WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1924 Rockefeller .M cCormick, Mr. and Mrs. New Trier Junior Prom J.ames J . Barbour, Mr. and Mrs. WilScheduled for May 30 ham Skiles Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. The Junior prom at New Trier high Brackett Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. E . J. Buffington , Mrs: Henry W . Cheney, school wi ll take place on Friday eveS. J . Duncan Clark, George W. Dixon, nin g, May 30, in the New Trier Mess Mr. a.nd Mrs. Sheridan E. Fry, Dr. Ross hall, it was announced this week. C. G1b son, Mrs. J. Paul Goode, Mr Boh E nglish, a member of the Prom Local Women Hear of En- and M.rs. Wirt E. Humphrey, Mrs: co mmittee, gives the following advice: Catherme Waugh McCulloch, Miss couraging Progress "This year we are violating the esMary McDowell, Miss Harriett Vit - ta blished custom by having the grand tum, !rank ] . Scheidenhelm, Rev. march at 8:15 o'clock. This is being Frede.r1ck Shannon, C. N. Stevens, R. done to take advantage of the especiDurinJ.r the past five years the Na - A. T1mmons, Lewis C. Walker and ally good orchestra which his been tional Woman's Christian Temperance Paul Westburg. se cured. As has been announced, no Union has more than doubled its memstags will be admitted. You had bethe r ship1 according to Mrs. Frances P . t er arrange your dances as soon as Parks, national corresponding secre- Motor Trucks Must Be possible so that you will get a good ta ry of that organization, who spoke Geared Down, Says Law program." thi s week at a luncheon at Hotel MorThe annual Junior prom is one of Section 24-A. of the motor vehicle ri son attended by north shore women, where plans were made for the Golden law of Illinois relating to trucks is un- the outstanding social events of the Jubilee convention to be held in Chi- known to many truck owners, according ocial season at the high school. to a bulletin issued by the Chicago Mocago next November 14-19. "Women everywhere are showing tor club. This section of the motor Mra. Hugo Lunclatrom increasing enthusiasm and a greater vehicle law provides that all motor desire to help in the work of our t~ucks except those operated by the pohce and fire departments must be equipwishes to announce to her pamany-sided program," Mrs. Parks declared, pointing out that women lead- ped with a device so as to prevent the trons and friends that she is coners of many other organizations are motor truck from obtaining a speed ducting the p~inting and deccoop erating in a general law enforce- greater than that permitted by the motor vehicle act if ·the truck is geared to ment program. orating shop of the late Hugo ru.n at a greater speed than that per"Who can say, truthfully, that our mitted such a truck. It is provided in Lundstrom, under the manageorganization no longer need function the act that it is the duty of the states because the dry laws have been passment of Emil Danielson, a man ed, when they realize that we have attorney to prosecute for any violation of wide experience. twenty-six departments of work in- of this section and the secretary of state stead of only one as is commonly may cause the inspection of motor Phone Winn. 937 thought? We are supporting more trucks to be made as he may deem necesmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllu;; than a dozen Americanization centers sary. in the United States and are helping to support the most advanced child welfare experiment station in this JANE POLSON SPEARIN country," said Mrs. Parks. Teacher of Sinrinc The Golden Jubilee convention to be "Mrs. Spetwin has troin.td these sin.gers held in Medinah temple will celebrate to a remarkably good .style of .singing"-Music the W. C. T . U. fiftieth year of acNews, Chicago. tivity. Fifty-eight teams in Cook coun1159 Wilmette Ave., Glover-Brown Bldg. ty a re collecting funds this week to Wilmette prov ide an entertainment fund for the co nvention. ~!embers of the special citizens' ................., ,.. .......l committee are: Mrs. Mcdill McCormick , Harry A. Wheeler, A. F. Bull, 01110 O>=O 01110 0., Mrs. James A. Morrison, Mrs. Edith RAPID GROWTH FOR W. C. T. U. BLACK DIRT LIME FER:tiLIZER To Beautify Your Lawns CRUSHED STONE To Dress Up Your Drivewaya Edinger & Sons Eatablillaed 1107 EVANSTON WILMETrE Noyea and Colfaa 1301 Lake A··ae E·anaton 5035 Wilmette Nl·MZ WINNETKA 7ZZ Elm Stnet WumetbMI 1Wedding 0 ro 0 ,:::.:::~::::::::::~::::.::::::.