Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 May 1924, p. 22

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22 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 192~ THIS PAGE WILL GET IT FOR YOU FOR RENT-OFFICES HEJ ,I' \\",\STED-FE:WALE FOil 8ALE-MISCELLANEOU8 = . . ,, FOR RE~T-FRONT OFFICE. SECOND -y,r ANTEll - YOl'NG WOMAN FOR l<'OR SALE-1st CLASS MANURE ftoor; Glovt>r-Brown Huilding, 1159 houst>work daily 9 to 5; small family for garden purposes. 131 Nanzig Wilmette Ave.; reasonable. Phone or 4: 110 chi ldren; Christian home. Ave. Tel. W.Jl. 2486. L31-ltc 2399. LTN26-tfc .Tel. Wi!. ll ~V after 6 P. M. L l-ltn 3 "' FOR SALE-WHITE COLLIE PUPpies. Tel. Glencoe 889. 385 Milton FOR KENT-STORES WANTED- GIRL; GENERAL HOUSESt., Glencoe . LTN31-ltc Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or SMALL STORE SUITABLE FOR wo··k; fond of children; willing. Tel. who are regular subscribers to elthet WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA real estate omce or agency tor Wlnn. 16ii. Mrs. Kus. 1158 Hamp- PEDIGREED COLLIE PUPPIES, PERTALK or GLENCOE NEWS. manufacturing concern; best busitondale AVf' .. Winn. LTN31-ltp feet markings, long heads. Tel. Wll. ness location . Winnetka. Address 1370. LTN31-ltc afel--10 cents per line In one paper. 20 cents per line In all three Life, A-177. LTN3l-ltc GIRL TO SER VE AND WOMAN FOR papers. JtfiNUfUlll CHAilGE 60c. Average ot five words to dlshwasht ng and general cleaning. BEAUTIFUL WHITE COLLIE PUPthe line. No black face type used. Rates tor Display type on appllcatlon. FOR RENT-PARK AVE, GLENCOE, Lilac T e:t Room, 576 Lincoln, Win- pie, pedigreed. Tel. WU. 1370. store with small apartment In rear. netka. LTN31-ltc LTN31-ltc Deadline for fnsertions-Classlfted advertlsemflnts will be acW . P. Smith & Co., 332 Park Ave., cepted up to Wednesday 12 o 'clock tor Glencoe. LTN31-ltc WANTED-FIRST CLASS GIRL TO FOR SALE-300 SQ. FT. CHOICE tbe WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 12 o'clock for th e sod. 212 Hh St. Wll. 1195. L31-ltc do cookin!'l" and take care or first WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for thP GLENCOE NEWS. FOR JlENT-ROOMS floor; goocl wages. Tel. Kenilworth T~ephones : WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-ZOOl. 383. LTN31-ltc WELL SEASONED WOOD FOR SALE CENTRAL HOTEL- UNDER NEW cheap. Tel. Wlnn. 1733. LTN31-ltc management- room; light outside WANTED _ COMPETENT WHITE rooms; steam : hot and cold running woman or girl for gt>neral houseREAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE water. 629 Main St. Tel. WI!. 1080. work; small family. Tel. Wlnn. 1196. STRICTLY FRESH DAY OLD EGGS FlNE 7 Rl\l. HOME IN EAST GLEN- --------------L_T_1_-_t~fc LTN3 1-1tc for sale. Tel. WI!. 708-M. LTN30-2tc coe. Exceptionally well built. FireIB1!lly----(Q)lf RENT-A TTRACTIVE FURN. WANTED-MAID FOR HOUSEWORK, WANTED TO BUY-MISCELLANEOlJS place In sun parlor and llv. rm. FOR room; central location, east sidealso nurse !or child 18 months. Tel. Sleep. Por. H . "\V. h eat. Large So. front lot adjoining park. Conv. to employed-Wilmette 41. LTNS 1 -ltc Kenilworth 1021. LTN31-ltc WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND sta. and schools. Priced ··at $18,000. furniture and other household goods. FOR RENT-l FURN. ROOM FOR WANTED _ COOK AND SECOND Address Winn. Talk, 179. LTN31-ltc Highest price paid tor same. Crost FOR SALE ;;. -WINNETKA: 7 RM. gentleman; n ear transp. Tel. Wlnn. maid; ret. req. Tel. Glencoe 154. Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., ADD. TO WILMETTE ON 1921. LTN31-ltc LTN31-ltc g.c;;~~ialldC.,~f~ooe.;:}4n ;~s~ 6o~~~srar~o~ lN GAGE'S Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTN24-tfc 10 YEARS TIME OR MORE garage, landscaped. $25,000. Location-Sheridan Road , Chestnut FOR RENT-SMALL NICELY FURN. SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE 6 rm. stucco on 50 ft. lot In good WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE room, 1632 Spencer. Phone 821-.J. Ave., Ashland .Ave., Elmwood Ave., neighborhood. Large llv. rm., oil buys and sells rugs, stoves. autos, 7th St., lOth St., Lots 2, 7 and 10, B. L31-ltp WANTED -WASHINGS TO TAKE burner. .A l!argaln at $16,600. pianos, anything useful. 808 Oak 11; L. 2, B. 2; with riparian rights, L. F_O_R __ R_E_N_T_ __ l_(_ll_l___ R_O_O_M_S_I_N __ A hom e, ft nished work and rough dry. A 72 ft. lot In beautiful section on St. LTN1-tfc 2 ·. B. 6; L. 3 and ·. B. 9; L. 9, 10 anrt Walden Rd. Make· offer. 12, B. 10; L. 6, B. 13; L. 1 and 3, B. Wilmette home to man and wife dur~.;!~. ~net ~~{_v~~lil. 418 vf3f!r~~ GLENCOE : Attractive English 6 lng summer. Apply glv·l ng refer17; L. 16, B. 18. W ANTF;D TO BUY- STUDENT'S rm. brick, new, lot 66x210, on Valley ences to Wilmette Lite, A-176. John P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. double lamp, oil burners. Tel. Wlnn. WANTED-POSITION BY EXP. COLRd. close to Skokie Goll Club. A LTN:!1-ltc LTN29-tfc 676. LTN31-ltc ored laundress, day work; best ot good buy at $19,000. refer nces. Tel. Victory 4674. 162 feet of vacant on Euclid Ave. FOR RENT-1 FURNISHED ROOM LTN31-ltp SPLENDID BUY MISCELLANEOUS A good site for 2 or 3 attractive FOR SALE 1618 WALNUT .AVENUE; near· transportation; also garage at homes. 1\fake otter. 822- Prairie. Tel. Wll. 510. L31-ltc SITUATION WANTED-WORK BY very attractive 6-room Colonial CALL US FOR SUMMER RENTALS the day as cook or laundress. Tel. home with glassed and heated sun Glencoe 321-J. LTN31-ltc parlor; hot water h eat; tile bath; WANTED TO RENT-ROOMS Ever-Hot gas heater; a gem ot a WISHES IRONING AND hom e; splendidly built and reason- LADY EMPLOYED WANTS ROOM WOMAN Tel . Wlnn. 1226 10 Carlton .Annex ably priced; open dally for your Inwithin 5 blocks or Northwestern cleaning by day; also cooking and 1800 Oak St. at the R. R. station. State price. Address Wilserving. Tel. WI!. 2987. LT31-ltc spection !rom 8 to 4:30. L31-ltc LTN31-ltc mette Life, 178· LT 31 ·ltp WANTED-WASHING AND IR.,ONING $5000.00 cash buys choice oC two new Pleasure rides Salesmen ROOM WANTED BY by the day. Tel. WH. 2486. 