Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Aug 1924, p. 1

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rzette al T 2843 Co-operatinc with Winnetka Post, No. 10', of the American Legion, Wilmette, Peter J. Huerter and the Evanston posts What are Wilmette's boy problems? the war veterans' organization are Local Y outba En~ of Carl Renneckar explained some of Chamber of CoauDerce Nakplanning an entertainment for disabled Orders Police to Arreat All them to the Wilmette Optimists at ina PlaDa.for Annual ComToday for Trainina men in the Great Lakes Naval Training Traffic Offenders in the their luncheon Tuesday of this week station hospital on Wednesday, August munity Outin· at the Lake Shore Terrace. at Camp Cuater Vlllale 20. He enumerated them briefly as In connection with this pilgrimage to follows: the naval hospital, the posts have exHome conditions. MEET TUESDAy pressed a request for contributions of GIVES SPEED RATES 1. EXPECT HUGE CROWDS 2. The boy on the street. fruit from residents of the north shore 3. The physical condition of the which will be distributed among the disboy. abled men at the time of the entertain4. The meJ\tal condition of the boy. "Tipa" on Camp ment. Information will be given in these Campai·n Ordered in Inter- Wilmette, Mr. Renneckar pointed Parade, Carnival ~ Games columns within another week concern· out, is meeting the Boy problem in an to Feature Given Recruits ing where the contribution may be est of Safety unusuatly effective manner. placed with the legionnaires. The health of every school child is Entertainment for the incapacitated guarded carefully by the school veterans during the summer months Wednesday, August 20, has been· Strict enforcement of all traffic regu- physician, Dr. E. E. Moore and his Seventeen Wilm'ett~ boys entrained war is given at the instance of the American definitely settled upon as th~ date of Michigan Central station this Red Cross, officials of which recently lations in Wilmette has been demanded assistants. in a written order issued .t 0 the police The mental side of the boy is de- annual Wilmette Day, the community enroute to Camp Custer. with legion units in an department over the signature of veloped under the splendid supervision outing sponsored by the Chamber of higan, to attend the Citizens' communicated appeal for special attention to the men Commerce an d President Zipf. · of J. R. Harper, superintendent of itary Training Camp conducted by during their lonely hours in the hospital. which, in former The order includes every phase of schools, and his expert staff of inWar Department. The prospecThe four legion posts in this vicinity years, was desigtraffic regulations, bearing particular structors. ive citizen-soldiers were escorted to nated New Trier Living conditions in the homes are, the train by Col. H. C. Boyden and immediately decided upon the entertain- reference to parking, lighting and ment for August 20 and are offering Day. rates of speed in different sections of ;~\most without exception, quite satisMajor T. E. Bullivant who were inWilliam Rossfactory, if not actually .ideal. strumtntal in recruiting the local con- residents of the north shore an oppor- the village. tunity to "do their bit" by making conberger, head of President Zipf's order to the departDelinquency, attributable largely to tingent. the W i I me t t e tributions of baskets of fruit. unsatisfactory home surroundings ment reads as follows : . On Tuesday evening the boys. their Glass and Paint "Parking cars with left wheel to 'which lead boys to seek the streets for parents and a large group of friends Works, has b«ien curb in any part of the village is their pleasure. is reduced to a mini~athered in the clubhouse of St. named g en e r a I inurn because of happy home su.rro~nda violation of the law. Augus'tine's parish for an informal dischairman of the "Parking cars without lights at ings and the. careful watch m~u'!tamed cussion of camp procedure. At this night is also a violation and officers .by the poh~e and Mrs. L1lhan D. WUliaa Ro 11ber··r day and has work. meeting the boys were given some . ing with him on are instructed to arrest all violators Northam ·. s?ctal ~orker. valuable advance information conand prosecute them. Th~ spm~ual stde of the youth of the preliminary arrangements a com· cerning camp life and duties and the "The following rates of speed will the vtlla(Ze IS fostered most acceptably mittee comprising Carl E. Sterner, parents acquainted with the general he permitted: by the c~urches and Sunday schools. George White and George Baldwin. routine in the training school. Plans for the day are going forward Sheridan road ...... 