WILMETTE LU'E, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1924 17 fourth. fourth. 100 yard backstroke-Won by Kennedy, (N. T.); Shattuck, (N. T.) s~c ond, Peterson, (L.) third: ~1. L:inG"e. (N. T.) fourth. Time, 1 :152/S. Diving-Won by Colbath, (L.); Stixru<l. (N. T.) second; Fellinger, .(E.) third; Dowse, (N. T.) fourth . J'Oints. 1~. SETILE STUDENT PROBLEMS HERE U. of I. Hu Important Service Department A service department to look after the miscellaneous problems of the students, is the office of the dean of men at the University of Illinois. From a one-man position, begun 20 years ago by Dean 'fhomas Arkle Clark, the present dean, this office has grown to be a department, which takes care of most of the problems, big and little, of the student body. At the present time there are three assistant deans of men. ., All sorts of problems ar~ solved for the student, from those tor the one down and out financially to those of the boy worrying over his first college romance. Dean Clark says that there is no class of problem nor personality which the office has not met. The old opinion of the office of the Dean of Men was that it was disciplinary, an agent for bringing the student in on the "green carpet" to accuse him, and punish him for misdemeanors. As a matter of fact, Dean Clark is the Chairman of the Committee on Discipline for men, and when disciplinary means must be used, they are used - through this office and the disciplinary committee. But the real purpose of the office is to help the students and to occupy a central place in their college life as a sort of service station, a clearing h?u3e for troubles, /"ld to give them adVICe and aid. The office IS open from e!ght 111 the {r.Jrning until six at night SIX days a v.eek, and it is crowded mo ·; ot. the tl'ne. Thts work does not end w1th office, and students are welcome to call ~t the homes oi the deans at any hme. .-: 'he work of the deans includes cooperation with the health officer and the c.ty o~cials, but in every case, the attempt 1s made to improve and continue the wcl~.. re of the students. Dean Clark has. bu~lt up a system which is being cop1e? m. many other schools. His per~onahty IS an outstanding one in Amertcan education, and 'the parent whose son cn.ers the Untvers.ty of IlliwJis may rest assur~d that the office of the Dean of Men IS ready and anxious to offer to his son the help that has been tested and accepted s ccessfully by hundreds of .s tudents over a period of more than a score of years. 160 yard relay-Won hy . .l';ew Trier firsdt Rteabm, (T)aylo r, Davts, Hudson, an . o ertson i 1 an~, seco nd; New Tner seco~d team, th1_:d ; Englewood, fourth. T1me,_ 1 :23 31:>. 40d pyard swtm-~obertson. (N. T.) eterson, ( .) tied for hrst; Beam an ~~ird; Heinsheimer, (N. T.) fourth. I (S.) third; Davis (N. T.) I me, :27 215. . Time, :19 3/5. ·I 1 100 yard breaststroke-Won by Blankley, (S.) ; Wihr, (L.) second; Wray, (N. T.) third; Thompson, (N. T.) fourth. Time, 1:151/5. 100 yard swim-Won by Crooks, (E.); Hudson, (N. T.) second; Robertson, (N.T.) third; Davis, (N. T.) New Trier Winner in lnteracholutic Swim !'htators representing New Trier Htgh school last Saturday vanquished three competitors in a preliminary interscholastic meet in the high school tank. New Trier compiled a total of 44 points. Other entries in the meet finished as follows : Lane, 26; Englewood 16 · and Senn High school, 10. ' ' Bob Skelton of Wilmette, former New Trier student and present world's champion breast stroke swimmer, gave an exhibition 220 yard swim at the meet. The meet summaries were as follows: Plunge-Won by Welch, (N. T.): Sinclair, (E.) second; Mandl, (E.) AD AU·Parp·e Truck At A Remarkaltle Pr1ee The new Ford all-stePl body and cab mounted on the famoWt Ford One-Ton Truck chanis provide a complete all-pur~ haulace unit at the remarkably lo~ price of $490. Built of heavy eheet steel. etrongly re-inlorcecl, this etaunch truck Ia designed to withstand severe usage in a wide range of induetriee. Generous loading space, four feet by t~eVen feet two in~ permib easy handlin& of capacity loads and provision is abo made for mounting of canopy top or screen sides. Experienced drivers appreciate the