6 rm. Winnetka houses on Cherry FURNISHED Week-end trips Doctors gentleman. .Address Wilmette Life, LTN31-ltc St., Nos. 1066 and 1070; nr. Skokie Fishing trips Collectors school and golf course; all Improve173. LTN31-1 tp! ==7=~==~~~====== Hunting trips Realtors Hli:LP "\VANTED-MALE OR FEMALE ments In and paid tor, price $15,500. or Call 877 Elm St. or Tel. Winn. 1689. HELJ· W ANTED-lUALE lf While your car Is In repah· or paint WE HAVE A SPLENDID OPPORTUNLTN30-ttc shop. Ity for someone desirous oC making 10 f~~~ES ON WAGNER ROA:? .~ ~~~ I :D:-:U::I:-:L:-D::-::E::R:--W-IL_L_B_U_Y_F_O_U_R_O_R_F_l_V_E $50 TO $75 WEEKLY-SALESMAN Open car, 13c per mile. money at home in spare time or run with ability to become manager In Closed car, llic per mile. time. Ray Studio, Evanston, Ill. 12 acres on "\Vagner Road, East lots In good neighborhood. Will conthis territory, prefer married man LTN30-2tc front. Large bri<'k bungalow, barns, alder frontage ot 50 to 100 tt. for who has done house to house sellga,rage. $2 4, 000 . 00 each lot. Give size, location and Ing. 1\lust be live, wide awake, willLTN31-ltc Tel. Wlnn . 165 9 acres on Lakp Ave., djoinlng best cash price. Address 'VIlmette l<~on. SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS Ing- to work and able to handle men. R. R. Hig-ht-of-way. 600 toot front on Life, A- 66 · LTN29-tfc J~er·man nt position, salary, commisJ,OST AND FOUND SIOn and bonus to right man. Write·r·c,tc· Stat!' Hoacl 2,500.00 !or appointment giving references to 2 r11::,(· ~~·~,.~~~ ~lJ:,~ AJ~;·r ~~ h front ==-F_o ___ n. __J_t_l!;_l\_ . T_-_A_P_P_A_J_t_'r_~t_·_E_x_'l_'s ___ GERMAN DACHSOF HOUSE, CHEAP. LOST- BLACK and full lnforma.tlon. R. M. Rubbel, CONTENTS 1 hund, answers to name or "Dutch." Owner moving to distant city. Gray 1014 Davis St., Evanston, Room 4. $3 ~ 00 00 FOR RENT-FURNISHED OR UNIf found, communicate Wil. 2044. enameled bedroom · set; mahogany 20 acn·s on Gl<>n,·Iew Roaft' go"od furnished; 916 Oakwood; 3-rooms; LTN31-3tc L31-1tc double four post bed: wicker chairs· bulldfrr.t:"s. 1320 root fr·ontal] on In-a-door bed; hot water heat. 8 mahog. rush bottom dining roo~!=~=~~~~~~~~==~~~= Sl'l'VA'I'JON WANTED-ltiALE <'l'lllent State }toad $ ,000.00 do!1r8 be~~~'j;o~~th~~r~~~s~lt~ s~~-.;: chairs; large McCray Icebox; new PIANO TUNING ~t?I>TL~IZI)Jf/15:1lf ..@_ ((J f?'!l TL er; hot water heat; renovated Brunswick; upright plano; m a h o g . I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c:Q}~illlC9.!.\\dlll.l;i ~ 'WliW ~~illl throughout; Immediate possession. JtaH table and mirror; every day EXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIRdishes; porcelain kltch. table; vaclng; old pianos made new; refer909 Ridge ~v LTN30-tfc uum cleaner; mangle; fireless cookences. L. -...v. Foster. TeL Winn. Wilmette, Ill " ~Is FOR RENT- FURNISHED APARTer, etc. 849 Lincoln Ave., nr. North 509-J. LTN29-ttc Phone)"' ment; $20 per week; 2 rooms, new Ave. Tel. Wlnn. 1473. LTN31-ltc " LTN31-ltc and modern; facing lake ; must be FOR S.o\.LE-AU'I'OMOBILES Laid, scraped, cleaned, FOR QUICK ~'ALE-FINE BUILDING seen to be appreciated; strictly priFOR SALE-ROUND PEDESTAL DINIng table, 6 chairs to match and bufOu1· own patent sanders 'pt l.n Glen~ oe, only blk. tr·om Skokie :'naet~i:. Tel. WI I. 1070 forL;~~~~~:~ fet, painted black blue and red· 2 CountiY, /Club, cor·ner 140x75; $110 pair tloor l ength drapery to harm~n per