\4 \\'1L:\IETTE LIFE, FRID:\ Y, MARCH 28, 192~ WILMETTE LIFE (Formerly The Lake Shore News) Established 1912 with which is combined THE WILMET'I'E LOCAL NEWS E>~tablished 1 9 !SSU~D ====----~~~~~ SLIP c \ ·ERS COMPLETE Absolute Satisfaction ~ Davenport ()() E. F. BRADY Will Do Your $11. Guar- $6.50 Chair FHID ..U.' b~F EACH WEEK LLO\' D IIOLLISTEH, I~C. 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. · t i 1 Telepltoae .. .. .... . .. , . .t;BSl' RII'TIO~ W~lm.ette 1020 anteed ·r selection or d1mAlso a w on ·l··t u 1 us ported C o \·.,rinv;~ a\ra ~ld~e~x~e reductlon d~ ·~ :~~in~ ot Covers, en· ~~~~~~ lnu!h\ 0 give you superior quality. Former!~· " ' ith Mandel Bros. Ca ll or Write · 713 MAl~ ST., EVAN~TON Phon e Evanston 61.1 Carpenter Repairs Cheaply and Promptly Estimates Furnished S2.00 A YEAR N BROS GOLLi r · A F1 at A All communications must be accomanled by the name and address ot the rlter. Artic le s tor publication should each the editor by Wednesday noon to sure appearance In current Issue. Phone Winnetka 381 Resolutions ot condolence . cards ot hanks, obituar}', poetr y , noti.c es ot enertainments or other arr:ur s whe r e n admittance charg t will be made or collection taken. will be charged at egular advertising rat es. of the departm club wil The 1 of vari1 in Evan and will basket-'\~ etchings amics, 1 tiles, co work. Entered at th e post office at W!lette, llllnois. as mail matter ot the econd class, urHh·r th e act ot March 3. 1 79. FRIDAY, MARCH 28. 1924 Se.parate tire Grades. Enforce the Traffic Laws. Build t!rr Tmck Road. V qte at E·z:cry Elrction. ONLY A FEW HUNDRED The Band Fund now contains over $1,@. Only a few hundred will easily put it over the top. The outdoor days are approaching (in spite of blizzards), and can't you imagine how thrilling a sight it will be-our New Trier band boy . and girls marching do"·n the str\.'Pt arrayed in their brand new caps and capes! "P,ut suppose the few hundred isn't- " Don't think of . uch a thing! Send your contribution to Lloyd Hollister, Inc., at 1222 Central Avenue, care of the New Trier Band Fund. Whatever th~ Circumstances the same courtesy-the same helpful aenice ill managiq all perplexing detail........-e accorded :rou whether- y o 11 desire an unlimited expendi· ture or whether eircumstanca auggest that you refrain &om undue c:oata. Mrs. eral ch · Albert 1 ings: M Mrs. 1Mrs. F Frederic T. ]. Nort and no Percival q PREVENT REGRETS are invl are mad t· ·so far as we know there are only two ways of preventing the occurrence of regret. . One way i~ not to regret. The other is to prevent the occasion ~or regretting. The first \\'ay 1s easy to say but tremendously hard to do. F.or when the occasion arises, how can one not regret? The conditions are all favorable for regretting. How stop it? The hammer is descending on the cartridge. How forestall the "TALK IT OUT!" explosion? Ne\\' Trier debating team; The second way mentioned champions in 1922 and 1923!! above is. ho\\'ever, practicable. :\fay theY be champions in . The occasion for regretting can 1924!he prevented. Begin far enough If you have a quarrel with anback and the occasion can be very other person, talk it out-if you easily prevented. Stop the dis- can. As a last resort, however, ease when it is young and weak, fighting is sometimes necessary. and your work is easy. This When your cause is just, anJ week's duties can be so met that words have failed, what recourse there \\'ill be no trouble next is left but fighting? But usually week, .or at any rate, much less words do not fail. 99 per cent trouble. Certain things can now of the time debating will solve be done that will minimize the the problem. It's an exceptionlikelihood of the recurrence of ally knotty problem that verbal another great war. But these discussions can't solve! things must be done NOW. Discussions in the class-room LATER the occurrence can not or .out of it under the guidance be prevented. of a wise learler, produce remarkV.le were astonished, not to ably gvod results. There is say dismayed, by the size of our something tremendous! .