weather-proof features of the eteel cab, wluch is fitted wi tb ~ovable door-openiq cu~ ~kd-cr't3~ :::;;/({5 Ml~~- 7 - - - - - , - . Detroit, See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer - .. ~· .............. Skokie Motor Compilny "THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUlLT" JOSEPH F. HAAS The great problem of our times lsi ployee and the extent of business cov how to reduce the burden of taxation ered during the past year, shows that which is crushing modern buslroese the Recorder's Office Is being admlnis· and destrcylng modern home Jlfe. tered on a high. degree of efficiency. For his etrorts in reducing that bur- 1 The Recorder of Deeds and his dep&rtden . and the results which he bas ment beads and the persounel dese~ve achieved. Joseph F. Haas, Recorder : commendation for the etnclent manof Deeds of Cook County, is entitled · agement which has been malntalneo In to the sincere thanks of th"! people of i ~pite of the handicaps under which Cook County. this office Is working in the matter of The watchword of the entire life of ! limitation of s~ace and ditncult workJoseph F. Haas has been service to lng conditions. the people. His record has been one The results of that efficiency are not of tried and proved efficiency. of a mere matters of conjecture. They man .vho delights in rendering real 1 show In actual profits made for the service to the public. His ripe ex- I people of Cook County. During the perlence, his mature judgment, his un- 1 year 1923 as Recorder of Deedf and questioned Integrity and his real abll· 1 Registrar or Titles. JoRt;ph F. Haas ity have been sources of pride to his handled more than half a million doc· friends and of prollt to the people. uments. They were documents whlcb He was the father of the First For- vitally atl'eeted the busineRs life of tho est Preserve Act ever passed by the entire county. Errors In their ban· Legislature. The act received Its name dllne; would mean lose to tho9e relying -Forest Preserve Act-In the original thereon. Yet that Immense volume bill introdured by Joseph F. Haa~ of work was ltandled, not only wlthi"U4 while State Senator. Also as Senator loss, but with I\ profit of over ont b., Introduced and caused to be passed hundred thousand dollars to the peotbe act creating the Municipal Court pie of the county. and abolishing the ancient and often That profit means the decreasing of corrupt justice courts which were a general taxes. A. decrease of general disgrace to the Community. In fact, taxes all along the line will ultimately he sec".lred for the people more impor- mean decreased rents for those 111'hO tant Chicago legislation than r.ny man must pay rents. Owners and tenants who ever sat in the s:..ate Senate. alike nwe It to themselves h. re-elect In 19:!.6 be was elected to his pres· . Joseph F. Haas as Recorder of Deeds ent position as Recorder of Deeds and 'I of Cook County. Registrar of Titles of Cook County, To such a man who bas the courage llllnols. In 1920 be wu re-elected by of his own convictions, who baa the a tnajority of onr 300,000 votes. As ! determination to 1\ght for what le Recorder or Deeds and Registrar or right, clean and jnst, to such a man Tltlea be instituted a merit system of 1 who stood unafraid In doln& what be appOintments In both the Rewrder's l thought was ble full duty to you and c ~ce and Torrens Omce ,.hereby et- yours. you can do your part and say ftcieacy Iii recognized and etimulated. ' "well done, thou good and faithful Ia Dec:ember, 1923, 1. L. Jacobs, et- servant." by voting for his renomlnat ciency expert appointed by the tlon as Recorder of Deed· to the R· County l:loard of Cook County. mactP publican Primaries on Aprll 8. 1924. the followtn1 report to the Jud&el of Hu nat.:e appears ucoftd on the Reo the Circuit Court of Cook County, on publican bollot under Reeorder of the admlnlatratiOD of Joseph F- Haae, Deeds. His record 11 fl.rtf In etft· IU RIIC'On!er of Deeds : ciency. '"'I'll· analr-1· hrto the orpnlaatton, 1 vote for Joseph F. Haaa · ~Ia rec· the wort - . 1tF u.. lndl~ldaal - - ord. -Adverttsement I I LINCOLN "Buy at home and get service at home" 712-14-16 ELM STREET I Phone Winn. 288-281 WINNETKA SALES SERVICE !