Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Mar 1924, p. 13

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ES d Mrs. iam W. , at the 1 he Rev. will be :hestnut r, Betty td Miss 1d Miss ly Hilts, nd Mr'l. Last Chamber Music Concert On First Sunday In April ~=====================~~ I E LIFE, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1924 13 I - Kenilworth Happen·nas 1 usher,n Boyd William before I enterg,o, and e and a ~ Births. John )r Miss Marian t Wedat the ng Mr. bridal ue, and will be vening, ~ bridal re ·rn out One ette is . The . ncis J. 29, and no my The oceeds !Y Shop esident nd Elelunchrington Viola ylvania, red ott theatre Miss tructor. alumna Laura lumnae ere in rry G. s. Wit. Brad- f ounceis that aughter i'lencoe, f Chi- of 1812 in Witas the er and Moore, ' f: g from est at t avehe aterson's HE last concert of Chamber music Saturd~y evening, March 22, is the will take place at 4 o'clock SWl- day Miss Mabel Burgdorf, daughter day afternoon, April 6, in the Ken- of M~. and Mrs. William H. Burgdorf ilworth Assembly hall. Madame Ella o.f Wmnetka, has chosen for her marSpravka , a pianist of rare gifts, and . nage to John G. Herbon, son of Mr. R1chard Czerwonky will play two 1and Mrs. Herm;ln Herbon . of 1427 sonatas for the violin and piano. The Central av~nue .. The Yfeddmg will society also feels very fortunate in hav- take place m W1lmette m St. John's ing secured for this occasion Mr. Boza Luth~ran church at 8 o'clock in the Oumiroff, the distinguished baritone, even.m~, the Rev. Herman W: Meyer who · will sing a group of Bohemian offic1atmg. A small receptton for iolk songs. Mr. Oumiroff has been a members of the family will follow very popular soloist in t.he vicinity of after the ceremony at the home of Chicago and has made a most favor- Mr. and Mrs. He_rman Herbon on able impression whenever he has appear- Central avenue. ed in the city. He was received with Miss Burgdorf wit! be attended by enthusiasm at recent concerts in Lake two little flower girls, Dorothy BurgForest and at the Saddle and Cycle club. dod, and Eleanor Herbon, and by two Single tickets for this concert may be bridesmaids, Miss Mabel Burgdorf procured from Mrs. A. B. Spach or and Miss Dorothy Herbon. 1rom Miss Helen Sears, both of KeailMr. Herbon's attendents will be worth. Julius Schilberg and Earl Herbon A Chamber Music society has recently -o· b~e!l formed which will undertake the Delta Zeta announces a spring exgiVIng o~ four Sunday . afternoon con- hihition of Evanston merchants at the c~rts dunng th~ seas~m 10 .a hall acces- Evanston Woman's club March 28 stble to the . Stx nelghbo_rmg subur~s, and 29. Special features ~n both days Evanston, Wilmette, Kemlworth, Wm- will be: "Movies," donated by the netka,. Hubbard Woods, and Glencoe. New Evanston theatre, from 3 until Owmg to the suc~ess of. the Chamber 4 o'clock in the afternoon· a St le of Mus.c concerts gtven thts season, and sho b Ro b d ' ~h because of the interest shown in this w Y se!l erg a_n company Wit kind of concert which offers some of the ~elta Zeta ~trls a.ctmg as ~odels at best compositions of great composers a 4.30 ~nd 9 o clock 1!1 th~ eyenmg; and number of music lovers have founded d~ncmg from 9 until f!ltdn!ght. There this society. Mr. Howard Wells is the wtll also be a cake-Judgmg. co~test. president, Mr. Walter Marx, secretary The proceeds from t.he affa1r wtll be and treasurer, while the board of direc- devoted to the Soronty House fund. tor~ includes Mrs. Amuel B. Spach, Mrs. , -<>Philemon Kohlsaat of Winnetka, Dr. ~fr . and Mrs. F. ~- Crossley enterHarrison Mettler of Hubbard Woods tamed at a Sunday mght tea .l ast week Mrs. Homer Cotton of Evanston, Mrs: at their resi?ence, 600 Washing~on William Barnes of Evans,on. Mrs. avenue. The1r guests that ~venmg Percy B. Eckhart of Kenilworth, Mrs. were Dean and Mrs. John Wtgmore, Albert Olson of Glencoe, and Miss Judge Andrews Bruce, Mr. a1~d Mrs. Helen Sears of Kenilworth Joel Hunter, the former bemg the As membership in this · soc:e ty h·ts super.i~tendcnt of the Associated been limited, those living along the nonh C1~1nttes. Colonel and Mrs. R. Vf· shore for whom these concerts are to l\1 ·liar. l\I rs. ]. G. Georqe of Ba Ittbe gtven, arc requested to send in their ~or.e, Maryla~1d, and Mrs. Charles applications early. lhnsty of P1ttsburgh. The