Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Apr 1924, p. 31

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Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Florence Shirl..:y Newport, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Herbert Newport, to Mr. Charles Joseph Rockcastle, on Tuesday eve· ning, April 15, at the Kenilworth Union church. There will be a reception immediately following th<' ceremony at 520 Abbottsford road. m 530 -FEMALE ~CED SALES. ~ . pleasant sur· woman to do Ieach afternoon. LTN27-ltc lty for capable ~·s HELPER; an to help with year old child. LTN27-lto ! HITE. EXP'D: laundry; small es . 400 Ce ntral LTN27-ltc )OK; FOR FAM8 Prospect Ave., ka 68. LTN27-1tc WHITE MAID Wlnn. 230. LT27-ltc GEN. HSWK.~ 2 in family; r~f638. TAIRS WORK; bing ; $18 : r efs. LTN27-1tc D-FEM.<\.LE I ewing Shop AND DRESSES onable prices. lntments . 1634 ette. TE'l. Wll. L15-tfc ARE can have a charge tor you. e solved by writ· 616 Noyu St., Evanston 438. LTN27-2tp fNG WOMAN ard In exchange every evE'nlng; tant pref. WIJ. L27-ltc f WECTIVE CHILp'd teache r : will Lble. Tel EvansLTN27-2tp 'rGS TO TAKE and rough dry. rer. 418 Prairie ~ 351. LT27-4tp w~lf~it<e~ JMl©it@lf C©o ' FOR WED., aovanston 3434-R. LTN27-1tc AKING BYTHEl 9611. LTN26-2tp r==============::::; r ~ FUL BUFFET: wagon: dining rs, all match: hlte enam eled vory reed chairs: l ange; new small er and oven; 4 irs, fernery and ory reed chairs; oak bookcase: Iron enam. bed beds complete ; p; porch hamgs and runners ; il. 839-W. LT27-ltc GL!: WALNUT y and cane bed, ~ box springs: prlngs and matg table: 6 cane , mangle; overl l r; other housep l. Winn. 2116. LTN27-ttc IHOLD GOODS; ~ dining rooiD small bookcase: . Tel. evenlngt 266. LTN27-1tC f: r POOL TABLI ~ondltlon. Phone LT27-1tc iBUYGOODI -SJ:COND HAND houaehold ~rood.. tor aame. Croat ··· 1 Jllmer.on St.. ne 181.LTN!f-tft "There is only one thing in life that is more important than play that is work," said Dr. Ehoe~ £. Jones of the School of Educ:atioo ~orthwestern university, in address: mq the students of the Nationat Kindergarten and Elementary Collep Thursday of this week. Dr. Jon'es was evidently convinced that a1thou~ p_lay may be force.d to take a posi-()tiOn of secondary tmportanee, it is a Mrs. McCl~ntock's reading class was very necessary part of educatton or Borrowing money is purely a matter of busieentertained at her home in Chicago, preparation for life and for work. on Wednesday, April 2. "The Awk- "Kindergartners have seized on th· ness. You need not be ashamed of a debt if it is a ward Age" and "The Ambassadors" by :tctivity of childhood, organized it an4 Henry James, were the books dis- built up a curriculum of study round wise debt, but do not borrow money for specula· it, and are doing marvelous wQrlt ia cussed. shaping the interests and lives of chil-otion. Make sure that you need the money-that Mrs. Alfred R. Hulbert, 528 Abhot- dren just by teaching them to play ia tsford road, entertained at a luncheon the right way," he continued. "If we are going to work out a in honor of her sister, Mrs. Albert you have a legitimate and profitable use for it. Hawkes, and a number of Wilmette flOOd educational process for all children play must be an important facfrien~s, on Saturday, March' 29. tor in that process, and if I were -oJack Locket arrived home on Sat- to establish a school in which I couhl This bank declines to loan money for unproducdictate the program of policies I wo urday, March 29, from Andover, Massachusetts, to spend his sprlng v:tca- have it about half play .. The Greeks tive and speculative purposes. We are always glad tion with his . parents, Mr. and Mn. had only two subject· in their schoolmusic and gymnasium-and if we Oswald Lockett, 66 Essex road. judge a system by the results, no