Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Apr 1924, p. 10

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t() WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1924 own excuse for being," could not have struck a responsive chord in the hard-shelled heart of the editor of the New York Tribune. Brown's exclamation, "Not God in gardens when the eve is cool!" would naturally seem absurd to Phone· Wilmette 7-Z-7-Winnetka 7-Z-7 WILMETTE LIFE (Formerly The Lake Shore New1) Established 1912 with which is combined THE ll!ISUI!:D WJL~It.:T'I'E LOCAL NEWS EACH \VEEK Established 1898 FRIDAY OF RUGS Li.OYD HOLbllSTER, 1222 Central Ave., Wi.mette, Ill. T.,.l.,.pllloae . . . . . . . . . . . . · Wilmette 1920 ' I!IVIISCRJPTION f2,00 A YEAR I~C. H. G. Ho"· 's YOUR oul, brother? John B. Nazarian Exclusive Cleaner and Repairer of Oriental and Domestic Ruga Eapert Layinc i>one Put a Phonograph in Yom:· Home for Easter Big Reductions Here Ben 1 II HARRY HARGIS Harry Hargis wa a resident of Chi cago and its· neighborhood from IX65 to the ven· recent date of hi s death two weeks ago . FifResol uti ons ot condolence, cards ot thanks, obltuar)', poetry, notices of en- ty-nine years is an unusuall y long t ertalnment!l or other at!alrs where term of residence in so new a .1n arlmtttan <'!' <'harge will be made or He a coli ctfon taken , will be charged at country as upper Illinois . r e gu lar ad vertislng ra t es. came to Chicago in Civil War days. Imagine the changes . Ernercrl at th e post office at Wllnol'tte. Illinois, aR mall matter or the through which he lived! s <'con<l class, und<' l' the act or March Hi s work brOUCYht him into :c 1 "7!1 ~-> contact with hundreds, perhaps FRIDAY . .\PHTL 25, 1924 · . thott sands. Fmanc1ers, actors, prominent business men-they all St'pamte tlte Gradrs. enjoyed a chat with Hargis. E11{orce the Traffic Laws. ~'hat did he and they talk about? Build the Truck [?.oad. Po sibly greeting were fr eq uent , inquiries about one another's SAME OLD SPRING FEVER health, brief discussions of the Every year, 'bout this time, this business situation, of the coming writer's fancy lightly turns to election, of important news, .o f thoughts of running away. We every-day philosophy. kn ow. none much better, that That's life for mo t of us. thi s vernal spirit of fleeing as a Good life, too. And Harry Hargis bird to the wilderness has at- must have brightened many a life tacked every creature since the by the hearty handshake and the days of the old protozoa. No word spoken in season. doubt the very words, "spring" and "April," suggest this same HONORED AT NEW TRIER idea. But, however it may be, Fifteen girls and fifteen boys we're on the verge of leaving. whose average for their first We've got beyond the days three vears and half of the last ·w hen, as a boy, we believed every were the highe. t of the entire goose a swan, but when told by student bod)· ! It is quite fitting a friend of a wonderful lodge up that these who have worked on in the northern v\'i sconsi n woods. their studies conscientiously of the twenty-five acre s of virg-in should be honored by being forest ownc.d bv him and his named hefore the whole school three pa ls; of the g-old-flecked and given gold emblems. trout ca ug ht and br.oiled over an As a community we are proud open fi re; well, as he went on and of them . They have taken real on narrating the joys of living- advantage of the facilities offered next to nature's heart we got all them. Speaking even only as taxh'et up. payers we are glad to know that ' One catches this delightful our money is bringing such exfever from various sources. A cellent returns. single strain of the meadow-lark's It is certainly a pleasure to song may infect a sensitive soul. know that these honor . tudents The smell of freshly-turned earth were not "grinds," but on the may plant the infection. The contrary, red-blooded young sight 0f the first g-reen fing-er of people active in music, dramatics, a da.ffodil showing above the and athletics. ground may set one off. Even a We hope that the formation of film depicting the beauties of the 1924 Honor SocietY will st'ima Californian woodland is enough ulate under-classmen 'to do their to give one a whole series of level best: even if they do not atheart-aches. tain scholastic honors they will What brought. on in us just have the genuine satisfaction of now this little spring spasm was knowing that they have honestly a very brief story of Robert tried. Angels can do no more. Swaim, Jr. of Wilmette, picking ROBIN HOOD strawberries in the southland. That sort-of sounded like heaven Remember bold Robin Hood and made tL ,restle s and yearn and his lusty outlaws? How he to be a tramp for a while. outwitted his natural enemy, the Sheriff of Nottingham? Little BUGS AND SUNSETS John. Friar Tuck, Maid l\Iarian In the April number of the and all the rest? What a joy it American Mercury, Gamaliel was when one was a boy to read Bradford, well-known