Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1924, p. 16

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THIS PAGE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY J8 16 WILMETTE LIFE. FRIDAY. AUGUST 8, 1924 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Gmettd N otices-CluaUled a4vertlaementa wUl be char.ed ODIJ' to resident· of the district from Evanston to ;-~ar:r r~'L~NC~~b~~~a to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA Gleacoe lnclu·lve whose namea appear In the telephone directory, or RIJtfl--10 centa per line In one paper. 20 cent1 per line In all three 1 tile llae. J:.a~~!!ic l!~Z t~:.-u~!::~~::. ~; Dt.~~~~·~Y:; o"nv!P;i~~:~lo~ Dtadline for /nsertiona-Cla·aUled tlte WILMETTE LIFE or all thr~:P~:~e~:; ~h:r::~~~~;yo·~~o~~~~~~ [~~ WINNETKA TALK and Friday U o'clock tor tht~ GLENCOE NEWS. Telepllonea: WILMETTE 1120-11!1 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. advertisement· will be ac- FURNITURE FOR SALE-1 CHILD'S Ivory chitrerobe $10; 1 Child's Ivory dresser $12; 1 ivory crib, complete $10; .1 child's Ivory bl·d complete $13; 1 mahogany plano bench $3, Iredale Fireproof Warehouse, 560 Center St., Winnetka. 16LTN45-1 tc Is -PIECE EARLY ENGLISH DINING room set; extension tale; 6 chairs, leather seated; butret; $50; brown maho~Jany floor lamp with silk shade, $10; oil paintings. .f66 WashIngton Ave ., Glencoe. Tel. H. 16LTN45-ltc ------------------------- HOUSEHOLD SERVICE FOR SALE--HOt;SEHOLD GOODS HOUSE CLEANING; WINSALE-GENUINE HICKOitY EXPERT FOR dow washing; tloor waxing; furniture Oval Porch Table 5 ~ ft. long, worth polishing; odd painting and calci$40, and 4 Arm Chairs to match, mining jobe. Tel Wlnn. 10::LT 45 _tfc worth $10 each. Will sell all (or $25 .00. Telephone Winnetka 27, 205 Chestnut Street. 16LTN45-ltc 2S CONTRACTORS AND .IOBBEil8 Forrest G. Hunt of Cincinnati will be the week-end guest at the Wilford C. Shurtleff residence on Lake avenue. Miss Margaret McCoy left Tuesday evening for her home in Bogota, New Jersey. after spending several days with Miss Helen Shurtleff. Lake -o- Garages Built to Order A. C.HILLERTZ Builder of Better Home1 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Whidden of 1009 Elmwood avenue and their son, John, returned Monday from three weeks in Boston and at Hyannis, Cape Cod. -oMrs. F. L. Bateman and her daughter, Miss Barbara Jean, are leaving Tuesday for Berkley, California, Barbara Jean will enter Miss Head's school. 3602 McLEAN A VENUE Belmont 6713 23LTN42-ftp -o-- 1 1fl" 0 J&<!Iffill \'1\f!O>lffrlill W!llf<rl1'!\.lliffi on REAL ESTATE 3 1L 'fO) "'J.ll ~ 11'> ~ Tl"i\~ '1:!/ BRIAR ST., LO ATION. 47xl%5 ft. $2,-fOO takes lt. Suitable terms. FI~E ~~~J.u~U. 5> WAN'J'ED TO RE:\"r-HOUSES WANT.I!. V TO RENT- 7-ROmr Hot'SE, unfurnished, tor one year or more, at $125-$1GO per month. Address Lire, 275. 3LTN45-ltc F~~d. 8!~1~-;:;-t 1k~sh~I~~Zta~~M~~~~~ wt.~~~~1;~(~;~~: aHrm~Itt!tf'!.a~ F~~rr~-S~e~~u;-o~e~~~~~~~~ioot!>~~~: 466 3L-t 5 -1tc wANTED-Fl'RNisHI-:o 1 oR 8 RooM 16LT.N45-ltc house for mos. or more, starting FOR SALE-TWO CHINESE 9x 13 St>pt. 15 or Oct. 1. Winn. IIi . Rugs, Large Fumed Oak Hand Made Winnetka 1226 Table, suitable Dressmaker Arch!1LTN45-ltc -!!!!!~!!!!!!'