WILMETTE PROPOSES NEW HIGHWAY ROAD SYSTEM Cook county authorities have ad,·anced plans for a new and practical highway system to serve the Chicago territory, as opposed to Governor Small's $100,000,000 by-road improvement proposition, claiming that the Small road plan does not give to Chicago and adjacent territory the share of benefit which the bulk of the taxes paid there warrant. North shore autoists and others who use the highways to the north will he interested in the plan which affects the Higgins and the Milwaukee-Waukegan roads. A resolution introduced hy Com·nis. sioner Frank Wilson, of the Cook County hoard, and approved, authorizes the road committee to investilZ'ate the Small plan as it affects terminal traffic. A comprehensive plan for doubling the width of main arteries of travel, ~e!ldin~ fro!" Chicago to other large C!ttes m thts and neighboring states, ts proposed. The. commissioner st~ted the conn tv bond 1ssue. system ~f htRhways, which rank first 10 the Umted States in mileage and facilities, has been practically completed and the need of widening streets through which the roads ra ~ scct. w~s act~·~ i:l v= c.., r: the ::1crcas:ng l1ow cf tr:J.f!ic to Ch:cat;o. Dempster street and Dundee road arc the arteries throullh which most residents will reach the two roadf named and the county commissioner~ hold that roads already built if improved at points where necess~ry, will better serve the traveling public thar will the proposed feeder r~s to add to the congestion already existant. t? time, the road news the associa- t10n sends to its members. TJ,c map must be seen to appreciate the thorough way in which this great educational cam·>aign is being carried on by the newspapers of the United States, more than half of which are so progressive and so interested in the ~ransportation problem which affects to one way or another every one of their readers, that the~ contribute of their valuahle space to the cause of good roads everywhere. As is natural, the pins in the map ~ re thickest in the extreme East and Middle Eastern States. and thinnest in the far West, where towns are rrort" widely scattered and newspapers are fewer. Certain parts of the West, however. notably the immediate vicinity of S1n Francisco, Los Angeles, and Portland and Seattle, are so thick with pins that the map is completely hidden from view. Vi s itors to the National Highways association exhibit in · tne Coliseum express themselves as amazed at the amount of effort being put into the cause much their found mGHWAY 'GHOUlS' Theft of Power Cut Down Sain"te ~-!-u.ut I l'TEST CRIMINALS Lll Motors differ widely in the amount m· Highway ghouls, who prey OJ! :'dead" automobiles are the latest spectes of criminals Illinois police have to deal with, according to reports received here. The condition of the unimproved roads of the state, which cause numbers of cars to be abandoned along the highways, are giving these "ghouls" thriving business, it is declared. When a motorist gives up trying to get his automobile out of an impass·able stretch of road and goes home for help, the "ghouls" get to work. They pluck everything of value from the rnachine that is easily removed. Spotlights, headlights, batteries, tools, ttres, and even radiator caps and hub caps are often taken. When the owner returns, it is sald, he frequently has difficulty in recognizing his car, so completely has it been stripped. County authorities have difficulty in apprehending these thieves, reports nated in the Wills Sainte Claire b)' a system of coolin1 which c:irculatel the water by thermal action 'alone. He could ot eliminate the fan, as do the designers of racing ears, but of power which they absorb internal- be did equip the car which bears hi ly, in the various h:nctions of pump- name with a device which, at h}Rh ing, generating their own electricity, speeds permi~s the fan mere,ly to tdle and operating various other parts of on its bearmgs, thus addmg from their mechanisms. And it goes with- three to five horse-power to the usaout saying that all these power drains ble power output of the engine. lessen the effort which can actually "When one realizes that the whole be turned into propelling power. power of a gigantic airplane engine In such a detail, the applied engi- is absorbed by its immense fan, it is neering genius of C. Harold Wills is easy to understand that high speeds bound to appeal strongly to every of automobile fans do cost power an(~ student of efficiency. reduce top effort. The Wills system The power drain due to water cir- 'turns this drain into a higher maxiculation, Mr. Wills entirely elimi- mum of speed power." I w!IL · ~ ~.... I l':j ~ =j~~~~~ii~iiaiiiii.iiaiiiiii~--fiiji~i.jiijiiiiiiiiiiij ._,,,,. · · . ~ I I l':j ~~ by the and newspapers, as well as roads they travel in usually automobiles over 1 I pride satisfaction w as agree, the hard and are in anothown particular home paper is er county before the theft is discovered. 