WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1924 HAS NEW IDEA ON NOMINATiNG df Sti&'geata Conventiona Pick Slates Congress should be empowered by amendment to the national constitution to regulate presidential nomina. tions , according to Prof. P. Orman Ray, of the political economy department of Northwestern university, and one. of the ~ext moves should be a national presidential primary not to elect delegates to national conventions but ~o nominate a president and vice president from among half-a-dozen names already put before the country hy regular party conventions. Prof. Ray, ~ho has made a deep study of Amencan elections, primaries ~~d syste~ns of conventions of polIt ical p_ artles, made these points in a talk this ~eek over the Chicago Dail !;'lews rad1o, WMAQ. His topic was~ . The Reform of Presidential Nominat ~ !ng Methods," and he urged various mdependent bodies of thinking men and wome.n in .the United States to take up .thas subJeCt at once and strive to" obtam t he necessary legislation. There. must be an impressive demon stratiOn .~f reform sentiment," said Prof. R_ay, befor~ the major parties and their c_ongres sJOnal candidates will pledge their support to the admission of the necessary constitutional amendmen to the several states." The Northwestern professor contended that the people of the United States can hardly afford to abolish or eyen emasculate the national conventton, '_'an~ substitute direct popu~ar nom1nat10n of presidential can dJda!,es even under a un iform primary Ia~., He urged, however, that the pol~hcal convention be regulated by national law and. would leave, he s tat~d, the select10n of presidential nommees ·finally to the people after 'CO., INC. ll don venti?ns had offered a slate of half ~~en SUJta.ble candidates. t' The. logical time for holding a na~o n-w id e primary is not before nattonal conventions are held but subsequentlyt he urged. The function the pnmary should not be to elect e1 ~gates and seek to control their ~~tton by more or less futile instrucc~onn s or preferential votes. On the . trary, the sole function of the pnmary should be a far more important. one, namely, to make the final chftce of '?residential candidates from a. Ist previously submitted by the na ti onal c~nvention . In other words, ~oth . nattonal convention and presIdential primary should be retained but their relations should be exact ly reversed. "Under such an arrangement the new role of the national conv~ntion would be restricted to drafting the party platform and to the election of not ~ore than five or six names to be sub~ttted t? the party voters at the ensumg . pnmary for final decision. The a.sptrant on this list who receives the h1ghest vote in the primary will t~ereby become the presidential candi~a~e. for the pre sidency; and the one rece1vmg the next highest vote (unless he "'Yere already president or an expresident). sh?uld be bound to accept ~h e nommatton for the vice prestdency." 'Dolklrs Sa..,ed 'Dolian Actual tests prove that 10 tons of Made Equals in heat value 1172 tons of hard coal. At the ,-edtked Spring price of $13.4~ per ton you can save $50.00 when you purchase this amount of heat. You get a clean fuel-fewer ashes-no smoke-no soot-and it is easy to use and control. For Sale By Ma~ ?s simply a mechanism run by ( lectnc1ty and chemical reaction-a machi_ne made up of 28,000.000,000,000 el e ctn~ cells, according to Dr. George W . Cnle, a Cleveland surgeon E motion, love, hate fear-~re but stimuli, loosing currents of electricity through certain paths, he says. Each cell of the body-twenty-eight trillion of them-is a tiny wet battery, with negative and positive poles. Brain cells are most posit ive and liver cells the most negative, he claims. 28 Trillion Electric Cella In Human Body, Says Crile EDINGER COAL CO. KUTTEN BROS. Wilmette 641 Wilmette I Calll.A-wtadale 7025 for our Ftft Sen-ia ~IIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~IIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImDII\8\\111 = = == == = = = = == 1'-'""""'"'"'""'"""""'""'"'"'"'"'""'"'"""""."'""'""":""""M*'""'""'"'"~ == ~ g Do You Tire Easily? Tired feet are perhaps the warning that your present footwear has unnatural lines or is too stiff-arched to permit the necessary freedom of the foot muscles. If you ignore this timely warning, serious foot troubles iE may follow. The foot arch is a Flexible struc;§ ture of twenty-six small bones, surrounded by twenty elastic muscles all eager for freedom and action: If the movement of these muscles is restricted by a stiff arched shoe, the muscles grow weak from lack of use and the feet tire easily. That is why the I i == a a == Motor Sales ! = == ; = ;§ § I I ~ ~ We cordially invite you to visit our new sales room and inspect the newest models which are now on display. se ranttlever '-=ShoP, has a flexible arch that conforms to the natural movements of the foot. Instead of binding the foot muscles and opposing their free play, the Cantilever Shoe harmonizes with the action · of the muscles, encourages them to exercise and grow strong. Change to Cantilever Shoes; they will correct your foot troubles and strengthen your arches and foot muscles so that you can walk or stand for long hours with little or no fatigue. Cantilevers are patterned from the natural lines of the foot. Moderate, well-set heels and trimly rounded toes help keep your feet normal and comfortable. Good looking lasts-oxfords, strap pumps and boots-in fashionable colors and leathers. Widths from AAAA to E. 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