Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Feb 1924, p. 1

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A Clean N.,.,.,.r lor a Clean Co.lmanity :VOL. not yet approxi- XIII, NO. 20, WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1924 iation hal the cost e Lincobl 1923 but proximate '23 TAX 8 LL OVER $1,758, (· ~R ted Twelve months of the year, one of the busiest "industries" in Wilmette . is housed within the four walls of the Chiand North Western railway staRepresentative Leaders En- Village Board Amends Old cago tion where Earl E. Orner has presided Winnetka Geta Biaaeat Booat in Both Aaaaaed Valuatiaa dorae Pre.ent Assessor Buildinc Code to Protect all but a few years shy of quarter of a and Taxes; Fair Valuation for Townahip century. for Re-el~tion Zonina ,Law "Earl," as he is familiarly known, Approximates $100,100,800 is in the business of selling ticketsthousands of suburban - commutation . UESDAy ACTION IS UNANIMOUS tickets and hundreds of tickets to au MEET NEXT T points in the country. Villages of New Trier township will have a tax biJI of apprOOEiA man came to Orner with the request to have his trunk checked to the mately $1,762,500 next month when Hoyt King, collector, sets up Street terminal.his offices in the First National Bank at Wilmette. That fi~re was Hear Criticism of Township Law Will Withstand Court Madison "Where bound?" Earl inquires. "Florida," is the reply. indicated this week in the tax figures for 1923 released rom the Expenditures Teat, Says Wenban "Have you purchased your transpor- .offices of county clerk Robert M. Sweitzer and represents an intation and pullman accommodations?" crease estimated at $230,500 ,over the total tax in 1922 for the four "Why, no, I was about to do that at towns of Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe. Endorsement of the candidacy of Following many weeks of prelimin- the I. C. station." George R. Harbaugh, New Trier ary discussion which resulted in the "I can fix you up right here,-sleeper The figures show an increase of about 15 per cent Township assessor, at the town elec- drawing up of an ordinance amending reservations and everything." with Winnetka topping the list 1fi-th a boost of ap,pro:x.imat~l\'!r.. : tion to be held in April, was approved the Wilmette Building Code, the Vii"Why, I had no idea," etc., etc. per cent while Wilmette trails wdlh an incr.ease ol ~nly -·~:::~= Tuesday of this week at a meeting of lage board, at an adjourned meeting And so it goes on and oo years on end. cent. Kenilworth and Glencoe cot e in between with it the New Trier Citizens teague, com- Tuesday evenin~ of this week, unaniProviding transportation for all parts 18 per cent and 12 per cent . r espe tively. The. figures . the prising representative citizens of Wil- mously approved a building ordinance of the ,country is all jn the day's work t. d 1d mette Kenilworth, Winnetka and designed to not only conform with but with Earl. He keeps on hand a huge total tax for the four villages in 1:he townshtp but o not tnc u e Glenc~e interested in securing credit- actually protect and render more selected stock of inter-line tickets and the tax on properties outside the corp?rate l.tmits .of the villag_es. able people for the various township reasonable the present Village Zoning is prepared for any eventuality the prosTotals estimated roughly for each vtllage, tncludmg comparabve ~ office-s. law.' pective purchaser may have up the pro- figures for 1922 and the approximate amount of increase' are set Unequivocal endorsement of Major The former building code, because verbial sleeve. h f l1 Harbaugh came in view of the fact of prohibitive restrictions placed on "Yes," says Orner, "I can se11 to any f.ort as 0 ows: Totals ol Taua that John J. Peters of Wilmette has apartment construction seriously en- point on any railroad, any time. Of - Increase 1923 1922 announced his candidacy for the of- dangered the Zoning law, it was point- course,inorder