Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Feb 1924, p. 13

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WILMETTE LIFE FRIDAY, FEBRU :vs . The Junior Players~Prisent "Colonial f!ream ': "Hearts" Mis~ Vi?la . ~t is P!esenting the followmg pupils 1n dancedivertissements 8 :30 o'clock at the Jo'sephine and participating in the plaJ., over BWdmette Wo~n's club: the coming perf<?rman.ce of A Co- alh.atchet, Vayta!l A~rahams, Mary Jonial Dream," wh1ch wtll be presented 'wK~btcek, Marjorae Kidder, Vincent Thursday evening. Among the mem-: le~, Esther Morgan, Ruth Pavlicek , M~ne Meyer, Alice Marie Guertler' bers of the cast will appear names of . many who won success in the Junior Ehzabeth Balhatchet, Margaret Stack~ performances last year and their added hMouse,.Jean Fischer, Jane Anne Movery preparation promi ses that "A Co-~ · adeltl1e Stordeur, Sara Holtzman~ Jonial Dearm ," will surpass all former and Madeline Schultze. . ~ presentations. Nancy Andrews. Audrey Bauer, Ruth Rice and Marion The George E. Cole home at 911 MacDonald , who will be remembered Greenwood . avenue, has been purfor their splendid w<,>rk la st season. chased durmg the past week by Mr. will head the ca st on Thursday, to- and Mrs. Julius Kiehl of Edgewater. gether with twenty new members who Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Cole and their show re markable talent and promise. son, George. E . Cole, Jr., who have Mr s. Ross Van Pelt, who is directing ~een occupymg the house, will move the playe rs for the third year, is well mto an apartment at 719 Hinman avknown in the community for her enue, Evanston, March 1. ma rvellous work with children. She ~ ha taken these young people who Mrs. J . B. Ott, 1228 Lake avenue have had no experience and in some accompanied by Miss Betty Tone' mystic wav instills something which left .Monday to be the guest of Mrs: develops charm and grace of manner pavld K. Tone at her winter home and brin gs out the clever talent of JUst acros s the bay from Mobile Alabama. each performer for the audience. The program is unique, a musical ' M I K -o· 1 b h r. · · Stover, 1044 Ashland avecomed y, enttre Y Y t e younger nue, left Monday evening for St. group. The costumes of the colonial Petersburg, Fla. Mrs. Stover and the days are chic and fetching and take children will join him later in the one back to the period of powder month, or as soon as the quarantine and patches. h · h The numbers in the plav are some on t elr orne is lifted. of the clevf'rest from thf' m'odern Miss Dorothy 611 Forest avmusical world. Topsy will be a enue, returned Sunday to Madison to scream and highly amusinl{ is the h · resume er studies at the University Parade of the wooden soldiers. of Wisconsin, after a few days' visit "Heart s" by Alice Gerstenberg will with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'vV. also be played . J, King. The night of the performance has ~ been set for Thursday, February 21, Mr. W. C. Braun, 807 Central aveat Pilgrim Hall, Wilmette and Lake nue, and Mr. C. E. Renneckar, 835 avenues. Elmwood avenue, were members of a -oparty of Chicagoan9 who left yester At a luncheon g'iven by Mrs. Archi- day to spend several days at French bald Freer recently for the members Lick Springs, Ind. of the Committee of Opera in English ~ Foundation. Incorporated. it was an The Misses Eloise Smith, Mary nounced that the next performance to Mack, Marcellite Melind and Dorothy be given by the organization would .Campbell are entertaining at a dance take place on Thursdav. March 6. at at the Guilmette Country club this 2:30 o'clock at the Studehaker thf':!tre. evening. The opera will be "The White Bird" ~ by Brian Hooker, Yale '02. and Ernest ' Dr. Maude McKerchar 1024 Central Amnng .avenue, leaves tomorrow 'for Rochester, T. Carter, Princeton . '88. others on the Commlttee are Mrs . Minn., where she will take one of her Levy Maver. Mrs. Butler Cal <~ han .. patients through the Mayo Brothers Mrs. Rorkf'fl"ller McCormirk. Mme. clinic. She will be away for ten days. -oCyrena Van Gorden. Mrs. Ernst von Ammon, and Mrs. Howard Tracy. There were luncheon covers for one ~ hundred and three guests at the Ouil·· Mr. Cla!Je- G. Hosmer, 1232 Forest mette Country club last Monday afteravenue, returned Sunday from St. noon. Bridge and Mah Jongg were Petersburg, Fla., after having located played during the afternoon. an attractive bungalow for his family ~ in the southern city. During his stay Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reichelt, 1328 here he will remain with Rev. and Mrs. Elmwood avenue, are leaving today Francis Stiffer, 1028 Forest avenue, for an extended sojourn in St. Petersthough he plans to join his family early burg and other Florida cities. in May to make their permanent resi ~ dence