Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Apr 1924, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1924 Attractive .Wedding Event Of This Week Mr. William Wh1te, son of ~r. and Mr~. James Wht te. Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd read the ser':tce at .8 :30 ? clock. . . The bride's gown was .of stlk m01re, wtth a court tram ltned in pale yellow. A panel of old lace extended the length o£ the train. A coronet of lace held the tulle veil to the head. Miss Paterson catried a bo uquet of lilies-o~-the-val1ey a?d orchids. _!he ~ri~es maids Mi ss Clara Gage, Mtss Joy Schetdenhelm, Mtss Vtrgmia Franklin, Mi ss Virginia Copeland, Miss Frances Dicky; Mis.s Marian Weir Mi ss J ean Baird, Mrs. Hugh Paterson, and the ltttle rinr bear~r. Betty Jean McLean ·. wore of chiffon in the pink and blue orchid shades and carrted old fash10ned bouquets. Mr. Robert H. White was his brother's best man, and the ushers were Mr. Gordon White, Mr. James Paterson, Mr. Allen Bulley, Mr. Lincoln Hall, Mr. Hawley Smith, Mr. William McElwain, and Mr. Edward George. . The wedding reception was held at the Paterson residence, 925 Chestnut avenue. . Mr. and Mrs. White have g,one to Bermuda, and upon their return they will reside at (IY.} Hinman avenue, Evanston. ing weddi ng on Tuesday evenmg, when Mtss Margaret PaterT son, daugh ter of and Mrs. Morton L . Paterson, wa s to ~ r. ~a rried OCIAL HE F irst Congregational chur~h w·as. the s~tting for a charm- MI:~ det mentary 75, will speaker ; be held a hotel, at urd;ly, At shore al~ tiona! l Eldme~ Beginning Saturday, April Fifth Olson h; subject, ·I ary Coil North S T he f <l :> f Toy fame, Kinder~ MulfordJ and Vio entertain alumnae with th All will college c Miss Evelyn Segsworth To Marry In April HE months of early spring are always in favor with brideselect when they select their wedding day, and Wilmette will have another large April wedding. Miss Evelyn Segsworth, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John Segsworth, will be married to Mr. Howard Duncan , son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Duncan of Chicago, on Friday evening, April 25. The Rev. Francis C. Stifter, assi sted by the Rev. Stephen A. LLoyd, will read the service in the First Congregational church at 8 :30 o'clock. Dr. and Mrs. Segsworth will give a reception at their home, 1006 Forest avenue, immediately after the ceremony. · The six bridesmaids attending Miss Segsworth will be Miss Beatrice Segsworth, Miss Mildred Ummach, of Wilmette, Miss Natalie Edwards, Miss Betty Jones, Miss Virginia Weinberger, of Chicago and Miss Katharine Cocke of Washington, D. C. Mr. Edward Mansure of Chicago will serve as Mr. Duncan's best man and ushering will be Mr. Earle Skelton of Wilmette, and 1\tr. Robert Skelton, Mr. Donald Kruger, Mr. Robert White, Mr. Hugh Mitchett, of Chicago. H.E Glencoe Library Club celebrated its semi-centennial anniversary on Thursday afternon, April 3, in the parlors of the Glencoe Union .church at 2 :30 o'clock. A "home talent" program derived from the history of the club was given during the afternoon. Mrs. A. C. Champlin, Jr., wrote a playlet which depicted in a quaint and charming way the club's story. ¥rs. S. R. Hurford, who has the gift of recalling past memories, prepared an historical sketch. A quartet gave a musical program, at the close of which the fol.lowing members of the social committee .served tea. Mrs. Harry Peters, Mrs. Paul Battey, Mrs. Clarence Mac:Neille, .Mrs. Frank Fager, Mrs. Charles J. Wf!.tson, Mrs. John Hornung, Mrs. Roger Weightman, and Mrs. G. S. Ernshaw. --o-- T Frint Spring Opening To establish Rosenberg's as Spring Fashion Headquarters of the North Shore- to introduce the newest authentic modes of Spring-we hold our annual Spring Opening, beginning Saturday, April fifth. We know it will be an occasion of vast importance to you. This is in 110 sense a formal presentation- instead it is very informal. Come in as you would a"y other time and assure yourself of the correct attire that Faslzimt has approved for Spring. T Frocks Youthful, slender lines, tubular silhouettes, striking of color or softly subdued. Sport frocks are boyish and evening gowns are beaded. Suits Buoyantly youthful, in a vast array of the newest conceptions. Informal suits of~' the tailored type, manni's h tailleurs and costume suits. $19.75 to $75.00 Coats Dashing sports coats of warm, woo 11y materials. Street coats of fine twills. There are : oats with cape backs and scarf collars. The colors are striking. $29.75 to $59.75. Blouses A charming selection of over blouses fashioned of Cantons and Crepe de Chines. Orienta 1 touches, beads and lace, add distinctiveness. Sweaters Whether for sports or general wear, one of these smart sweaters will be of much practical use. Many pleasing models in smart, high shades. $19.75-'120.00 $3.95-$16.75 .