, Bwreav of vamp throws him over be returns to Jnttmal Rtvtntlt his first true0 love a she sadder and a _____ wiser man. course takes him _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___. ~ercy Marmont, star of "If Winter office, and the hire of office assista.nts. professional journals, oftiee rent, eost of light, heat, and water used in his The farmer may deduct amounts paid in the production and harvestina of his crops, cost of seed and fertilizer used, cc>st of minor repairs to farm buildings (other than the dwelling), and cost of small tools used up in the course of a year or two. NEWELL &: RET CHIN ·HOWARD ADElPHI N. W. ·L· Statio· at Howanll 7174 Nortla Clark St. Thur.. Fri. aad Sat. Friday aM Satvclay Income Tax Facb ALICE LAKE GASTON CLASS PERCY MARMONT "Spider ucl the Rose" s~,. "Yoa Cu't Get A war Witla It" Sua., Moa. aad y..._ back after keeping him guessing for In the making of his 1923 incomea spc:Jl. tax return the business man, profesln, around and through this there sional man, and farmer may deduct are some fresh bits, some good photog- from gross income all items properly raphy and excellent stage designing together with much good acting. attributable to business expenses. In Agnes Ayres proves she bas consider- the case of a storekeeper they include able talent and Nita N;tldi does some amounts spent for rent of his ·place of rhhort1ood. excellent vamping. Jack Holt, Rob- business, advertising, premiums for without exception the cast ert Edeson and Rod LaRocque make insurance against fire or other losses, f up the balance of the cast. · a g OOd one an d th e s 1 Ips 0 the cost of water, light, and heat used ory or diction were exceedingly It seemed to me that first honon in his ,place of business, drayage and f! the female roles must go to freight bills, the cost of repairs and Charles Karnopp who was called Ndgl&boring Theaten maintenance to delivery wagons and to learn an unusually large numtrucks, and a reasonable allowance for --------------~ salaries of employees. A professional of lines and who looked and acted part with considerable effect. Mrs. NEW EVANSTON man, lawyer, doctor, or dentist may rles Moon as "grandma" was cerdeduct the cost of supplies used in his Mabel Normand is the next star to profession, expenses paid in the operaly true to life and Mrs. Lloyd gave her usually polished per- grace the silver screen at the New tion and repair of an automobile used e. Evan~ton, her latest picture, "The in making professional ca.Jis, dues to Hi~gins as Ezra was particuprofessional societies, subscriptions to good in the touches of pathos Extra Girl" having been booked to were ca11ed for in his 1part and feature the program for the week beCarleton Washburne. ·while get- ginning Monday, January 28. off to a slow start, finished with This Mack Sennett comedy is domng. Alto~ether congratulations inated throughout by the popular s.eem to be in order on the per- commediene and affords a wide range nee as a whole. for her exceptional talent at making fun, toning the ludicrous with a touch of pathos and providing comedy with "The Big Pictrzru Firat" real romance. STAGE Tom Moore and Edith Roberts week saw several changes in brought Ca(t>acity houses to the New -Now Playingattractions. "We -Moderns" de- Evans ~ ~- witA. '!Big to move nearer the center of . &.~~-·..continues throuah and is trying out at Cohan's Into the Blackstone came Miller and an unusual cast in e Changelings" while Florence HOWARD d, whose splendid ability has not disnlayed here for some time, Alice Lake and Caston Glass will "The Lullaby" to the Illinois. provide the week-end entertainment ann and George Sidney, with at the Howard with the "Spider and producer known as "Give and the Rose." They will be seen on Semon Comedy are starred at the LaSalle and Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this one and only Elsie Janis packed week. m in at the Palace. A tiny child will hold the spotliyht -Starting Mondayat the Howard on Sunday when Baoy fter her tour in recitals it was a Pe~gy appears in her latest success inct pleasure to welcome M·iss '1 nd first great feature production, back to vaudeville at the Palace. "Darling of New York." This film, it how it always seems as if t-hat is said, has ranked this infant prodigy the place where her unusual among the great juvenile actors of show to hest l\dvanta~e. Her the silver sheet. entertaining is a wonderful Gertrude Atherton's sensational behold. none approach her in novel, "Black Oxen," wtll be viewed of the ~ZTeat and near J!'reat in its screen interpretation Monday, II:VIDNIKG possess charm, grace and al- Tuesday and Wedn~sday. Corinne ., . . 11 er irresistible personality. Griffith and Conway Tearle. stars of the "Common Law" and other splen-. Announcement has it that "The did film versions of famous stage ·suc1 now current at the cesses, are prominent in the cast. will cease its activities on February 2. and will then nrincipal cities of the Middle and East. Also that Jack Norand "Honeymoon House" will at Mr. Brvant's other theater. Central, as long as patronage of t proportions continues. to be by "The Lady of the Streets." BABY P.EGGY "Darli111 of New York'~ Moa., Tuea. aad Wecl. CORRINE GRIFFITH CONWAY TEARLE JACKIE COOG.AN "Loa, lift the lilr" w .........,. .... n ......,. TOM MOORE l J "BLA.Cl OXEN" "BIG 11.011111." EVANSToN Tom Moore Why Shouldn't You Save More HYou Can··Have More iDeand Retain Health and Beauty and Your Own Happy Home "Big·Br~er" NEW CABINET Larry APEX ELECTRIC WASHER The Apex Electric washer enjoys the famous o~ culating p r i n c i p a 1 of washing by means of. a special patented Apex tub enclosed in a handsome cabinet. No geat:s or chains exposed. Assures absolute safety in operation. Mabel Normand "TbeExtra Girl" I Over 30,000 Cook County housewivea ·recommend using The role assiPned to Miss Florence in "The Lullaby" is said to be t exactimr of any in her career ng as it does her participation ve of the thirteen scenes in the necessitating ten different ~ of co~ht11'f' l\nd the characion of eivht different ages from to old age. SKATES n~·. APEX You have a real treat in store for yourself at our Main Store in Evanston and 'we believe the service of this large organization will greatly surprise and please you. Sleds - ·Skis SCREEN "THE COURTSHIP ·o F MILES STANDISH" TobogganS Call · · EVANSTON ERY Witlt Charles Ray Woods' Tltealrt A widely advertised picture with aries Ray appearing in person at y performance; this is good wholesome entertainment for eTery member of the family, as the censors would say. Around the Longfellow poem has been drawn a rath~r r:~r~ful pknre of the landing of the Pilgrim and life in those early days of our history. A numhPr of stirrinll' adven~es are injected to make action and a ~d :· Over 1,250,000 Hoover Users. or 'Phone NOW! I Chaia Sto.... I IMI S~ERMAN AVENUE PliiO·· Bn.-t- ZZ1I ." 630 Davis Street -

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