Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1924, p. 12

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12 WIL~.fETTE · s::/.Jll..V~~ ... " au tmt mn met nutJDiOIIIQJi&Ql'~QIIiggsgfl!@l,VJiiUf)MMlV..fl· OCIAL Swaim-Olmsted Nuptial 'I R 1 ert Smith Swaim of 701 Laurel avenue haft .. · R an d ·' rs. 0 ) f h · d ht Ph i·,suecl invitations for the m~rnag~ o. t etr aug er, ~ ·· 1 01 ted of Oanvttle ItltnOIS, on Saturday evenm. c te Stant eY ms ' T ·"""" to .ct_ the \\ ilmette Presbyterian church. he ~ev. ~ret .;t~gu:-.t . ' a.. 11 fficiate at the 9 .o'clock ce rem~ny whtch wttl be ! · :\lagdtl 11 '~ 1 0 eption at the home of the bnde's parents. tollom:~ {j' la rtecG Da)· of Great Falls, Montana, and Mrs. James :\Irs. [\.o >Cr '· f h d M' n .....L :\IcKni ht of Chicago will be th~ matrons o onor an tss UVJW s · g of Danville will be matd of honor. Rosemary Day, t\t ) 1 ;;;~!:' little niece. will he flower g!rl, and Rodney Albright, Mr. Olm.;;ted's nephew will carry the rmg. ·Russ. Kinningl~am of Danville will be best rna~ and the ushe~ will he Robert Swaim and No_rman_ Dale of Da!wtlle. ~r r. Olmsted will take hts bnde to Danvtlle .where he bas ·1 1 e at 1201 Sherman boulevard. They wtll be at home ltll t :l lOlll ... 1 :Lfter September 15. M t6 Living at the Orrington is Not Expensive Al\\' people arc surprised to find that they can enjoy all the comfor~. conven~ence and attrac· tiveness of The Ornngton w1thout added ex· pense. and often at less expense. . An apartment at The Orrington, either furmshed or unfurni~hcd, eliminates every usual expense for h~lp, household laundry, ice, heat, light, etc. you enJOY every home comfort without any of the d1scomf.orts. That's why The Orrington is so popular. Investigate now! Call or telephone C"niversity 8700. Summer Colony Entertains the Stephen Lloyds T this time when so many vi!lagers ~re vacationing in ot~ parts of the globe it may he mterestmg to tho&e who remam at home to hear of some of th~ir do~ng . A p~rt of the summer colom· at Little Sister Bay, Wt consm, entertat,'~ed last week for Hev. and :Mrs. Stephen A. Lloyd ~t "\Vildewood, the home of Mr. and ~Irs. Addison Wilde. o f Chtcago. Among thos~ who ~ere guests on thi s occas ion were, in addition to the Addtson Wtldes, their daughter, Betty, l\lr. and Mrs. F. B. Crossley and daughters. ~1artha and Jean; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Crossle y, and their daughters, Julia and Helen ; Mrs. Th<;>mas <;rossl~y ?f Hont$dale, Pennsdvania. and Miss Martha Jenkms, Mt~s Pnsctlla Lloyd, Miss Beth Brower and Miss Helen Newey of Wtlmette. M A At The Or-ri11glo11 :vou may rlroou {~trnislrcd quarters with or ~.·itlw ut kitclrent·ltcs or retain fir,· pleasure of your oum fumishinys ;, '"" IIC'Zt· ad· ditiu11 1o·lu:clr of>CIIS Sept. l si. Virginia Haines to Marry in the Autumn D CRING an afternoon bridge given by Miss Virginia Ashley Haines o~"' . . aturday at her hom e on Greenleaf avenue, her engagement was announced to Edwin L. Heckler, son of Mr. and :\{rs. Charles E. Heckler of 1109 Greenwood avenue. Miss Haines, who is th e daughter of l\Ir. and Mrs. Frederick H. Haines, will be married in th e fall, although she ha s not yet chosen the exact day. Mr. and ~[rs . Hugo Fischer and family. 738 Tenth street. entertained at a wedding supper on Sunday tit· ning in honor of ~lr. and Mrs. Wl\\t;. ~iemann of \Vinnctka, who were mat· ried at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, August 3, at the home of the Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd who officiated at t~e ceremony. Mr ·. Niemann was M1ss Jean Bardon of Winnetka. In addition to tjte bride and groom. th i ch n' ~~~sts were tUr. _i}m\ . fr. . ·~b an ~:-. Myr '~ Mrs. \Yerth a nd her s~n . Lester, of C\-,j cajlo. and Mr. and ~1rs. Tom Nieman of \\'innet ka . On Thursday e\·en ing \r iss Betty Galitz. daughter of ~lr . and :Mrs. A. C. Galitz of 1727 Boomer place, Evan· ~ton, became the hride of Lee Rosberg, ;·on of )[r. and ~Ir s. John T. Ro~herg. 830 Park avenue. A reception at the Evanston Womans' clu b follO\'~<·ed the ceremony which was read at St. Paul's chur ch. Evanston. at 8 o'clock by the Rev. Carl A. Naumann. lling gown of ivory hroc~ded satin. trimmed with real lace, w1th a court train. Her veil of tulle was held in place by a lace coronet, and she carried an old fashioned Frenc-h bouquet of lilies-of-the-val ley and j,·ory roses. Her matron of honor, Mrs. Lillian T.uney of E\·anston, and her three bridesmaid>. \[iss Catherin e Weidner of Dolton, Illinois, :Miss Emmy Ros· berg of Wilmette. and Miss lska 1\lorgan of Evanston, were attired in dresses of green, yellow. peach and orchid gorgette. respectively. Their old