suoper -opreceded the lecture which Dean WigA!tcr Tuesd~y afternoon, April 8, and more gave at the Suncay evening cluh co!1t111umg until Saturday, April 12, the on March 16. -oth1rd annual exhibit of tft: work of the Art and Literature department of the Miss Sara B. Place, superintendent ~vanston \\' oman's club will be open of the Infant Welfare Society of " Chito the public. cago will speak on Infant Welfare at The _ exhibition will be representative an open meeting of the Wilmette of vanous branches of art work done Woman's club on Wednesday, March in Evanston and along the north shore 26. Miss Place will be the luncheon and will include in its exhibits paintings: guest of Mrs. C. P. Evans. etc~ungs, scu lpture, wood carving, cerThis talk by Miss Place is one of amics, pottery, metal work, stage craft, the number to be given in preparation basket-ware, decorated furniture tex- for the annual Infant Welfare drive tiles. f.OI}lm~r,..i:~ I art. ;.Pd. rmhli.c' ~chool conducted hy the Wilmette auxiliary work. of the Infant Welfare society. The Mrs. ~obert D. Cunningham is gen- drive will begin on April 17. eral chatrman of the exhibition, Mrs. -o~!bert H. Ullrich is in charge of paintM iss Katharine Cocke of Washingmgs; Mrs. Frank B. Dyche, etchings; ton, D. C. is arriving in Wilmette toMrs. Horace M. Capron, sculpture; morrow from Rockford college to Mrs. Frank M. Fargo, textiles; Mrs. spend a week as the R"Uest of Miss Frederick Hecr, decorative arts; Mrs. Evelyn Segsworth, 1006 Forest avenue . T. J. O'Connell, school art; and Mrs. --oPercival H. Truman, jury of approval. Mrs. Joseph Horn of 1018 Eleventh North Shore residents doing art work 'itreet, who has been confined to her arc invited t_o . exhib_it without charge, home for several weeks as the result and no cumm1sston w1ll be taken if sales of a fall is able to be about again. are made. -oMORE TENNIS COURTS ~~ rs. C. P . Evans has been appointed Four additional tennis courts are cha1rman of a committee for an afternoon tea to be given by the Wilmette planned for the recreation field at center of the Infant Welfare Society New Trier High school, according to of Chicago at the home of Mrs. Fred- a report from the board of educaerick A. Rye, 1005 Chestnut avenue, tion of the high school. on Thursday, March 27. Other members of the committee are : Mrs. Henry Hayes McKinney, Mrs. John W. Cullen, Mrs. H. B. Wilson and Mrs. W . F. Froeschle. This tea takes the place of the regular monthly meeting of the Wilmette may now get a auxiliary and is in preparation for the annual drive for funds for the support Regular Life Ins1,1rance Policy of the New Trier Infant Welfare station. T I The Kenilworth Union Church Sunday school and the children of the village and their parents were invited to participate in a moving picture entertainment at the ~ommunity House -o-ogymnasium on Saturday, March 15. Mr. Mark Cresap, Jr., Z39 Euex Miss Shirley Ross entertained eight The picrures shown at that time were road, who attends Hill school, has of ~r girl friends at dinner Frida) "Weeping Waters," and Harold Lloyd ·arrt'ved home for a month's vacation. cvenina at her home. in "Dr. Jack." . "' M is Rebecca Foresman of PittsMr. and Wrs. Franklin Sherrett, 3oM burgh arriYed on W ednesda:Y to be Oxford road, have returned from a the guest of Mrs. Hugh Foresman dur .m.h's SOJOUrn in Bermuda, visiting the week. Mr. Foresman depart- ;u_: on their return journey, New York, cd on Friday for San Francisco on a Philadelphia and Cleveland. ten day business trip. -o-oMr. Alexander Hannah departed on The Kenilworth club entertained at Monday to jo:n hi family at Ashville · luncheon and bridge on Wednesday, where he will remain until the ·end of March 19. the season. -oThe Misses Virginia Woo!iland, Betty Darling, Docothy J)arling, Virginia Hedrick, Phoebe Hedrick, Barbara Holden, Virginia Oleson, Paisley Ball, and Bernice Cole, all pupils of Roycemore, took part in the Field Day held in Evanston at Roycemore school on Thursday, March 20. --<>;; The Home and' Garden club will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank W. Cherry on Monday, March 31, at 1 o'clock, the speaker to be announced later. Mrs. Cherry, Mrs. Earl Wilson DeMoe and Miss Irwin will be hostesses at a buffet luncheon. --o"The English Church Catholic" will be the theme of the Rev. Leland