in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. and Miss Betty Munro, 1119 Elmwood Mrs. S. A. Wheelock met the Hosmers avenue, returned to Miss Wheelock's upon their arrival in the southland early Kindergarten college in Boston, Mass., this month, and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. on Wednesday. Greig are residing just a few doors ~ away from their new residence. Mrs. Walter Hannah and Mrs. John ~ Gage are spending some time in New Miss Dorothy Allen Borden presi- York. Before her return Mrs. Handent of the 0 . G. club, assisted by the nah will visit friends in Boston. following members, Miss Winifred ~ Mickey, Joseph Miller, Harold LundMiss Evelyn Humphrey, 112 Woodberg and Ralph Borden, entertained bine avenue, a senior at the University informally );>st Saturday evening, in of Illinois, was home for a short visit honor of Miss Ruth Stoker, who between semesters. wa ~ home from the University of -o-Wi sconsin for the week- end. The Mrs. Richard W. Jordan, 1012 Greenguests included Misses Marjorie wood avenue, entertained the ThursSmith. Ethelmae Sturgeon , and Mar- day Bridge club at luncheon yestergaret Stafford :1nd Mesc;rs. Edward day. Diller, William Tarrant, Porter War-o-·ington Heaps and Orville Borchers. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wooden of Devenport, Iowa, are guests of Mrs. ~ Wooden's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Members of the Chambers Island Moulding, 1004 Greenwood avenue. Camp have been invited to attend a ~ luncheon and reunion tomorrow in Mrs. W. B. Davies has closed her the sun room of the North Shore home at 530 Forest avenue, and will hotel. Miss Adah K. Rew is giving be at the Orrington hotel for the a tea for the campers tomorrow after- coming six weeks. noon at her residence in Evanston. ~ ~ Miss Dora Smith, Mi ss Marion Born Announcf'ment has been made by and Mr. Oscar Cohen were hostesses Mr. and Mr~ . George I. Hicks of and host at a sleighride party, followGlencoe of the engagement of their ed by a supper at the Cohen residence, daughter, Josephine, to William W. 910 Forest avenue, last Saturday eveYates of Los Angeles. ning. to~orrow evening at :ountry club stead of tht en, the chit. i all of their id by them. taking part will be Jean th, Douglas hy Newton local JUntor mtelhgentsta, those Twho are keen about witnessing HER~ is. a~o a~cmr \he ~nley, Mary ~rich, Betty ~d Farmer l-bara New~ I Mrs. -D. McCallum, 1225 · Hill street, entertained at a Valentine- an4 birthday party for her small son Daniel on Wednesday afternoon. ' --o-Mr. and Mr~. B. Ward Colegrove of New York ctty announce the birth of a son, Bruce Ward, Jr., on Febru· ary Z. --o-Mrs. J . G. \oung has returned to Vincennes, Ind., after visiting het daughter, Miss Edith Ray Young 1319 Washington, for the pa st fortnight. --o-Mrs. A . N. Page and her son Kenneth, 901 Ashland avenue, left Saturday for Santa Fe, New Mexico After placing Kenneth in a scho~l near Santa Fe, Mrs. Page will return within ten days or so. C. n~ses. just a little. higher as you see I e presented. ;r, Marjorie len Mahan. ! !gram. we cater to the best of 'em-import· ing from Paris and exportin& to England. Small world after a.JI, isn't it? "The gift department is sadly in need of replenishing. We wonder' if all the members understood that we abandoned the Exchange department and asked all club members and friends for a donation of a new article. If you have not been asked for a donation, we ask you now, and will be very glad to have you either bring it in or .Jet us know where to call for it. It was to be an article which will sell for fifty cents or more. "A player piano was given to us. We sold it for $25. We hope some one will discard a Ford or a "Rolls Nicely" and give it to us. Nothing is -oMrs. Claude E . Fitch and her daugh - too large or too small for our shop. ter, Miss Elizabeth Fitch, 1033 ElmEditor's PIOte : Economy Shop as wood ~venue, left Sunday for the East, to s.a1l on the 16th, through the 1t10st villagers know, is conducted by the Mediterranean waters. They will be Wilmette Woman's club. It started as away until the latter part of Aprj.J. a war relief enterprise back in the days of the W or/d war, but since that time .has bem the souru of almost conti"u· ous contributions to local charities. ~ Of .Buaett ·FMay A Two Wilmette cirls have taken die honors in the Otto R. Barnett annual prize award for beat essan oa question of civics in which students of the New Trier High school are tH competitors. · The winning essay was "The Bonua," by Margaret Willton, senior, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hatry Bertram Wilson of 611 Laurel avenue, Wilmette. Second award went for the essay "Immigration," by Katherine Moore, a junior, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Moore of 1203 Ashland avenae, Wilmette. The winning essay brousht an award of $10, while second prize brought $5. The award was made last week. 