1 to be represented upon the map. l':j JEWETT sIX ASK US WHY EV' usroN JN 'ALL THE WORLD NQ CAR LJK£ THJS - -. I I Jfl l':i i! ~ Show Status of States on Improvement of Highways Texas has the 11reatest total road -· i'r-~·' . 182.f'16 miles. New York is fir st ;.. popul:ltion. with 10,385,227. Little Rhode Island is first in the ratio between population and Federal aid ~~:~ 1 miiP;~ge, having 3,640 people per loeckral airt mile. against for instance. 1\Jey~da. \··hich h>~!' hut 50 people per Federa-l aid mile of roads. New York ·~ r ·st ;, t'lxahlc wealth. with more · J..~·· ,~. , hjiFnno;. 1\Je ... H<>mn·~:~P claims first place in State revenue from automohiiP and truck, gettinR' an ~ ,·nral!'e of $25.72 from each. Cali'n·ni~ '!'iV"" most money to its countir~ f:-nm itc au·omC~bile license fens . with $3,785.055 to be spent on roads. Pennsylvania Jrets morE' per mile in Federal aid than any other State. her takings per mile of Federal aid road being $19,338. Leader Outlines Pathway to Safety on Highways I I ~~~ Jfl !2 Many Newspapers Assume Interest in Good Roada In the National Highways exhibit at the great road exposition at the Coliseum. ChicaQ'o, was a great m1o of the United States, in which 7,452 red-headed pins have been driven, indicating the location of that number of newspapers of the 13,388 daily and weekly papers of the United States which have accepted a Newspaper Association membership in the National Highways association and are in receipt of, and publishing from time TEMPORARY PATCH Carry a your tool makes an bled twice rim. piece of tough canvas in box. In an emergency it excellent patch when douand caught and held by the · -------- George M. Graham, vice-president I of the Chandler Motor company, in I 3 n :~dctress before the tenth annual ,.:; conference of highway en(lineers at ~ M ichipan university, said that there were five things to be done to make ~ highways safe for present d:-y traffic . ~. These are: l':i An 1 T k h f h lef~ c·-ive~s~way t e cars o t e care- ~"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-'-"-"-"-'-"-"-· 2. Puni~h the reckless and intoxic:-trd roerators until they recognize the ril?hts of the great majority of .Jaw-abiding and careful motorists; 3. Investigate accident causes, which newspapPr~ throu~hout the country are now helpin~t tn do. to point the way for proper remedies; 4. Give safety education in the schools; 5. Make thorough analysis of traffie movement; regulations and facilities are needed in each city. I I I Jfl TRACY HOLMES' MOTOR CO. Phone 4903 1027 Dam St. Jfl ~~ I I I !2 l':i FARM POPULATION Although the farm population o{ the nation is less than 30 per cent of the total, the child population on the farms is more than 35 per cent of the whttle. Never BeforeSo Much for So Little In what other moderately priced car (or high priced car, for that matter) will you find such . modem refinements as: Firestone Balloon Tires; latest trJ>e .f.-wheel brakesi European type motor; 4-beanng balanced crankshaft with aluminum alloy pistons and connecting rods, assuring absence of vibration. Advanced carburetor and manifold develop.. men ts givin~ from 25 to 3~ miles per gallon; for~e feed lubrication throughdnlled crankshaft; spec1al transverserearspringgivingsurprisingroadability. Just try the remarkabl~ R?llin. It ~ill givo you an entirely new sensatton m four cylmder car "' operation and riding c~mfort. A Good Car-Plus are proud of the fact that W E there are a lot of people in this community who would confidently buy from us a car th:tt they had never heard of, before they saw it in our sales rooms. Such confidence and loyalty are the fruits of our constant, permanent policy to sell only what we can recommend and to see that it delivers what is expected of it. Ha ,.e you seen the new Dodge Brothers Cars? Come in and let us show you. The introduction of the Rollin makes it possible lor you to now.own a distinctive car P.O&~e~aing the most advanced engineering features Without paymg an extravagant pr1ce. Tourinc Car f}7S · THO~PSO~ci'"'scHULER 1008 D-' Vl8 STREET EV,\.N8TON . n l Three Seated Coupe Roadst:J 11175 Five P&MCn&U Sedan, 11275 OLLI Dodae Brothen Motor Can Willa Sainte Caire Motor Can Phone WinDetb 185