WILMETTE LIFE FRIDAY rJbile Thia Time It Ia for Clotbinr, Household Effects, Bath. ina Suita HELP YOUNG CAMPERS Committ~ VILLAGE . ELECTIO N9TICE IS HER~Y GIVEN, that on Tuesday·· the fifteenth day of April next, at the Village Hall in the first precinct;·at the Village Hall in the second precinct; at the Byron Stolp School ~ the third precinct; at th~ Byron Stolp School in the fourth p~ecinct; at Heinlen & Clark'a Office, No. 421 Fourth Street, in the fifth precinct; at the Laurel Avenue · School in the sixth precinct; at Kaahian Bros. Store, 1145 Avenue in the seventh pr~inct;. at Flinker & Flinker's Store, 1217 Wilmette Avenue in the eighth precinct; at the Free Public Ubrary, at the north east comer of Park and Wilmette Aven~ in the ninth precinct; at the Fire Station, No. 829 Main Street in the tenth precinct; in the Village of Wilmette, in the County of Cook, and State of Dlinoia, an election will be held for the following Village Officers, viz: · .·. · ·· · bout the all of the Memben in Each Community t of your comfort- Deusen At a recent meeting of the Industrial committee of the Arden Shore association a call was sent out to all friends of the camp at Lake Bluff to remember the nee<ls of its 2.200 summer visitors whe~ house-cleaning ttme comes and arttcles are being sorted out to give away. Almost everything can be used at the camp. The superintendent Miss Ferrier, says she . never refused anything but a gas stove and the reason for that was because there was no gas. Some of the things most needed are: Children's clothing - especially shoes. Baby clothes. 1 Boys long trousers. Clothing of all kinds-the women are taught to make it over for their families. Bathing suits-it is a real tragedy when some little mite has to wait until the next day because all thl' suits are in use, and almost as bad for the grown-ups. Furniture - all kinds, esoeriallv chairs, kindergarten chairs, an·d ba\y carriages. Household supplies-especially baby hlankets and bath towels. Hospital supplies. nishes, toys, clocks. \ "ictrolas-also records. American Family Soap Wrappers - thr ramp .silver is running low, the wrappers wtll help · to get new. In fact they can use anytlaia· you no longer need. Want Sewia· Clau" SPwing done by societies or groups of women is greatly appreciated. The ra mp wilt provide materials if necessary but if the materials can be furnished by the group doin~;t the work of cottr![e it is a great help. The Industrial committee is comIJosed of a chairman, and a member from each of the north shore villagers. The committee will arrange for the collection of articles donated and will furnish SUR"Ilestions and patterns for sewing. Call your local committee mc-mber. it is advised. The names of the committee are as follows : Miss Gladys Sory, 1101 Forest avenue, Evanston, chairman; Miss Edna Lewis. 908 Central avenue, Wilmette; Mrs. McDougatl. 325 Abhnth ford road, Kenilworth; Mrs. Huhcrt E. Howard, 564 Arbor Vitae road. Winnetka; Mrs. M. D. Rector, (ii{) Bluff street, Glencoe; Mrs. Harry A. Scllerv, 2~1 Bronson avenue, Ravinia; Mrs. Tay Glidden, 347 Central ave nue, High'Jand Park; Mrs. Charles F.. Pope, 44 Vine avenue. Lake Forest ; Mrs. T. A. Daniels, 333 Center avenue, Lake Bluff. Greenl- ONE VIllAGE CLERK · ONE VIllAGE TREASURER THREE VILLAG£ TRUSTEES TWO DIRECTORS OF FREE PUBLIC UBRARY Also, the requisite petition having been filed i,n.the office of the un· dersigned ..Cierk in proper time, requesting that the following proposition be submitted to the voters at the next regular Election: For or against the adoption of the following proposition"Shall the territory contipoua to the Villace of Wilmette, Cook Coun y, iiimoia', ~~~and delcribed u follows) .be uuaeud. to ..W Villaae of WW..tte, to-wit: -=-.'Beainnine at the Soutbeut comer of Lot thirty-niae (31) ia CouatT Clerk's Diviaioa runnia.a' thence West alone the South line of Lota thirty-nine (39), thirty-eia'ht (38) ancl., thuv-aeven (37) in aaid County Oerk's Division to the Southwest comer of aaid Lot th. {37); thence North alone the West line of aaid Lot thirty-seven (37) to the center line (otherwise known aa Glenview Road); thence Southwesterly along the ce Point Avenue to the West line of Fractional