25 miles per hour all of wh1ch !iPPIY t~e most acceptable "Four· Y-r" Coune . . satisfactorily, according to Chairman Explains Extent of Ridge road .......... 25 miles per hour methods of mstructton. Board Lake avenue west of Ridge and GlenChurches and schools .are a ~1g a·d Rossberger, and the intervening weeks Emphasis was placed by the speakImprovement. view .............. 25 miles per hour to the .homes of the vdlaffe, 1t w~s will find every member of the Chamber ers .on the fact that the citizens' Residential district ·. 20 miles per hour emphasized, bec~use th~y mclude .m of Commerce working diligently to camp did not represent merely one Business district .... 10 miles per hour the courses of mstr~ctton and ch1.ld insure complete stfccess of the recremonth of schooling and recreation but "The above is the extreme limit and cul~u~t;. such rec~eat10~al and soctal ation adventure. actually was a part of a definitely outOne-half of the quarter-mile track achvttte~ as typtfied '!1 the Scout, Expect Record Crowd· lined four-year course of training. of oval has been made into playable all violators will be prosecuted. ~an~p F1re and other kmdred organRespectfully, one month in· each year, which, when ground in the development of the Wil Wilmette Day will be held in the completed, qualified the student for the mette municipal playground, near the Edward Zipf, IZ~tJOns. . . . . grove at Ridge and Lake avenues, ac· President Village of Wilmette" If you, encounter a v1rtle, mtschi~- cording to present pla,n s, and a turnrank of second lieutenant in the Re- new Ridge school, according to a rePresident Zipf's order is expected to vous b~y. M,~· R~nnec~ar de~lared Ill out of residents rivalling that of any serves, according him equal rank port recently issued by the members don t chtde. htm and previous ye r \s ant\cit>ate(\. with a West Poin graduate in times of the O];!.YilfOUild ho:irq. whi'ih "Qn - rao.ult in a de.t rmin.-d e.a.tnpaig;n in conduston, the village to secure st,rict observance tnreate_n to call the po~tce., In addition to the usual carnival y\vit";rirt'!:_-:;"-inte, -~t ··· , c1 ;zens' 1~tS of w. G. Glover, J. B . .H.offman of traffic regulations 111 the interest ta:ke htm under your wm~ and gtve W. A. Schuler. attractions there will be games and military training camp idea has g1'own and of safety. It comes at an opportune h·m a good word: Show h1m that you contests for people of all ages from An abrupt cut was made in the a marked degree, according to Col Ridge bank clear across the west end time when Chicago and the suburban ~ant .to be ~ fncnd ~,nd pal. Treat childhood to advanced years and aryden, who was chairman of the of communities are bending every effort h1m hkc a little man. the present quarter-mile track oval, rangements have been completed for cal committee on recruiting. Last to a depth of 8 to 10 feet. The sur. to curtail accidents on the thorougha baseball game in which the Wil· ear the village sent two boys to the plus fares and minimize the danger ocdirt was spread out on the level mette A. C's. will he pitted against camp. This year more than 20 signed which is the playable ground. The casioned by the ever-increasing consome strong Inter- ity league team. up and 17 found it possible to attend. top of Ridge west of the new cut was gestion of traffic. It is likely the day's events will be Wilmette was second in point of quota scraped off and the ground deposited inaugurated with a great street proenrollment in the Cook county district cession in which awards will be made on the lower level leaving a crescent Fire Chief Takes Spell E;vanstQn,. witb a far greater popula~ shaped bank about six feet high for the most effectively decorated t1on. leadmg by a small mar11in. Tt Far Away from the Gone Whenever Earl Orner has an an- float and .pleasure car. Various comis Col. Boyden's hope that 100 Wil- around the west border of the track Walter Zibble, chief of the Wilmette niversary, he celebrates-just as he munity orga'nizations and children' s tte boys will be entered in