FORD SALES HIT PINNACLE MARK Company's Output : Reaches 211,410 Durin· April Retail sal~s of Ford cars and trucks in the United States rose to 211 410 during April, a substantial increase' over the record-br~k~ng _deliveries of March, tht Ford Motor company at Oetroit has announced. At the same time, it was stated that sales of Fordson tractors, which have been steadily increasing since the first of the year, exceeded 12,000 in April. Further, in the high-priced car field sales of Lincoln cars, which are pro-: duced by a division of the Ford Motor c~mpany, reached a new monthly record ~tth a total of 762 retail deliveries. Durmg the .first four months of the present year, Lmcoln sales showed an increase of approximately 55 per cent over the same period a year ago, the company says. While the sales figures of the company graphically illustrate the constantly growing ~pu~rity of all Ford products, they hkew1se present an optimistic business outlook. A review of the sales records show that for two years retail deliveries oi Ford cars and trucks in the United States have exceeded 100,000 a month the company says, while for nine of th~ months during the past year sales were well over the 150,000 mark, and the big demand during March and April this year carried sales for each of those months considerably over 200,000. Tractor Demand Growa Despite late spring we.ather in many sections, the demand for Fprdson tractors for agricultural use continues to grow, while a noticeable increase in the percentage of Fordsons going into industrial use is accepted as reflecting generally prosperous conditions. Analysis of the sales reports received from its various branches, the company says, indicates an increased volume of business for May. The story of what improved highways mean to the rural community as told in the motion picture, "The Road to. .Iiappiness," is given a new impetus to good roads sentiment everywhere .through the country. This is shown in reports ·being received daily by government offi· cials who co-operated in the making of the picture and the Ford motion picture laborat~ which produced -it. .... '~h Road to Happiness" films are distributed f :e~ from all Ford branches tn the Umted States and since the 'flrst of thetn went out a few weeks ago the demand ~or their showing has been '50 gre-at that It has bc:en necessary to supply every branch w1th extra copies. lmproTed Roach Ch-peat . The tells of' the influence of Improved highways upon 't he social educatio~al, . religious and economic phases of hfe m rural canununities and the need for slcilleii highway ·e~gineering: to bring aboQI;. .!the improvement; the moral of all of which is that "we pay for improved roads whether we have them or not, and we pay less if we have .. them than if- we havo..not.'.' The film was produced jointly by the National Automobile the Chamber Commerce, representing motor of car industry and the highway education board, and was made by the Ford motion picture laboratory, under the guidance of the bureau of public roads. U. S. department of agriculture. · . mountains last season 504,000 in all since 1872, when the fir;t park was opened. "Federal appropriations In aid of states and for forest roads since 1916 amount .to $59Z,OOO,OOO. During ' the same period only $1,44:J,600 was expended for park roads, while the government has co.llected ~1,511,233 as fees from automobliles Ustng the par~s, ·of which ~85,687 was coUc:cted durmg 1~. Durmg the. above J>en~. the· states With feder~l .atd have expended $23,828,~ in bulldt~F aproach roads to Jhe national parks, a~d one-half million visitors. The tot.1J a tor's address and the biU just passed ; The int electric faaa 'W mileage of roadways is 1.060, on which by congress, "'hos. P. Henry, president · ~ · Ork' Cit! iJI the federal government has spent $3;- of the Ame can Automobile assoica- to·~ted ... nearly one commenting upon the sen- nU - ~c ..... ~ IUID· iF!!!!!!!!!;!;!!;!!!;!;!;!;!;!!!;~~~~~~~!!!!!!!;!!;!!;!!!;;!~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~ tion, said that owing to increased touring facilities of ~ "iliated auto clubs national park visitors will find greatly improved service at every point of their motor tour, and that this service combined with the general betterment in highway conditions throughout the country will render the roads within the park bounds a secondary consideration. Wbether a motorist plans to inspect WHERE WOMEN MOTOR one of these great examples of the true It is said that Connecticut holds the America this year or later he should be record for the number of women familiar with the situation regarding tlie drivers holding licenses. The percenthighways, he said. age is 14.1 of the drivers of the state. · mer of !814, ;rhea fift)' were made and rented to banks aud oftica ill the Wall ~treet district. · Tbe price was $15 for the summer, plus a current c:haqe of about a cent ucl aae-Mlf lUI hour. T~ day $15 will bu.y all electric fan outright, and half a cent an hour will operate it. -------- w PARl HIGHWAYS TO BE IMPROVED Paint That Stands The old paint entirely removed; coat after coat of filler and color thoroughly rubbed .d own and dried between each coat; then several coats of varnish put on without a streak, sag, or brush mark. Not just any old paint or varnish, but materials of known merit for adhering to metal or wood, as the case may be. Only the best, and only the most careful workmanship enables us to guarantee our automobile painting and trimming to your entire satisfaction. Congress Grants · $7,500,000 For Purpose Motorists planning to visit any of the nineteen national parks or the twentynine national monuments this season will be interested to learn that congress has just passed a bill authorizing an appropriation of $7,500,00 for road building in our national playgrounds during the next three years. This is the measure which had the active support of the American Automobile association. According to Senator Lawrence C. Phipps, of Colorado, who recently spoke on the subject over the radio from station WRC for the A. A. A., this improvement in the national park highways is urgently needed. Since 1916, it is pointed out, the states with federal aid have expended $23,828,800 in building approach roads to the national parks, but the roads within the park borders are said to be inadequate in every way. Viaitora Multiply . J'h~ gr:eat interest manifested in the national parks as a result of improving the roads approaching them was told by Senator .Phipps-- when he said: "During 1914 about ten thousand automobiles were registered 'in the parks, and in 1923 about three hundred thousand The . adm¥sion to parks anci ROBERT'W, MciNTYRE ~lnest AutomoiJile Painting Official Simonize Station Linden De Luxe Garage Phone504 332 Linden Ave and Trimming 1209 Waahineton Avebue . Phone Wilmette 684 Phone Wilmette 2600 Wn.MmE, w,. 721 Main Street MOTORS SERVICE, Inc. Everything for the Automobile Engine Trouble Don't start out unless you are aare every vital part is all right, but, if in doubt, give us the job to locate the trouble and remedy it, which will not take us long, as auto repairing is our specialty. We hire only experts, use only the best materials, and guarantee the thoroughness of every job we undertake. You're the Judge We've aaid a lot about: Veedol Motor Oil There's a lot to sa)' about it-it's a good oil Hubbard Woods Garage "Service with ·a Smlle" 1010 North Ave. Phones Winn. 617-1834 Why not try it J. C. Slown A. B. Van Deusen