Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jun 1924, p. 13

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Crush has berg, · soaa ,mony will pck in the g-ht ReverKelly ofRev. T. f. McGuinl the close ling break1 follow at >ride's par. . Louis W. nue. will consist Miss Mary 1 de, the two yllis KehlMiss Elizaystal Lake; the flower !hberg, who aher's best who are to 1met Faulkerg, Bart earins and 17, Miss is giving a Crush at in Crystal -' .... tte arriage of and Mrs. d Calvin of gregational d will read l follow the r and sister Blake), 1712 matron of c:k and Miss will be the pan, and the hicago~"· An ke, Howard 11 scout refor Miss a dinner rry Mrs. C. E. eir daughter, r. and Mrs. 214 Lake aveMadison, Wis., rs. R. B lodgt, who is atof Wisconsin. e, Miss Anstis adison Friday Mrs. Tucker Sunday. Mr. ng the Wilart held in Dayton, and friends of and Elewith Mrs. st.reet, Evsew for the Courtesy Evanston, for the colekly gathere summer. to d other north ' N ' Mrbs. Ralph Brown, presi4ent o{ .the ·. Mrs. A. w . .Plant, who has been ltr'. ·and ort Shore Wellesley club and . . . Mrs: Earl White, both of Ev~nston, ~ery 111 a~ the St. FranCIS hospital, planniag tot JQ -east. (tt .......... A pres1ded at the tea table on· Monday vanston, JS reported to be much im- mencement at · Dart...OUtb eolletP . .. ;/ I I af~ern?on on th~ occasion of the , prove~, and wiU return to her home wllete 't hc:it &etth.'. ...... of · . . br1dge and mah jongg party given by on ls;tbella .street in a f~:w days. the graduating cta 11 , · --o--o- · ···· -.--:~ the club at the residen~ of Mrs. AT ~RDAY night, June 7, will · Miss Marguerite Lundberg, daughter Mrs. H . C. Price, formerly lliss N~The audience which crowded the Bruce MacLeish in· Glencoe. brmg the much-looked-forward- new E.van~ton Country club was most -oof Mr. and Mrs: Charles A. Lund- omi Eulton of Wilmdte-. wlie is now . · to productions of the Junior play. enthusaasttc over the Pageant of the Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Yunkers, 911 berg, was expected to return home on residing in Duluth, Minn., n mitinl' crs of the Van Pelt studios. Every Sea~ons presented by students of the Sheridan road, are going east the mid- T~u~s~ay from Stuart Hall, Stanton, her mother, Mrs. M. E. Puft;oq. ·!Jti Lake avenue. · · · p\' rson who was present at the "CoJ. Nation al Kindergarten and Elemen- die. of .next week fo.r tht graduation Vargm1a. (mjal Dream," the successful play tary college last T'uesday evening. of their son, Edward H., Jr., who is .:;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;!i!;;!i!!;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;=;;;~;iiiiiiii;i. ~ompleting his work at' Dartmouth II given in February, will be eager to see Announced by heralds and trumpetwhat the latest efforts will bring forth ers came Autumn, most georgeous of college. The Yunkers . will be in the Judging from the cast, both as t~ sc!lsons.' attended by the autumn east for about two weeks. .-o-number and reputation, the perform- wmds m waving scarf dance and by Mr. and Mrs. Lee F. 'English , and ance on Saturday evening pro-mises a s~ate ly processional of sun-crowned their son, Ralph , 1007 Greenwood ave· to surpass even the gratifying results maadens bearing high the gifts of the hitherto accomplished. · ' harvest-the royal purple of the vine· nue, are sailing about the middl e of "Cinderella in Flowerland" is one of yard and ruddy gold of ripened June for Europe where they will spend a month in travel. Tom Fitch will ac· the most beautiful and fascinating sheaves. Rare objects of beauty that Vteaataa - · plays, exactly the kind that chiJ. The conception of Winter was company them. -owould deHght any lover of re·t·r . . . ·· ·dren love and adults never tired of probably the most unique; glittering Art. M iss Margaret Wilson, 611 Laurel seeing. · Saturday ni~rht should find 1ce crag~ yield~d ~ myriad of tiny , ···-··· ou PalaU... nearly every child in Wilmette present frost spntes, m1schu~vous and nimble avenue, and Miss Virginia Bixby, 1104 to see this lovely rendit ion of the age. as Jac-k Frost himself. Tal Valkyrie Ashland avenue, are . entertaining at -old story, . produced as it will be in in silver tunics and helmets made luncheon and bridge at the Ouilmette -eolorfut . effects and rythmic dances. King W!nter's i':Y realm a thing of Country club on June 14. 