the into which an adequate stadium can be built. Approximately 12,000 cubic fire department, left the village this does on holidays-by putting in some groups are expected to be in the line camp in 1925. yards of dirt. was han~led. week to enjoy a vacation near Appleton, extra hard licks at the Wilmette of- of march. lntereat Wideapread fices of the Chicago and North WestThe cost mcurred m the develop- Wisconsin. "Talkin· Up" Da~ "The country is awakening to the mef'!t of the playground for the year "Going away for your vacation?" the ern railroad. He observed his 23rd Within a few days banners and value of this training," Cot. Boyden endmg. March 31, 1924, was ~13 ,713.81, chief was asked early this week. anniversary as station agent one day streamers announcing the approaching declared, "and the interest in Wil- accordmg to the statement tssu~d .bY "Well, 1 should hope so," was the last week In just that manner and holiday will be prominently displayed mette is becoming widespread." the b?ard. The ~otal approprtahon rapid-fire comeback. "Fine vacation I'd found time, as well, to chide some of in the business sections and repre· the villagers who, in passin,, com. The Wilmette recruiting committee made 10 1923 for th1s work was $14,000. have sticking close to home." sentatives of the Chamber of Com· mcluded : Col. H. C. Boyden . chairman· of the excessive humidtty. <?£ the total expense $12,973,27 was Mr Z'bble resides in the apartments plained During his years in the station of- merce will be in evidence everywhere Lt. Col. A. L. Denman, Lt. Col. Claud~ pa1d for work done on the grounds, bo · h1 fi h "talking it up" to the citizenry of the Fitch, Mai . George R. Harbaugh which included wages for common 1a ve t e re ouse. (ice, Earl has witnessed a remarkable . T. E. Bullivant, Maj . R. Mal~ laborers, steam excavating. team labor. change in the physical appearance of community. Stores and offices will be closed McKerchar, Maj. Dan G. Stiles, surface drains and the building of J. J. Kutten Back from Wilmette. In the early days it was t. L. E. Ashley, Lieut. Harvey steps and a backstop. The cost of upa very small place, indeed. Today, it throughout the day in Wilmette and Trip to Alaska Poinb the entire village will be invited to rrpresents one of the most prosperou~ p, Lieut. H. A. Dever and Lea J. keep for the shelter house amounted Joseph J. Kutten of the Kutten Broth- suburban stations on the North West - turn out to the picnic grove. Orr, commander of Wilmette Post of to $504.15. The remainder of the disthe American Legion. bursement went toward necessary ers Coal company returned to Wilmette ern system. early this week from a tour to Alaska. Earl always regards his community Robert Burtner Captures tools and stationery. Of The village laid sewer and water Mr. Kuttel\ was a member of a large in the nature of a big family. ilmette to Have Own Many Awards at 'Y' Camp inains across the entire grounds at no party which completed the round trip course we have our little fights, he Water Carnival Soon expense to the pla:yground board. The in about three weeks, stopping at various admits. but what family doesn't have Robert Burtner, son of Mr. and Mrs. northpoints in Alaska and the Pacific in all, we're a prefty its tiffs? All Later in the month there will be a plans and engineering were adminiR. D. Burtner of 810 Oakwood avenue, fine aggregation, he says, and we're returned Monday from Camp Eberhart, big water carnival for the Wilmette stered through the courtesy of Myron west. Mr. Kutten reported the weather in getting better every day. swimmers and bathing patrons. Al- H. West, president and general mana Y. M. C. A. camp at Corey, Michigan, Earl recently fell suddenly ill at the with two silver medals. He also achieved though the date has not been fixed, ar- ager of the American Park Builders, Alaska not much different from that in station and was taken home. The the honor roll list for swimming. Wilmette at this season of the year. and a resident of Wilmette. rangements are underway. word of his indisposition ~OrP:arf r:op;,l . There will be races of all kinds and Robert, who Will 1>e a junior at the ly throughout the village and there for form and distance. Feature Invite Local Children to New Trier township high school. won were anxious inquiries on every hand one will probably include a boat tiltsilver