Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Apr 1924, p. 19

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Calendar s, each cornthe tea to be ~57 Michigan Mesdames T West, H. A: ~ r, Frederick , Willis Ruter, Joe Davis an, and Mis; vass of Wilret-together" ..which comvillage who cordially inAnna Belle roup of boys rtoon. Mrs. ~a table, and r~" !lrch invites rity Tea" to rest avenue, fering" will in-Law n Saturday home, 506 uenin, who They will y the North socia tion of Music Cong the next hoons at 4 Assembly these con. ~6. the Gord by Howecember 7, pary 15, the ~ on March heard thiJ a, p;anist, iolin, with tte is the ion, with , treasur' also of rd. HE rehearsals for the "Four o .ne of the large affairs on the Darlings" are going well, and ~nzon of Wilmette's social events is with the experienced cast, an t e card party to be given next Wedcrening of great enjoyment is assured nesday afternoon at the Woman's club all \\'ho attend on May 2 and J, the to benefit the clubhouse building fund. far r ial comedy to be given at the An able and energetic committee ha've Byron St~lp ~choC?I. Mrs. William T . been busily engaged for a number of J~e:Jz le-y 1s d1rectmg . the production w~eks to make this ' afternoon of ,rhich is to be given by the Wilmett; bndge, five-hundred and Mah Jongg Drama tic society. very successful. It has been an)[rs. Henderson, who did excellent nounced that those wishing to play the work in "The Wonder Hat," and "Be- game are requested to bring twct·n the Soup and the Savory," is the1r own sets. fitted with a delightful part as the -omot her of the four darlings. M iss Elise Warner of 1115 Ashland ).fjs, Challoner whose delightful ,·oice and natural acting was heard avenue, and Miss Virginia Moore re· to ~t11.: h advan'tage in "The Pirates of turne~ o!' Tuesday to the University Pcnza nce" will play one of the leads. of Illmots after spending the spring :'lfi.;, ~[cCreadie of "Rococo" and "The holidays in Wilmette. They spent the l' ni1wited Guest," has a splendid ,p art week-end at Des Plaines as the houseas a !Jru mbling maid who hates men. guests of Miss Helen . Purvis who \fr>. Roy Be st, the Misses Dorothy entertained four Pi Beta Phi girls Sunday. In the evening she gave Ro'e and Evelyn Port, who were such over a tea for them. charming bridesmaids in the last bill -o-prc'>ented by the Dramatic society, The last meeting of the PhilanhaYe all been assigned to refreshing roles for which they are well suited. thropy department for the year is Edward Cook, Warren Shaw, and being held this morning at the WilEdw<~rd \Vinzcl itre old hands now m~tte Woman's club, with sewing for the oo the stage and can he depended Ltttle Wan~erers. These meetings are open to W1lmette women who are inupon to do good work. George Leal, 'Who played the de- terested in Philanthropic .work and affendant in "Trial by Tury" is the au- ford an opportunity for the workers to dacious young hero of the play. Dick enjoy social hours. Luncheon will be Shanahal} who took the part of best served as usual. -o-man. is execellently cast in the role of a bashful adolescent who is alMr. Philip V. Bright, of 731 Ashland w~n falling in love. avenue, returned Thursday after a two Thl' Junior auxiliary of the Infant weeks' visit in California. On May Wel fare society is sponsoring this per- 3, he and Mrs. Bright are sailing on formance. its initial public venture in !he Olympic fo~ !1 two months' journey a campaign to raise funds for the tn Europe. Phthp, Jr., will be at home furtherance of its work. again on Friday to spend the week-()end with his parents. --a:\fany Wilmette residents will be interested in the Thirty-Seventh Student Marcia Converse, Katherine Sherrecita I of the Northwestern Univer- man, Alice King, Lila Anderson. Ruth sity School of Music to be held on Shellman, Ruth Bowers, Genevieve Tu esday evening, April 29, at 8 :15 Emerich and Mary Harri~ memo'clock, at Fisk hall. The program ~ers o~ a progressive house party held will he given by Porter Warrington tn Wtlmette and Winnetka during Heap~, organist, assisted bx_ his several days of last week. mother, Mrs. Isabel W . Heaps, so-o-prano. Mr. Heaps who has been Mrs. R. F. McCoy of 730 Ashland organist at the Methodist Episcopal avenue, returned to Wilmette last week church for about a year, is also the from the south where she passed the Chitoel organist at the university. winter months. She spent most of her Th e accompanying program will be time in · St. Petersburg, but stopped gin'n on Tuesday: ,in St. Augustine for about ten days I before coming north. Sonata, No. 5, C Minor ...... Guilmant -o-I Allegro Appassionato Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Sperling, II Adagio former residents of Wilmette, have III Scherzo purchased a home in Winnetka at 555 . II Arbor Vitae road. Mrs. Sperling is Wi_th Verdure Clad (From planning to spend the summer in Eng"The Creation") ............ Haydn land, France and Switzerlanrl. She is III sailing in June. Prelude and Fugue in G Minor -o-(The Great) .................. Bach Mrs. Charles Sanford ·clarke returnIV Lullaby ........ ................ Ayres ed on Saturday from Florida. She is The Bird of the Wilderness.Horsmann spending a week at the Edgewater Spring's Awakeninl! ...... Sanderson Beach hotel with Mr. Clarke and their two sons. They will all return to their v home. 526 Washington avenue, on Nocturne ..................... Ferrata Monday. March of the Gnomes ...... Stoughton -o-Harmonies Du Soir ........ Karg-Elert ... Mrs. Arthur Taylor is at her home, VI 835 Central avenue, recovering from Toccata (From the Fifth ~vmohonv) .................. Widor an accident which she suffered last The,e student recitals are open to week when she slipped on a rug, fracturing her hip. She was in the the public without charge. Evanston hospital for several days. -o-- Select Ex"'erienced .A..rtt~-~~ ,. I '.1:' D 1j0 P /YLJ.~nnt I our nlflrz· 'lngs ,, T UI;VI" 11 \\.ILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1924 Mrs. \Yill .c: _Braun of 807 Central avenue, IS VISiting her son, George ~ho is in New York. Before return~ tng to Wilmette about May 5, she will go to Boston where. she will be the guest of her son, W1ll. 19 CAlC.. .L_T "" I; -o-- Mrs. Foster Branson and her daughter, Dorcas, of 817 Central avenue are leaving on Wednesday to spend' two weeks in Atchison, Kansas, as the guests of Mrs. Branson's mother, Mrs. L. A. Kane. -oSidney Butz, Philip Stoddard, Frank Blymyer and Kenneth and Billy Kerr have been at home for the spring holiday season. They all are students at the University of Michigan. Not In The Recipe! any cook knows, there's one ingredient that g,oes into everything that is made in the kitchen that is never found in any recipe. And that verv important ingredient is Experience. Other bakers could use our same mix and not produce Wilson's Bread. It's our know-how that does that I As -oThe new home which the Warren Ewers have been building has just been completed, and they are movinll' ~<!day into their new residence at 432 ro.aple avenue, WinnetkL -oCora Lee Whitsett of Wilmette, and Betty Darling of Kenilworth, have issued invitations for a dance which they are giving · at the Kenilworth club on May 3. -oMrs. Ralph Pettitt of lOJJ Ashland avenue, who was at the Evanston hospital for several weeks. is now recuperatin~ at the home of her sisterin - law, Miss Leslie Pettitt of Chicago. ~{r. and Mrs. William W. White returned on Saturday from Bermuda. They will Ji,·e in Evanston. where they have taken au apartment at 609 Hinman avenue. --o- -o-M iss Irene Cary of 1046 Elmwood avenue, returned home on Wednesday after visiting friends in Watseka Illinois. She was away for about ~ fortnight. --oMr. and Mrs. Perry Smithers of Lake avenue, have been in Florida for about ten days. Three Generous Assortments of Hand Made Philippine Gowns Just Arrived! These night garments were imported from the Philippines. They are made from fine quality materials, and all embroidtry work is neatly and expertly done. There are seven styles included in the three lots, some with round, others with square and Vshaped necks. The sizes are 16 and 17. Theu reasonable prices will only be good until this assortment has been sold. Come in today, and see them yourself. LOT 1 LOT 2 · LOT 3 The Mothers' association of the D<:lta Gammr. sorority gave a lar~re hnrlcre oartv '" the b<~ll room of the Orrington hotel on Thursday ahfternoon . to benefit the sorority ouse huilding fund. -o~frs. R. W. Carter and her baby son arrived from Bay City on Wednesday afternoon to make an extended visit with Mrs. Carter's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lawton of 230 Laurel avenue. -oHarriet Childs, Jeanette Flaherty, Emily Hadley, Mary Eleanor Wilhite, Marjorie Smith, Rita Talbot. Jean Duncan and Florence Branson, were guests at a progressive house party over last week-end. Miss Jocelyn Smith of Jackson, Michigan. spent last week as the guest of Mrs. W. W. Kerr, 707 Forest avenue. Mrs. Kerr's mother, Mrs. William .Replogle of La Porte. Indiana, is spending a month with her. -o-- -oMrs. Samuel Danziger has returned to her home, 337 Central avenue. after eight weeks in the Evanston hospital. She underwent a very serious operation a little over four weeks ago, and is now improving rapidly. GURLI LAGERGREN Medical Gymnast & Masseul!le Graduated from Stockholm, Sweden Special treatment for cold, headache, and constipation. Treatments administered at your home. Phone Winnetka HSIS Prepare No· w for Summer Days That Are Sure to ComeSpring time is sewing time. Here you can find many new, attractive materials to be made !nto · Spring and Summer frocks. Make your selections now-and be ready when Summer c.omes. Dress Linens A complete range of colors of ~his .popular · material is available here. The quahty ts of the best; and every piece is pre-shrunk. ·F ull. 36 inches in width. Price, a yard ...... · --o- The meeting of the Little Garden club scheduled for May 2 has been postponed until Friday, May 9. Mrs. Charles N. Hurlbut, 715 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette, will be the hostess at that time. -o- Take the Worry Out of Life! Telepllloae Wllaette 37 95C Mrs. Dwight W. Cusack (Rita Field) entertained at bridge on Tuesday afternoon at her home, 716 Eleventh street. J. JC. IIWIII'T TEAL New York Life Aa-ent 1017 Ceatral AYe. WUmett· INSURANCE New Voiles Dozens of new patterns of this material are here on display. Plaids, and figures and dots-an unlimited selection is to be had now. The widths are from 36 inches to 45 inches. Prices are from 8Sc down to ................ · soC Mother's Day Your photograph would be the most appropriate gift. As Mother's Day will soon be here-arrange now for a sitting. Hoybum Bide. Sewing Needs The many notions necessary for your Spring sewing needs may be obtained here with the greatest ease. Hundreds of items are displayed in bins and on counters, so selection can be made quickly. and with no inconvenience. If unable to come in person, phone orders will be given careful attention. Four deliveries made daily. Take advantage of this V' service. Pboae ZZ38 EVANSTON The McAllister Worthen Co. '1146 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette

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