Section thirty-three (33); the~ce North alone West line of aaid Fractional Section thirty-three (33) to the center line of Reinwald Avenue; theDCe Northwesterly along the center line of Reinwald Avenue to the center line of Avoca Avenue; tbeace Westerly along the center line of Avoca Avenue to the center line of Locuat Street; thence North along the center line of Locust Street to the North line extended West of Kenilworth Fint Addition; thence Eaat along the North line of aaid Kenilworth Firat Addition to the Eaat line of the Southwest ']Uarter (SW%) of the Northwest quarter (NW14) of Section twenty-nine (Z9); thence North along said Eut line to the North line of Lot teVeD (7) Marie Alles Subdivision; thence Eaat along aaid North line to the center line of Greeley Avenue; thence North alona the center line of Greeley Avenue to the North line of the West ten (II) ac:rea of the South nineteen and thirty-four hundredths (19.34) acrea of the North aixty (60) acres of the South half (SYz) Northwest quarter (NW%) Section twenty-eia'bt (28) ; thence Eut along aaid North line twelve hundred forty-eight and twenty-three hundredths (1248.23) feet; thence Northeasterly two hundred and e.i ahty-two (282) feet alonr line between Indian Hill conaoliclation in aaid Sections twenty-eieht (28) and twenty-nine (29) and Lot thirty-seven (37) Indian HUI Subdivision Number four (4) to Northerly comer of aaid Lot tbirty-aeven (37); thence Southeasterly and easterly alone the Northerly linea of said Lota thirty-aeven (37) and thirty-aix (34) of aaicl InCHan Hill Subdivision Number four (4) to the Northeast corner of aaicl Lot thirty-aix (36); theDc:e South twenty-two and ei8ht-tentha (22.8) feet; thence Eaat ODe hundred and ei8hty-one and thirty-one hundredtha (181.31) feet to the center line of Ridae Avenue; thence Southeasterly aloaa the center line of Riqe Avenue to the South line of Lot three (3) in Lauerman'· aubdiviaion extenclecl Eaat; thence Eut to the North and South half (Yz) Section line of aaid Section twenty-eia'ht (ZI); thence South along aaid half (%) Section liDe and aloq the North and South half (%) Sectioo line of Sectioo thirty-three (33), Township fort,-two (42) North, Range thirteen (13), Eaat of the Third Principal Meridian to the place ol beainnina, aituat~ ia the Townahip of New Trier, Cook County, llliDoia." ____. ' Police Arreat Armed Man Out in Search of Son Guiseppe, a resident of came into the toils of the Wilmette police early Monday of last week when he was apprehended while walkinl!' along Michigan avenue near the lake and, upon being searched was found to have a 38 calibre reYolv~"r and about 23 rounds of ammunition. Gritting at headquarters and further investilration by the oolice in his home rommunitv disclosed that Guisepoe h:~d left home in search of hi~ son who. he declared had joined the "Black Hands," and was reported to have <"orne to the north shore. He was declared by the Berwyn police to he <1 men of good reputation and was n1aced in their care after MaS{istrate Mickey had assessed a small fine. Lieut. Albert Borre, and patrolmen Peter Schaefer and Charles Lance made the arrest. R~'rwyn, Emelito " WDmette School Band to Gin Ccmcert Nest Friday will gin a concert in the Byron C. Stolp l'chool gymnasium Frid:ty eveninll. April 11, at 8 o'clock. This wilt he the first appearancf' of the band in the new uniforms which the members recently purchased. A ~arge audience is expected to be present to see the smart appearance the band will make in its new attire. The new uniforms consist of dark blue capes, blae overseas cape, white duck tro~. a11d white ahfrts. Joseph C. SchPlaeket>, director of the baad, altO promises a musical treat, aol tile tchool oflieiats are anxioat to llaft die people of Wlmette ea~ the youthful ..... The Wilmette Public School band . Which Election will be opened at 7:00 o'clock in the morning, and wiD continue open until 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon of ume ~Y· Given m1der my hand at Wilmette, Dlinois, this tw·ty·&nt ~y of March, A. 0.1924. EARL F.. Friday. ·i<-it~ns ~ ........ the c:oec:ert nextt,ll.·····llllllli·······llllilllillilirliillllill ............,......~-·····------·......... ""I