~ i·nureal estate tax bills of March lating in the feeling that one may 1924. We wanted to know how speak out his full mind on a certhe size .of them could have been tain topic. All of his hearers prevented, and we were told that have implicitly agreed not to be we should have objected last offended by anything he may summer to the Cook County say. He, on his side, has promisBoard of Review. Then the ed to stick as closely to the subBoard might have helped us. ject as he can. In order not to But now, in March, 1924?! be misunderstood he must speak Impossible! loudly and distinctly and he must Our real chance, however, for also use clear and forceful diction p..eventing the occurrence of later and structure. All who particiregrets is coming. The April pate are sure to grow, because Elections are before us. If good the discussion DEMANDS the citizens will only vote 100 per use of these valuable qualities. So our advice to you and ourcent strong at the April elections the occasion for regretting, at a selves is this: When you're up later date, will be minimized if against a hard question, one on not entirely prevented. which you make no headway PREVENT REGRETS BY DO- alone, discuss it with another perING YOUR BEST NOW! son. If that other person is wiser, the solution will, of course, A GOOD SIGN be worth more than if he were Concerts by children! Exhibits your equal. BUT the big idea of paintings by children! Plays is-DISCUSS! by children! THERE'S A DIFFERENCE Never before were the fine arts Acquiring is not achieving. The so popular as now-a-days I At least we can not now recall a time two are much alike in sound but when there were so many youth- much different in meaning. It's not uncommon for people ful participants in the production of beautiful sights and sounds as when they have acquired something to believe that they have in these current years. It's a good sign. It means that achieved it. Many a man throu~h the coming generation are using little effort of his own has acguirthe fine arts, allowing them to ed a great fortune. He feels perform their proper functions. quite set up at being the possessor For, certainly, these arts are not of so much money and in a little mere playthings, ways of living \\ hile acts as if he had gained, that a normal human being can won, or achieved his wealth. afford to neglect. They are, on Little Jack Horner stuck in his the contrary very valuable ways thumb and acquired a plum, but of living. To the weary, toil- immediately he took credit to driven human being, the "dumb himself for the event, exclaiming, driven cattle" behind the counter "What a great boy am I." Doubtand the desk and the hoe these les Jack did not expect to spear arts point out a road to happiness a plum with his thumb. In fact, that anyone can fotlow. They the more one thinks of the deed ·how what possibilities there are the more surprising it seems. No in living, how delightful living other pers.on ever speared a plum can be when lived in the right with his thumb. Therefore Jack way. did not achieve that well-known That's why all of us older plum, he acquired it, he got it people are glad to see the chil- unintentionally. dren becoming creative arti.ts. Really we are all Horners, Phone a Wilmette 727 1 John B. Nazarian Exclusive Cleaners and Repairers of Tentlj A TH~ t Oriental and Domestic Rugs. Expert Carpet Laying. 1124 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 654 Wilmette club a Tuesda)1 the Bla many w 1 Clark A ess club extendit the fed presente presiden a haske gave re c us rr.an The n busincs , chairmc vealed YORTH SHORE· 11 LINE Railroad Operation An Intricate Problem Ten mi Walter I. F. chairma and by of Con a vital the higl man fir to join low on ton off dreds o north s · The set of by the outcry crime i resoluti local pt "Scanda ing ses the Tet wood E FFICIENT operation of a railroad is a problem which requires the ability and energy of specially fitted menqualified by experience and training. Th£ opened The ~ Judge Green national Walton Every department-traffic, operating, engineering, maintenance, safety and clericalmust coordinate like clock-work to result in a transportation system which will prove an asset and convenience to the communities it serves. The policy of the North Shore Line of fitting every employe for the position has developed a healthy spirit of cooperation between the employes and management which is well reflected in the quality of North Shore service. And the ability of the North Shore Line to keep abreast of the pace and demands of the territory it serves is a tribute to the industry and faithfulness of its employes. His or been s "Mothe "mot he mother~ rules t~ holds t purging AC Florcnc sen ted ers Pa the rar of flo The Charle· A. Collin Medal awarded to rhe North Shore Line /or dietintui·hed contri· bution to the develop. men! of electnc·l tran·porlation for the convenience ofthe public ·nd the benefit of the indu·try. play w of wild sadcr presidet tion so Mrs. Second Crockc of the four o'~ lingers lndiaJ T tion. H' thl m( The North Shore Line is the direct route between Chicago, Milwaukee and intermediate points. There is a train whenever you want one. chairma guest c club we A lee will be Harris the illu Roth ins Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wi~ette 2514 Miss Best, ( Washin the Lal "Wome The be Mrs denorth Th. m o'clock.