Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Feb 1924, p. 7

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1924 e new office of' d Bro .· who are ;ale of the prop. tep in this por. vhicf.t should bt [unit;ipal credit tes go down as back to a tax. Service Will Spend Millions For Improvements Appropriation for· Evanston District Calla for $1,097,000 Announcement that the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois will expend about a million dollars for con-truction work in the Evanston district :he coming year was made this week by Superintendent J. S. Reesman, in connection with the sending of the annual reports to the 21,419 stockholders of the company. The company's construction program for the year 1924, Mr. Reesman ~xplained, will involve a total appropnatton of $10,000,000 of which ;unount $1,097.000 will be expended in the Evanston district. "In the Evanston district which :nr lud:s the furnishing of ~lectric and gas 'L'rvtcc to Evanston, Wtlmette Kenilwnrth, Glencoe, Highland Par'k Lake Fm c,t, and the suburban town~ west through DesPlaines and Mount Prospcct. a great amount of construction work was carried out last year," said ~lr. Rcestnan. "Among the major items oi th is wL> rk was the construction of the ~knkic valley steel tower line from the north limits of the district at Waukegan to a new out-of-doors substation which wa> erec~ed on Church street west of h·anstLn. This substation in addition t· service at the ordinary dis tr.hutwn voltage in the immediate vicinity, reduces the 132,000 volt current to 11.000 volts and 33,000 volts for service In other substations in Evanston Park l~idge, and DesPiaines. ' "The installation of the 10-inch gas main between the Niles generating sta1ion and Park Ridge was carried on largely by labor saving machinery wh:ch L ·nahled the installat:on to be completed 111 a relatively short period. · lncreaaed Capacity $33,!XXl. Momence group which includes Beecher and Grant Park, in both of which instances th~ company acquired the loc~l electn~ distribution systems. At Chtcag~ HeJghts the corr.pany acquired t~ Ch1cago Heightt Gas Company. The financial statement for the year reflects the company's prosperity. It shows that 1923 was the most success· lui in .the company's history. The gross operatmg r_evenues amounted to $16,041,· 342 ~s agamst $13,712,094 in 1922. The e!=lrnmgs after charging $730,660 to re~ !trement expense but before deducting mterest and dividends, amounted to $4,508,077 as compared with $3,852 836 in 1922 an increase of $655,241. ' The net earnings available .for dividends were $2,434,394 as compared with $1,835,470 in 1922 an increase of $598924. . ' The company. paid in taxes last year $1,080,000. The number of new customers added during the year was 32,821 or equal to the population of the city of Bloomington and the largest number in any one year in the company's history, the best previous year being 1922 when 20,938 were added. The total number of customers now is 252,981 of which 158,604 are for electricity, 87,197 gas, 6,05:3 water and 1,127 heat. Fresh products are provided the institution every . day. Sales of produc;ts last year netted $2.200. The · cost o~ maintenan ce of the home last year was approximately ............ par lot, Dr. Lester E. Mee Saila for Special Study Abroad Dr. Lester E. Mee, well known surgeon with offices in the Brown building, sailed from New York Wednesday of this week to spend six months in Europe where ~e · wilt take. a ~ l)ost graduate course 111 surgery at Vienna. . Durin~ Dr. td:efs ~bsence, his · patients wtll be serve~ by Dr. Floyd L. M_cGr:ath, who will remain aSSQCiated wtth Dr. Mee Ul\f;ln his return from the continent. 20-~¥.1 inch Weed REGULAR CROSS linka--$1.00 . · ·· ' lot with beautiTerms. Carbon burned while you wait :.·:: Free crank case serVice 332 Lind n Ave. ' eat; sun rms. Chauffeurs Must Secure Licensea, Denman W ams Chauffeurs operating automobiles or trucks owned and operated in Wilmette are warned to be fortified with the. 1924 li~en_ses if they expect to avo.