WILMETTE TRUE O FSELF . The 11ew Emancipator Before Girl Students addressing the studet)ts of the ional Kindergarten and Elemencolle ge at their annual Hero Day va l this week, Dr. James A . Richof the Winnetka Congregational It took as his topic "The Un. ' ism of Lincoln." "In sotne Lincoln was typically Amerisaid he, "and yet the fact stands it was not his likeness, but hi s ce, not being just like the le but being something more than p~op le, that he really came into greatness. Abraham Lincoln was a perfect embodiment ?f what erica was. He was the tdeal of t America may become. And so, think of him, let us not say, The Wilmette Optimist club enjoyed a genuine treat recently upon the t great people we are," but "How we have to learn from one who occasion ofi its first evening social get-together. The members met at Fred out of the common soil and be- Miller's Lake Shore Terrace at Sheridan road and Chestnut avenue andso much greater than we are." well, everybody loo~s well-fed and contented. Presiding over the congenial Home Ia Foundation 'gat.hering wa s John H . "Jack" Schaefer, well known realtor, who was "The foundation of what Lincoln :ecently named president of the club to succeed Christy Brown, who found was came out of his home, and out tt necessary to relinquish the "reins of government" a few weeks ago. The Optimists are Wilmette business and . professional men who meet at of the fact that it was a reli~iou s home," continued Dr. Richards. "Was luncheon once a week to promote good fellowship and discuss local civic and that typica lly American? Can you community problems. They are interested among other laudable things in · trust the average American home or the Big Brother movement among boys. e,·en the average American mother to giYc first things first place? "Again, Lincoln was strong and beli eved in good health and physical strength. In the work and play in whi ch he delighted, the habits of fruga lity and wholesomeness, he built body which became for him not a as ter, but the in strument of all his her purposes. Is tbere anything rticularly American about that? eleven young men struggling on iron there are a thousand ng them. Is it typical in these of the candy box and the ice cream soda to train one's self to live fru gally and wholesomely and not to abuse the body which ought to be the instrument of a living spirit in the life's work?" "Lincoln was thorough-with a deadly thoroughness. He .practically mastered Euclid's geometry in order to learn the meaning of the word 'demonstrate,' but when he had a great people to convince in a titanic stru~gle he knew how to 'demonstrate' and vince them. In that thoroughness do y-WJ see a~in~...tv.vicallv American?" "He was poor. He said that the most any man ought to have is a house and $10,000. When you contrast his delicate honesty in dealing with other people's things, his fine sense of 'mine and thine,' his keen sense that money is the means of life and nothing more. his scorn of the fight to heap up millions, with American life todayis there anything typically American it? , 1 all · ed In the new Moon four-passenger Coupe-the luxurious ·Sedan or Petite Sedan-you will find the same outstanding individuality of Moon design-the same thoughtful consideration f.or every detail of construction; upholstery and equipment. Moots bodiiS ore modt erclvsively by. Pullma11. 0 he Suburban Motor Sales 1029 Davia Street, Evanston, Illinois Phones 8798-8719 WE SAVE YOU THE PRICE OF A NEW CAR It's a fact. That old car of yours that looks so dingy and disreputable can be transformed into practically a new model by mean of our auto painting and finishing. Let us tell you what we've done for others. or IU !r ROBERT W. MciNTYRE Rear of Wilmette State Bank Phone Wil. 814 r bone 1949 Here Are Some of the Many Bargains We Offer TWO DAYS - FEBRUARY 26-27 $1 W aa Mal'nanimoua ' Ladies' Charmeuse Bloon1ers and Step-ins. Each ............. . Ladies' Pure Silk Hose. $1.50 value. Black and colors. Pair "And then he was magnanimous. suppose that when the years have and we come to our final estie of him it will be that which we remember most. His heart was as the world, but ther~was no in it for the memory of ~wrong. that jibe with our sectionalism,posit ion in the world today? "He was religiously devoted to the ri~ht. as God gave him to see the right. He did not think that a thing was right because everyone was doing it. And I rt>gret to sav that I discover in that is particularly American? "Finally. Lincoln was humbly and passionately reli~Zious. It is true that he sli~Zhted men's rreeds. but he did it in the name of the essential teac·hings of Jesus. ~no you thinJr God is on our side?' he was asked. 'I am not concerned about that. I am concerned as to whether or not we are on God's side,' he re·plied. Do you think that 1s particularly American. "And yet," concluded Dr. Richards, "when all is said and done, we love him. He probably has a ~r,.;ttt>r power to touch the heart-strings of the American people than anyone who ever walked the earth. save for One who Jived in Palestine. We are not as great as he. We are going to be done with this business of praising ourselves through eulogizing him. but if we love him we are going to follow aftf'r :>nrl bring about that day when it shall be true to say that he was a true American." 1 5!!! = = = - =: ~ !!55 - Ladies' Creoe or Flannelette Gowns. Each .............. . Ladies' Koverall Aorons and House Dresses. Each ....... . Large Turkish Bath Towels SOc value. 3 for .............. . Genuine Signet Ring Yarn 4Sc value. 3 for ............ . Our best quality of Unbleached Muslin. · 6 yards for ........ . = ==: == ==: - = ;;;;;;; _.... : iiiliiiiiil I;;;;; ~ PRESENT "OUEEN ESTHEP" The comhinPd · choirs of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church are to prest>nt the oratorio "Queen Esther" ~t the church on March 14 and 15, tt was announced this week. Rehearsals ~re under supervision of Orville Jennmgs Borchers, director of music m the parish. = == : = = = =: -= ~ Fine quality of Bleached Muslin 6 yards for ................. . Odd sizes in Corsets. Values up to $3.00. Each ............. . Good Sheets. 81x90 and 72x90 Limited. Each ............. . 42x36 Pillow Cases 4 for ....................... . Curtain Goods, Novelty Voiles, Scrims and Dotted Swiss. S9c value. 20 yards for ................ . Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl Sl SI Sl SI S} Men's Pure Silk Hose. 7Sc value Black and colors. 2 pair for .... Men's Shirts. All sizes. Values up to $2.25. Each .......... . Men's 3Sc Hose. 4 pairs for ......................... . Tom Sawyer Blouses and Shirts ...................... . Men's 2Sc Hose. 5 pairs for ......................... . Men's 'and Boys' Caps Eacl1 ....................... . Children's Koveralls Khaki or blue. Each ........ . Children's Hose, our 45c or SOc value. 3 pairs for ........... . All Sweaters, Coats, Dresses, Men's and Sl Sl SI Sl SI SI Sl Sl . ~~)!:ss~~~~~i~·e·~ -~~~~s. ~~1~ . . . $} Stevens' All Linen Crash Toweling. 5 yards for ............ . Percales. Good quality. 5 yards for ......................... . Y ~~~:~!1 f~~v~~. ~~r.~~t. ~~~~~ . . . . . s I SI SI DRY GOODS GOITRE CAUSED ! TAYLOR'S THE SATISFACTORY STORE Ladies,' Men'· and Children's Furniahinaa We Deliver NOTIONS 1125-1127 Central Ave. SHOES OF QUALITY FOR THE . WHOLE FAMILY P hone Wilmette 1914 lutlliiiWIIP"·'-IIIIIIU-UUUIIIIIf. . . . . . . .IIUIIUIIIIIIII. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..