to secure good accommo$ 12,399.40 $ 541,840.35 $ 529,440.95 fice of' township ass.e ssor, and in con- ed out in the discussion of the amend- dations it is necessary to make pu11man Wilmette sideration of the fact that, in the ed code. The new regulations are de- reservations two or three days in ad· 24599.58 143,340.27 120,740.69 Kenilworth opinion of the league, Major Har- signed to make it feasible to build vance. Throqh railroad and pull154,275.52 696,497.11 542,221.59 Winnetka baugh has conducted tht> office in a apartments in the area defined by the man tickets make it convenient to check 41,3018> 380,828.06 339,526.26 Glencoe highly acceptable ;rnd efficient man- Zoning law as commercial. It is con- baggage through to destination, thus ncr. and is a man of unquestioned structed in such a manner as to pro saving the cost of traps fer and annoyteet the Zoning law and in turn re ances to the passengor. Tickets for fairness and integrity. Total $1,762,.505.79 $1,531,929.49 $230,576.30 ceive protection from that measure any point on the Chicago and North The total assessed valuation for 1923 for the villages in the Western and Northern Pacific lines, and Report on Ticket Tuuday Candidates fer other important Guard Health, Sanitation connecting lines where transfer is not to~ is approximately $15,946,000, acc.ording to figures issued township offices to be voted upon this In the ~mended code, .also, there ~re required, are sold at Chi~Jt~ . rates. On from t clerk's offices, an increase over 1922 estimated at spring, including those of collector more strmgent. re.gula!t<?ns ~egardmg other lines there is a mr.;case ~. . agairr Winoetka leads with a 27 per cent increase oA · ~~ ...... not· ~~kh-MHl ~nuatllilll, '~M-fJ:OmiM t ~~hich proviiles for trans1erm"'Cillcago. recommended at Tuesday session, the lt does not however, ~aterlally affec Orner watches his "cliplts" with Jreat and Wilmette is l,owest with 5 per cent, while Glencoe shows 20 league electing to place the matter the cost oi construction. care, and it is not unusual to observe oer cent and Kenilworth 11 per cent increase. The increase in the of suggesting candidates in the hands John Clark Baker, 347 Maple ave- a visitor at the station telling the genial total assessed valuation over 1922 is about 16 per cent. This inof a committee of eight citi&ens who nue. represented a group of citizens agent what a wonderful trip he had as crea~e is accounted for to a large extent by the new buildings which will report back at another league at Tuesday's meeting who were op- a result of Earl's fixing. have been erected during the past year. meeting to be held Tuesday noon, posed to any change in the building On the basis of these figures 'it is estimated that the fair February 19, at the City club of Chi- code. expressing fear that the new Business Men Recommend -:ombined valuation of the villages is well above $100,000,<XX>. cago. regulation would pave the way for a ·At Tuesday's meeting at the City gradual, if not promiscuous. invasion Street Widening Program The 1923 valuation with comparative figures for 1922 and the club several citizens ventured the be- of flat buildings in the community in The New Trier Commercia.! associ- 1.mount of increase is about as follows: lief that there have been some ques- the event the zoning law were declared ation at a recent meeting recommend1923 1922 Increase e. tionable points in the expenditure of invalid thus permitting a loop-hole in ed to the Wilmette Village board the Wilmette $ 5,035,692 $ 4,778,348 $ 257,344 township funds. The committee of the less stringent ordinance. widening of streets in the WilmetteKenilworth 1,357,389 1,219,603 137 786 eight was instructed to investigate the Mr. Baker was answered by A. C Central avenue commercial area as Winnetka 6,229,849 4,889,284 1,340,565 ' ..