$5.95-$16.95 Magnificent window diapla;,. and interior decoration· add ·mplaaau to tlae importance we place on tlah efHint. Yoa, yoar family, anti yoar mend. arw cordially inflited to viait llah afore tlah &DNi. Mrs. Grace Price who was the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bran~on, left last week for her home in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Branson have rented their home for a year to Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Evanston who will come to Wilmette May 1. Mr. and Mrs. Branson, with their daughters, Miss Florence and Miss Dorcas, --o-are satling about July 1 to spend twelve Plans are in the making for the secmonths in Europe. ond annual Amherst-Williams alumni --o-'dance to be given in the gold room of Miss Margaret Topping of Ferry Hall the hotel o~ May 9. Leon has been spending her spring vacation .ard M. Pnnce of Ch1cago heads the with her sister, Mrs. w· . S. Moore, 531 committee in charge of arran~rements. Washington avenue. She is returning to -oLake Forest next Sunday. Mrs. Paul Mrs. A. C. Wenban was hostess at a Moore, who, with her husband, had been small dinner at her ~· 900 Lake visitinc Mr. Moor4!'s father and mother, .avenue, on ·Monday ev~un~, on the ocwas called away on Tuesday by the casion of her husband s btrthday. .Her death of her grandmother. guests were the members of the Btrth-o-day club. The ex~ibit for Evanston and north Mrs. 1£. c. T~has invited twenshore artists to be held at the Evans- ty-two of her daughter's friends to have ton . Woman's club fro~ Tuesday, .dinner at her home, 622 Greenleaf aveApril 12, ~nder the ausptces of the nue, at 5 :30 o'clock this evenialg in bonArt and. Ltterature department of the or of Ruth Isabel's twelfth birthday. --o-Cl.ub, wtll ope~ on Tuesday afternoon ~ath a r.e~eptton and tea for the arMr. and Mrs. William A. Maynard tasts ex~tbatang, for the club memb~rs · .of 731 Central avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. and thetr guests. <;>n Tuesday evenmg Charles W. Braithwaite, 906 Greenwood and for the remamder o~ th~ week, avenue, returned to Wilmette on Sunthe work done by l?Cal artists m. ~any day after a ten week trip to California. hranches of art, wtll be on exh1btt to --o-the public. . Mrs. Henry C. Cooper of 824 Lake -oavenue, accompanied by her daughter, Mr. W. C. Shurtleff and his daughter, Miss Grace Cooper, left on Monday Miss Helen, who have been in St. Peters- for a three weeks' stay at Virginia burg, Florida, during the winter season, Hot Springs. will return to their home, 815 Lake ave-onue before Easter. Mr. and Mrs. HowMrs. R. L. IBladgett of Madison, ard Shurtleff have been occupying their Wisconsin, who has been spending a home while they were away. week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. -o-W. A. Tucker, 1214 Lake avenue. reMr. and ~s. Merritt H. Dement and turned to her home on Mondax, family of 337 Abbottsford road, Kenil--o-worth, are leaving on Saturday, April S, The Tina Mae Haines Musical afterfor a trip of six weeks or two months noon was held at the home of Mrs. Sylin CaiHomia. They will not make their van Hirschberg, of Glencoe. ao Tuesday home in the west as was stated in Jut afternoon. "Music of tbe Northern week's issue of the Wrtv~ LIP!. Country" was Miss Haines' subject ,, which a , very taJesated JOIIDIJ violinist, Miss Joy Scheidenhelm, dau~hter of Audrey Call, illustrated. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Scheidenhelm of --o-Lake avenue, has had the honor conA card party wtll be giftll at th~ ferred apon her of being elected presi- home of Mrs. L. W. Cralh, 710 Laurel dent of the Wellesley college seniors. avenue, Wilmette, ao Friday, April 4, Miss Scheidenhelm has been in Wil- at 2 o'cloclc for the benefit of the St. P:'ette during her ten day spring vaca- Francis Xavier School fund. The date taoa. has been chaapd from A~ 9. Mrs. Charles Higgins of Winnetka · announces the enflagement of her dau~rhter, · Bernice Veronica, to Mr. Alvin Casper Kutz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kutz, Sr., of Milwaukee . Mr. Kutz is a graduate of the Milwaukee School of Engineering, and is a member of the engineering fraternity. The wedding will take place late in May. --o-Mrs. Alexander Pollack, of Omaha, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. Kinstler, 818 Ashland avenue, while enroute from Cuba where she spent the winter with her son, M'r. Mark PolJack of Havana. She expects to return to her own home in time for her moth· er's birthday. Mrs. Pollack's mother will be 102 years of age, April 15. --o-The Tranquitla club is sponsoring a benefit card party at the Orrington hotel on Tuesday afternoon, Apr~! ."" . ,at 2 o'clock, fo~ the purpose of ~a1 s mg .funds to furmsh the nursery m the new wing ?f St. Frincis hospital. Mrs. Harry J. Rtchter and Mrs. C. F. Bunte are in charge of the ticket sale. , p

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