to talk to any one who wants to incur a wise debt. -aFriends of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. system has produced such a coterie Bull will be glad to hear that they of l!'reat men in, a short time as that We believe that ~ good loan is profitable to the have returned to Kenilworth after a produced by the Greeks. It put theta year's absence, and taken up their on edge and gave them fine bodies borrower as well as to the lender-that an unwise and a great deal of cmeru and powu residence at 612 Warwick road. which could he called uoon for serv· -oloan is bad for both. At the meeting of the Neighbors on icc in their intellectual purauits. "At birth this child which we are Thursday, April 3, Mrs. Percy B. Eckh:-rt !!"ave a lecture with 'tereopticon going to educate Is the moat helpl. . animal in the whole biolO!lica\ views of the Mediterranean countries It is capable of only a few atmple in early sprif\1. reflexes, and we must take this t1n7 ....&.()Dr. and Mrs. Henry H . Everett, 415 or...-anism and bring it up in the kumaa Cumnor road. deoarted on Friday, ~chool so that it m;~v bt-rome adMuch 28, for Les Vejas, New Me"<ico. ;tt~terl to life. In this adjustment, pla7 where they will spend the month of vtivitv gives Ui'l a means of dointJ things for the child and with the chllt April. "n the basis of his in<~tincts. It af· -oTnvitations have been issued to a fordi'l the easie11t po~011ihle way of .help. moving picture program to be held ing him to gain skill and control Ia at the cluh rooms of the Union the u!le of thf' bodv." Dr. ]ond ,.h··rrh on S:oturday evening, April 5, ~howed hrieftv how tht" play whlc. """'ins with exot>dmt>nt~>l exerdse of at 7:15 o'c.t ock. -othe voc"'l oraans. hands. fet-t and other Mrs. Richard N. Tavlor will be the narts of the body, ~rrad11ally develope cruest of Mrs. W. J. Taylor, 310 Cum- into imaginativ,f' play in which are nor road. during the absence of Mr. mirrored the hfe of the comnnmit7 ~--~~M- ----------...!~~PiftiP""!""~IM~~ee~aM.n~a~twe..e mooW' and...ot .th~ DC£~nd later into cprp~.: business trip through the south. i:r.rd tr~tmes whioh stress group loyaltJ -oand the ability to cooperate witll Mr and Mrs. Wendall Clark are n·ht-rs. "Many of these olays are welc~me new-comers to Kenilworth. of ~ocial char;~rter." ""it! Dr. Jonea, Thev will occupy their new home at "and prepare the individual for hte 320 Oxford road on April 1. ·l',.;al enviT·onT'1ent .-nlay destrova -o*'"""';""" and 1evelops the St'da1 Mr. LeRoy Woodland who was spirit." "Childhood and youth exist for o\ay, oper:oted upon at the Michael Ree~e hospit:>l last week is reported to be and thoc;e who do not play have progressing favorably . mis!'ed n ~eat ,,.;~t whlrh can never -o._.. m:ode uo. The child that never Mi!-1~ Joy Scheidenht-lm of Wilmette ol:l,s learnc; m"nv isolate!! facti'!, but has hPen l!'iven thP honor of beinl!" will :~ct11allv know nothing of the electt-d president of the Senior class struR"~le in real life until, as an adult. FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS at Wellesley colle~e. he mt-et~ it f:ore to face and then he -omav fail to ;~(\inst him<~,.lf, or ;~t lt-A'It AIREDALE, BEAUTIFUL, GOLDIE Mr. and Mrc;. Sidnev B:otl have rew;~ste a lot of time and energy in the Happeaiap Vamp, Prima Donna or Champs ; tttrned from Cleveland, Ohio, where .. Al·tt~t.,f'nt . When thP dav n£ plasMarvelous Ped. Not clumsy : clean ; auto broke; $50 or trade for used thev were th e guests of Mr. Ball's ticity is past his effort must be very suits o r ANYTHING . F. The is, 521 ar .. -.