1111 Orrlal't. . A"- · -<>-"The P1per's Pay," a thrilling storv beauty, mto wh1ch , the Christmas EVANSTON Winifred Townsend, violinist, and that bonters on the mysterious will trees with lovely glow of candle light open the evening, and put the ' audi- and a group of old English carolers Marion Roberts, pianist , announce a Telephoae E ...... toa lUI ence in a receptive mood for what will brought the warmth and cheer of the recital to be given by their pup ils follow. It is a modern story, dealing Christmas season. at the Wilmette at Woman's club on ~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=! 3 o'clock. with a theme familiar to all. It has Spring, dainty and sweet as a dewy Tuesday, May 10, -o-many thrills and laughs. eyed maiden, responded joyously to Billy Jordan came back from the The plays will be given on Satur- the pipings of Pan. · Delicate as a University of Illinois on Wednesday day evening, June 7, at the Byron C. rainbow, light as thistledown, she to spend the summer with his parents. Stolp school at 8:15 o'clock. danced and swayed beneath blossom- Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Jordan , 1012 Many names familiar to all because laden boughs. Greenwood avenue. HE finest jewelry ahop of their interest and popularity in With scarcely a pause came Sum-oWilmette dramatics appear on the mer, rich in color, her maidens dancMr. and Mrs. Charles McCue and on the North Sho e, casts for the two plays: Those tak- inll with garlands, and crowning her their daughter, Miss Margaret, are re maintailiing a repair departing part in "The Piper's Pay" are: their lovely queen. turning next week from a trip to Much credit must be given to Miss Blowing Rock, N. C. Ruth Rice, Audrey Bauer, Pearl Munment for watches, clocks and ro, Marion McDonald, Jane Perkins, Etta Mount and Miss Margaret Far-o-· jewelry. rar of the Kindergarten college for Betty Funke, Jean Hall. The North Shore Vassar club met The actors in the second play are: the comp10sition and production of on Tuesday in Winnetka, at the home Nancy Andrews, Marion McDonald this remarkably beautiful pageant. of Mrs. R. W. McKisson, 490 HawSara Page, Jean Hall, Janice James: The singing by the freshmen girls of thorn lane.· Marion Coody, Betty Funke, Jane the college, under the very competent Thompson, Jean Shepard, Marcia direction of Miss Louise St. John CASH FOR FUTURE James, May Clagett, Mary Jeanne Westervelt, was entirely satisfactory DELIVERY! Tansill, Lucy Clagett, Josephine Rog- because of its abundant volume, its V-traet· G-natee4 b7 gan, Justine Emerich, Julia Crossley, spontaneous rhythm, and its delightful O-ver a BUll- Dollan AHet· quality. Harriette Webster. Louise Shepard J. E. SWIFT TEAL, A·-t The Queen, gracious and appealing, Doris Tansill, Daisy Barrett. Ruth 101'1 Veatral A-veaae, WU-tte Allworth, Muriel Colby and Marjorie was · played by Miss Nellie Ball, a Tele·lleae WUaette 1'1 senior, who was chosen by the stuBerger. :Write or Pho._. for Rat... · dents as representing the college . -o-spirit and ideals. Miss Gertrude Ingersoll, daughter IIIMIJIIUIIUIIIMIHIIUIUIIIIIIIIIHJIIHIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIUIIUittttttNIIIIIIIUtttlttllllllltiiiiiiiiUUUIIMIIIHUUHnlllluuNIIIIIUIHIIIIIIIIIIURIIIIIIRRIIIRIIIIII-11111 of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Inger§oll, 518 Central avenue, came home from Miss Dorothy -o-Yunkers, 911 ShetiSweet Briar college, Virginia, on dan road, heads the Wilmette commit- iii Wednesday evening, bringing with her tee of girls and young )IVOmen who are ~ as her guests for several da>:_sl two engaged in selling coupon admission .:: of her school friends, Miss Marion books for the