22 WILMETTE .LIFE, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1924 THIS PAGE WILL SELL FOR RENT-H OI ~ES I::::~S~I~T~U=,\=1='1::0:~::· FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOOIII FOR SALE-19xl2 SMYRNA RUQHbrary table; 4 chairs; san itary -~ chest of drawers; 1 high chair· i babywalker; 1 baby yard ; 1 cllt4\· chair ; 8 rolls plain tan w a ll pa.,.· Tel. Wlnn. 475. LT Nit-lte FOR SALE- LIVING RM., DINtiQ rm., and bedroom furnlturt> ; Tllft· silk and wool dresses; blue cloa; suit, size 38, perf. cond. Tel. Ken!}. worth 50. L29-lte FOR SALE- BOHN SIPHON ICE; capac! ty 85 lbs.; price $25; fine co 11: dltlon; also Pa&teur filter. TeL Wll. 992-M. LTN2t-ltc =W=A=N= ' T=E=D--==M=A=L=E==j Gtnera only residents of the district from Evaneton to Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WIL~fETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · Clusllled advertisements wUl be charged l N OtrceS--to FOR RENT-FURN. J:t ' 'WALOW, 7 rms., 2 baths ; doubl e l!a rage; May let to Oct. 1st. 527 l'l' .. vldent Ave. Tel. Wlnn. 1065. LT29-ltc WANTED TO RENT-HOUSES WANTED TO RENT-UNF'UR. 9 OR 10 rm. hse., with 3 baths; In good location· rental $200·$250 per mo.; family or 3 with exc. rd's. Address Life, A-152. LTN29-ltc WANTED TO RENT FOR SUMMERfurnished house (3 or 4 bedrooms) In Wilmette, by form er resident. Address Mrs. W. A . Durgin, 2935 Macomb St., Washington, D. ~2 _ tc HARDvVOOD FLOORS cleaned, Laid, scraped, Our <"'· n patent sanders ·- 10 cent& per line In one paper. 20 R a~J--papers. MINIMUM CHARGE IIOc. · Cluslfted . f J D eadl rne Or nsertiOnS--cepted up cents per line In a.ll three Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. Rate& for Di" play type on application. Ad,.;-,nee Floor Co. A . \\' ASLEFF, Prop. 542 So. Dearborn St. BOX: adv ertlsemflnts will be ac· to Wed nesllay 12 o'clock tor the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 1% o·cJock tor thA GLENCOE NEWS. Telephonea: WILMETTE 1920·1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. FOR SAI.I·~-HEAL FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE ESTATE Eol&oSitlUlllb~te£ll\tyC(O)c Service You Will Like SOME GOOD BUYS 9 WINNETKA-East Side. 7 rm. home on an unusually attractive lot 87x 165, with 2 car heated garage and WILMETTE CHOICE VACANT COR· winding drive. Very large trees and ner, 2 blks. !rom elevated, 60xl50, an abundance of shrubbery. House bargain, $8,200. Is · 9 yr. old stucco with enclos!· d Kenilworth. 9 rms., li-bedrooms, porch; vapor heat. 2 bl. to school elp. pch., 2 batl:t,s, water ht., large and f bl. to sta. and Jake. $25,000.00. lot, only $24,000. Make offer. A WELL BUILT 6 ROOM brick on FOil KEN'I'-ROOMS 62 ft. corner lot. Large liv. rm. with firepl., casement windows; steel supFOR RENT-WIL. EAST SIDE; FURN. ports In basement;· very conv. to 1st fioor hskpg. suite; small screen· sta., school and lake. $21.000. Ph. Wtlmette 308 336 Linden Ave. ed porch; lrge. li vlng rm.; bedroom LTN29-ltc PERFECTION HAS NEVER been and bath; small kitchenette. Now reached but It has been approached until Oct. 1st at $75 per mo. Tel. In this 7 rm. colonial clapboard on WI!. 1667. L29-ltc 60 ft. Jot In a splendid location as to neighbors, school and station. CENTRAL HOTEL- UNDER NEW Spaclpus llv. rm. with tlrepl, Large management-rooms; light outside bkfs, rm~ lav. and toilet on 1st rooms; steam; hot and cold running tloor. Large garage and basement, 8 RM. HSE. H . W. HEAT WITH 8 water. 