Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 May 1924, p. 23

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u ' Nanzig WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1924 23 co us L31-ltc I IANURE E PUP5 Milton TN31-ltc PERTel. Wll. fl'N31-ltc ~S. E PUP0. TN31-ltc CHOICE L31-ltc SALE ! TN31-ltc ~R li I fT EGGS TN30-2tc IAN EO US TNH-tfc Sure I Paid That Bill" It does not show on the merchant's booksyou've mislaid the receipt-can't recall to whom you paid the money. / Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Sheridan, 624 Lincoln street, Evanston, announce the birth of a daughter on Saturday, April 26, at the Evanston hospital. --oThe hurch of the Holy Comforter is giving a card party on May 11, at , the Kenilworth Assembly hall at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. --<>Mr. Mark W. Cresap, 239 Esse.x road left on Sunday for a short bustness' trip to New York city. --<>Mrs. John Marshall Roberts of 328 Warwick road, has returned from a fortnight's visit in Washington, D. C. --<>Mrs. H . F . Hutchinson returned Sunday from a brief sojourn in Rockford and Dubuque, Iowa. --<>The Indian Hill Golf club gave a tea to its members Saturday afternoon, ,April 26. MORE ADVICE FORMAIUNG Poa~uter Shantz Adds to Last Week'a Hinta D HAND le. Croat ~ rson S t ., ld goods. Safety in the matter of t h e mails involves not O,nly the protection of mail by registration of the ind~mnifi cation of mail by insurance. according to Postmaster Joseph E. Shantz, but . includes in its broadest sense complete cooperation between the public and the postal service to get the best results at the minimum cost. Accompanying are the second group oi important sugvestions for 1h e public published in Wu.M!TT£ LIP£ at the instance of th e local post office: -oStart Riabt. It is obvious t hat t h e M rs. Roy Hulbert, 528 Abbottsford first duty of business concerns and road, who recently sprained h er ankle, individuals, as well as a ll patrons genis recuperating. erally, is to see that all mail bears le("ible, proper, and complete addresses 'lnd return cards, toget her w ith proper 1 ST ORE s. autos, 808 Oak LTNl-tfc UDENT'S rl. Wlnn. TN31-ltc ELF LE ~:s or paint es - ~co. ,TN31-l tc '· DACHS"Dutch." 2044. L31-ltc ~TN29-tfc REPAIRv; referI. Wlnn. c:::::=-:: J..Es . 1128 31-ltc t-ars 26, 1922 950 and · $300. t co. Addreaa to be Complete all4l Plaia. The address should always be plain and complete, including street and number at letter-carrier offices, an d w here mail is intended for large genera l office buildi n!l's, the room number. Printed advertising matter sent in Have you ever been in such a fix? Applications for Training quantities on which the st reet address is not given is treated as undeliverCamp Pouring In ab le. AbbreYiationa Should be AYoided. There's no likelihood of being so embarrassed if The names of the addressees should be you pay by ·check. Every tran action shows right Plans are under way to make this written in full to assure proper decoming summer the greatest in the livery, as frequently two or more on your book-every cancelled check IS legal six-year history of Camp Roosevelt, patrons of the same post office have the Chicago Board of Education- idf'ntical initials. Return Card E11ential. A definite proof of the payment. U. S. army boys' camp located at Silver Lake, near LaPorte, Indiana. return card giving the complete address of the sender should be placed Applications from boys al l over the Why not open a checking account with us tocountry are daily pouring into the in the upper left corner of the address office of Major F. E. Beals, super- si(l, on all mail. Prepayment of Poatace N eceaaary. day? visor of phvsical and military training in the ChicaJ[o high schools, and Prepayment of postal!'e in full expedites dispatch and delivery. prevents superintendent of the camp. annoyance to all concerned, and reCamp Roosevelt was founded in sult in most satisfactory service. 1919 by a group of public-spirited Uae H :lt'h-Denomination Poataae f'hicago business men working with S ~e m n a . Use a s:nl!'le postage .stamp Major Beals, to provide a place where when~ver po sible to pay the postage boys could !let together for a few on a letter or parct>l. The nse of two weeks each summer for development or more stamps when one higher deof their minds and bodies under nomination stamp would answer the trained bov builders. This group, ~arne purpose Plakes more work for known as the Camp Roosevelt associ- the postal service and increases the ation, makes the camp possible at a rost to the Government in connection minimum cost to each boy. ,..;th the manufacture of postage Athletics under college trained stamps. coaches, military training under army Letterheada and AdYertiaementl experts. grammar and high school "hould Bear Complete Add...... Member of the Federal Re·erve Bank study, if de~ired, under a selected T,etterheads and other stationery used faculty, and life in the open under in correspondence should hear the the sun and stars feature the camo n-'lle. str<>et and uumher or