Evanston County Fair ii Martin and Miss Catherine Farrand. to be held at the Patten gymnasium ~~~ Professor and Mrs. Osgood of June 19, 20 and 21. Working with P.rinceton have been visiting Mr. and Miss Yunkers are Mrs. Robert Jone:~~, Mrs. Ingersoll for a few days this Mrs. Foreman (Virginia Lilienfield) ,,week while on their way to California. and the Misses Beth Singleton, Helen ····. ' . .. . Shurtleff, Eliz~ Kerr, Helen P On Thursday afternoon the officen coast, Isabel Pope, Elizabeth Catkr, an~ c;a,ptains of the Wilmette Ravinia Anna Margaret Kennedy, Helen Cay, club committee met with the chair- Frances Levy and Virginia Thomp ;on. man, Mrs. A. W. Levy, at her hopte, -oThe opening dinner ' and dance of 700 Greenwood avenue, to report on the sale of admission ticket books now the season at Skokie club will take in progress. Up to the present time, place on Saturday evening, June 7. ~ ready response has been found by The dinner, which will be served at ,.1 those who are working in the village 7 o'clock, will be followed by dancing canvass. on the terrace. The Tuesday after- j noon bridge games for women com--oMr. and Mrs. Patrick SJunders have menced this week, to continue every t'eturned to their home on Forest ave- week throughout the summer. Memnue after a ten-day motor trip to the bers desiring to do so may entertain Blue Crass region of Kentucky, where guests at luncheon. -othey visited in Louisville and LexingMr. and Mrs. Robert R. Jones, 929 ton. Their 'd,aughter-in-la.w, ·Mrs. Douglas Saunders accompanied them. Michigan avenue, are leaving Saturday for Dartmouth college where they --oMrs. Agnes Dalk announces the will attend the graduation of their marria~re of her dau~rhter, Magdalen, son, Robert M. Their yopnger son, to William Richard Meuse! on Mon- James, who also attends Dartmouth, day, June 2, in Chicago. After Sep- 1s returning home June 12, after com- i = tember 1, Mr. and Mrs. Meuse! will be pleting his freshman year. at home at 500 Laurel avenue. -o-Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Dubbs, 1221 = --o. John W . Cullen, Jr., 1231 Ashland Greenwood avenue, are leaving Monday for a fortnight's trip to Wash- avenue, returned last week from the University of Illinois. Miss Elizabeth ington, D. C. Miss Jean Dubbs is was expected home on Thursday. She is also a student at Illinois. Pta'\. JOtrS to Ap '· p·.fl;.,.,. ;n· ·: .Junior ,.J. . ,. . WO , n · z· · . t· . . !{! IJght~.f.U[ p~-"' .. J"'-' ~ . · ~I It ~ uu uc tons son, S ilrttsnr .Art etnrt __.:Objets d'Art Orrington Hotel T 1lla1a Jrmrlrr I RIDGWAY'S S tore For Children" "The - ... .. __....... ... S~.~.~~ff. "o~ ~::··: ::··· Orrialto· Hotel 9 7 on I I I ! WOMEN OF THE NORTH SHORE! WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED IN KNOWING THAT YOU CAN BUY HERE FOR 20% LESS THAN YOU CAN IN CHICAGO? Do y.ou know that we carry the same line of dainty things that the big stores in Chicago do? Typical examples of what you can save by purchasing here: KAYSER SILK VESTS, $2.95. KAYSER SILK BLOOMERS, $3.95. SERVICE CHIFFON HOSE, $1.95. HAND EMBROIDERED SILK AND VOILE CHEMISE, $1.95 up. REAL LACE COLLAR and CUFF SETS, $2.90 up. Come In and see many other exatn~~les that fDlll VACAT.ION TOGS for I -I BOYS . AND GIRLS WASH TROUSERS-white, khaki, ,ray and oatural linea; abo loq troaaen for the older boya. Boya' Wuh Suita ad Sport Toea, Capt Belta, Blouaee, Pajamu, Sweat.a. Ties, Sos, GoU H~ Sport Odordt, Kecla, Co.eralb, Batlaiq Saita, Underw..r. Sealpas Unclenhirta-"Little Brother" for the boya-"Little Siatel" fw the cirla. thoroughly conflince you that you can slwp at a safling at the In the outfitting of your cbildren remember that you need not ao to the Loop for the beat in cbildren'a clothe.. 619 Davis St. Evanston Tel. 3511 LOLA SHOPPE TELEPHONE ORDERS DELIVERED CARROLL RIDGWAY 1160 Wilmette An. Wilmette Tel. 311 . __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _IIIIHIIMII_ _ _ _ IItlt_I_MIIIJINIIJIIIII-----------------------~-·

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