629 Main St. Tel. Wll. 1080. very well landscaped. Price $25,000. acres of beautiful high land adLT1-tfc VACANT-Glencoe. 162 feet on joining GLEN OAK Acres subEuclid Just north of Scott. A comdlvlelon. Ing neighborhood with many new F~~omRI~Np~i;:t~~~!Wyl!, ~"!iype/'~!~: beautiful homes. $105 per ft. 1 61S Central Avenue, Wlimette RENTALS-Have you a friend you Als o 8 acres beautiful wooded LTN 29 .1tp would like to have with you this Waukegan Road frontage. summer? Have them call us tor a _F_O_R __l_l_E_N_T _ _ P_L_E_A_S-._F_U_R_N-.--R-M-.; summer home. all convenlenc6s; suitable for 1 or 2 Tel. Dearborn 8740 or Kildare 97%4 for appointment. gentlemen; reas. ; nr. transp. 629 Park Ave. Tel. WI!. 2345. L29-ltp LTN28-2tp Winnetka branch · Phone 2 LARGE ROOMS ON 3RD l<,LOOR; 10 Carlton Annex Winnetka 1800 see owner, 2nd floor, side door; Im Oak St. at the R. R. 1226 mediate occupancy. 1115 Greenleaf Ave., Wilmette. L29-ltp §~N(O)Im ~ ffi)<e~fc IBhny~ W o<Go §{t!l(C<e~ & .CC<IDo REALTORS LTN27·4tp 9 2 FOR SALE-3 PAIRS, HANDSOQ fine net curtains; cost $40 a pr.; wni WANTED TO RENT-S MALL FURN. sell for $15 a pr. Tel. Wlnn. 608. hse., from Jun e 1st, for family of 2 !..::======~~===:::=::::==::~~; LTN29-ltc adults, In Wilmette ut' neighboring ES OF suburbs; nr. transp. Address Wll- TUTORING- ALL BRANCH FOR SALE- BEAUTIFUL ORIENTAL mette Life, 157. LTN29-ltc high school mathematics, elementary rug 10xl5 ft., perf. cond., value $76t chemistry, beginning Intermediate will sacrifice for $225. Tel. Glenc....! 'l'"'lENTS and commercial Spanish. Individual .... FOR RENT-.4.PA1l " Instruction only. For appointment 746. . LTN2t-ltc phone Wilm e tte 955-J. LTN29-ltc FLATS AND OFFICES FOR RENT. FOR SALE-GOQOD GAS STOVE AMl> 566 Center St., Winnetka. Tel. Wlnn. Ice box; bargain. 126 Woodbine, 131. LTN29-ltc GARAGE FLOOHMAN, Olt COMBINA· Wll. Tel. Wll. 2927. LTN29·lte tlo.n washllr and fioorman or truck driver. Best r~ · f. Northbrook 220-R. FOR SALE-BRASS BED WITH M.A. 6 RM. l"LAT FOR RENT AT 1625 LTN29-ltp Central Ave. TeL · wil. 1468. tress, Ivory dresser and odd chat"' LTN29-ltc Phone Wll. 1965. LT29·1tc I 1-----------------,;,:. lFll<O>COJif~ Have Your Old Floors Made Like New by a new electric sanding process. Prices very reasonable. Call tor eetlmatea. D. J. CLARK Evanston 4517 LTN27-tfc EXP. GARDENER, WANTED TO BUYHOUSEHOLD GOODS ;" wANTED TO BUY-SECOND furniture and other household gooda, Highest price paid for eame. Cr01t Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson Sl, Evanston, Ill. Phon6 189. LTN24-tto FOR 8 HAND SALE-MISCELLANEOUS ~r1ed~H~~;K 8Leii:'or!~? $lfz;T~a~ one day open a Tel. WI!. 2753. EXP. GARDENER HOUSEMAN, HAS week for summer. L29-ltp WISHES WORK Rocks, S. C. Red11. Ancona.e, U4; Wyandotte&, Butt Orplngtona, Klnorcas, U7; postpaid. Catalog frH. D. T. FARROW CHICKERIE& PEORIA. ILLINOIS. LTN18-Utc §~1h.