other local season, which operates from June 30 address, etc .. of the user. to August 16. Keq MailinR' Liata Up to Date. MailRecords of hundreds of boys who in..., lists shou ld be consta_ ntly revised have passed through Roosevelt cour- so that they may be up to date. The ses are kept at the camp headquarters, ">lacin~ of a return card on mail, to460 South State Street, Chicago, and gether with a pledge to pay return the progress of Pach is watched in his postalle in the case of mail of t h e struggle through life, which is made second. third, and fourth classes, aslighter as a result of hi Roosevelt sures the return of matter which is training. .,.,rl,liverahle and offers the simplest and most direct means of maintaining correct mailing lists. Buy Stampa Where Uaecl. Mailers Mrs. R. Jarrett, 509 Essex road, who Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Burchard, should purchase stamps at the post left for California a short time ago, 310 Oxford road, left on Tuesday for office of mailin~. The mailing oost spent last week at the Grand Canyon a motor trip to Beloit where they will office is entitled to the revenue from and at Salt Lake City where she met be the -guests of Mr. and Mrs. George the sale of postage stamps used on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Ruff, 236 Grovesteen. The Evanston Community Recrea- mailings. Dan and Stephen, the Boy Cru- Cumnor road, who are now on their How Cooperation Bene6te tile -otion association which operates the saders from the Kentucky mountains. way home after visiting in San FranM rs. C. F. Ames and son, Louis, of public links on the right of way of the Mailer. Cooperation along the e lines Carney Creek, Community Center, In- cisco. will result in more expeditious disRochester, New York, who have been Drainage canal in Evanston and Wilcorporated, Pippapass, Knott County, --<>the guests of Mrs. Ames' ister, Mrs. mette, and has many members among patch, transmis ion. and delivery of Kentucky, will tell of their life and On Thursday and Friday, April 24 Wilmette residents, announces that mail. eliminate unnecessary labor and the condition of the people and in- and 25, a white elephant sale of Edwin Hedrick, 304 Melrose avenue, the playing season ha now begun and Pxpense. li!('hten the burden on the on Saturday. fluence of the school thereon. These clothes, curtains, shoes and hats, for left for their home a number have taken advantage of the Postal Service, and prevent the loss -()boys come well recommended by the men. women and children, was held favorable weather to try their skill on of husiness incidental to the delay of The Junior League of Kenilworth Rotary, Kiwanis, and other clubs. at 509 Main street, Evanston, to benemail and its failure of delivery through the Community links. met at the home of Mrs. Charles These boys will tell their story at the fit Grove House, a home for convalesFor the first time, the Community lack of care in its preparation. · Ware, 325 Abbottsford road, on SatChurch of the Holy Comforter on cents. urday morning, for the purpose of association course this year will be Sunday, May 4, at the 11 o'clock -olocated entirely on the right-of-way N. U. to Have Special sewing for Infant Welfare. service. of the Drainage canal. Heretofore, The fifth annual gymnasium exhi--o-Radio Nigbta at WMAQ the course has partly been on leased -obition given by the boys and girls of Mrs. Mark W. Cresap, 239 Essex property. The course is extended this Invitations have been issued for the the Kenilworth Community center will An interesting as well as instructive road, rteurned to her home on Wedyear to Sheridan road in Wilmette. radio marriage of Miss Justine Vallee, he held on Saturday, May 3, at 7:30 broad-casfing program hy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Albert o'clock at the Culbertson gymnasium. nesday from the Preshyterian hospital The farthest North that the players WMAQ, hicago Daily News radio where she underwent an operation. ha \' e gone heretofore is Maple avenue station, for the month of May for Dickson of Evanston, to Mr. James Everyone is cordially invited to attend. She is recovering Yery rapidly. in 'W ilmette. They shot across the early Wednesday evening li teners Larned Ferguson, son of Mrs. James -o--o-canal at that point and then turned was announced thi week. This is the Larned Ferguson, on Saturday eveThe Home and Garden club of Ken1-frs. Alex Hannah, 256 Woodstock southward. For this year's playing Northwestern ltniversity weekly proning, May 3, at Saint Mark's church, ilworth met at the home of M ils. E,v anston. Charl~'s Howe. 240 Kenilworth avenue, road, who has been spending the the new fairways north of Maple ave- gram which the Daily News is featurwinter in Asheville, North Carolina, nue are open and they furnish one of ing between 7:30 and 8 o'clock each -o-on Monday afternoon. A proR"ram on Mrs. B. C. Hawkes and Mr. Bel-l astors and Q."ladioli was given by arrived home on Monday of last week. thc most interesting sections of the Wedne. day night. o links. Managing Director William