WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, UNE 6, 1924 valves must, of course, be carefuJly !round and all carbon rem~ved fr~m the eombustion chamber. \ It 1s surprising to one that has not !1ld the ~ri ence what a big dilterence a small amount of carbo... will make' in the operation of an automobile engine on heavy grades. \Ve know of cases from own experience where the car would Makes Valuable Suggestions ourbe unable to negotiate a steep grade on Care of Car · until after a two days' accumulatipn of carbon had been removed. Be sure to have a clean combustion chamber before By G. CLARK MATHER, Chief En1ineer, Pai1e-Detroit Motor starting out on your journey. Car Company There are several points in preparing an automobile for the long grind of day after day touring under every kind of road conditoin that should not be overlooked when a motor is torn down for overhauling. These include piston slaps and an inspection of parts such as oil lines to see that no cracks have developed during part . usage and that they are perfectly Forerunner of Conditions in clean. Wlhile the motor is torn down the Country pistons should be carefully gone over to see that the connecting rods have been properly lined up. If the rod is Traffic congestion in large cities not in line it will show up worn spots at opposite points on the top and bot- brings forth many unusual and intom of the pistons. Out-of-line con- genious remedies, says the National necting rods will cause so-called piston Highways Bulletin. B~ltimore, like slaps, will increase wear on the wrist Boston, is considering the three-daypin and connecting rod bushings, cause a -week idea, by which cars with even the motor to heat and lose powr :-, and license number can park downtown must be guarded against with all care on even dates and those with odd numbers can u se the down-town possible. Paige and J ewett motors as well as streets on odd dates. San Francisco most of the other larger power plants is considering the erection of a skya,re pressure lubricated as regards the scraper garage for a11-day parking, crankshaft and connecting rod bearings. to relieve the congestion of downAll main and crank bearings should be town streets. fitted up with at least .002 inch clearMost c1ties which have experiance. This adjustment is very readily mented with the restricted parking made by reason of the fact that the idea have found it more or less of a thickness of the thin metal shims is failure. A town which has ten thoujust the same as the clearance desired. sand automobiles parked in its busiThe shims should be removed from ness district, enacts a "one-hour" each bearing one at a time, and the parking law. If the law is observed, bolts drawn up tight until the difference ten thousand cars are moved from in tension can be felt when the shaft one place to another every hour. But is rotated. Then one .002 inch thick they are not removed from the reshim should be replaced to provide the stricted area, only shifted around in clearance necessary. it. Merchants who have been most Most all motor companies recommend heartily in favor of restricted parkthat the oil be drained out of the crank- ing, claiming that cars parked in front case at periods varying from 400 to 1,000 miles. Our recommendation is that the mileage must not exceed 500 before changing the oil. Some carl <>wners appear to believe that this recommendation is an effort by the oil companies to sell oil. This most certainly is not the case. With present day fuels, crankcase dilution i.s getting to be more and more common as a factor in engine wear. It is real economy to drain out the oil which has been contaminated in the crankcase. In purchasing oil, do not buy one just because it is cheap. It pays to use the very best lubricating oil possible. The grade recommended by the manufacturer of your car should be used if possible. The lubricant may be likened to a medicine. You would not think of buying a particular medicine in preference tu one that had beCQ recommended by your doctor just because it was cheaper. Salea Room aDd Service StatioD Oil is a very important medicine for 1010-11 Chica1o Ave., EvaDaton, Ill. the automobile engine. When the motor is overhauled the tlPERT GIVES SOME ADVICE .of. tti~ places . of b_usinf!.S~- !'.!~P- a~ay shoppers, are in many localities reversing themselves, finding that' $estricted parking keeps shoppers .away from . theiT- loc:aUties and · re!Uits -in decentraliz~d shopping di~tricts. The parking and traffic problem of the cities, now in an acute stagt:, is to some extent a forerunner ~~ the traffic and par~~ng problem 0~ th_ e highway as ·: it w'ill be ~n the futur6. ~ell traveled main re~ds lln now demon str ated in many c~ses to ~e far too narrov.. Many matn artenes of tra'v el b.e twec;n Jarg~ _ci~iel are IIOW being widened a~ a great expellltt which could largeJy, have been sav.. had plans been rrl~~e ten years for such wo;denin~. New roads are wisely built when plans for expansioa are made at the time of building. Compal 211 CITY PARKING. ACUTE PROBLEM Retail 1 in the Un ing April, record-brc Ford Mo1 nounced. At the sales of been stea of the y~ Furth~ sales of duced b company, with a to ing the j year, Lit of appro same Aa Ali·Purpoae Truck At A a..a...ka..le Prl· The new Ford all-eteel body and cab mounted on the famous Ford One-Ton Truck chassis provide a complete all-purpoee haulage unic at the remarkably low price of $490. Built of heavy sheet steel, strongly re-inforced, thia staunch truck i. designed to withstand severe usage in a wide range . of industries. Generous loading space, four feet by seven feet two inches. permits easy handling oJ capacity loads and provision is also made for mounting of canopy top or screen sides. Experienced driven appreciate the weather-proof features of the lteel cab, which is fitted with removable door-openin& curtain-. LAKE SHORE AUTO SALES Wanted Autos to Repair $1.00 PER HOUR Open Sundaya 19 Yeara Experience Eatimatea Fumiabed F. Panichelly Drive in at 432 Prairie Ave. or Skokie Motor.Company "THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUlLT" Phone Wilmette 2785 It's the loose11cd parts that wearSo it behooves you to take care. LINCOLN "Buy at home and get service at home" 712-14-16 ELM STREET Phone Winn. 288-281 ought to bring your car here at regular intervals for an inspection. We will see that every bolt and nut is properly tightened. Don't monkey with your car-let our monkey wrench attend to the trouble. We are master motor mechanics. Y ou WINNETKA WILMEITE MACWNE AND AUTO WORKS · · at 1%%5 Central Avenue, Wilmette Plaoae WilmeHe 115 SALES '.SERVICE