Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jan 1924, p. 4

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· UU. I'IIARJ)S ut' . ll . T~ Philathca class of young u·omt-r :\ t:nited States CiYil Service \llmetie Bapu t church > col- 1:1.ation to secure a po ~ster fo_r ~ bwk. to £.end to needy ~cht·_,!, -ecr'lld class ofiice at Kenilworth, 1S ittr<~ted dle .-\ppal&cbi.n muuma 1 . nr·llllCtd f« Tuesday, February 12, 19 · n:gir.rns 'llilere Yery kv.· books are ay;,.·l-~ .-\vvk·tions DlllSt be p~l~ ex· · · al.Jle. . ~u:c <.l &nd 6Jfd with the comm~> IOD at School and Vuatine NurH ln t I' cr.JfllltlC'tioD the class is Cllll.inlo! '·-h· gtoo prior to the hour Ol clo m;g Makes Annual D___. of upon rewit-'1'" of the vi~e <ho han ltJU; !II:. c,n he date . peofird, ac~ordmg · ~..,.... 1" -s m the ·r Jilinries suitable for clnl- 10 OLCtmg 1m<i!>ter john GukeJ~en. W m Wamette ctren and tha1 C«ll be spared for tb .: c.nrudates .ue cs.~ked to apply a_t _ tht' ch;ority. . _ Kt:ml'A<Jrth post office or th_e Lmtoo !llany of the schools m 1M moun_tum- State· Cil·il St:n·ice C?DliDl ~1un at e~ve no ~. ~~ . ~ furnabed ·a;,hmgton for mformatKm conoermng RECORD OF !1 charitable a.genaes, It u stated thl:' I:'X.a.mmation. - Tht cla~s indicates this as an oppor-l ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=::==. runn_ H· o.mtnbute 1D a most v.·orthy ' "'·O A··aa.l p~ . . . . . ~r·dr Ex·mi---~..l CdU~t: Tht r.JOks--story or school ~ I Given br School ~:'I..L._ '-'D.U.UI"aa ______ neu ~huulcl lot: applicable for use by chi_l-1 DELLWOOD CLUB Numbered 1,5 drrn rang mg frvm four to 14 years m I Al Jone· H.a.ll, Wilmette, ll1 agt it i~ expld.int1i. 1 1 .. ...,...,., _,. ._..,. aa.1.. l.IP"'..-1 dt~mng to oootn'bute are j lLWiic by tbe ~ asked 10 tl:'ltphone -Wilmette 497. YemN·rtlll P~ES~lE ·"The health oi t tr;· c:hild in the xn oi the c~ vnU call for the vol-j ADUlSSIOS 7~c A PERSO~ 11r..ftL I m 1924 au. in the Collecb Boolu Euma fOI' Kenilworth f« Mountain Schools P·tmaater February 12 Of COMMUNITY ot'k m ex.a::: U- A. · Van ARMOUR'S STAR HAMS SEllER OF GOOD FooD I l CENTRAL AVE. AND 12111 ST. EXTRA SPECIAL PRICE S Jan'y 25th tO Feb'y 2 1---------------------------~~ FINE GRANULATED SUGAR lb ··.··........ - - .· - .. - ... - V\ilmet pu Jh c · c h <JOJs gu·rd ed a artfu llye a; J.-'0'!-ll,;t lJ)' is I:'Xpt-TI who ar~ m daily altt Jdi:ln ct at the ~chooh and conHCiDtl) in dtll'Cil'ld at vano_ us home; "'h tre illn e~; or deo, itute _ Clreum~t;,.n cc~ dl:'m:md immed1ate a1d ... lfr ·. Emma ~ toph, who for Se\'eral y~an ha· uetn \'ilmtttl:'._ \ 't:.i l_Dg nur e, ~u1Jm1H the ·ccompanymg lnrre~tm" n:pon of her work for the yt-ar endm~ Vect-m1Jer 31, 1923. 1t afford vne :.m mol ht into the operations of one of tb~ most important agenCJe m the ' which spells SEJ<\'ICE in the l.;iggest J>05 ib1e aapit.illl lt"tlers. "Homt> call toreport !.chool ioliow children )fr . Stopka's : 281 ; teit'vhone call'. sc:hool children, 1~14 ; cbil4rl:'n tr~atl:',j at school, c:uts, brutses, ete., i(J2 ; chiiQren in pccted ·after 3 01' m ore days <tb ence 1182; c.alls to p<ttient 818: otb.:r call~ related to work 180; vhysical examination . of school children l~y Health Phy JCJ an and · lur,f:' 1500: work found for 36." "The duties of the chool nurse vary with the needs and re ~ourc;. of the community chool «re ns1ted e\ ery day. St;me rooms impected each time an<i <til ab·ent children ·re looked up. ~ume~s~ . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;II FRESH SPARE RIBS \\'hole or one-half ... --- ........ - ... -- Timely Repair Means Extra Wear H a \·e tho e old hoe repaired and you will be money ahead . ~v jvb is too mall for us. Workman hip Guaranteed HILLER'S SHOE SHOP SucceMor to A. Ka.par ~:::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~111 For Your Dnlg Store Needs Call 60t MAIN STREE1' WILM£1TE Snider-Cazei ·Drug Co. Phones Wilmette 400-401 lb. . ............... - ..... - ........ - . FRESH GROUND HAMBURGER STEAK lb. . ...................................... . LAMB PATIIES lb. . .. - . - ........................... . ELGIN CREAMERY BUTrER Fancy quality: for the table, lb. . ........ . MIXED NUTS Extra quality Engli h \\'alnuts, Brazils Filberts and Almonds only, lb. . ........ RICHELIEU SPECIAL ROLLED OATS Cooks in fi,-e minutes; large 3 lb. 7 oz. pkg. COFFEE, Roast Santos \Vonderful Coffee at this price, 1 lb. COFFEE, MONARCH 3 lb. can $1.10; l lb ... - ....... . ...... . ANTONINI OLIVE OIL The finest produced, qt. can .... - . . . · "F1n aid i given in emergency ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ca e., and iu the fall and. spring the : ~chool childn~ n ha\ 1:' a physical examination lH· the school physician. Dr. E. E. · f~rt, and the nurse. Thi year VIe h<t' e examined 0'\;er 1,5(X) childrl:'n. We keep record of all c:.~e of contagion and keep close wat ch of the room' in which there ha~ IJeen any contagious di ease. "During ,.,&<:ation, children, those not able to pay. are taken to clinic.J to han: ton ,lh cared for. Adenoids, enlarged t un-il and poor teeth make badward Jmpil and eff ct the general I health of the c:hikl. "Eac:h year we record more patient~. ftlort telephone calls and more work in e,·ery way. There are Thank gi,·ing and Christm·s plans tor _tho e needing help. The chool children give generou ly and there i a wonderful Chri tmas pirit. Garments are va ~ d 01long, l1a kets are filled and toys are given and even trimmed Chri tfll4 tree . Mr . of the Board of Local Char-itie~ and I ha'"e gn-at plea~ure in di tributmg them . ~here are new babies and their mother cared for, old people and chronic cases. ~\Ve get many calls from p ople lookmg for work or needing nur inft en·ice and we are always glad to be of any help to the community." Re peccfully submitted. Emma Stopka. r---------------------------------------------------, "One Year Old-" ~'And Wdmette and ~ntral Aves. CRY~~~ =~·~~ . ~~~~~~ -~~ doing fine, thank you!" Our customers tell us they like our food and service. "Just like home," they say. WILMETTE CAFE One bar Creme Oil Toilet Soap ........ . SUPERIOR FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAP 100 large bars in box; $4.51; 10 bars ..... CHIPSO Proctor and Gamble's \Vhite Soap Chips 2 lb. pkg. . .......................... . GOWDUST Large J. · o. 4 pkg. . ......·...........· APRICOTS Fancy Blenheim, lb ...............··.· PRUNES Sweet Santa Clara. 40-.50 size. lb. . ..... . AMERICAN CHEESE Sprague \Varner and Co's. Extra fancy \Vhite Cloud, lb. . .................... . SUNBEAM CURRANTS Imported. lb. pkg. . ........... _...... . RICHELIEU SEEDED RAISINS 1-: oz. pkg. . ........................ . ... SI 27 There'll Be No Kick. About Cooks After This Hoyt King, Fr.ank Wil on, James Cro sley and a score or more of other men in the Congregational church parish will "do the honors" thi~ evening when the church hold it!> annual ..get -together" and dinner. The men will prepare and ser\'e the dinner, permitting the women member of the congregation to be the critical guests. ~---·----------------------------····---------------- In the Village Theatre Building "These Sub-Zero Mornings!!" "\Vhat would you do if you didn't haye hot water on the dot. at the turn of the faucet? "Ii you haYen"t an intantaneous heater. let us put in a RUUD AVTO~IATIC." The Village Chocolate Shop For Your Sandwiches, ·Ice Cream, Pop Corn and Candy. SKILLED SANJTARY PLUMBING I Where Quality Chocolate Rulea PAUL KEMPE 619 Main St Phone Wilmette 125 .............. RICHELIEU CATSUP The finest made. 140 oz. bottle ...... . The fla\'or is not killed with spices. SCOTCH BELLE TOILET PAPER HXX> sheet tissue. Doz. rolls . . . . . . . · MONSOON ASPARAGUS TIPS A bargain. Doz. $4.75. Can ......... . \Vhite. Very fine. :r\o. 1 square can VIRGIN CORN Fancy Illinois. Doz. $1.35. Can ..... . RICHELIEU LITTLE KERNEL CORN Doz. $2.88. Can .................... . CARMELO SWEET GARDEN PEAS Doz. $2.15. Can ..................... . PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOES No. 2 can. Doz. $1.41. Can ......... . CORAL REEF TUNA FISH No. 0 can. Doz. $Z.85. Can ......... . GOLDEN EAGLE PEACHES Large No. 2~ can. Doz. $3.,1. Can ... Exceptionally fine quality Melba halves. Heavy S}TUp._ REPUBLIC RED PITIED CHERRIES Doz. $2.91. Can .................... . No. 2 can. For sauce or pies. MONSOON SLICED HAWAllAN PINEAPPLE. Doz. $4.51. Can Fancy quality. Large No. 2~ can. SCOTCH CHIEF HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE. Doz. $3.01. Can Made ?f very ripe pineapple. SUN\~~r~~~C~~Tar 4 SII

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