·wiLMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, UNE 27, 1924 Saint Francis Xavier Ch·u rch Scene of Two Large Weddings OrrouJ rreat interest rdoch, daugh. 1wa, formerly Professor and te 28, at high ort, the Revvenport, offi.. [urdoch home white georga coronet of will carry the wedding. he matron of slip, and Miss lonor, will be bouquets will their gowns. wear a frock atching their Jl, and Robert C)Ch of Cedar HITE peonies and palms formed an attractive background in St. Francis Xavier's church on the occasion of the marriage of Miss Kathryn Louise Crush and Edward Kearins Kirchberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kirchberg of Crystal Lake. The Right Reverend Monsignor F. C. Kelly, assisted by the Revs. T. Magner and E. ]. McGuinness, officiated at the service which took place at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, June 17. Miss Mary Crush, maid of honor, wore a gown of orchid chiffon and silver lace, bouffant in style, with a hat of the same material trimmed with silver ribbon streamers. Her bouquet was of pink snap dragons, blue larkspur and .daisies. The two bridesmaids, Miss Elizabeth Kirchberg and Miss Phyllis Miss Alice King, Miss Ruth Caldwell and Miss Bertha Wheelock are ex.pecte~ home tomorrow from Tower Htll, ~tchigan, where they have been spendmg a week at the Congregational Sunday School conference. -o- W home for the mbers of the r. Clark and 2344 OrtingIn the 18, a~ St. Francis Xavier church. The weddtng ceremony, which was followed by a breakfast at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Millen, 1128 Green_leaf avenue, was performed by Monsignor Fr~ncis J. Kelley, uncle of the groo-:n, asststed by the Rev. Francis J. ~agner and t~e Rev. Eugene J. McGumness. Ponttfical High Mass was c~lebrated by the Most Reverend Franc~sco Orozco y Jimanez, D. D., Archbtshop of Guadalajara, Mexico. Rev. Eugene ]. McGuinness was deacon Rev Fra?cis J, Magner, subdeacon, Re;. Jos~ Gutierrez Perez, assistant priest and Rev.. Patrick Griffin, master of ' ceremomes. Miss Rose Ella Millen maid of honor who wore ~ dress of ~ delicate shad~ of yellow chiffon and tulle over crepe satin, carri~ a shower bouquet of Ward .....,.....,~~""""~""""~""""""""""""""""--· rose~, freest~, and lavender sweet peas. 1 Mtss Martan Seng and Miss Mary Hughes ~ore gow~s of lace over peach col?r ch.tffon, whtle the other bridesmatd, Mtss A~nes Seng, was dressed in c?rn green chtffon with lace. All wore ptcture .hats of horsehair, matching the gowns m color. Robert Morand was best man, and the ushers, Eugene McEnery, Charles Holland and George Krupka. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes have gone to the Thousand Islands, eastern Canada for their wedding trip. ' Mrs. Hughes is a graduate of the St. Mary of the Woods college. Mr. and Mrs. A. E . Miller have rented their home at 1109 Forest avenue, and have moved into the house which they purchased and have been remodeling, on the corner of Twelfth street and Forest avenue. Mrs. M. LeRoy Minor, 620 Li~den avenue, who has been visiting for the last few weeks in New York, is expected to return to Wilmette on Monday. ~- -<>- nots, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forrester, 1030 Linden avenue, over last week-end. E. Hemmick of Springfield, Illi-o- -o- New thru service .. JASPER NATIONAL PARK Gem of the Canadian RoCkies Through sleepen between Chi~ and Jas~r National Park via the Cbicqo & NorthWestern Line and Canadian National Rys. Open observation can through the Canadian Rockies. Lv. Cbioqo daily (C.~~ · W .) 5:30p. m. Ar. Duluth 8:30 · · m., Wanatpea 9:15 p . m. (ae:d day), Jupcr 8:40 (3rd mol'lliq). Cornepoacliq ntura ~enioe. Cuacla'e ·raadelt noetioa n~oa beeom· ....tUy acceaaible. A aadoDal park u bia ·· eo.. Deotiout. 100 towariaa pealr....--....y u.........t, raiabow-bued lak", ~tteria· ,.._n, miabty waterfall·. Spead a eool aummer at Juper Puk Lodae witb ite AlpiM ..tti.. Ia .... lleart ol dane maay ...aio attnotiou. U bouacl lor tbe Paoiio ea-t, atop ~ · ...,.... Mr. and Mrs. Willis H . Hutson and their son, Bradford,· have left Wilmette for a three months' trip to California. -oMrs. William Yost and two daughters of Chicago are visiting Mrs. William H . Evans, 630 G.reenleaf avenue. I -o- their home, nnounced the hard HamilThe wedt 1ann. 1142 Judwill be hostess me 30, for the and Elemen· d friends This ting of a series ay through the f these gather· of articles to Corner at the avis street. Ev· way in which g the college of West Elms. Roy C. Larguest s of Mrs. ry avenue, last rs. A. H. Hill, lara L . Wight· eir motor trip n. From there ast, and inland d visit nrious will be away ., 625 Eleventh from d to Wilmette ith his parents, · Emrich . His od of Denver, him. Miss tte; ~I ichigan, the Emrich's. a,·e about the weeks' stay at ~raduated ~ and her daughmons, accomlark, Mrs. B. rth. and Mrs. ontclair, New orrow on the opean trip of ect to include inent in their will make an A simple, informal home wedding took place on . Thursday evening, June 126, at the restdence of Mr. and Mrs. · ]. G. W~ay, 618 Washington avenue, when thetr daughter, Miss F lorence Vivian, was married to Allison Hunter son of Mrs. Wjlliam Hunter of Paisley: Scotland. Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd read the service in the presence of 100 guests. The bride's gown was of white sat in crepe and chantilly lace, with a tulle veil. Attending her as maid of honor, was ~er sis.ter, Miss Alice Wray, and as bndesmatds, Miss Pauline Pettibone and her sisters, Miss Ethel, Miss Hele~ Glen Wray Photo by Perclval-Grlnsted and Miss Clara Grace. acted as best man. Mrs. Edward Kircbber· After a wedding trip of about ten days Kehling, who were dressed in bouffant at the Wray summer home at Lake chiffon frocks of canary and green, lace Kegonsa, Wi~consin, Mr. and Mrs. trimmed, wore hats that matched their Hunter will spend July and August at dresses in color and material, with the W ray home in Wilmette durin& the streamers of silver ribbon. Garden absence of the family. flowers in the same pastel shades formed -<>-their bouquets. Genevieve Kearins was Miss Marie Arnold, who has been the little flower girl. teaching art in Madison, Wisconsin, The bridal dress was fashioned of has returned to spend the summer with chiffon and Chantilly lace, with a court her mother', Mra. bnna Arn , \~\() d, train of chiffon and silver ribbon, and Gregory aven ue. Ml!fs D oroth :ArnoT the tulle veil was also edged with silver. the younger sister, has only recently from Vermillion Grove Orchids and lilies-of-the-valley made up returned school, where she has been a studei1t the bride's shower bouquet. the past year. for Henry John Kirchberg acted as best --oman. and the ushers were Edward Crush, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Fay, 335 Emmet Faulkner, George Costello, Bart circle, will leave Sunday for a Kearins, Michael Kearins, and Anton Oak motor trip to Duluth , where they will Kirchberg. visit rela~tives of Mr. Fay. Frdm Garden flowers and pink roses were there they will go by boat around used in artistic decoration in the Crush Lake Superior into Canada, returning residence, 710 Laurel avenue, where a to Wilmette in three or four weeks. wedding breakfast and reception fol-<>-lowed immediately after the ceremony. Miss Annette Kelley, 933 Central Upon returning from their wedding avenue, returned to Wilmette last Fritrip to Colorado Springs and Yellow- day from the Lesley school at Camstone Park, Mr. and Mrs. Kirchb~rg bridge, Massachusetts. She visited will make their home · at 400 Demmg friends in Boston for a short time beplace, Chicago. fore coming home. Several out-of-town guests who ar--orived for the wedding were ,Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Happ, 306 Mrs. Charles Crush and Miss Ave Crush Walnut street, Winnetka, announce of Louisville, Kentucky, Dr. Frank the birth of a daughter, Cynthia AlCrush of Indianapolis, Miss Etta Mc- bright, on June 24, at the Evanston Cormick of Muskegon, Michigan, and hospital. --oMr. and Mrs. William Rutherford of Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jones and their Fremont, Michigan. children 1046 Forest avenue, have Gowned in ivory crepe satin, with a gone to 'their summer home in Mich veil of real lace, the gift of Archbishop igan for the rest of the season. --aOrozco of Guadalajara, Mexico, her Mrs. Charles P. Dubbs, 1221 Greenbouquet of bride's roses aqd lilies-of-thevalley, Miss Margaret Mary ~illen made wood avenue, is in Washington, to be a beautiful bride on the occaston of her gone about two weeks. --amarriage to John Kelly Hughes, son Mrs. Percy Skillen and her two so~s of Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes, Prince Edward Isle, Canada, which was sol- are spending the summer at thetr emnized on Wednesday morning, June home at Eagle River, Wisconsin. Speaking of Baa· We have the newest thing in genuine imported Beaver calf-in all the newest colors, ashes of roses, French green, lip-stick red, tan . gray, brown and black; at· tractively priced at $2.95. Onad~lledaoed·..... No paaaportl required. hr"-rJ:=~.,-,.. B. B. Oraer. Tioket Aeeat ORRINGTON HOTEl~ C . &N. W. Ry. Wilmette. IU. Tel. 4 EVANSTON Lola B. Waller ======····················· Mohair Living Room Group $235.00 Comfortable overstuffed furniture goes ·a long way toward standing for a comfortable and happy home. When you select your davenport at Brown-Umlandt's all you need consider is the style and covering best suited to your particular needs. Good wear and underlying quality you may take as a matter of course. The suite sketched above was designed with fine delivery of line and is suitable for rooms where larger pieces would have an undesirable bulkiness. Covered in its entirety with fine mohair. Davenport ..·.·.·...·····.····. $156.00 Chair ....................·.···.... 79.00 Pair of wrought iron torchieres $.JS ..JO each, complete C. Lutkin of their cottage, Point, Michr. Dean LuiNorthwestern ~usic will have rses at an Epise at Hillsdale, PooL l" elephon· ~110neton ·INC · CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS fl13 & PIPER 0 17. , 1523 Walnut f. the dinner and Cl Mrs. Conrad ga,·e last Sun· their twentymember of the studios, Fine STURDY, ELK, ARMY BLUCHER, HIKING BOOTS furniturt-, 11 ~ to 2 ............ $UI has made her the last 17 nday to reside has taken an Manor. Her this season's ier, expects to of Ilhnois in Elmwood av- They Wear & Wear & Wear Co. .. 2 ~s to I ............ · 1.51 ~~ to 8 .. . . .. . ...... a.· &61 Sherman Ave. FOUNTAI N SCUARE, EVANSTON ..GOOD FURN ITUilE MAKES THE HONB"" 1608 Chicago Avenue, at Da~· Street EVANSTON, . ILLINOIS li Sunday with rois.