Danforth's sermon at the morning sHvice, Sunday, March 23, and on Wed-· nesday evening, March 26, he will talk on "The American Church Catholic." --oA food sale will be given by the women of the Rector's Aid society, thurch of the Holy Comforter, on Thursday, April 10, in the guild room. Cakes, pies, candies and marmalades will be included in the articles on sale. Afternoon tea will be served. y ouna people like The Or· rinaton particul.rly bec.aae of ita maDY cleliPtfal aoc:ial f·turea, while older folka fiDel reDewed tae.lth, reat ud pleuure in the freedom from houehold work aad worry. Come mit ·· ...,. time. --oA bridge club met at the home o£ Mrs. James A. Prentiss. 205 Cumberland road on Tuesday, March 18, for luncheon and bridge. Mrs. Prentiss entertained a small company at Mah Jongg on Wednesday afternoon, March 12. --oMrs. John White, 270 Oxford road. was hoste<~s at an afternoon bridge partv on Thursday. March 20. in honor of Mrs. Hugh Paterson of Evanston and Miss Margaret Paterson of Witmette. ················-················----------·--····-··················· I" i Beats Cold Storage for Your Furs You can have right in your own home .far better protection for your furs than can be obtained in the best cold storage. fhe PLYMETL Air· Tite Vault, shown opposite, is bullt right into new homes or set into existing clothes closets. I I I I i I I : : It has two distinct uses: 1 -A death chamber for moth life. Your Boy or Girl on any plan desired in the --oMrs. John Boylston and Mrs. F. W. Harvey, Jr., are hotesses for the Order of Martha card party to be given Wednesday, March 26, at 2 o'clock at the St. Francis Xavier Assembly hall. An unusually large affair is anticipated. Eggs, larvae and moths are killed by an overnight fumigation-process has the written endorsement of the U. S. Government. ' I - A storage vault for valuable furs and dresses. It protects them againstMoth Ravages Theft Loss Soil by Dust Fire Damage It is a well known fact that cold storage of furs preserves, not so much the fun, as moth life present in them. Govem. ment Bulletin No. 13.53 ltata: u ·· clotha moth larvae can withstand prolonged ttorage at temperatures ranging from 24° to 45° F ··· " The PLYMETL vault destroys all moth life. Besides this there ia large saving due to the vault's duat proofness. This item alone means lower dry cleaning billa aDd a longer life for delicate fabrics. It is a well known fact that dust rots fabrics. Board s held ymyer, Four- -oMr. and Mrs. T . L. D. Hall of 1008 Greenleaf avenue announce the birth of a dauR"hter, on Thursday, March 20. The baby will be named Mary Louise. . New York Life from ten years of age u'p Rates very low Will give you full infor· mation without obligation from d Satotheer --oMrs. Grace Price of Los Angeles is visiting at the home of her brother ?nd sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Branson, 817 Central avenue. -oMrs. George L. Martin, 1046 Elmwood avenue. returned to her home b~t Sunday from the Evanston hospital. -oVirl!'inia Rose Hays of 519 Laurel avenue is Quarantined at her home wh ith a mild cac;e of scar.let fever. She as been ill for a week. ~::n;:: rnoon ~ ay at venue, I on your part. Write your name and address and mail to me. Name ......................................... .. Address .......... ......................... .. .. r.:n Oak by [~ning. ~cident I ave1!-t her Park ~r. and Mrs. George H. Bird of 10 0 Chestnut avenue, are returnin~ today after six weeks spent in southern California. . Mr. and Mrc;, ~- Reeves wjll res·cie at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold White of 630 Central avenue. -o-. Mrs: Georve Garrett of Lee, Michtltan. ts makin~ an extended visit at the .Wrdan home, 505 Maple avenue. -e-- Take it aU in all the PLYMETL Vault auures you not only convenience but real, definite yearly money aavingtwhicb arelarge in comparHer· i· an old ·ne'w, ol 7oar.. He (motA ison to the price of the vault. larua) ;. tlae "6irll ' fiJiao Mt· your lar.. 11'rite for 011r i·t~stireg JNI..p/tlet "The Lifo C~ ofthe Mot,. ·s. Y ..Uu n tlU,,., tlloew lf.oorn. rave a ,ing at J. E. SWifT TEAL, A,ent 1017 Central Avenue Baskellte Manufacturing Corporation CJlleAirO, mlaola ..... -...: .. & W·t" .... a 1 Df"n· of a WILMETTE, ILLINOIS 81.,. . .,

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