+ The Right Reverend Archimandrite mother. W. 63rd St., Chgo. Phone Engle-o· "W·.. "'" :odmire the artist," con· wood 7790. L27-ltp Mardary, head of the Serbian Diocese roclge roadster $(25.00 Mrs. Leon M. Allen, 412 Kenilworth eluded Dr. Tones. "and the arti'lt is turing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450.00 FOR SALE- BED LINENS ; SPREADS ; in th e United States and Canada, will avenur. entt-rtained at a small lunch- !limnly the indivirlnal whose work it 1~odge he the gue st of the rector of the F odge s edan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.50.00 towels ; tapestries; dire ct from mills eon ;~nd Mah Jon ... .,. pa rtv at her home .. ,.:ollv ol;"' for him. Tht- n.,e who Hr·anklln sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . 300.00 to you. Local r e pre s e ntative wanted. Church of the Holy Comforter and upmoblle sedan . . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 has comolete mastery over hi! httsiHe nson Supply Co., 31 Linc oln Ave., will preach the regular eleven o'clock on Wedne sday. March 26. - onf'c;s. he he srnlotor. ¥~rit ... r. teacher, Highland Park. T el. Highland Park service on Sunday, April 6. Archi1870. L27-ltp mandrite Mardary wa s ordained a Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Littell, 322 statesman . paintt>r or business ml\n, Wood stock road. left Wednt>sdav for i~ ;tfl ut:c:t . Tn its h·...-hc-st e"oression, Brothers and Wills St. Claire FOR SALE - ONE DRESS SUIT ; prie st in the Orthodox church at the a two weeks' visit in Asheville, North -.rt ;"~ a,111t pl:>.v. Thf' tr:dnitur for Dealers Ame rican Radiator coal water h eat- age of sixteen years. l:f.. shonlrl ht- sn oertect and <'Omolete Winnetka 165 er ; sanitary exte nsion couch; gas During the war he was active in Carolina. LTN27-ltc rang e ; porch shades. Phone Glen- preaching, lecturing, aflrf organizing -oth:ot urh inltivirfnal '""" nt>rform his Mr. and Mrs. Roy H . Jarrett arc numerous funrtion<~ with the ease and coe 723. LTN27-ltc hospitals for soldiers. l-or his oppoFOR SALE- BOY'S MOTOR BUCK- sition to the Czarina and Rasputln he olannin~r an extensive trip through olt-<~sUrf' of tl,,. :- rtist "'nd -Mth the board, new tires, good condition ; was exiled to Siberia in 1916. After California . leaving about April 15, to vigor and enthusiasm of real play." white enameled doubl e bed: also porch screens. Tel. Winnetka 1414. tht- revolution he returned to Russia be gone for two months. -aLTN27-ltp but soon had to leave because of his Mrs. C. E. Baxter of Toledo, OhTo, Cadillac touring, model 55, oppos itirm to bolshevism. Traveling WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE is tht" gu,.st of her niece. Mrs. Algood tires, good running order, buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, through Siberia and China he finally $275, pianos, anything useful. 808 Oak reached America where he has since fred R. Hulbert of 528 Abbottsford St. LTN1-tfc been at work organizing the scattered road. -0.Siberian churches of the Orthodox Slocum Motor Sales Ml8CELLANEOU8 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Joyce, 531 Esfaith. More th:>tt 200,000 antomohiles were <~ex road. entertain"rl a numher of stolen in 28 key cities of the United -ofriends :ot bridge on Thursday evening, States, in six years, of which nearly The Home and Gard~n club met SUMMER EUROPEAN TOUR Prepared especially tor Young 25 oer cent have not been recovered. with Mrs. Frank Cherry on Monday March 27. -oLadies. Conducted by 724 Elm St. Thi~ i~ ~hown in a table of fi~rure!l Oft for its annual meeting and election IDA B. LASCELLES Mrs. Albert Hawkes of Montclair, thefts and recoveries made 1\Ublic toof officer!!. Following a buffet lunchLILLIAS S. BILL LTN27-1tc Tel. Evanston 1165 eon at which Mrs. Charles R. Erwin Nrw Terst'v. was thf' wPek-end ~uec;t day by \. A. Vane, ~ent-ral manager 23U Harrison St. Evanston gave an informal toast to the club, nf Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Hawkes