~<elt!f;lf & ((;©lllb~~<elhl I GAOL~'H IN 909 Rldg<' Avenue I FINE FRONT ROOMS; EAST SlUE W~~~~~iid~~~~~k h~;~~ a?i~r !!~~ home; conv. location. Tel. WI!. 1940. and Sat. and sundays; all clay thru LTN29·ltc summer vacation. Tel. Wlnn. 1437 . 7 RM. BRICK VENEER; H. W. HEAT; complete In every detail; Just com· FOR RENT-LARGE, LIGHT, FURN. LTN29-ltc pleted, ready !or Immediate occurm . Nr. all transp. 1046 Linden Ave. WANTED-MAID FOR GEN. HSWK.; pance; built tor a home, compelled WILMETTE TS, AND ALWAYS WILL Tel. WI!. 2699. L29-ltc cooking and downstairs work only; to leave city at once; conservative be PIWGRESSIVE. This was demsmall family; good wages; exp. and appraisal, $20,000. S. W. corner onstrated l\t the polls, when the FOR REN'I'-OFFICES ref. req. Tel. Wlnn. 1661. Judson and Ava, Ravinia, Highland peopl e, by vote of 2,648 to 649 exLTN29-1tc Park; 21,2 blks. N. E. Ravinia sta- OFFICE FOR RENT-IN PROUTY AN· prest themselves as favoring annextion; St. paved; easy terms; make ation of the territory that 'lies tm· nex; room for two desks. Thomas WANTED-GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK.; oTrer; for further Information call mediately West and adjoining the J. Lynch. Tel. Wlnn. 1294 or Glenwhite; no laundry; nice rm. and owner. WH. 2117. LTN29-ltp present boundary. coe 514, LTN29·1tc bath; good wagee; small family. Tel. With annexation comes developWlnn. 324. LTN 2 g.ltc ment, and who can tell what the fuFOR RENT-FRONT OFFICE, SECOND ture will bring? Surely Wilmette floor: Glover-Brown Rullding, 1159 WANTED GIRL FOR GEN HSWK STUCCO, 4 CHAMBERS; will never allow any part of It to 7-ROOM Wilmette Ave.; reasonable. Phone no washlng. Tel. Wlnn. 1'626. .; large living rm.; fireplace; oil heatbe a hindrance In the progress that 2399. LTN26-tto "LTN 29 · 11 c er; very cheerful house In exc. cond. hal! IJeen made, and we hope, will on lot 100xl80; too large tor owner. keep Wllmett c the most desirable .I<'OR REN'I'-GARAGES suburb on thtt North Shore ~ WANTED-MAID FOR GEN HSWK · Our listings are the cho.tcest In ll U.IUJI.Sil!.l!.~&~ 17'i!'i1~n,n,~ ~!1!'1 Till-w ~lf'rl , 3 In family. Tel. WI!. 867.· L29-lt~ thh n ew W ' !·,<···.,. C' ~ 'l or w .. i,.. 1&1{9J.J1U. y ~\Wo FOR RENT-GARAGE; 822 PRAIRIE. for co I t . , · 1 Phone Wilmette 515. L29-ltc SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE m;l \ to! tn,o··mntlon. 513 Fourth St. Tel. \VII . 1304 J..TN29-1tc For Sale Attractive New England Colonial Residence l blue pussy willow silk dress; all --·-·-·-----------:-:-:-:'--:":: In good cond., size 38. Cheap. Tel EXPERT GARDEN WORK DONE' BY Glen<;oe 649. LTN29·ltc hour or contract. Call Wlnn . 1902. FOR SALE-3 PIECE NEW, TAN, LTN27-t!c boy's . tyle, potret twill suit, size 31, 16 to 18 yrs.; bargain at $26. Tel. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Winn. 1776. LTN29-ltc AMERICAN heater; gas shower with men's hats. RADIATOR WATER range; adjustable batla sheet: dr ess suit and Tel. Glencoe L:;~·29-ltc ~;5 ~~ hour or month. l;~ 29~~~ F~~lt~~L~~~: brJ~~Jt?s~~rl;:~ CGw<e<ID-ttceir W nllmrn~tttt<e FOR SALE-CORAL COLORED DIN· ner drees, practically new, size S8; also heavy seal-brown silk wrap, size 40. Tel. Wlnn. 1487. LTN29-ltc FOR SALE-3 TUBE FACTORY .MADil radio rec~?ivlng set. Coast to coast range. Very reasonalill?. Phone Wilmette 858-J. LTN29-ltc FOR SALE-TAN COVERT SUI'l', SIZE 18, In good cond . ; brown satin dres~ ~;::. trimming, size 36. Teb ~~e FOR SALE won 9 KINDLING WOOD FOR SALE, $3 Ph:R load . Ma1·shall Studio, 612 Sheridan Road, Wllmette. LZ9·ltt _____________ 1._'T:_"..:2.::.~_-l~t:.:.c· Ph<.n .. Wilmette 36 4 ADD. TO 10 YEARS TIME OR :.\tORE Locatlon -Shl?ridan Road, Chestnut WILMET~:-~: WANT::~ :::::~:ALESALES- The t';tst.~~~1t~n~ t.~I.~ts "i~·1w~~3 l~vB: Iijfi~lffill~IIDcdl ~£If~ ~<e~ll §~~wiifn~<e I; L . 2. B. 2; with rlpat tan rights, L. A R. EDDIKGTON & CO. SPECJAL VALl'E lN 8 RM. RESf. H>H HA I,fj -WINNETKA- JUST CUT dence, near lak t', schools anti transp to $,14 .000 for quick Hale. At· living room, dining t·oom, kltcht'~ tmcttYe 7-room hou~e with 30 tt. and clt·n and tnc-lo,.{'d porch on 1st living roc.m. 2 porc hes, garRg .. , large floor; 4 l~f'dro'lms, hn ~h sN·oncl noor ; lot nice!~· woo<lPcl. Also sn\all house large attl<' l:J!' !4 torage, fu r n ·te .. h(··tt: fot· l"t'nt. lnqu itP ~77 ~;Jm Ht Phone garag-1·. Lot lJOx200. Ownt·r has n·· \\'inn~o"tka 16~9. L1.~N29-ltc duced price for 30 days $l2 000 CHAUFFEUR-EXP.; WHITE: :\'lARte.t·mR. ' · , EAHT OF THAC'KR, 4 DLO 'KS TO rlt>d man preferred, must do some \VInnt>tka Htn., 7-room stucco homt> lawn work. State age, nationa.llty, salary desired. Addr es s Wilmette on grounds 113xl:Si, largp <·nough to Life, 155. LT29-ltc sl!ll off $6,500 lot. Priced for quick sail! $2l,u00. Call for appoiutment. Wilmette 2760 Winnetka 246. LTN29-ltc WANTED-BOY 16 OR OVER TO RUN Wiunt>tka 2ii4 j2~~n<~~n t~~l~~ ~~~YtviT~l!~~~~r, Inc., Highland l'k. 406 FOH SALE - SCOTT AVE.; '-'lEW LTN29-1tp -------------=L:.:T:..:N:.:.":"9:_·..,:1~tc hom e rearly Ma~· 1st; 4 b<>drooms, 2 haths, l!t('am hPat, sun parlor, $17,500. Tel. \Vinn\'tka 6911. LTN29-l tc PERMANENT POSITION FOR MAN who can take care of lawn, drive WAN'I'f~D TO llll'-VACANT car and do hswk. Tel. W · l nn. 328. LTN29-ltc NEW 6 HM. COL. HOUSE, BEST 1 const., water ht .. huge llv. rm., tile BUILDER WLLL Hl Y FUUR OR FT\'1~ lots In !{uorl neighborhood . Will con- WANTED- GARDENER WHO UNbath, sun par. Make cash otter or derstands automobiles. Address Life sider frontage or 50 to 100 ft. for will sell on h ·rms. A-151. LTN29·lt~ each lot. Give size, location and 6 rm . house, central loc~lon b<'st <'ash 1 rice. Add1·ess Wilmette water heat, dandy lot, consirter thl~ SITUATION WANTED-MALE Life, A-66. LTN29-ttc good buy at $10,000.00. 7 rm. stucco, sun and sip pors WANTED ·ro IIUY-HOUSE ; water ht .. high class neighborhood In \VInm·tka, blg lot beautifully WA~TED TO lll'Y- J<,ORCASH FROM landscaJ>ed. Price $19,000.00. ow ne r, l>t·lck hungalow 01·' house WE CLEAN WALL PAPER, CALCInear transpn, Arldress Life, 125. mine, grass cloth; we wat.h painted L27-3tp woodwork, and windows as well as polish furniture and wax fioors FOR UENT-ROUSio~S Successors to First class rl.'f. Edward T Handy. Ofiice Tel. Wil. 1647 after · 6 p M. FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSE Res. Tel. WI!. 685, LT22-tfc June 15 to Aug, 15: 9 rooms, 3 hath~ Wll. 640 1157 Wilmette Ave. and lavatory ; roomy, old fashioned L29-ltc house with high ceilings; accessible to Indian Hill <' lub. $350 per month. .Address Wilmette Life, 164. Upholstering, Draperies, LTN29-ltc :-:-:-:-:---::-:-:-:-----------:....::....:.:..:.1 4, B. ;, ; L. 3 and 4, B. 9: L. 9, 10 and 12, H 10: L . 