Formerly The Lake Shore News -~ If~ Two hundred---;;;;duates" of the Arden Shore Winter Camp for Boys at Lake Bluff will enjoy their annual ststently vtolated m the village. One of Preaent Paaaion Week Pro· Home-Coming at the rest camp Sun'- Annexation Propoaition the .most _co~on oftenses is that of day afternoon and evening, April 27, pa~kmg wtthm fifteen feet of fireplugs, gram Tbia Evening when there will be a program of talks, Favored in Annual Vii· tt IS stated. a concert by the New Trier High lqe Election "Many people knowing the law vioschool band of 120 pieces, a big supper lated it by parking within the fifteen and a campfire hour. f?ot are~ ~hile on errands. in the shopAnother enjoyable evening of sacred The program proper will begin dtstncts, says Chtef Denman. music is being planned by the chorus promptly at 3 o'clock and the prinIS DIRECTOR pmg "These motorists have been chagrined to of the Wilmette Parish Methodist Epis- cipal speaker will be George Allen 3,366 VOTES RECORDED fin~ summons slips awaiting them on copal church in the program tonight at Mason of Highland Park, who for .· theJr return, and have been greatly put the church in which the cantata, "The many years has been closely identified out over the fact 'hat they have been Seven Last Words of Christ" by Th. with boys' work in Chicago, and is Securing 1924-25 Sub- 'arrested.' DuBois, a French composer, will be ren- the husband of the second vice-pres- Wieclin, Baker and Drayer "They fail to consider, however, that dered under direction of Orville Jen- ident of the Arden Shore board of Named New Truateea scription· should. a fire break out in the vicinity, nings Borchers. directors. the Ftre department would be seriously "At this season of the year," says Mr. Arrangements have been made to hindered in making hydrant connection Borchers, "nothing brings us quite as secure. the entire New Trier High Monday evening, April 21, marks the with cars blocking the plugs. close to the spirit of the Master and school band for the afternoon. Three precincts of a total of of the symphony concert sea"Hence, the law and the reason for the spirit of his sacrifice as good A special feature of the proRram ten brought victory to the colon the north shore. On that date its strict enforcement. sacred music. Th. DuBois, in his in- will be a catechism conducted by Miss ors of the Home Party ticket in Li tt le Symphony of Chicago, "Parking double at any point is al- spired work very vividly and clearly Anna Belle Ferrier, superintendent of rge Dasch, conductor, augmented so prohibited. This violation is particu- portrays this spirit in the face of the Arden Shore, in which the boys will Tuesday's annual Village election forty players, will give the final larly noticeable on Sundays in the vicin- insulting cries of blasphemy from the be asked to relate their experiences and when the final ballots had eert of the season at the high ity of churches, and can lead only to mob which crucified Him. The com- and progress made since leaving the been c,ounted the Community I. under the auspices of the New accidents. One should not park a poser's work is full of dramatic inter- camp. ticket, which carried one-half of Township Orchestral association. vehicle within 15 feet of a cross walk pretation and soul-thrilling passages to A supper will be held for the "gradas it tends to obscure the view of ap~ the understanding ear. It is recognized uates" and visitors, followed by a the precincts and ran closely with the Home ticket in two others, proaching vehicles. Such /practice is ' as one of the greatest musical settings campfire and story-telling hour. responsible for many fatalities. of the Crucifixion. The committee in charge of arranjle- was the loser by just 298 ballots "Lines are being drawn for pedestrians "The Oratorio opens wtth 'an Invo- ments for the Home-Coming includes in a total vote of 3366, the largat _all the principle crossings, and the cation' to hearken unto and behold the Mr~. Otto A. Kreutzler. of Lake Bluff, est e~{!r _recorded in the history pohce request that everyone may co- sorrow and suffering of Christ. The chatrman; Mrs. Fredenck G. Wacker