of 157 of the National Automobile Dealer's Itinerary on request association. Th«- cars stolen in 1923 the following officers were elected: Kenilworth avenue. LTNU-lts -ototaled 39,612. Of this number 1ZIB Mrs. Cherry, president; Mrs. Earl M iss Alice Shipman was awarded wtre unrecovered January 1. Wil son De Moe, vice -president; Mrs. SPEND YOUR SUMMER ON A RANCH ~erond olace in the Beauty contest The percentatle of unrecovered stol. Roy C. OsR"ood, secretary; Mrs. BenIn N. W. Colo. If you would be In· en cars in the 28 index cities, for 1923. terested In staying on a real hom e- .i H. Bishee, treasurer; and Mrs. held at Illinois university. -ost('ader's ranch, not a. Dude ranch. John Price Oleson. librarian. Miss was 18 per cent. the lowest recorded with your own horse to ride and Mr<~. Tnhn V. Rathbonr. 523 Abbottsgood hunting and ftshinlf, write Mrs. Barbara Erwin read selections from ford roar!, ef1tl'rt:>.inNt hf'r hrittae cluh sit>l"f' the rf'cord have been k~pt. Polire tffortc;. ct-rtin<":\tes of title Woodley, 616 Noyes St., Evanston or her own book of poems, and Miss phone Evanston 438. LTN27-2tp Isahel Cline sang the following groups for luncheon at her home on Tuesday. laws. rt-lristration provi ion!:, all have -ohad an effe<'t Ot> the recoveries of cars of yard r n songs most delightfully: Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Faton have rt-- in 1923, it is believed. In . pite of the LOST AND FOUND A Memory ....... .. . Goring Thomas tmned from a five weeks' sojourn at lr-w,.st nurnh · r of uttrernvPred car . Sprin~'s a Lovable Lady ... . .. Elliott LOST- SAT. EVENING, MARCH 29, small brown bag containing gol<l To A Violet .. ... ........ . .. La Forge Palm Be ach. Florida. lQ?.l ~1 o registered the highe~t total wrist watch, on worn gray ribbon ; The Fa I e Prophet ... .. . . . . . . .. Scott number of cars stolen in six years. powder compact: small comb; watch Fllhrirlcrt· l-'"t-ith. :l10 W:trwi<'k road. k ee psake from dead father. Re - A Spring Fancy .. Densmore (words r,.t n'" " to his school in Lawrme~ in th011~ 2R citie~ . 11 Ttu·fts in the index rities totaled ward. Tel Wll. 618. L!7-ltp by Mrs. Anne Soicer) villr. Nt-w ] <'rsev. on Wednesday. 203,<t99 c-ar<~ in 6 vears. The r ecover· -o-oPOSTPONE DANCE ies totaled 153.827 car . The total Of M is Neuherg who i!-1 chief in the Mr. H :~ rr ,· P. Hl\rri, on, 307 Ahhoth- cars unrecovered i' ¥J.677. The. e are The Seventeen club, comprtsmg Winnetka and Glencoe young people. social service work of the Red Cross fr>rd ron~ . rc.> tttr""" on Wednesdy, fiv1·res ref\nrtf'<i to tfte N. A. D . A. announces that a dance scheduled for in .one of t.he government hospitals in March 26. from Anita, Iowa. each y~ar from the official records ol -()Saturday, April 5 hu been postponed Mmn eapol1s for tubercular patients the police departrMnts. Mrs. Waltt-r A. Knoon and chiklr~n to Saturday evening, May 3. The was the ~west during the week-end of FOR SALE-ONE 400 PT. · 8TII.A.Il 1ance will be held in the Winnetka Marrh 29, of her lister, Mrs. Walter h.,ve rttnrn"rl hnme ·fter a soje>am boller, 176 ft. of radiation. Tel. Wll. F. Shattuck. of several months In the on ic temple baildin . Llf-lte When to Borrow Mo y . Mr. and Mrs. George C. RichJrds Essex road, and Mr. and ),{rs. John O'Connor of 149 Kenilwortlhave1\Ue, are motoring to French Lick Springs on April 15, where they plan to spend a fortnight. -+David and Philip Burnham who have been spending their two weeks' vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude G. Burnham, returned on April 1, to Canterbury school, in Connecticut. -<>- aoa.. ac.a.. IIJ)<eiP>ce rru <dl &liDll<e Kenilworth lU~ce<dl c~lf~ 0 0 · 0 0 0 0 · 0 0 0 0 25 m CENT OF m»LEN CARS NEYER RECOVERED

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