~ j Gi~ts in Jewelry and Silver J 1 0 Fence Posts-Cheaper Than Wood Red T()pS less than.wood fence posts. and last twice as long. Youcos~ dnve them mto the ground w1th a sledge-no holes to dig-no tamping-no muss-no dirt. The Red Top fence is always neat and clean in appearance. It harmonizes with the most artistic surroundings. It protect..q your property without detracting from it. Red Top Steel Drive a 0~ The well-chosen gifts of discriminating friends are among the great joys of the bride and groom on their day of days. Here, among our great selections of delightful weding gifts, may be found presents, little and big that are ideally suited to be life-long remembrances. I ~0 Red Top Installation Service Any handy-man can quickly and easily install Red Tops. Or if yon desire we can take care of the complete installation for you. Our men are expert fence builders. Our prices are right. Our service will please. Call or Write WHEN YOU VISIT OUR STORE The Reduced Prices of . Cantilever Shoes M a/ee Comfort an Economy They were vriced reasonable before the recent reduction. No change I 0 having been made in the quality, Cantilever Shoes today stand before the country as the greatest value ever oao offered in scientific shoe construction.! They make comfort an economy, not a luxury. l a g Charles E. Graves & Company ~~ Jewelers and Silversmiths Madison & Wabash CHICAGO 0 courteous·, experienced salespeople will gladly aid you in your choice of appropriate wedding gifts, with the purpose of pleasing you in both price and quality. o RED TOP STEEL POST COMPANY 38 South Dearbom St., Room 734 Cbicap o oao oz:sl o.::::&o On the North Shore Thousands of men and women have discovered in the natural lines and ftexible arch of the Cantilever Shoe a meana of enjoying the most shoe comfort in a lifetime. Perfect harmony of action between foot a'nd shoe has lifted their conception of ease in walking, tireless standing, foot health. S~~~nt~Ur8 The finer points pf Chicago Solvay Coke must be appreciated as thousands of tons of this better fuel are filling the bins of hundreds of homes. Your bin can be filled now at the rock bottom price of the year. There'sno smoke-no soot. It leaves fewer ashes to handle and it's Thousands more are going to enjoy this comfort and "foot ability." That is one reason why prices were reduced, so that a large number of new wearers would begin to share the foot happiness available in the (i§ii~ JYti®nsin ~tchtgan Plan now for more ft.J, more fish. more pictures, more health-fiving days among the pines in W·scon· sin"s Land of Lakes. Go early. Get the Northera Wiacoaain habit ud eatablieh a home ,r camp in tbia treat out· o' ·doora couatl')'. Pre·ee·eoa eHViee-LHveChicaaoS:OO P.M.(Stull· ard T·me) May 29tb-Juoe 3rd·6cb-10th. zo% cbeaper tbaa hard coal Fill your bin now with CHICAGO We have our new Spring stocks. Each style has the famous flexible arch whtch sup[lorts the foot and yet givea it the desired freedom and healthful exercise. Come and see how good looking the Cantilever atylea are. Sold in Evanston only by '-=Shoe rantilever Bolvq"Coke A uniform and clean, smokeleee fuel for home heatinc plants. Made in Chicago from carefully selected eoft coal. Wisconsin Lakes Special Ia aervice June 12tb - Lv. Chicago daily, except Sunday 1 7:00P.M. (Standard Time), arrivinC Northern Reaorta early next morn· io,. ReturainC, arr. Cbioato, 7:15 A. M, For Sale 6y HOFFMAN BROS. Phone Wilmette 131 NORTH SHORE. BOOTERY hr Tn Noau SIIOU Horn Bvu·o £YAlfnOII6757 Ashland Limited k~~g. Ftn folthn-' ~--..,to E. E. ORNER, Ticket Aaeat, C. & N. W. Ry. Wilmette, Ill. .. .... . . . ToleobOGe4 . . . ...