·d queshonmg and possible prosecutiOn m the local police court. M~ny chauff.eurs have not as yet ~pphed for t~etr 1924 licenses, accordmg to Supermtendent of Police Denman who this week sounded the warning to delinquents in that regard. CO, AUTO GLASS PLATE and WINDOW GLASS - MIRRORS I . I E, ILL. ··-······· PAINTS '·· WHOLESALE-RETAIL DEATH TAKES MRS. S P~RR Vi~lage theater, who passed away on wtf~ of the former manager of the _ B urial services for Mrs. M. L. Sparr, Wilmette Glass and Paint Works 1133 Central Avenue NEW ORPHANAGE! FOR EVANSTON Section Convaleacenta Presbyterian Home at A conv:1lescent home fer members of the denomination and a children's orphanage are huitd=n s to he added to the Presbyterian Home for the Aged on Emerson road, Evanston, as ~oon as sufficient funds can be raised, it was an· ounced today following the recent a ·~ nual meeting of the Pres')yterian home association in Chicago. Practically all of the 110 churches in the presJytery had delegates present who we~e unanimous in their approval of enlarg'ng the work of the institut:on. As~e!s Qf th! homr ar c now thr:-""Uarters of a million dollars, th~ treasurer r c- portcd. and p'an~ "re now under way to IT'ake it a million dol'ar plant. It now has 43 residents ""t whrn thn oroiects have been completed, it will accommodate at lenst 100 persons. The Presbyterian Home is soon to be fitted up for convalescents. it was sa id. and to work in conjunction with Presbyterian hospitals in th is section. The third floor of the present building has been co'Tlplcted· for some months past. but officers have awaiterl further funds to properly equip it for the convalescent wards. The orphanage will be housed in ·a se parate building, though definite p~ns have not been announced. Th ". Presbyterian Home for the A~Nl is located on a forty-acre farm C'n west Emerson road. A farmer ooerates the farm , and takes care of the dairy. Phone Wdmette 2518 Fpday, February 22, at their winter home at VPro. Fla., ,.,,.~ ~ held at Madi ~on. Wis .. Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Spar~ was welt known in the village. She IS surviv<'d by her hu sha nd and :1 small daughter. LET'S GO What have Phone Read the Want-Ads In the Village Theatre Building yo~ for sale? Wilmette "The capacity of the facilities at the Clark Street-Evanston substation was increased by the addition of a 7500 kv-a transformer together with the necessary equtpment. "A new garage building for housing approximately 24 trucks was erected during the year at Evanston." Liata New Work The 1304 Some of the larger items of the work to be carried as announced by Mr. Reesman are: 1. The construction of a new substation building at the location of the present outdooc Church Street substation, wh:ch will house the indoor equipment necessary for reducing the 132,00G-volt current received' over the line from the new Waukegan Generating Station. 2. Increase in capacity of the Niles Gas Generating stat10n and the completion of the work which was started in 1923 on the installation of additional boilers and stokers. 3. The installation of an automatic substation with regulators and other equipment at DesPlaines for improving the service and increasing the capacity in this community. -1. Increase in the capacity of the Clark Street-Evanston Substation, and the installation of a line from thi s sub~tation to the Church Street substation. Thi:> additional interconnection will proride increased transmission capacity. 5. The installation of an additional distribution iecdcr in Wilmette. 6. M i'>cellaneous extensions of the distribution system including the necessary transformers and meters for servict· to new electric. customers at an estimated expenditure of approximately $200,000. 7. ·In tallation of new gas feeder mains , miscellaneous extension including the extension of (as service to Wheeling, and the necessary meters to take care of the expected increase of business in the district at an e3timatcd cxpcmliturc of approximately $200,000. Superintendent Reesman stated that the Public Service company had expended S9,500,000 in 1923 one of the large items of construction being the completion of the first unit of the new Waukegan generating station, consisting of 25,000 kill)watts capacity connected with which arc the transmission lines heretofore referred to while the additional 30,000 kilowatt unit at the Joliet Generating Station and the erection of the transmission line between the Joliet Station and Maywood were a]s(} spoken of by Mr. Reesman as outstanding features of the year's work. Add 23 Town a Village Chocolate Shop Your Sandwiches, Icc Cream, Pop Corn and Candy. AND GET OUR SERVICE A . J. WOODCOCK, Prop. 35 Years' Experience Where Quality Chocolate Rules GET RID OF THAT I COLD TONIGHT I GRYSTOL RlJRBED INDRIVES THE COLD OUT It Heals as It Penetrates I Does not irritate the skin. smart the eves or stain the clothing. Sold by R en neckar D rur Comp any Twenty-three new towns were added to the list ervcd by the company, principal of which were Blue Island and the

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