L. The program follow : May 7. The knap Hawkes, 157 Kenilworth avenue,' members of the club. ~frs. Grant Rid~cway. 207 Cumber- )of cGoodwin who is in charge of tfie A Cappella choir of Northwestern Jnft on Sunday evenin~ for Kansas! -oCitv fot: the ~edding of Mr.. Hawkes j Miss Betty Dar! in f.!. 313 E s'iex road. lanrl road. who also spent the winter course again this year feels that with universitv in carol , Latin motets little favorable weather, he can give negro sp-iritual and part song , with and Mts~ Altce Sma~t whtc~ to~k · and Miss Coralee Whitsett of Wit- in Asheville, returned to her home on a the players a very desirable course. Dr. Peter Chri tian Lutkin a musical April 28. place on Tuesday t>venmr;!:, Aonl 111 mette will be hostesses at a dance on William McCabe who has served director; May 14, address by Dr. --()the Indenendence. Boult>_vard ~hrtsttan ~aturday evening. May 3, at the Ken).fr. and Mrs. Alex S. Joslin, 240 the Community Recreation association James F. Simond . Northwe tern uni· church, Kansas Ctty, Mtssourt. ilworth Assembly hall. E-;scx road, will leave on Sunday, at the starter's house for the last few \'ersity Medical chool in "The In--o--<>years is again employed hy the direc- crea in~ Co. t of Medical Education;" Miss Emily Foresman, SIS ~ssex Mr. Samuel Do111l'las Flood, Jr.. is ~fay 4, for Battle Creek, Michigan, tors, while John Miller will have May 21-Candle Light Ceremony of road, returned to her home on Frtday. planning- to spend thrre months on the where they will remain for two weeks. charge of the clubhonse. Director Northwe. tern univer itv to which -oAoril 25. frn"l .., thrt><> w~'ek·' visit in west and east coast of South America McGoodwin has made :1rran .... Pments :Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins have for a restaurant at the clubhouse "·hich alumni in all parts of the United the east wit~ Miss. Ruth Murrav of after his graduation from Ann Arbor hought the old Hubbard home in will not only serve the player hut States will be listeners in from 7:30 N:ew York ctty, Mtss Dorothy New- in June. to 8:30 o'clock. and including mu.;ical \Vinnetka where they will move early the public a~ well. ktrk of Hackensack. New Jersey, and -onumhcr . bv tht> Northwe tern Uniin May. with Mrs. H. Tremaine of Cleveland. President Thomas F. Leahy of the ver itv ban·d anct Gl e Cluh quartet: Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen. 412 MelOhio. -o-Communit,· Recreation assoctat1on May 28-Prof. P . 0. Ray. profe. sor of rose avenue, arrived home on Monday -o-M iss Ethel Reardon leaves Sunday states that the cour e is open to any. political from Boston where they were t.he cience. an addre s upon Mr. Louis Neuherger of Cleveland guests of their dau~rhter and son-m- for a two months' sojourn in Lincoln- one rt:' iding- in the drainage district. "The Reforms of Pre idt·ntial Xominavilli'. Ma;ne, as the lluest of Mrs. F. The annu"'l fees for men ~re $30 and tion Methods." snent two llav~ la~t week w;th his law. Mr. and Mrs. Dwinnell Slater. C. Picard and Mrs. Rufus K. Porter. womf'n $20 a year. ~ivinll' full privile!leS sister. Mrs. Walter Shattuck, .138 KPn-o-The ' av -lenvth of \\'MAQ is 448 -oitworth avenue. He left on Saturday of the course. Day players will be meters and orthwt'-.tern alumni Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Danly, 336 for a motor trip to Cleveland, accom- Essex road. and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph The North Shore Theatre Guild rharl"ed 50 cents except on Saturdays, throucz:hout America who have been o:~nierl bv Mr. Walter Shattuck. Jr., Tovce, 531 Essex road, returned home ~aYe th,e plav. "Icebound" on Thurs- St1nclav~ :>nd holidays when the charge li tening in during the Ia. t year have Mr. Shattuck returned home on Wed- ta~t week from a ten day stay at Ex- day eveninQ', May 1, at the Kenilworth will be $1. heen notified of the special Candle nesday. ' As embly hall. Light ceremony for May 21. . Arral!gecelsior Springs, Missouri. -()-<>Dr. and Mrs. Hecht, 1042 Green- ment are now being '!lade tn v~r1ous -o-Mr. and Mrs. Ch arles Rockcastle citie. where~y atur:nm who w11l .be wood avenue, entertained seventy of Mr. Roy C. OsQ'OOd 423 Essex road, 1 Mrs. Ralph S. Gromann, 1316 Chestwho have returned from their wedding left his home on Wednesday for White their friends at dinner last Saturday meeting at dmner tn hotel o.r pn·trip in t h e east, are living- with thei r nut ave,nue, was hostess at luncheon Sulohur Sprintrs to combine a two evenin~ in celebration of their wed - ate home mav have the rad1o propau·nts. Mr. :~n.t Mr". T H. Newport and hridge at her home ot:t Thu~sday. weeks' trip of business and pleasure. ding anniver ary. gram in £ II that night. April 24, when she entertatned stxteen of 520 Abbottsford r oad. BIG SEASON AT post~rre. ROOSEVELT CAMP Flnt National Bank =-------===== OP WILMETTE~=----- Iii ."i &iiiiiiiii,iiimiiE7222d4iE!SJ2;::mm,i::::;:::·mi COMMUNITY COURSE IS Kenllworth Happenings READY FOR GOLF FANS ?9·.

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