-matter and report back at next Tues- Wenban, former VillaQ;e attPrney a,~ follows: Y day's session at which tillle the league author of the former building code Central avenue from Eleventh street Glencoe 3,323,107 2,755,895 567,212 will give its official endorsement of passed just prior to the enactment of to Park avenue, and Wilmette avenue candidates for the various offices to be the Village zoning law. from Lake avenue to Park avenue. Total $15,946,037 $13,643,130 $2,302,907 tllled at the annual town election. Lauda New Code The recommendation by the busi Schools in the township take 57 per cent of the total taxation, Seek Creditable Candidate· Mr. Wen ban declared the new code ncs~ men 'followed a generald expla· "The New Trier Citizens' .t eague," to be reasonable and entirely capable nation of the practicability an prob- the fi~ures for these taxing bodies being approximately as followsMax w. Zabel, secretary, explaias. f h · h f th t .i · ..: cost of street widening by Vil1.tlowmg for the fact that there is some change since the school is an organizatiorf consistin47 of rt'p- Th;ef~r~~~ngc~d: he:t s~ate/ ~oau: ~ ·, . - "ll"'inePr I . N. Roberts. -tistricts boundaries do not conform strictly with the village resentatives from Glencoe, Winnetka, document thrown toP"ether in great Prompt action on the indicated : ~enilworth and Wilmette, who are haste to protect the village in the em- ~r~h~ r~~~e;;~:nd~l~~~m was asked boundaries New Trier Tewnship High school .. .......... $ 438,516.01 mterested in seeing that township of- ergency pending the adootion of ? ·· '· . ~:~tNt that an ordinance pro171,213.52 Wilmette ...··...·..................··..·... · fices such as assessor, collector, hi!lh- 7.0ning ordinance. It could not stand 'way commissioner, supervisor, clerk. in the courts. he said, because it was viding for the proposed tmpr?vement 48,865.00 Kenilworth ............... .. ............... . justices of the peace, and others, are prohibitive in its re~ulations . He is now in process of formulation. 230,504.41 Winnetka . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . .·.....··...·. f'lled by creditable people and are not termed the amended ordinance thP 122,954.95 G}encoe .·.·....·...·....................... ma<le the foothall of oolitics." '>Pst and most reasonable measure of Costa $150 Per Table "The lrcrgue," Mr. Zabel further ex- its type in this vicinity. To Operate Pool Hall Total ··.····.··.··...·...··..····.·...··.$1,012,053.89 plains. "does not necessarily endorse The amended buildinll code is thr Persons desiring to operate pool or only the candidate for an offici'. bnt. result of many weeks of careful stu<lv billiard rooms in Wilmette will hereRat· lntereatin1 in the event two or more creditable "nd investi,..ation by trustee Paul A. after be required to pay an annual : Wilmette, $3.40: Kenilworth, candidates are recommended lends Hoffm:~n. who some time a~ro, was ap· license fee of $150 for each table, in Tax rates for 1923 in the four vil- follows $3.60; Winnetka, $3.70; and Glencoe, · full and impartial endorsement of all pointed by President Zip£ to draw up compliance with an ordinance passed lages fluctuated Queerly from 1922 $3.70. ·of them." the measure. Mr. Hoffman is an en- at an adjourned meeting of the Village rates, dropping in Wilmette and GlenShow Diatributioa All interested citizens in the town- p;ineer affiliated with the board of un- bctard on Tuesday evening of this ~ ..,e 'lnd increasing in Winnetka and Kenilworth. · Fifty cents from each $100 thi year ship are invited to attend the meet- derwriters, and by reason of' that fact, week. inl!'s of the lea,' and. mort" nartir- thorou~hly conversant with building Altboullh the state tax was increa~ for all communities goes ·to the state, ed considerably due to the soldier's sixty-four cents to the county, fifteen ularly. the session on next Tuesday regulations in its mal\y phases. ' honus. the rate for Cook county as a cents for the forest preserves, fortywhen formal endorsement of a township slate will he made. Those who , whole ,jtowed a total decrease o( one ·t·nts for the sanitary district, Home-grown fifty ~. ents for town hip roads and expect to attend are asked to comcents · · the dollar. municate without riel;~v with M:tx W. 