fashioned French bouquets were of variegated Rowen. Vernon Galitz of Evanston was the ring hearer, the best man was Howard Norman of Chicago, and ushering were Fremont Norman of Chicago. Robert Weidner of Dolton. and William Montgomery of Wilmette. Orian Galitz sang during the serv· ice. Mr. and Mrs. Rosberg will make their home in Evans ton . The bt'\de wore h r ntother'· wed- -o- "T'H Pushing Back the Wall E vast ttrrt"tory cfJ'Vered -o- by these lines at once strika the observer, and some conception may he had of the importance of the long distance telephone in the business world of the east." This was the contemporary comment of a scientific journal on the long distance telephone service of 1890. The "vast territory" ended with Pittsburgh on the west and Washington on the south. Along its frontier stood a wall of silence. No such barrier now confines the voice of nan. To places and to people he has never even seen fly his wire-borne thoughts. Over distances which it would take him days to travel his words speed in an instant. The 9o,ooo miles of toll wire of I 890 have grown to more than 4,5oo,ooo miles carrying a daily average of more than I ,6oo,ooo long distance conversations. Thus has the wall of silence been pushed back to the edges of the continent. In its place is a nation -wide telephone service. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Hillinger, Sr., 1520 Spencer avenue, and their son and daughter. Raymond and Beatrice, have just returned from a two weeks' motor trip through the east, stopping -oat New York, Niagara Fall s, Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Alder of and Canada. While returning they 931 Greenwood avenue have just re· spent a few days at Saugautuck, turned from their summer home at Michigan. Big Lake, Wisconsin. ·where they -ospent six weeks. Miss Betty Ald er. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bachman of who is remaining there, will return to 1249 Hill road and Mr. and Mrs. Vvilmette in a few weeks. A. J . Haack, 1228 Gregory avenue. -owere guests over last week-end of Mrs. Edward J . Bradley of 234 Ca-l Mrs. C. D. McCaltum, at Lily Lake, talpa place, who fell during ~he early Wisconsin. part of the summer. breakmg both -oher ankles, is spending the last part Miss Eileen Leary, 430 Tenth street, of her convalescence at the home of has returned from northern Wiscol)sin, her sister in Chicago. Mrs. Bradley where she spent a week. Miss Catherine expects to return to \ Vi lmette in two Leary left this week for a two weeks' weeks. stay at Eagle River, Wisconsin. -{)Angela Koenig, 825 Gregory avenue, THE ROOF WITHOUT A REGRET has returned from Wisconsin, where she visited Miss Edna Seng, for two weeks. ~fiss Gertrude Smit h of Lebanon. Kentucky, is the house guest of Mr. and Mr. ] . A. Koenig for a few weeks. J ackson Parkn and his son, Jackson. Jr., of 435 Tenth street, r~; turned \ Vednesday from a two ~vecks trip east. Mr. Parker. and hls son. Jackson, and the latt er's grancHath_er. Charles A. Parker, of 1\:ewport. Mm· ne . ota. and relati,·es i~ the ~ast, made a gathering of four generations, when they all met in their native to'~"· Rutland, Vermont. After the fam1~y reunion Mr. Jack son Parker and hiS son we~t to Malone, New York, for a short time. -oThe wedding of Raymond Reiner of this village to Miss Grace Brann of Almenly, Illinoi s, will take place on Sat· urday, at 6 o'clock, at the church of St. Francis Xavier. After the ceremony, a reception will be held at the bride· groom's home, 1463 \Vilmette avenue. Mr. Reiner and his bride will go to northern Wisconsin and to the Dells, returning after a week, to their new home at 1021 Central avenue. -oM iss \'irginia Haines of 823 Green· leaf avenue is leaving Saturday for Spring Lake, Michigan, where she will spend a week as the guest of Mrs. Joseph Newhall. formerly Miss Ruth Patterson of Wilmette. ILLINOIS BELL T~LEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM -oYou will never have to worry about leaks, ftres or repairs If your home Is rooted with Hawthorne Concrete Tile, the econ· omlcaJ, permanent and fireproof roof-"the root without a regret." Ask tor quotation. One Policy One System VniveTsal SerW:c II\ RoofiD1 H aworneraJe eo. %136 S. 48th Ave., Cicero, Ill. Tel. Lawndale 1610; Cicero 71 Mr. and Mrs. Proctor, 314 P ark a"7 nue, have as their guest Miss Herm.a Wells of Salt Lake City. The Proctors have only lately returned from a motor trip to Blanchard, Iowa, where they visited Mrs. Proctor's brother, Dr. Wells. Isahelle Macalister of 9J~ Ashland avenue has as her guest for th weeks her little cousin, Flo Campbell of Kansas City. -o-

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