's Club of its intday, in the t the close Economy Shop in Market lor Gilta of Every Variety which Mrs. greater efThe hosts lmes Miles E. Ashley, McKinney "Kin;, , announce a Leonard thwestern ity. Miss merly of , Mildred, 25. Mr. Economy Shop, 1147 Greeleaf aveenue, on the phonc"Did you hear about the Morris chair? We received one minus the cushions. We held it quite a while as no one would buy it without the cushions. Along came some cushions one day which we put in the chair and it was sold that very day. A week or so later the donor of the chair phoned, apologizing for not having sent the cushions and saying they were still at her house. Now all we need is another chair to fit the cushions." "The Economy Shop committee has been making a drive on Chestnut, Ashland. Greenwood and Elmwood avenues, as the stock in the Shop was very low indeed. The people all responded heartily and ......,: are doing a thriving b t· iness again. The weather hindered the workers a great deal, and the women appreciated having the bundles placed on the front porches for them the day of the drive. We are planning .to canvass the entire village and ur~e your hearty . cooperation. We also ask that you kindly :tssist the women make the collections, if possible , by having the donation s to the shop placed on your front porch. We can sell all the old Victrola records you will give us. "In addition to the $1.275 given to charities Jast [aJI, just before Christmas we were able to divide $475 mo making many poor folks happy dur'n the holidays. "Some of the workers get discouraged if the sales are not ~ood. but we have our ups and downs. They never lack interesting experiences. however. A dear old lady died and left us her wardrobe, included in which was a lovelv black s~lk coat from Paris. We did so want just the riJ;rht person to get it. One o£ the women sends thin~s to a relative in Envland and purchaser! the coat. So 't went to just the right person after all, and then, too. we can tilt our Take t·e " ' orry Oat of Life! Telephoae Wll-ttf' 3T ORGAN CoNCERT The fifth of the series of North Shore concerts on the great organ of St. Luke's church, Evanston, will be given Tuesday evening, February 19, at 8 o'clock. Herbert Hyde of the National Association of Orpnista, tbt man to whose specifications the great organ was built, is the artist. He will be assisted by Hugh Dickerson, LOGAN TO HAVE TEAM . Directo.r. Todd of the Logan school baritone. IS orgamzmg a school team to take care of outside competition in basketball for the rest of the season and according to a recent statement by 'him, the school's squad this year will be light but fast. In the meantime intramural basketball is entering its second round with rooms A, B, and D, in a tie for first place. CHALIAPIN World'· Gnateat Bua Makea · VICTOR RECORD efiatofele-Ave Sianor I Sonnambula-Vi ravviao F YOU Ia" ........ and a-rd thia peat V"ldar artill I u"M....,elea," wiD JGU DIN' ANEW PE"rr'ERSON BROS. EVA!UTCpN 828 Da·l· St. P···· -.c ferpt it. Yau will1et thia ~ aDJWaJ· a.&.,ia iD tbia .... ,_ ... partuaity ia u ,... baftD't . . . . TODAY. AT JNSURANC~ EfJE:u Tra·t Asre··e·t· New York Lite "'-e·t .J. E. 8WIFT TEAL 101'2' Ceatral A·e·ae Wll·ette, llll·o.. NORTH SHORE Talking Machine Co. Evuaton Once a Week, Phoae 4523 ~:n~i:c;,24 lnauranc;e } New \'ider Recorda, £nry Week-Friday $4,376,729,804 GEORGE H. TAYLOR REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE COMPANY. Loans on Chicago and Suburban Property $2,000 to $1,000,000 or more-SYz% to 6% ~ Mr. and Mrs. Wendelin P. Seng, Mrs. C. E. Renneckar will be hos 401 Lake avenue, left Saturday of last tess to one of the Tuesday Luncheon week to spend several weeks at Lees- and Bridge clubs next week at her burg, Fla. residence, 935 Elmwood avenue. --o-- Installment Loans on Residences and Two Flata Limited to $8,000 Liberal Prepayment Privileaea With All Loans 312 South Clark Street CHICAGO Tel. W abub 1246 T HE finest jewelry shop on the North Shore, maintaining a repair department for watches, clocks and jewelry. Real Eatate Loan Correspondent, The Pruclentiallnaurance Company of America We Consider Applications Through Our Representatives for Loans on Approved Properties in the Following Illinois Cities. Jllaza Jrmrlrr J,JRRART PLAZA EVANSTON JI()TF!L Blue lalaad Champalp Decatur Dea Plaiaea a.u·· m. Aurora Downers GroYe Eaat Molino East St. Lo11ia Elmhunt Elaia Freeport Wiaaetka Wilmette Ga!-hura Clea EIIJa Hiahlaad Park Hinaclale Moll. . Rockfortl E·aaale· .; ... Rock Island Urhaaa WaubaWheatoa O.k Park . dt Ri··.W· .Ri·er F-at

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