'tative rates for the ·~ur bridges, and the remainder to be di$Comp.. peas, beans and tributed for the expenses of the inZaht>l, S~'rretary, ;~t 13.14 Monadnocl, 1forementioned communities follow: cliv;dual villagls and the township 1922 192.1 Block. Chicallo, 111inoi~. . ~~ corn hirh school. Wilme~te $11.~ $10.7fi A resolution adopted recently by the According to Andrew Russell. state K ,..nilworth $ 9.90 $10.56 Pua Ordinance to Name Village board submitting for an exauditor. Illinoi11 ~ pent ten cents out taste fine! Winnetka $11.09 $11.18 by the voters of Wilmette the pression of each fifty fe-r the oldier's bonus Board of Appea s question of extension of commercial Glencoe $12 ..l2 $11.46 The rate is on a basis of $100 :lll!lf'·- which makes the actual state rate The WihDette Villa!fe · board at .. n areas in the village providing for the Why not have :ed valuation. which is approximately forty cents or five cent le · than last ld)oumed meeting Tuesday evening of construction of apartments, was reyear. IS per c~t of the real value. thta week enacted an ordinance cre- cinded at an adjourned meeting of the a little garden Glencoe. with $2.23 apprQllriatetl out at~Jr a Board ?f Appeals in compliance board this week and the matter placed Count:r Tn Reduced of each $100 for village erocnses. leads ath the requirements of the Amend- in the hand!! of the Judiciary commitThe rrduction in county tax was due of your own? the four communities in this re.ion in to a two cent d~crease on the $100 Zoninl{ Act adopted at the last tee for discussion. the amount exoended for municipal \·aluation for the payment of pr .ncipal eral Assembly. The Judiciary committee later recgovernment. Winnetka followa close- and interest on county b nds, and a atate act providea that the zon- ommended that the question be subWE HAVE BOllE VERY CHOICE ly with $2.02. Wilmette ranka third reductjon of eleven to les. than five rd of ,\ppeals must be appoint· mitted to the voters for an expression acre tracta -In Mew Trier and Norttaftel4 tewnahlpa at very with St.81 while Kenilworth r~ceivea cents on the levy for highway pur· b' erclinance ·as again at appoint- through the mails. rea11011able prlcea. For furonly $1.62 for villate expenditurel. · t b7 reaolution aa has been done poses. making a total decrease in the Change of procedure by the board ther Information. aee Schaefer the ft'llt. Wil·ett· Pub ..._. and Goldbach. tOI Rid·· A··· county tax of nine cents. Early thouRht advisable, it was explatnAppoint111e11t of the t1ew lJo.,rd of was Phone IU Wilmette. Wilmette, however, leads in the park rumors stated that the county ·tax in order to avoid confusion at the Appeals is expected in the near future. ed, tax at sixty cents with GlencQe aecoed would be reduced at It' It s~ cents election because of the oresence of at fifty·eight cents. Winnetka third hut the decrea e would be- offset b,the proposed "Little Ballot" on the WANT ADS with fifty-one cents and Kenilwcwth a {our cent incr,. .. «' in the forest pNouestion of annexation. The vote on 1owut again with only thirt)'-nine aerve rate for the finan~ of a-ldithe apartment ouestion would, in any tional 1'-onds. The es··m"'t'" ·iued caae, be unofficial and mer·ty ;, th,. cents. Each of the four communitiea appro- both the r~action ·nd inm nature of an expreSiion of opinion iMNI.-d LOTS OF HAPPINESS priated $2.75 for hi,h achoola but fore t prf" erve rate to ruide future action on matters per(C*il_. tainiftr to propoaed chancn in zoning varied slightly on the lower schook as deaipations. ' SHIPS 'EI CITIZEN LEAGUE NEW BUILDING ORNERMAlES )EM LIIE IT WILMETI'E RATE LO BACKS HARBAUGH CODE ENACTED TAX FIGURES 1 'VOTE' BY IAIL ON APARTMENT QUESTION Zoaio1 S&LL

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