operate in securing obse:-vance of regu- First Word very dramatically portrays and Mrs. George Richardson, of Lake of Wilmefre. John Clark Baker, lations." the merciless cries of the mob to crucify Forest; Mrs. Harold ·C. Gtfford of John F. Wiedlir.t and Clarence E. Him, and the sudden outburst of Christ's Hub hard Woods; Mrs. Norman W. Drayer emerged ·.:ictori,ous in the great prayer-'Father, forgive them, for Harris of Winnetka; Mrs. Le~lie F. they know not what they do.' The Sec- Gatf's, of Wilmette and Mrs. William fight for trusteeships. Annexation, victory' for which ond Word opens rather quietly with a J. Wardall of Evanston. was conceded in the event a large clarinet solo, and very nobly gives us His spirit in His comforting words to enough vote could be registe~ed, the thieves upon the cross 'Verily, thou was approved by a 5 to 1 m~Jor shalt be in Paradise today with me.' The ity or 2617 for and 594 agamst. 'l'hird Word with accompaniment alterIt 'w~s favored by huge m.ajornating between piano and organ very beautifully portrays Mary, the mother of the ten precmcts. Noted Bible Lecturer ,Here vf }eu~, w epingthe ft!et 11f--t'r~ ""' · Vi·orou.a Quapal·· Eaater son-'See, 0 woman I here behold Victory went to the Home ticket as thy son beloved I' · The Fourth Word assisting artist will be Mr. Hans the result of a well-planned and vigor· zer, the well known Chicago is the famous baritone solo-'God Mra. Marian V. Cotton to Be ous campaign which continued until the inist. On Monday afternoon the my Father, why hast Thou forsaken me' last minute of voting. Workers were of the series of matinee concerts Dr. Herbert L. Willett of the Uni- sung by Mr. Anderson of Evanston. The Director still calling at the homes within the last be given under the same auspices. versity of Chicago, and one of the lead- Fifth Word opens very quietly with the half-hour before the · polls closed. It esc events bring to an end the ing figures in the United States in words of Christ, 'I am athirst.' Then was not altogether surprising-this vichighly successful season of church and social service work will ad- suddenly. there .is. a dramatic outburst in The Music department of New Trier tory-because the Community party bad concerts. The third series dress the Wilmette Sunday' Evening the mustc deptctmg the snee;·s . of the High school will present "Robin been placed on the defensive 1rom the for next year is assured club on the evening of Easter Sunday mob-Vah! Tho~ w~ldst fam des- Hood" a light opera by Reginald De son of the large number of April 20. ' troy the temple; tf thou be ] esus, son Kove~ in the high school auditorium very outset of the campaign which beiptions which have already been While Dr. Willett's subject has not of the Fath~r now from the _cross des- FridaY, and Saturday evenings, May gan more than a month ago when the "No Flats" issue brought about a series with the association for 1924- been announced, it is certain to be time- cend and ~~ve thyself. Th~ Stx_th Word and 3 at 8 o'clock. The production of mass meetings where sentiment was season tickets . Most of the old ly and of vital interest to every Sun- very bcauttfully_ opens wtth ptano and 2 of "Robin Hood" is under the direc- eventually crystalizcd in the formation ihrrs have re-subsc ribed for the day club patron. He is considered organ accompamment and tenor ~olo tat- tion of Mr~. Marian v. Cotton supcrseason, and there is already a probably the most popular Bible lecturer ~r supplem<·ntt.>d by the chorus-:Fat~cr,, visor of m\lsic at the high 'school. of a dcfmite platform and a ticket of waiting list. Those old sub- in America and is a convincing and mt~ Thy hand~ I com":lend my soul. very rhose vision it was that conceived candidates for the three po itions of Vilwho were not present at the fasciQating speaker. His lectures are qmetly _and. dram:~ttcally t~:! S~vcn'h the annual series of Little Symphony lage Trustees. \Vhen the votes were canvassed it was concert will be given an op- entirely undenominational and of a Word 1.s mtcrprctcd-'It ts fimshed.'