biographer, Scott's thrilling account of the says of Horace Greeley, "Crops a rchery conte. t between Robin and hu gs and manure always Hood and Prince John's favorite loomed larger with him than sun- bowman! sets." Think of such an attitude! Xo doubt you saw Fairbanks Greeley cared more to discus . the in the film storY of the woodland means of extermittating potato hero and made no objection to bugs than to behold the glories the coupling of his exploits with of the . un . et! I sn't that some- those of Richard the Lion-heartthing- to exclaim over? ed. "Doug" wa s certainly a lively Of course Bradford knows that ra ('al and altogether irresistible there are time s when it is vastly in hi s care-free and quite acmore important to get rid of hugs r obat ic frolickings . than to view the most splendid If you like .Robin you'll like to sunset. But he means that Gree- and hear him as represented ley always cared little for sun- on the evenings of :M ay 2 and set.. And that's a sad s tate of 3, by the boys and girls of New mine! and heart . Ko use in sun- Trier in their assembly hall. De setc;? None. say Greeley. Koven i the compo er, and Mrs. · Emerson' line, "Beauty is it Cotton direct . the performances. All communications must be accompanied by the name and address of the writer. Articl es tor publication should r <>ach the editor by Wednesday noon to insure appearance In current Issue. ~~4~C~a~rl~to~n~B;I~d~rr~.,~W~in~n~e~tk~·~·~JI~I.~~ := SLIP COVERS COMPLETE Absolute Satisfaction Guar- I t~~ee~ wond rful 1m ported Coverings at a tr·emendous t·ed u c tlon du e to our wide experl ence m th e making ot Covers, e n abling us to give you supe rior quality. Uph o lstering reaso~. Formerlba~i"i~~ ~~tt~el Bros. 713 MAIN ST., EVANSTON Phone E\·anston 6121 S6 50 sel ec tlo~ ot Davenport $11.00 Chair Great Removal Sale Featuring Slashing Reductions ranging from 10 to 25% on ·Phonographs, Pianos, Sewing Machines, W aahing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, etc. We are anxious to reduce our stock prior to moving May 1, to our new store at 816818 Church street, and you get the benefit. Catholic bers of the we] care of depende Chicago Mrs. Miss E of this but a rt Jinquent eight to Juvenile They COLLIN BROS. ROOFING· over the Old Shingles SHO E NORTH ROOF CRAFI'ERS Incorporated 804 Patterson Brothers 828 Davis Street EVANSTON ESTIMATES FREE Davi· St. Evan11ton t'bone 7026 34Z P11rk Ave. Glencoe Phone 1M Easter Records Ready the mora of misfo neglect. The c ·rounding~ Friendly Transportation I F a passenger pays his fare and is given in return transportation by a railroad, both have, perhaps, contributed all that is necessary· But the North Shore Line desires more of its patrons than the bare cost of their journeys. It wants, also, their friendship. To gain this friendship, the North Shore Line has made every possible effort to make its transpor· tation service wholly deserving. It has made the service it offers the kind that inspires friendship. It is willing to let the courtesy of its employees represent its own spirit toward the people that travel over its line. The North Shore Line wants more patrons, of course - but it prefers to put it this way-it wants more friends. It feels that most of its passengers today are its friends. Many write voluntary letters of com· mendation-enthusiastic, encouraging. You may read some of them in the company's magazine. They expres~ friendship in no uncertain terms. Fast, frequent trains link Chicago's South Side, Loop and North Side to Milwaukee's business center, and to every town between. and P.hys ' Throu Catherine being min St. CatJ for the dence the to her yo The cl her fund~ hood. P and the The chil receiving in practi portant training The cJ ed by H' lein and Arnold a Throug three yea enty-five made sel manent h~ Prevent Club. It these girl ing them ~I happJ mg them encounter, the corrun manitaria The clu which is ent of th, . Ea~h c~ tton tn an The cluj ly by vo~ dues. Me who belie better tha percent of maintenan St. C through must do. The clu1 in case of advice, di11l In the new Moon four-passenger Coupe-the luxurious Sedan or Petite Sedan-you will find the same outstandinl' individuality of Moon design-the same thoughtful consideration for every detail of construction, upholstery aad equipment. ft, . , . MOOtt bod~1 tJf'e MOON The Ch.rles A CoRin MediAl awarded to the North Shore Lme for d i.tintuished contribution to the development of i>lf'Ctrica/ tr·nsporl·tion for the convenienC'e of the public and the benefit of the' induetry. proved a back to it Next time-the North Shore Line! Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 MGde exdw..rivtly by Pvll-. true home Because has been of the gi protection To pro modious h in the gyn Saturday, . Mrs. ]art 1s general Wm. Kin! ments. The lont names of · city, Mrs. Jan er and pres PDrted by group of t Suburban Motor Sales Winneti T HEl of c Won

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