UNE 6, 192-l Miss Elizabeth Southerland graces the performance most beautifully with a vocal number so fitting to her bc~u tiful voice, and appropriate to her charming personality. It \\"Ould be hard to imagine Mi ss Southerland as a colored girl. But you should ee her Black. Lord, he's black . . John F. \Viedlin, _ one o.f our most Obae~er Finds St. Francia respected and adm1red nllage truste e~. see ms to forget his dignifi~d pos_i.Choir Has Splendid tion and keeps things most ll\·ely 111 hi corner of the stage with a brand Talent ' of comedy that only John can handle. He sings a bit of a so ng- in which he tell s that a little thing lik e rain ne\'er· PREMIERE IS SUCCESS bothers him. John's on the job all of the time just trying to find someone in the audience that isn't laughin g. s Manion, '~ho has won suc_h Crowded House Expected anJame em·iahle reputation because of h1s rare vocal talent. was at his best last For This Evening night. Jim mak es a '"niggah" of whom any colored woman would be justly proud. He sings, talk s and laughs all By OBS E RVER at once, and only the mo st austere The much heralded ~linstrel being could be unmoved. given by the choir of ·st. Francis George Arns again demomtrated his Xavier church, drew a capacity crowd ,·cry versatile ability. Besides arranglast night at the school auditorium, ing all the orchestrations used in the Ninth street and Wilmette avenue. Minstrel, he· entertains not only the The audience seemed happy and en- audience , but all of the performers thusiastic from the start and evident- too, with fast repartee from his End ly made no effort to control their ex- Man seat. pression s of amusement and pleasure Mrs. Frank F. Stover's charming as the laughter and applause was al- personality beams through all the most cot}tinuous. A capacity house is anticipated this evening when the black with which she is well covered and wins the hearts in her audience second performance will be given. with her pretty ballad, Mah Lindy Performers in the Minstrel are said Lou. to reveal a quality of talent in original Frank Bleser reminds one of a charwit and humor and vocal rendition which is e1 l' ll unusual in the big pro- acter so often impersonated by Chick Sale, the commedian. He plays the fessional minstrels. End men and soloists are exccp- part of an awkward country boy singlionally well supported by a chorus ing to a sweetheart of days gone hy. which very evident ly has been trainerl No better person to act t he part could in the minutest details. Fred Budinger, have been picked as Mr. Bleser's choir director, although not having originality is most refreshing. In this taken an active part in · t he produc- little skit, Miss Norma McCanney, the tion of this Minstre l, deserves much sweetheart, struts quite pertly, and in credit for developing the musical talent a defying manner whi le she is told h e has in h is choir, proving his rare in the song that she's "Nobody's professional ability as a choir direc- Sweet heart" anymore. t or. T he choir is very fortunate in havThe well known ability of Mrs . ing L. B. Southerland in its memberCharles A. Broad as a director and ship. Mr. Southerland is the intercritic of theatrical produetions is ex- locutor and no better handling of this pressed very creditably in this Min- position could be hoped for. Outside . strel which she has developed to big of linking together the various parts league class. The stage technique of the performance, Mr. Southerland, throughout evidences professional di- himself, leads the .End Men in several rection. old fashioned harmonious me lodies. Marshall O'Connell as "Izzy" takes After the Minstrel, the auditorium a unique part, revealing a newly found was cleared and almost everyone who race ; a colored boy of very evident saw the show remained for the dance Jewish ancestry. What a combination, to the same music that supported the Izzy O'Connell, colored I To see and Minstrel; that of the first Arns orbear, or just to see, or just to hear chestra. t his act is a show · · · A capacity house is expected 13.galn arises whedler the tonight. It has been suc;;.;'~sted that to the performanc~ be z~peated a third Anilenon IUHf M rs. time on Satmaay night, but there is Ara1, or Tice n r8a. Th eir no certainty that this will be done. ' ~ an"d Eva gives a com- Therefore, all who intend to avail titnation of humor and musical per- themse lves of this rare treat are urged fection which would please the most to come with their friends tonight. ~ritical. The hour is 8:15 o'clock. MINSTREL ON AGAIN TONIGHT A Fine Idea! Insuring a house against fi r e, and then leaving the po licy around the house so that it is sur e to be burned up if the house does, in1presses us as a fine bit of logic-NOT! Keep your valuab les, and your valuab le papers tn one of our safety deposit boxes -- it wi ll pa y you in the long run!!! I ··pouJ· Home Bl!nh·· Ill I -···--·el Ill I · Ha-re C~ Hullh7 E~ If they Tire, Itch, Smart, Burn or 1)is. charge if Sore, lrri· tated, Inflamed ow Granulated, uae Murine often. Re/ruha. ~ Soothe1. Safe for Infant or Adult! At all Drugiats. _ _......,_ .,,.. ,.,. , _ ,,. JJoM. Mana· .,... ···",.c.., o .... ow. at.. cw.... Nl8ht and Moral a· The Ruall Store RENNECKAR'S The Safe Drag Store You w iII find Klenzo a delightful common sense tooth paste. It does cleaning thoroughly, thereby preventing decay and pyrrhoea Pleasing, cooling, refreshing to the taste. To give it wider introduction This Week Only a large SOc tube and a SOc tooth brush for 8Sc. ~--_-_-~ Phones Wilmette 28-29 A Good Fresh Doughnut made the way we make ours, is a treat that takes you back to the good old clays when you used to rob .Mats old stone doughnut-jar. Remember? They're fresh and better every clay; get some this very afternoon! Picture taking time is here. You will want your favorite negative enlarged. 4x5 ........ . ........ 3Sc 5x7 .............·... SOc 8xl0 ................ 8Sc 10xl2 . .. . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 ; /1.' i,,)f """ (1 t/11111 L\11 't Correapondence Paper a p.ound (about 80 sheets) of Lord Baltimore Paper with 50 envelopes to match This week only 75c. Mineral Oil Ruaaian T ype The finest of oil for the treatment of con tipation. Colorless, odorless and tasteless. A full pint 7Sc. A full half-pound of pure delicious eating chocolate 35c, This \Veek only ZSc. SOc pound SATURDAY CANDY (assorted chocolate) Saturday only lie. 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