. orchestral concert~ now enjoyed hv ~ h')W!l that John · F. Wiedlin, of 120 to protect their position of nature to provide instruction and inter- T~en wtth a . sudden nuthurst th~ tc·1 1:-: the north shore community. · Park avenue led all candidates tor trus· ri ption lists Monday evening. est. for every churc~ ":orker. He has vo1cc procla;ms darkne's o~er the M r~. Cotton has as~emhlcd all the hile. the music supervisors of gamed Wide. populanty . m England and ear~h. and a ~reat ~arthquakc. fhc ora-. resources of he school. and. in three tee post with 1827 votes. Joi-n Clark Baker of 347 Maple avenue, wa · second school and the grade schools ~n the Conlt~ent ~.nd h1s lecture entitl~d tone. t.hut c~ose; wt tl_t a tremendous du~t instances. ha1 s gone outside of the with 1819, and Clan:nc:: E. Dra) er, 1034 e four villa~es cooperating in the · New ~ontmcnts ~~s won for htm between organ and ptano. sc hool to secure the hest direction Elmwood avenue. third with a .:ount of 1 recognttton as a keen a·s sociation are busy taking W?rld-wtde "Ynu cannot afford to miss this great anrl talent for th~ op<'ra. The cast 1799. ions for the next series of thtnker. service. Tho e who so recently saw of "Rohin Hood" consists entirely of Harr·v M. Bachman. Claude t·:. Fitch matinee concerts. While these . Of Dr .. W_illett it has been said; "He Queen Esther dramatized by the same ·tudents, assisted hy two alumni . tinc<·s were planned originally for ts a capttvatmg speaker of sp!en.did ap- choru; r~·cognizc the caliber oi the work, Great care was used hy Mrs. Cotton and L~uis T . Star:-d :inil>hl·d in that ~chool children, it develops that pearance, who uses eloquent. dtctwn and an~! \\ill want to hear this great oratorio. :., dtoosing the ca~t so that only th<' order in the list of the dcieatd candiwork of the supervisors is doing IS never at ';l loss for the nght word t.o Mt. s Ruth Staples of Evan,ton will he voic<'~ hest suite1l for the parts were dates. mnch for the musical taste of the round out hts forceful sentences. He ts at th .: piano and Mr. P orter Heaps at selected. Orner Is Hith Man ilclrcn that the character of the pro- one of the advan~ed thinkers o_f t~e age the o·gan. Soprano solos will be sung Talent From School l:nopposed candidates, including Earl ms next year will be materially and a lecturer wtthout a supenor m the by Miss Adelaide Jones. tenor solos hy Among- tlw severa l organizations in- E. Orner, for Village Clerk; H\rry W. l<'d. This should make these whole of America." Mr. Hmga. and barit< m· ·wlos by Mr. volvt:d in nrod ucing "Rohin Hood" is ~1:11e;, for Village Treasur:!r; J, R. ees attractive to women who Because of dedication ceremonies to Do·tald J. Anderson of E,·answn. The the New Trier Symphony orchestra llarper and E. G. Bentley for School not heen able to secure tickets take place at the Wilmette Baptist sen·ices will be at 8 o'clock." which. morr than anythinr cis<', has Trustees, polled uniformly heavy totals, the evening concerts. church thi~ Sunday eyening, the. servic~s 1':!!!!~-~--=~=~======!ll made its rlirector known throu~hol·t finding c<Jual fOavor Wlthh thhc vhotledrsthin ans Muenzer, who will play a Sitt of the Sunday ,Evenm~ club wtll begm th<' township. 'fhe orchestra, with both part1t·s. rner, w o as e e 'rt Monday evening, has risen p~omptly at 7 clock, mstead of at 7:30 Ui,~ Snzann~ Armstron~. its as i t- office of \lllagc clerk fur m·arly a core v to the front rank of Chica'\'O 0 clock, the usual hour. ant director. at th·· piano. will arrom- of ycars, hcadcd the list with a total of i-,ts. He received his higher !'allY th<' ·on~s ni the principals and 2723 vot~s . of th<' rhorus<' 'fhe chor us n:1rt<1 Early 1durn' lnd\·atl'<i succe s of the under the distin~uished vir- Kenilworth Votes "Yea" ..,;11 he t:oken ln the Ro' ·~ and Girls' Alllll'Xation t>n,po,llloll wht.>n scattering and master, Hans Sitt, at the r.tee r1uh~. :-~ding- a<~ Rohin Hood's prt.