5, B. 13. L. 1 ll!lcl 3, B. 17; L. 16, B. 18. J .l hn P . Gnf:;'e, Vineland, N. J. LTN29·tfc FOR SALE-BLACK NET EVENING dre&s; tan summer coat, size 3l. Phone Wlnn. 1347. LN-29-ltc AFTERNOON GOWNS AND DRESSES man. We are enlarging our sales a specialty. Reasonable prices. force, and want 2 or 3 good salesMake early appointments. 1534 PEDIGREED COLLIE PUPPIES, PER· feet markings, long heads. Tel. WIL Ave., Wilmette. Tel. WI!. 'i:t~n ~~r:~ll S~~~~ll~~w~~~o~~bl~~~f~~ Highland 1370. LTN29-1tc 966-J. L15-ttc m~n who are acqualnte<l In theBe towns. Apply to L. F. Lines, Cadll- $12 A DAY WILL BRING TO YOUR W AN'I'ED TO BUY -MISCELLANEOUS lac Motor Car Co., 1810 Ridge Ave., home ont> of the best Interior decoSTORE Evanston Branch. LTN29-ltc rators. Investigate and I will show WINNETKKA FURNITURE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, you some of my beautiful an<l artispianos, anything useful. 808 Oak WANTED-SALESMAN WHO MUST tic work. Tel. Edgewater 23Sl. St. LTN1-tfc make between $5,000 and $10 1 000 a LTN29-ltc yea~·· Previous real estate e xperl· PIANO TUNING ence unnecessary. TEACHER OF PIANO, OF LONG EXINSEN & eLARK, Inc. 566 Center (formerly W. R . R. Av.) ~~~~~!~c~eg~~~~n~mo~ :3~anf~:d. M~~: EXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIR· Winnetka 254 Ethel B. Long, Glencoe 429 . lng; old planol! made new; referLTN29-ltc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L_T_N_2_9_·_lt_c ~gi.7 L. W. Foster. Tf.I.j.N~~~Fc Fashion Sewing Shop WANTED- WASHINGS TO TAKE FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES home, finished work and rough drv Will call and deliver. 418 Pralri~ !=================::::; Ave., WI!. Tel. Wll. 1351. LT27-4tp ] Sl'l'UA'I'ION · w,ANTED-M ,\LF. AND FEltfALE WANTED-BY MOTHER AND SON, position as housekeeper In adult family where young man <'an work about house and yard. Addr t>ss 166, Wilmette Life. L29-ltc FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS New Overland Demonstrator Bargain §ll(O)~lUlmnl NORTH SHORE HOUSE CLEANlNG SERVICE J1»lhliillllii jp)~&lBS UJIIflf@ u.n!ltn~ FOR SALE-BEAl:'TIFUL OUFFET; serving table; tea wagon ; dining table and six chairs to mateh; Tobey furniture; Reliable gas range: small Clarke-Jewell gas range; 9xl2 new Klmlark porch or dining room rug; blue velvet runner a.nd small rug to match; single sanitary couch; 100 ft . o~ hose on reel; odd cooking utenstls and dishes. Phone Wilmette 839-W. LT28-ltc IW©it<O>Ir §&ll<e~ Winn . 1128 724 Elm St. LTN29-ltc §EID.