front ft. Less desirable selling o-ROOMS; BATH; STEAM HEAT· lze; 1 Morris chair; 1 brass bed and at $200" -$250 per front ft. Beaut!gas; electricity; bright attractive; box mattress; 1 child's bed and matfully wooded; ftne neighborhood; over store; Winnetka. Address tress and 1 enclosed bookcase . Tel. will constantly Increase In value; Lift:>, A-176. LTN31-ltc A. W ASLEFF, Prop. Wlnn. 782. LTN31-ltc splendid opportunity for anyone wishing to build fine h ome as we FOR RENT-APARTMENT; 3-ROOMS 542 So. Dearborn St. FURNITURE FOR SALE - O.AK will give Ol)tlon on small lot and and bath; furnished or unfurnished. bookcase; carved oak living room cottage In rear. 42x75 if anyone deTel. Wlnn. 855. · LTN31-ltc 1!lll1iiil table; mahog. living room table· sires lt. Inquire 456 Adams St., LTN31-tfc Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 790. FOR RENT-7-ROOM 1ST FLOOR W· lcker fernery; small victrola:: LT31-ltc apartment. Tel. Wll. 1183. L31-ltc cheap; misc. kitchenware, fruit jars: FOR RENT-4-ROOMS AND PRIVATE etc. 519 Sunset, Winnetka. 31 hath. Tel. WI!. 1724. L31-ltc LTN -ltc FOR SALE SEVEN PIECE WALNUT l<~on RENT-HOUSES dining suite; 55 inch sideboard. 04 BEAUTIFUL 8 R. HSE. WITH 30 FT. FOR RENT FURNISHED-MODERN WE CLEAN WALL PAPER, CALC!724 Elm St. Tel. Wlnn. 1128 Inch extension table; one arm chair; living room; 4 lrge. bedrooms and o-room cottage and sleeping porch· mine, grass cloth; we wash painted five straight chairs; excell ent design bath on 2nd floor ; maids room and LTN31-ltc vegetable gardt'n and fruit: east woodwork, and windows as well as and finish; good construction Tel bath on 3rd flr.; 2 slpg. prches.; gaside IO<'tttion. June 15 th to Septempolish furniture and wax floors. Winnetka 550- W, or add res~ :Hi rage attacht><l; vapor ht>at; best N. be 1· 15th. Tel. Wilmette 907 -J. Call First class ret. Edward T. Handy, Spruce St., Winnetka. LTN31-ltc E. section Wilmette; like to trade after 4 P. M. LTN 3l-ltp Omce Tel. Wil. 1647 after 6 P. M. FO for smallt'r hse. in Wilmette. East 418 Linden Ave. LT22-ttc R SALE-ADJUSTABLE STROL- DODGE CARS: 1922 RDS. $425, 1922 aide, or "\Vinnt>tka. Addresa "\VIIN. E. WINler with top; 2 fumed oak chairs; mt> tte Life, A-160. LT31-ltc JUNE 15 to Sept. 15. Tour. $450, 1923 Sedans $950 and netka home. Large sct·eened front table and davenport. good con d. $1.025. FRANKLIN SEDAN, 1918, $300. porch and nice lawn. Ideal toea~n""'r?'!llftlll Tel. Winn. 564-W. ' LTN31-ltc OWNER LEAVING FOR E.AST FORD SEDAN, 1923, $435. tl~m . $200 per month . Phone Wlnn. J.r v.uw <IV will sell 7 rm . well built Winnetka 1 00. LTN31-ltc FOR SALE-2 ~lAHOG. ROCKERS· home in good cond. for less than fumed. oak living room table and market value. Has large llv. rm. FOR RENT-7 RM. HSE.; 1\fODERN H rocker, In exc. com!. Tel. KenllDodge Brothers and Wills Sainte with natural tlre1Jiace. 2 car gaClaire dealers Tel. Winnetka 596-J. LTN31-lt~ worth 88. LTN31-ltc ruge. Lot 50xlS7. Conv. to schools LTN31-ltc Tel. Winn. 165 and tJ·a ne. Good terms to responsiW A N'I'J<~D TO RENT-HOlJSES F~R SAL.E -PORCH FURNITURE, by a new electric sanding pro1attnn, t,thlf' an!l chairs· also fl 0 ble party. Reduced to $14,000 . .Phone Wlnn. 1226. LTN31-lto \\'ANTED TO RENT- 7 OR 8 ROOM cess. Prices very reasonable. lamp. Tel. -...vinnetka 958·. 