28 CLUB REELECfS ITHE PUBLIC FORUM I G. W. SPRINGER 1farch J l. 1924. Editor, , Remains Secretary of Union League ~lub George W. Springer, 724 Forest avenue, was elected secretary of the Union League club of Chicago on Monday evening of this week. He was chosen to serve his third sueces- l would like to exprc~s mys~lf . on the question of the apartment bwldmgs that are about to encroach upon our beautiful Village of Wilmette. I am ttot opposed to apartments, as are some residents. on the ~round that they will bring in an undestrable cl~ss of people, for there an: some very. l_ltCe "cliff dwellers." Their way of. hvt.ng, however, is not c~nducive to famtly hfe. The feeling agatnst them enters the W:ILM£'M'£ LIP£: with each other itt huilding beautiful homes. Then it is not very long before they pull up stakes and arc gone. 1\'ot so on the west , ide. They come and they stay. A teacher remarked to me one time: "I would rather teach on the west side than on the east side. The children are generally better behaved and more studious. The west side pt:ople add more to our community life than some of the east siders with their supposed wealth." -AN OLD SETTLER. Phone Wi~mette 2600 WILMmE, OJ.. ·MOTORS .SERVICE, Inc. Eoeryth,ing for the Automobile One of the most important points about the present day automobile is the Dwelling and Garage in Week's Building Permits Building permits issued in Wilmette sive term as club secretary. Officers sc~oo~~w scholar comes to school, the and members of the board of man- first question asked is, "Where do you during the past week were as follows : To R. L. Young, $600 garage a~ 1_732 agers of the club were formally in- live? Oh, gee, in the barracks 0!1.--, Highland avenue; and to W·lham stalled into office at the annual meet- street in that large apartment butldmg? Ball, t~o- ~tory dwelling, value $9,000, ing, Tuesday evening, March 25. "Yes, and where do you . live?" at 1709 Washington avenue. Mr. Springer, who for several years "Oh, I live in a pretty httle home on has been one of the most active and the west side. We have two porches,, prominent citizens of Wilmette, as a lawn that I take care of after school, well as a widely known civic leader in some chickens and a dog. When I get 1 Chicago, was born at Abingdon, Jlli- through with my chores I romp and nois. He is a graduate of Northwest- play until supper time. Gee, I am hu~ crn University Academy and of North- gry then. 'When you go home there ts western university. He was formerly nothing for you to do . Your mother a member of the Board of Trustees of and father pay to have all the work the Village of Wilmette and has long about the flat done. Then, you go down been identified with the activities of and hang around the stores until i~ is St. Augustine's Episcopal chu.rch. He time to go home to supper. Wotta Ltfe I is a leader in Chicago real estate cirThe west side doesn't -.yant apartAnd Diainlected des . He is a member of the Masonic ments any more than do we of the east fraternity, Westmoreland Country side. The pretty, well-ke~t ~om~s on club, and of the Union League club the west side are indeed an msptratJOn to since 1918. anyone looking for a hom~. I enjoy Mr. Springer will have an important strolling over there and lookmg at them Phone Wilmette 735-J part in the program for the immediate -the pretty porches, well-kept lawns and Wilmette Catch Basin erection of a new $6,<XX>,OOQ Union the vegetables growing ia the dooryard., Oeaner League clubhouse which, when com- Very cozy homes they are, and not forpleted, will be the finest in the United bidding signs, "Children and dogs not , States. allowed." If I were going to buy a The Union League club has a num- home in Wilmette. I should prefer locat1335 Central Ave ber of members who claim the north ing on the west side in J?reference to (Licensed) shore as their home. It is noted, for Sheridan road , Ashland avenue or Ches~ instance, that Charles D. Howe of 240 nut street. People on those streets Vte Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth; John R. Montgomery of Winnetka, and William P. Sidley of Winnetka, were members of the Nominating committee this year. Arthur H. Woodward. who was elected second vice president of the club for 1924-25 is a resident of '\,\' innetka. He is a chartcl" member of the Uniott League club. RIDING COMFORT This may be greatly increased by any or all of the following: At a ~ trial con associati~ Have Your Catch Basins Cleaned . BALLOON TIRES DUNN SPRING OILERS GABRIEL SNUBBERS Are you getting the maximum pleasur~ out of your car? What is it worth to you to nde comfortably? Let us tell you about them. friends c to remer summer time cot sorted o Almost the cam) Ferrier, thing bu for that are: Childr shoes. Baby ~ ·Boys I Clot hi are tau families. Bath in when s until th suits ar for the Furnit chairs, carriage House blankets Hospit Oishes, Victro :\meri - the ca wrapper Tn fac no Ionge Now! J. C. Slown A. B. Van Deuaen George Brittian, Prop. MotorOJ1· that~ WiJJDette Teachers Will Attend Association Meet The Lake Shore Division of 'he Illinois State Teacher's association will !n<:et at Oak Park, Friday, April 11, tt 1s announced. The spring vacation will begin in the Wilmette schools at that time, since there will be no school that day, and will continue through the following week. All the Wilmette teachers will attend the as~oc.iation's divisional meeting Friday, tt as stated. "~ :empez-ea~.., .· T . to sturdier duty · preserves the full, sturdy oilineu of crude petroleum's richest portions. The benefits are certain-definite. Tests prove that in uae Tempered bokls from 10 to 3691t hi&her viscosity than other high grade oil& And that Tempered lasta longer. And that it holds down carbon troubles to the minimum. ~~ HE Wadhams Tempering process ,~ · · I :lllf ~ DISTRICT ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that on Saturday, the 12th day of.April, 1924, an Election will be held at the Village Hall, in School District No. 39, Township No. 42, Range No. 13, County of Cook, and State of Illinois, for the purpose of electing A Preaident of the Board of Education for term of one year. A Member of the Board of Education for a term of three yeara. A Member of the Board of Education for a term of three yeara. A Member of the Board of Education for an unupirecl term of ~ year. The Polls of which Election will be opened at 12 o'clock ~1., and close at 5 o'clock of the s.a nte day. By order of the School Directors of said District. Dated this 1st day of April 1924. (Attest) ARTHUR H. HOWARD, President. ]. R. HARPER, Clerk. Motorou deserves to be your single choice. We recommend it, stand back of it. We have the correct weight for your motor. Try Tempered. Te.~npezeed dharn~/ 1(\. ~ llo.A7 sewing. ml'mber. The :\S folio Forest ~ Mi~s Ed Wilmett h n tt ~ for Huh crt ro~d. T MO Blu A. Selle vinia; avenue, E. Pope, Mrs. T. nue, La MILLER BROS. NORTH SHORE- GARAGE WILMETIE, ILL. Emeli R.. rwyn, Wilmett week w walkin'!' the was fo \'OIVPr la, "Lots of munitio~ investi~ Grill in Hot Water" Let us put a RUUD STORAGE HEATER into your home and you'll know the pleasure of having an abundance of hot water. 'l'he \ will giv Stolp ~t< ninfl. Af he the in then hers rec A Jar1 present the ba11 tire. The 11 duck tn blue ca1 the bat Josepl 619 Main St. treat, 1 anxioas mette c ·i("i11n1 Friday.