~Irii~li~<e OWNER FORCED TO SELL 10-ROOM FOR RENT-FURN. 8 RM. HSE. WITH hou&e In Wilmette at great &acrlfice lrge. sun room. slpg. prch., garage; for Immediate action. Fine eaat loon corner !acing }lark; 3 blks. from cation: corner lot 75xl O; conv. to Hubbard Woods station; June 15 to all transp.; large living rm.; 2 eun Sept. 1st or 15th. Tel. Winn. 1168. porchea: 5 master bedrooms and 3 LTN29·ltc batha on 2nd ftoor; Bervant'a quartera and batb on 3rd fioor: all walls FURNISHED HSE. OF 7 RMS. WITH and ceilings canvaased. This prop.2 baths and slpg. prch.; June to erty comblnee a perfect home and a Sept.; most desirable section Hubl"enulne bargain. $38.~00. bard Woods; conv. to transp. Tel. Wtnn. 1080. LTN29-ltc Slip Covers JJo lffio IMI£~IF £1fll£Im(! Formerly with MaMel Bros. FOR SALE-IRON BED SPRINGS and matt.; Iron frame cot and matt· "U -All" steel typewriter stand· but it DODGE CARS: In oak butret with mirror 6 ft ' 6 Jn · RoadsteF, $425; touring, $450: sled, Flexible Flyer No i! odd se\'lan. $950; bus. coupe, $675. chal~s; smoking cablne\i garden HUPMOBILE. hose, 4 ft. cross cut saw· sledge and Sedan, $80. wedges: 18 In, lawn m~wer; Auto- FRANKLIN . matic Stora'\~ gas . water heater Sedan, $300. Tel. Wlnn. 82o. LTN29-ltp Dodge Brothers and Wills St. Claire Dealers BOO~S BOOKS BOOKS G01ng to California and will sell all the books In my fine library at 1/3 Winnetka 165 cost. Come and make your selecLTN29·llr tion and take them away J H Smith, 502 Washington A..;e., Wll~ mette. Tel. Wll. 1496. L29-ltc Dependable Used Cars W ersted Motor Co. \V ersted Motor Co. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 I.TN4-tfc Premier gas water hf'ater, automatic storage, 2 bath size, ;;me as new. Tel. Winnetka Used Cars -All Makes u MI~Gmniiire ~ Linden AYe. «J>wtr Tel. Wll 228 L29·lt<1 NORTH SHORE ltOUSE, LAWN AND LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE ~ LTN%~1~ GARDEN SERVICE or rent wt'th Harold Bradley 1: Co 969 ELM ST. 8 ROOMS, SCREENED House and wln<low cleaning, ftoor 'Jl'J North IQehl.an Ave. Tel. su'~ bkt. and alp. porches; "NoKol" Oil waxing, lawn and garden work tlrst perlor tlOO or call Mr. Penick, Wll. Burn r; gar.; lg. wooded lot. Tel. cla~s r.·ter6nces. Walsh. Tel. Wlnn. FOR SALE-ALL CROCHETED SIN· lilt. · L'l'Nit-4tc Winnetka 2Gc . LTN2t-lto 103a (after 6 P. 111 .) 'LT25-trc gle bedspread fringed $40.00. 9:17 FOR BALE BY OWNBR-WELL FOR RENT-IN WILMETTE. ,Cherry St., 2nd ftoor. ' LTN29-1tp 7·RM. CHA FJ:o'EUR, A NO. 1; SEVEN YRS ttullt laome oa Ane corner, &outh house, east side location, convenient exp. on high grade care· mechanic: roR SALE-4 ANTIQUE SLAT BACK· froat: P<trehea: ·araae ; ahruba· to transportation. Phone Wilmette married; white. Tel. 'Northbrook tr.... Tel. Wll. lilT. LTNU-ltc ed chairs, new ruah seats, Slli each. 2051 or il7. LTN29-ltc 120-R . LTNZ9-ltp ··Tel. Wlnn. 782. LTN29-ltc FOR RENT-5 Rl\1.; BREAKFAST prch,; sun parlor: nr. transp. 11 v Linden Ave., Glencot>. Tel. Wlnn. 857. LTN29-ltc OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman .Ave. and Grove St. Evanston 140 Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers LTN29-tfc l»ennit Taa Day May 12 for Cbicaao Charities Permit was granted by the Village board this week for a Tag Day to be held ·in Wilmette on Monday, May 12. in the interest of the Chicago Feder· ation of Aged Charities. l&r··