36 g F~l~e~ ~ouse; lease to start between July Call tor D~ttra~URK Lane. LTN31-ltc st and Sept. 1st tor one or two Evanston 4517 years. Write C. L Bode 216 No LTN27-ttc FOR SALE-DINING ROOM RET "$25 OPEN AIR SALES 7 Rllf. FRAliiE; 4 CHAMREHS; 2 ~!tchigan, Chicago, or tel: Glenco~ 1 ~:::::=:=-::::=~~===:::::;:::======== a n5 d3 other furniture. Tel. l'.:~a;,ston Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. 54 · 68 prcht's.; lot G5x200. Only $12,500. LTN31-ltc I: · LTN31-ltc Evanston HO WANTED NORTH SHORE HOUSE, LAWN ANDI!'!!!~~~~~~~;::=~~~;;~~ Willys-Knight and Overland TO RENT FOR SUMMER GARDEN SERVICE 1· FOil. SAL IS' 613 Hh St. m~nt~s,l a or 6 rm. furn. hse.; good House and window cleaning, ftoor E lfl C'ELLANEOUS Dealers Tel. Wll. 1304 re · e · E.vanston 3215-R. L31-ltc waxing, lawn and garden work, ftrst FOR SALE-34 HENS AND 5 ROOSTLTN29-t!c L31-ltc class references. W<~.lsh. Tel. Wlnn ers. Fancy stock. Hens barely one FOR SALE - 4-ROO:M: BUNGALOW· FOit ltEST-OFFICEs 1035 (after 6 P. M.) LT25-ttr year old and. fine layers. Will sell In lot or divrde into small lots of 7 PAIGE TOURING WITH WINTER ideal location; west side; price $9,~ OF~'lCES AND I<'LATS FOR RENT 000. Address Lite, A-1 H. L31-ltc 566 Center St., Winnetka. . RUG CLEANING, WINDOW WASHhens and one rooster. Hens ·2 00 I ·150 F d T each: roostt·rs $3.00 each. w';,~th en<' osure, .,. . or ax!, $125. Ing; hardwood floors a specialty; more than double. Reason for sell- Winnetka Oarage, 652 Lincoln Ave. B1JSINE88 CHANCE ;::..._~~~~;;;;::;==~=~~~L~T;gN~3~1;-l~t~c housework by the hour. Tel. Wil. lng-, leaving town. H. W. Foote, 247 l~~~=~~~~~=-=~=~L~T~N~3~1-~1~t~c r=================_!_:_ ·----=~ ~~~l~ l !ii~J~N~E~,s~s[:~c!H~A~N~C~EE::: 1505; Jesse. LTN31-ltc ~;acr Road, Glencoe. Phone GlenCHAUFFEUR, A NO. 1; SEVEN YRS. e ' LTN31-ltc TO PATRONS OF THE . CHICAGO exp. on high grade cars; mechanic; NORTH SHORE AND MILWAUKEE married; white. Tel. Northbrook FOR SALE-FIRST MORTGAGE LOAN RAILROAD COl\-fPANY 220-R. LTN30-tfc of $10,000 on choice Wilmette property wor·th twtce thl 8 CALL EVANSTON 992. 10 <;;. TO 20% December l!l2S 6 '>fa amount, due The Chicago North Shore and Milon your cement work. 20 years exphone wtimett~ 2648% Interest. Tele- waukee Railroad Company hereby perience. Charles Epney. Knudtson, 79 West ~~n~~~r~~s ~h~~ gives notice to the Public that It has LTN31-ltc cago, for particulars. L30-3tc flied with the Illinois Commerce ComGARAGE FLOORMAN, OR COMBINAtion washer and ftoorman or huck BABY CHIX: AFTER MAY 2nd, IN mission or the State of Illinois, an apdriver. Best ret. Northbrook 220-R. 100 lots. Leghorns $8 50 B d plication for a certificate or conveniRocks, Single Red~ $9 5;0· aRre ence and necessity to operatll a motor . Be t paying Drug Store, in the finest location, in the EXPERT GARDEN WORK DONE BY vru~e Rocks,' $ll .SO;' Wy:~~ vehicle tor the transportation of pasch01cest s~b~rb on th~ North Shore; conditions ideal; 8 hour or contract. Call Wlnn. 1902. D T FAROrp., Minorcas, $12.50. LTN27-ttc no