SYMPHONY WINS. ·::;etl,o::~t::.n:ft ~f c!~i~i~!~r!u~6'; I~~-----~·==·····-~---~~;;;;~;;~~---··;;;;;;;;::: 1 ::::: WILMETTE LIFE. FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1924 .m · . PRAIS .~ ~ . E .PI~e ~~;t ~~~e:,:~ ~election Lo 5 - · tb SIX vn;nea Wina Large 1'\...._L traJ E ,.udien~e Venmg · 87 CRITIC 'Twas a goodly crowd that occupied the assembly hall of New Trier on Monday evening, March 10. They were there to hear George Dasch and his Little Symphony orchestra present the sixth in a series of seven concerts. That the audience was delighted with the program a11d the playing was evidenced by their very: hearty applause. Probably no program this year has contained so many compositions of surpassing worth as this one. The opening number was the March of Homage by Richard Wagner, composed in 1864 for the coronation of King Ludwig of Bavaria, to whom the score is dedicated. The March abounds jn stirring rhythms and pleasinJt melodies. The brasses especially distinguished themselves in this familiar and popular piece. Following came Beethoven's ma sterly overture to "Coriolanus," :1 mustcal composition of unusual dramatic power and brilliancy. To present this cla .... ical number it was necessary to increasl' the usual siu of the orchestra, tl···s giving the :1udience an idea of how the group on the sta~;te will look and r'ay next yea r when it contains forty - five musicians. The la st number on the first h;df of th e program wa s Gold - '\rk'e "Rustic W,..dding," a production rf five movement s. e·~ch containing i s own outicular in terest. It contains a wedding march. a bridal son!-!. a ~e renade. a love sce ne , and a dance. To describe this suite makes a hPavv ~ra i n . on one's adjectives, for it is mge n1ou s, varied, rich, deliciously was perh:tps Saint-Saens' tone-poem, "Danse Macabre," otherwise the dance of the grave-yard skeletons around and among the tombs. The ghouls have a !Derry time dodging about with thear bones a-clattering and their shrouds a-flying. But dawn comes the roos~er crows, the dance abruptly ceases. The evening closed with Debussy's Prelude to "L'Apres-Midi d 'un Fan Faune," a most interesting musicpicture, and Victor Herbert's "Irish Rhapsody," an ingenious workingtogether of famous Irish melodies such as "·Believe me if all those endearing young charms," "The rocky road to Dublin" and "St. Patrick's Day." The closing · concert of the 1923-24 series · will be given on Monday, April 21. '· mce IVIIand 8 gan FINED FOR DRUNKENNESS Tht: police arrested R. H. McCollough " of Chicago at the Wilmette station of the North Western railway, early Tuesday morning; and he was fined $3 and costs on a charge of disorderly conduct and drunkenness. e to r or 9 on etht~ the ter nee Society Brand Clo hea ll I I the hth eet !ian aer- nce ore lore wn- nce ore ththe ~ter ch- Have Your Catch Basins Cleaned And Disinfected Now! Phone Wilmette 735-J Wilmette Catch Ruin Cleaner Th~ sm&rily cut LoDsd~eMany well dressed men find that two button, semi-fitted coat is.·s marter thari anything they can wear, provided it is correctly cut. Naturally they choose the So~.iety Brand Lonsdale; the cut is perfection. lrth ong t to hlp It;s pppular. .· or or a George Brittian, Prop. 1335 Central Ave. (Licensed) Beautiful Oil and Water ·Color Paintings by Sister M. Cherubim of 0. S. F. of Wilmette. sale at our store. Come and ~ee A ~eat variety at $55 and $60 Otlaera at low a· $45 Now on display and for ·- Dry Goods TAYLORS Notiolu blUe; Ue th the beautiful works of art. 'th ilts he THE SATISFACTORY STORE Ladiea', Men'· ud Children'· Funaiahila8a 1125-27 Central Ave. We Deli·er Phoee 1114 rn ly AUTO GLASS PLATE and WINDOW GLASS. MIRRORS nt 1- of ne ce hn- ea PAINTS WHOLESALE-RETAIL ilge r;~ lip ~f Wilmette Glass and Paint Works 1133 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 2508 : 1 h 0 y er ~; lt n ~; YOUR PROPERTY Will Not Sell Itself You have probably had years of training and experience in your particular business and can handle it better than the fellow who lacks the experience, but you can't sell Real E tate a well as the fellow who makes a business of it. He not .o nly knows- the various problems involved in the sale of Real Estate from the standpoint of a sales~nan, but to properly represent you, and safeguard your mterest he should have a fair knowledge of Real Estate Laws, and should be familiar with the many legal forms used. This knowledge comes only from long experience. A. J. WOODCOCK 3S yeara experience VEGETABLES Potatoea, peck .. ....... : . . . . 35e New Potatoes, peck . . . . . . . . 59e Rhubarb, lb. lSc, Z lba. . . . . . ZSe Beets and Carrots, bunch . . . . Sc Asparagus, bunch . . . . . . . . . . ZOe Large bunch, sweet, tender. . 59e o., 3. 635 Main Street Cauliftower ........ ZOe and up Telephone Peas nice, full poda, lb. ZOe 1135 Ceatral Aft. Phone 159 Store No. 1 Phone 154 StoN No.2 Phone Wilmette 1304 Lettuce, criap and tender .. Sc, 1Oc, 15c Eaa Plant lSe FRUITS