te A Page on Hotel Life The elegant furniahinp, the care and good taste evident e·erywhere, the courteous retinue of many servants all reflect the pleasure and refinement of a magnificent home. You find it easy to entertain, you enjoy, if you wish, the sociability of many aplendid people, good times provided by the management, or you may live "Where shall we live?" ia the aa quietly and aecluded u you · question of hundreds of people. choose. The modern apartment hotel of- Why ao many people live in apart· fers every home comfort without ment hotela today is easily underany of ,the discomforts. stood when one looka within one. And so we inVite you to scrutinize There ia no heat to worry about, The Orrinston and The Library no servant problem, no reaponai- Pfoa. To obaerve in them the bility-you are free to enjoy the anawer to the queation "Where privacy and coziness of your ac- Shall We Live?" commodations while others as- It will be our pleuure today, or sume the burden of housework, any time, to conduct you through The Orrington and The Library cleaning and maintenance. Plaza and to ahow you typical The coat carefully tallied ia usual- rooms and apartments, with or ly leas than for maintaining your without kitchenettes, to meet your own establishment. C~ntrary to needa. the opinion of many there ia little You will be interested and will feeling or appearance of an ordin- likely want to·join the many who ary hotel in the well-conducted have found these two apartment modern apartment hotel with ita hotel· ao highly deairable aa their permanent homes. home spirit~ HE SEASON of moving ia close at hand. With ita advent are visions of the hustle and hard work of packing, the hiring of movers and the tuk of getting settled again. Evanston's Finest Hotels