competttJon; establtshed 25 years; invaluable lease· PEORiA ILL ROW, CHICKERIES, sengers, over the following route, ' · LTN18-22tc which Is supplemental to the route now HELP WANTED-FEMALE com~l.etc tock ; full prices obtained on all com~ FOR SALE RUNNING B 0 A R D being operated by the aforesaid rallmo~h.tte ; aver.age ales $2<X> a day; no whiskey or ilWANTED- MAID FOR GENERAL trunk, fender style, fitted to C dU- ~oad, to wit: On Ridge Avenue from housework; small family· t.ea.dy lac, with two gri 08 j a J~gtttma_te bu mes ; the local and transient trade comtouring $35 OO · ust rif!"ht for Wilmette Avenue to Lake .Avenue and pla<'e tor reliable person': white ; bmed wtth the steadily increa ing population mak~s this <'ooking exp. not nect'ssary: private 593 Shertda~ R~!~h·w~·n~tk~e~~ndt, thence on Lake Avenue from Ridge room and bath. Apply afternoons Wtnn. 27. · L'rNat~l~~ Avenue to Waukegan Road, all In the a r':al t_noney maker, .w.hich demands your' prompt inht>t 4 and 5. 415 Washington Ave Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 403 . ., FREED EISEMAN FIVE TUBE NEU State of Illinois. ve t1gat10n; O~vner retmng: $20,()(X) or the equivalent in All parties Interested In this proLT31-ltc trodyEf radio, console cabinet West: collateral reqUired to handle purch:~se. !~~ ~ctrlc loud speaker; battery ceeding may obtain Information 11.11 to WA~TED-WHITE WOM.AN IN FAMWll . 2c75~~ger, complete. Tel. Wll. time and place oC hearing upon said Ily of 2; woman employed part time LTN31-1tc applica.tion by addressing the Secreto give one day each week and extra time occasslonally: good living BABY BUGGY, tary of the Illinois Commerce Comaccommodations tcf right party, Tel. F~~c. Sc~~~REED same, $12.' ~erledWhllalr mattreu for mission at Sprlnfteld, Illinois. 556 Center (formerty ·W. R. R. Ave.), Win. 254. Wlnn. 1783. LTN31-ltc · · 1808. Lat-ltc CHICAGO NORTH SHORE AND MILW ANTED-EXP. COOK, .ALSO WAIT- FOR SALE-1 LADIES' 7 YR SADDLE WAUKEE RAILROAD COMPANY, LTNS1-1tc ress: beet wages. Tel. Wlnn. 68. By Britton I. Budd, President. ~~~~- ,single footer; gentle and LTNU-ltc Tel. Wlnn. 9Cl . LTNat-ltc L31-ltO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · Classified advert isements w.UI be charged only General N OtteeS-to residents ot the district trom Evanston to I I R W !!.llilft ft(Q) ~<ellilfci> wn. EolEo§ttMlltt~~®~lltty<C(Q) RENT-A-CAR DRIVE IT YOURSELF PAY BY THE MILE IDEAL FOR ~~lf~~nrril~ nllil A~rr(f; 1r ~m.~tt~ 2 0 WERSTED MOTOR CO. 3 Day Sale-May 8, 9, 10 1 HARDWOOD FLOORS I AdYance Floor Co. (G(Q)(Q)cdl UJ ~(f;dl lEUlln(CTIK~ §ll (Q)(~ JMI @\t@lf -------------------------1 NORTH SHORE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE §!!.ll®~ Buick Dealers Ieni Dependable Used Cars ave . Your Old Floors Made Like New WERSTED MOTOR CO. Dan and saclcrs fro Carney Cr corpora ted, Kent the fluen boys Rotar F R SALE-EAST SIDE Used Cars - All Makes These Church Sunday, service. WILMETTE REALTY CO. 01 Mrs. B. knap Ha Jnft on Citv for t CG~EAT IBSlU§llNIE§§ (Q)ll»IP(Q)IR 1rUJNll1rY~ and Mis~ Place on the Tn church, :::1!· lHII&llNSIEN & <ClLAW?.OCP llllil~o

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