I ·N KEEN ·e Au tral:an said to find oreign makes. 1ade casing is most popular; erican make FormerlJ The Lake Shore News A Clean New.paper lor a Clean Community \'OL. XIII; NO. 24 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY·, MARCH 14, 1924 TWENTY PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS NO APARTMENTS, MASS MEETIN VE ·DICT ' MARY THE 3RD" GIVE ORATORIO ZIPF w:w Tmt:G CODEN AME TICKET TO . NEW GUILD PLAY HERE TONIGHT a~;;; ~~~,,~,·~r·:;\1,!~~ :,~~~~~:J . OPPOSE ALL FLATS I m a mass meetmg on Tuesday evehad voted to invite the village North Shore Theatre Guild Methodiat Choil'a Present ning, president and board of trustees to appear at an adjourned meeting MonRehearaala 9n big "Qu~n Eather" day evening, March 17, at Byron Hundreda Sian Pledae Carda Expreaaina Opposition to Broadway f.Ut ::)tolp auditorium to explain the reasApartments; Varioua Leaclera are Heard on ons for the recent revision of the WilWhat is generally considered the mette Building code, President Zipf Vital Civic Queation most ambitious musical program ever himself as anxious to avail IS CROTHERS DRAMA attempted in Wilmette is scheduled expressed himself of the privilege to answer any to be given this evening and Satur- questions which might be asked in .~ ay when the combined choirs and that connection. Suggestion of a buHding c?de that will ~ave . the effect !lf barring orchestras of the Wilmette Parish Zipf also said that the members apartment buildings fr.om Wdmette; nommatton o~ a ttcket that Performances at Winnetka Methodist Episcopal church, totaling of Mr. the board would attend the meet100 people, will present a dramatiza- ing. will place citizens opposed to apartments on the Vtllage board of ~arch 28 and 29 tion of the great .oratorio, "Queen Local officials explained this week trustees for a universal vote of "No" on the question of whether hsther.' ' The performances will be that the issuance of a permit for the Wilmette shall permit construction of apartment buildings, and given in the auditorium of the Byron construction of a 58-apartment build"Mary the Third" by Rachel Croth- C. Stolp school, Tenth street and C'en - ing at Fifth street and Linden avenue an invitation to Wilmette officials-president, trustees and memers will be the third production this ,ral avenue under direction of Orville did not follow as a result of the re- bers of the Zoning board, to explain to the citizens of the village year of the North' Shore Theatre guild Jennings Borchers, supervisor of music vision of the building code. Appli· the reason f.or the recent revision of the :J;luilding code, comprised with Mrs. Laird Bell and J. Williams in the church. cation for the permit was made in the outstanding results of a mass' meeting f citizens held in the Macy of Winnetka playing two of the "lt is indeed a very stupendous pro- December, they pointed out. and perleading parts. The play will be given gram that the choirs of the Methodist Tllission to erect the structure would, Ryron C. Stolp auditorium on Tuesday evenin~ of this week. Called by a group of 65 home-owners, T sday's session found in Skokie school, Winnetka, March 28 church are undertaking in the drama- in accordance with the terms of the and 29. tization of Esther," sponsors of the Zoning law, have been ~ranted under upward of 600 villager~, cro~ded in.to the Sto\ assembly hall ve'l. The guild in presenting this comedy event declare. "The very fact of the terms of the former Building code. evidently intent upon makmg Wtlmette saf~ for home-owners. of twentieth century married life is con- memorizing an entire oratorio and the The site of the building is within the tinuing its policy of presenting success- participation of 100 people in the commercial area which permits apart- Bv common agreement Edward A. Zimmerm<in, 219 Si~th stre~t, ful plays for the first time in the envi- production shows the unusual dimen- Tllent buildings, it was said. 'and the a· former village trustee and, more rec~ntly, a champton o.f the rons of Chicago. "Mary the Third" sions of the venture. The largeness revised ordinance affected the project the community interests of home-owners m t~e southe.ast sectiOn of ran for five months last season in New of the task really rna kes it a great only in reference to certain construc- the village was selected chairr~an of the n~eetu~g, and tt was largely York and was considered one of the community affair and we are anxious t ion rep-ulations in re~Zard to fire d ltng of the 'sttua·.ton that several well biggest succ~sses of the season. It play- to serve the community with some- h~7ards, health and sanitation require- by virtue of his exl?ert han. advanced demonstration s akm t ed on the road this season until recently thing worth while and lasting. The ments. but did not come to Chicago. It was dramatization of sacred oratorios is a The board was required, in com- political "whoop_ 'er up" outburst s eloquent appeals to the citizenery of · the community to rally around the ranked by Burns Mantle as one of the very noble art and we are hoping to nliance with the Zoning law to grant were nipped 1h the bud. Rally to Oppo.. Flatt · banner of those who sense what they ten best plays produced in, 1923 and a give it a good start in Wilmette." ·he permit for the 58-apartment buildWith few excrptions, the meeting consider is ~n insidious movement to synopsis of the story is in his book. Miss "I have onlv one request to make." ing. ,iust as it was required to gr:'-nt Louise Huff, well-known in the moving said Director ·Borchers in commenting ··ermits for other apartment bu!ld- was quite orderly and fruitful of many bring flat building into the village. The mee~ing ened J)romptly at picture world, played the part of Mary 011 the production, "and that is that ·n!!S erected in commercial territory 8:10 o'clod'< · not adJOUrned 1hc Third. those who are to attend the performduring the past year. until an Most Miss Crothers is the author of "Nice ances first read the Book of Esther of those came armed People," "Old Lady 31," "The Little in order that they may receive the with bearing the uneJourney," "He and She," "The Three full benefit of the .oratorio." wlrr.. ..,n..nt that ·"the underof Us,:_ an~ "39 East." A~l .these All the: ~~A.i~~~~~~~....,._..-f!R_,. ha ~o ;;..,J ~~ O· ~A"'C ueee-33 tn Chf\..d.g'O. Wilt ..., hereby p Slw . is perhaps the most successful of it lawful and honora \vomen damatists and this proto the fact that Mr. Borchvent the building of Return post cards and accompanyduction of her most recent play is a sing the king role, he has ing the Village of Wilmet explanatory circulars were mailed dramatic event in these parts. the services of Edward J. Cove t Ticket the adoption of a proper every voter in the Village of Wil- Good Meltzer of the Northwestern univer- to On Moclern Marriare that purpose ." W for mette th!s week at the instance of the Makea Appearance were distributed to indicate that the "Mary the Third" deals with the mod- sity as guest conductor. Village board in the e!ldeavor. of the Tickets may be securccl by telephonwearers were unreservedly opposed to ern marriage as contrasted with the marofficials to secure an unoffic1al exapartment construction in the village. riage in the past. Beginning with a ing Elmer Williams. 'W ilmette 604. pression of opinion from the electorA new township ptlitical o. nprologue in 1870, it shows Mary the Debatea are Barred ate on the question of certain changes :ek First marrying on a blind, impulsive, nat- Hold Ad Exhibition At in zoning de signations proposed in ization came into hl!~g this Debate was barred from the session, under the name of th~' Good Go~ ~ rn ural basis; in a second prologue we see recently presented to the Chairman Zimmerman explained, in Congregational Church petitions ment party and proce'eded forthwith view of the fact that the question was Mary the Second accepting a man on Board of Appeals on Zoning. Wilmette merchants and shop keepThe Village board recently adopted to select candidates for ' various town- already settled insofar as those pres· other grounds than that she loves In the play, Mary the Third is ers as well as a number of Chicago resolutions specifying that no chang- ship offices to be voted upon in the ent were concerned and that, thereto choose one of two boys to wh'otesale concerns will be the con- es in zone desi~Znation be made, until annual Township election in April. fore, no one would be permitted to The Good Government parly was speak in favor of apartment build. She, however, decides she is trihutors toward an advertising ex- an cx;pression from the voters could the outgrowth of a series of citizens' ing construction. The meeting, he not going to accept either one in a blind, hihition to be held today in Pilgrim be obtained. Since the beginning of the New gatherings at Wilmette at which explained further, was for the purpose groping manner, but rather she is going hall of the First Congregational to try an experiment by living with church under auspices of the Central Year the Board of Appeals have re- township affairs were discussed in de- of perfecting an organization to wage ceived several requc ts for changes tail with the result that it was deemed a determined fight again t a possible them both for many weeks. The cul- avenue circle of the parish. Unique among the fea~ures of the in zoning designation that would have aclvi~able to select candidates to op- invasion by fiat buildings. Mr. Zim !llination of this plan brings a climax extended commercial areas both in pose certain candidates recently en- merman also made the reque t that m the married life of her mother, Mary exhibition will be a £ashton show. The exposition opens at 10 A. M. , the Wilmette-Ce ntral and "L" Termi- dorsed by the New Trier Citizens the speakers at the session refrain the Second, and her father. We see the league. married relationship of the 1870 match and will continue until 5 P.M. Lunch- n:~l business sections. from engaging in per analities or Announcement was made early this verbal attacks upon individual . He These petitions met with such a 25 years after it was · made. We hear eon will be served at 12 o'cl~ck. Proceeds will be directed t?to the spontaneous protest from residence week that the Good Government party emphasized the necessity for th· from Granny (Mary the First) of the (Continued on page 8) property owners as to prompt the Vilmanner in which she held her lord. fund of the Central avenue c1rcle. adoption of a proper building code as lap-e board in placing the question Mary the Third proposes and insists the most important matter beforr the upon doing differently, Fortified with all before the voter for an unofficial exmeeting. !he arguments of free love, of married OH, BOY , JUST LOOK! pression of opinion . ARE YOU INTERESTED? Urted to "Show Stand" mdcpendence, and new thought, she atWhile it was at first intended to In connection with the circulation of Band Fund to Date The Wilmette Post of the suhmit the question in the form of a tacks all conventions and the proprieties cards by Village officials asking the of mother and grandmother, only to sucAmerican Legion this week policy or "little ballot" proposition at Rachel M. Erwin ........ $ ZS.OI citizens to give an expression on the cumb completely when the big moment annual vil~ge election in April, Wilmette. Opera.tic and secured a good job for a desti- the question of apartments, Mr. ZimmerDramatac aocaety ...... . 71.10 man urged the home-owners to "vote it was later decided to secure an unarrives to exactly the same method that tute ex-service man who has official expression that would not eng~andma and mother used. Alas I poor against apartments and show the a wife and three children to tail great expense and yet serve the Total . ....... ....... IS.M officials where you stand." g1rl, she had fallen in love I Prnioualy acknowledrecl .. 1,311.11 The play is filled with much comedy support. It also "staked" h?m same purpose. "If it is the pleasure of this meetand yet there is an interesting story to a week's wages and supphes ing, before you leave tonight," he Craad total ........ 11,·.11 added , "it is intended that candidates ~ising to a big climax and a most satIsfactory conclusion. The charac:·ers of and bought him commutation shall be put in the field to sec that railroad tickets. the ~hree generations are well drawn. Well, the b..tnd fund took a jump we have no apartments. of just $95 during the week, bringThe local post has received "Consider the feelings and welfare ing the total to within $513.94 of of the women and children, who Prepare To favorable reply from o"!r the goal which has been set at would be most vitally affected by the Receive Their Charter Congressman on the proposi$2,000. As noted above, the \Vil- establishment of flat buildings in the mette OPeratic and Dramatic village," Mr. Zimmerman urged, "as Charter Night for Wilmette Rotary, tion pf securing the post of society cave $70, one-third of the well as the effect UP.On the municipal ed two weeks ago, has been Grosse Point lighthouse keeper net proceeds from recent qand beaches and other vtllage institutions." or Friday evening, March 21, for Ralph C. Moore, son of fund benefit operetta staged by Mr. Zimmerman then reviewed the officials of Rotary International the veteran keeper who died that progressive organization. hi tory of the apartment problem, rge representations from various weeks ago. Ralph is a few tating that a large group of citizens Also, we note a splendid contriin the Chicago area will be on an ex-service man who has the bution from Rachel M:. Erwin. expre sed them elves as unalterably to extend a royal welcome to the which came this week without any oppo ed to apartm nt , at the public t club. The ceremonies and ac- respom.:, ility of supporting expla11ations-just a straight-from- hearing held in the village hall on ng entertainment will be his mother. February 7. the-heart contribution like hunat the Guilmette Country club. WIDOWER WITH TEN- YEARThe Wilmette Legion Post dreds of others we have received Home Life Eaaential old dau&"hter dealree a home second luncheon gathering of in tht; past four month . is an active, g&ing organiztte Rotary was held at the Prominent among cittzens who ex:~~~o~~ott~·t~~~;a~~\~ !rt\!'e! club Wednesday of this week The fund i:. designed to provide pre sed their view_ on the apartment ation of local ex-service men . couple "ealroue of the comamie Heron, author, humorist miforms for the members of tbe que tion were S. ]. Duncan-Clark, a If you are eligible for me:n~~n~~~h~e~~d~cf~t~~~~~~i of the business man" was -Jew Trier High School band com- well known journali . t , who reqides party to take motherly' Interbership-that is, an ex-serv!ce IJUest and speaker. ·osed of north shore hoys. at 228 Dovle court. eat In child while he le In Chiamie" gave an in piring talk that cago at bualneee during the "\Ve came to \\' ilnH·ttr to avoid man-you will do well to ln~e If you ha~e your. ch~ck book day. Prefer couple without a ght him a deafening round of apartmtnt . the habitat of the modern handy j t t d1rect a mce tattle conup with such a group. It wtll child or one with child much u e. His depiction of th«" spirit cave dweller," he said. "The home tribution to younger, and living In a prienable you to be of genuine ry through the expedient of an mu t av mt·ric;t and apartmtnt vate home. .Address Life 100. New Trier BaDCI Funcl, to ypur fellowmen and service and gripping drama-story ar not homt' ouiltlrr'l. Children are Lloyd Holli·ter, Inc., a distinct sensation. It was vour community. Think it di couraged in apartm rit. ," he .de1ZZ2 Central AYenue, opinion of the clared. "and in Chicago tht'y art' evC'n over! s that "Jamie" merited his l.milding bach lor apartm ?t and «'II· Wilaaette, IIUaoia. There's a wealth of good s the "ambassador for the praccouraging young men to hv s of . ··lfW · thank :rou for the H..! I fellowship there, too. . ~.tion of the Golden Rute (Continued on p 7) 1ton 449 r46-1347 In e PROMISE FIGHT o! ·---------------------------· WILL YOU provide a home for a widower and his daughter, ten years old? WANT ADS PROVIDE HOMES ·-----------~--~--------------· ·.