medal for ccllching the largeHe was back on the job at 7 :30 the Sunday Kinderaarten Class contest, water baseball, water polo, fish in :11 casting contest. He also next morning-which, my dear read · est Sunday, August 3, wilt mark the third saving demonstration, exhibition of won the singles tennis tournament in the ers, is 6 :30 central standard time. different swimming strokes and other session of the open air Sunday Kindercamp, for which he was awarded a silver garten which a large graup of chilstunts. medal. Some of the youngsters interested in dren have been enjoying at the homr Mra. W. H. B. Stephens Ia . the water sports have been practicing of Mrs. Douglas Smith, Bluff Edge. The hour of asTaken by Death Saturday Carl Geta No Kick Out every day for the approaching event. Hubbard Woods. Mrs. Willia.m H. B. Stephens !Jf llZ of This Pec:leatrianiam They won't admit out and out that they sembly is 10:30 o'clcok. Meetings will Broadway, d1ed Saturday mormng at are preparing for the carnival, but they be held each Sunday during August. Carl E. Sterner has been doing a lot All children along the north shore who the Mercy hospital in Chicago followsmile with the "I didn't want anybody to Paraphenalia 6nd a place are interested are invited to attend, ing a major operation early last week. of enforced hiking these days, all beknow" meaning on their countenances. cause his well known green touring it is stated. Mrs. Stephens had been recovering in satisfactorily, it was said, but suffered car was "lifted" while parked near the Waukegan Nine Takes Village theater some time aao. a fatal heart attack on Saturday. ATTENDS SECRETARIES' COURSE Carl has had no word about the Funeral services were held at the Ball Game from A. C. Miss Ruth Forberg resumed her missing car since dat of theft, and is home Tuesday with Rev. Johnston The Wilmette A. C. baseball team lost work as secretary of the Wilmette considerably wrought up about walkMyers of Chicago in charge and Rev. to the Waukegan nine by the score of Chamber of Commerce this week after Francis C. Stifter of Wilmette assist- ing, to Z in a hotly contested game last attending the two weeks' course for The license number i 512-297, in ing. Mrs. Stephens is survived by her . Waukegan started with a rush, Chamber of Commerce secretaries, at case you hould come upon it in your huGhand and a :~on, Brice. scored two runs in the first inning Northwestern university. Two huntravel -that is, that wa the license FOR SALE-TENNIS NET AND ded and fifty secretaries attended the .added three more in the fifth. number. poets; never used, $5. Phone The A. C.'s tallied their two runs in classes which are held annually under "Mid-Summer Meditation" W· lnnetka 803. 19LTNH-ltc of the School of the third inning when Rosberg singled supervision REV. ENGLISH TO PREACH Sunday Sermon Subject and Borre made a home run. That was Commerce. Rev. William F . En gli . h, Jr., of Wil"A Mid-Summer Meditation will be all the scoring the Wilmette players the subject of Rev. George P. Magill's mette, who i secretary of the Americould do. Kusmertz of Wilmette was RETURNS FROM EUROPE for sermon at the First Presbyterian can board of commissioner spiked on the chin when he 'tried to cut Bargains aplenty in Mrs. Charles W. Flannigan of Chichurch l'unday morning, August 3, at foreign mi sion , will be the preacher off a runner at the plate. cago, who is well known in \Vilmette. at the morning services of the Fir t the 11 o'clock services. The A. C.'s will line up against the returned to CH!ca~o. July 22, after a our WANT AD section. The sermon is one of a popular Congregational church durinc · the ~~<~u:>LI.J>Il Tigers, the colored team which 5 months' trip to Europe. Mrs. Flan· erie entitled "appropriate lummer- month of. Auaust. Rev. Stephen A. js rated as one of the strongest in the nigan was granted a private interview Lloyd, pa tor, is having his vacation. with the- Pope, at the Vatican. lt.==-=-=-=-=-=-=--=;;&;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!l time sermons ." Intercity league, next Sunday. . YS LF.GIO=AIN ~ABI!D ZIPF LAUNCHES OFF TO C. ~~ T ·C. TRAFFIC DRIVE Boy Problem Not : Serioaall 8 Ia ·a Happy lfac· · WILMETI'E DAY IS AUGUST 20 REPORT WORK ON PLAYGROUND FINE DAY FOR WORK, HIS HOLIDAY CREED Summer Sports Want Ads

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