>CIIICts ~hnwecl an overwhelmingly favConservatorv of L<'inzi~. Geron nexatlon a ot Hnrn· 1fr·n 'flv·rc will -,!soh<' a spc- orahk vote. ~~~·ries ui clcvcnth_h_our or· He has played with several Ah-,orption of the territory comprisci - 1 ~Troup of dan<'itH{ g-irls. gani1ul oppn,ltwn to the pn·posttton, put n orchestras and toured ing the former Village of Gross !'oint A ·-~· ti 11 .., ?.fr., Cot+nrl in t1w clir .. r-, Zl'st 11110 the \ll·lk of tho:>e ~vho had been broad at the head of a concert com- was almost complete Tuesday of this t; 011 of "Rohin ·Honrl" are Mi";-I'.P"mor·rlg anmxatwn durmg _the past any. He has also aopeared with the week when the Villages of Wilmette hnth St 1 ond dr:>ma+ir dirf'ctnr month., and every prospt.>Cttve voter icago Symphony Orchestra. and Kenilworth each appropriated ~f;~ Oli\'~ 1.[~ Gr~n·r.'in charg-e of de - '."'" rcnuncled ot thc "Little Bailot" beL·-olln~.,;,~ is the progra . for Mon- large slices of the former community. ning: At Kenilworth the voters approved <iNnint!' and oa;nru g- tlw ·c,.nt·rv. ;mel 111rl' h~: cntrn·d the pollmg place. "limm··" Griffi·1 of 'orthwrst<' "ll , . ~u.ndre:!~ of Phone . Calla . . de. Choral and Ftt$:ru.: ......... annexation of a large tract extending t,..rmcrh· a prof,., inn:~ ! rl:·nrr·r at tht' I he _m ll'T<"t Ill the t'lectwn, as tnd.iB 1 Alb t from the south limits to a point about ········ ·· · · · · ···· ac ler 6.50 feet south of Winnetka avenue. EcliT<'Watrr ncach hotel anr\ now a t' ato:cl 111 the hcavy vote, wa. also apPut pienty of punch into . ony. ·a. I, B flat. Opus 38 .. · · all 1ymg 'd ge avenue. 0 ut S h ea t o f R 1 <tmlent in thr t'nivcr<~itv School of parl·nt afte~ the polls were closL-d, w~en your work and you can get ··········· ··· · · ·· ·· ····· c uman of ,·1 total of 211 ballots, 173 favored SpPt'rh. director of stag-l·-formation~ hundred ot tell·phonc. call were recetvAndantr nn ooco Maesto<~o-AIand hold thia job! t·d _at the (lfficcs of \\11. tt:TT£ Lm: and anrl clancinl!. lepro M ')Ito Vivace the annexation proposition wjlile but All Seata Rea~rvecl pohcc ~eadquar.ters where the returns Larghetto -Scherzo 33 wl're registered in the negative. The pr<'"C'ntation of "Rohin Hood" were bemg rt.>cetvc:J . . II the ballots had Allegro a· imato e grazioso Tlw unopposed Village ticket was WA~'ri-:0 -SALESMAN WHO is stron~lv supported by the entire heen tabu_ l ated beton· 9 o'ck~ek at~~ the Int<'rmission clectt·d. mu>~t make between $~.000 and hiPh school, and p 1 rticnl:.rlv hy the vot~ offic1ally can~a>sC'! by the \'tllage ~10.011(1 a ~·enr. J>reviou11 real N- 3. D minor. Opus 111, for e~tall' t>X J)erlc ·n<'t~ un n.-c·esaary. Student Council and th<' Hi- Y. board !,cfore 10 o clc~. r· , ar ' Orchestra .......... Sitt SOUVENIR SECTION HJ·: !NHEN & CLARK. Inc. All ~cats for hoth the Friday and . By vt_rtue of the election'\\ tlntctte ter-'lllegro lu derato 566 c· .. ntf' r St. \\'Inn. 254 gaturdav prrformances will he re- n~ory IS enlarg~d. b_y abc_>ut ·5 acres, the This issue of WILMETTE LIFE A;1rlante Sostenuto erved · Rtdgc avenu dtvtdmg lm 1 heen ob5 Fn . lc · Allf'gro rna non Tropoo contains a Souvenir Section re. · literated, som 600 new cittzen added rl,.')nir Poem "Finlandia," (Onus lating to the Dedication of the APPIIQVE ~E~OBOIVI~lON to th Village, and the personnd ot the WANT ADS 26. )\ o. 7) .... .' ............. Sibetius \.Yih;1ette Bapti t Church edifice Plats 0 f n·-nl>r1ivi~ion of Rlor ks t Village Board of Tnt tee! changed by anrl 42. farinrr \f:~in <;trPf't and r:<- the addition of three new members, re-: to be ob erved during the weelC will aive more than a HOLD FOOD SALE trTJdincr northrrlv from Elmwood ave- placing prt.> ent incumbent . The. Washington A~nue Circle ?f beginning on Easter Sunday. nue. were annroved hv the Vill~P"e A tabulation of the oiic:ial returns b Ftrst Congregational church wtl1 FIGHTING CHANCE The section comprises Pages 12, t-n:orcl at ;. mrcting Tuesday evemn1 found elsewhere in thi is ue of Easter Food sale at the Van 13 and 14. of thi week. MITTl Lin. Grocery and Market, 19, beginning at 9 o'clock. sue~ a statement this week. calling att~nhon to. traffic. regulations most con- SYMPHONY DENMAN EMPHASIZEs cHoRus oFFERs ARDEN snoRE GRADs HOME ncm APR 2 TRAFFIC REGULATIONS ' ' PLAN HOME-COMING ·1 LAST WORDS WINS AT POLLS The Wilmette Police department is- ANNEXATION APPROVED A1ao WILLE1T SPEAKS AT SUNDAY CLUB Stinday SCHOOL PLANS UGHI OPERA I' I ° An · B II '*" Ill'\\' OUR