~~~~~~~~~3~L;;;.;4~5--l:..;t~p teet. Telephone Glencoe 316-.T. FOR SALE- BY OWNER. COUNTRY .. FOR RE~T-AP:\RT'II-JNTS 16LTN45-ltp 1EoEoSttunfl~~<e&llitwCC(O), r¥ !~~~~· 1!~: ~~-~? ~~~c~=\lr· and pad; also small heater suitable 28 PIANO TUNING tor garage. Tel. Win . 1075. ----------------16LTN45-ltc EXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIRlng; old pianos made new. L. w. 509 Foster. Tel. Wlnn. -:sLTNH-tfc Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Paterson of Evanston are spending two weeks with Mrs.\ Paterson's mother, Mrs. James White of 931 Chestnut avenue. !29 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! '! ! ! ! ! 8 !!'!!!!!!u!!!!s!!!!I!!!!N!!!!E!!!!S!!!!S!!'!!!!!!S!!!!E~!!'!!!!!!RV~I~C~E~~~~ ;se~~!y~~~~~a~;s h~~ef,~~~~e:~Frsed~ri~k B. Crossley at Little Sister Bay, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Moulding and their children, of 1025 Elmwood avenue. will spend this week at Lake Geneva\. Mrs. Thomas Crossley of Honsdale, -o- ~LT1 -ttc WERSTED MOTOR CO. 1 5 FVH!'>lSHr,;o HOOM ; EAST SIDE ~~~~~~~ :, "tie. Phon!' \Yinn··tka 1226. 18LTN45-ltc homP, uear tnlllsportation; suitable !LT!'\4G-ltc business man; SPpt. 1 occupancy; refPrences. Wil. 844-J. 8L45-1tp SAC n IF 1 C E MERCER'S SPORT Inveatment aecurltlea lnaurance FOR RENT-COMFORTABLE FRONT !:'~~ell, ~l~r :~.!f:n~· aa ':~~t ~~~~ bt·<lroom. Apply. &66 Llnroln Ave.. ml'nt. Leaving elty. Apply 911 Wlnut-tkn. ~LTN45-ttp Willow stret·t. o _____________ u_L_T_N_4_5_-_It..:..p Fl~R~~I~HaEI> t"Ft'~O!'\T 63- R~D:OOM; 1ON8 FORD 'l'OUH1NU CAR IN GOOD Realtors Tel. Wll. \~ilm·· rt;"por a on. " 8L:;;N 4 ,t:~~P ··unnlng or<lt·t· with wire wheels. 109 Ridge Ave. 364 1LTN43-ltc 11 Hl-;u· "' "~'l't-;n-FE ,ULF. ~~~ ~~J;~>';~·· 9 ?;h~~1~~~6~t~~~\~rs takes U.LTN45-ltp I Wli~L l'AY 1~ THE-; ="ETiiHBORPOR SALE-LATE 1922 CHEVROLET hood ot $21 ,1100.(10 tot· a 7 ot· S room Tour. a-1 mechanically, tires good; house on th..- t·ast sitlt· oC \VIlmettt' and have $S.OOO to $10.000 cash as Han 11,000 miles-Bargain. Tel. ftrst paym··nt. I woulll like nt least Sheldrake 7839. l!iL45-ltp 4 bedrooms and 2 haths and I am prepared to makt· a quick dl'al a!! soon as 1 ftnll thP right place. 1924 OVERLAND COUPE SEDAN Address 271 Wilmeth! Life. Good selection of used cars. 1L45-ltc AI ways rebuilt Moon cars. U::, J..e, ~ftl!;IR;,<e~ll1tyC<IDc ~e;c~t-~e~~u~~~; t~-:~ s~m;~r~u~~tri":i.:{o~~ c~~~ :\'oT:~~,:~.~nro r_ (t:.~aT·~~ .1 ,.,1~v·t:1.G nse~E~~~Clflr~~h~rsi~nJR~R~ 8 '.~Jci o~.~;~~j~ n~~ F~~ J1:::V IT;~! ~ ., .. ~ Sainte Claire Motor cars. Wilmette. Just conlJ)Iet~d . Lot 65x192; 1 .5 bt'arlng truit trees, 60 FOR RENT-GARAGE CO~VE:>;IE~T ~a:r~~. cuz:cna\t-~us~~& : Rll'~~";:r~.ra~~e- ly located at Lakp' Av~. a;Hl Fir: block south ot Lnkl· AYt-., Gross teenth St. Phone \VII. 2427. Point, Ill. Ownl'r on JJrt-mi!!PS. Tel. !!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!=~"""!!===-..:7.;;;L:.;4.::5.;;,·:,3t~c WII. 3HI4. $13,000 t~>rms. JLT~H-ttc s FOH Ht-:~'l'-llOOliS FOR SALE- BY 0\VNER, COUNTRY ONE OR TWO ROO:\-rs IN A.TTRACltome; 6-room brick veneer house; tlv e Hubbard \Voods homP. suitable n~~;f~~o;j_b~~~.~t'ngb~~~-~~ac~~bbo~~~ for Onf' or two adults. Prot. Light case. oak trim; water heat ; gas; ~\?J~s~:~~t~IGnll~. prlvllegt!tLTN~r_~~~ electric light; all conv('nlencea of Wilmt!lte. Just completed. Lot WILL ROAHD COFI'LE OR :\lA!'\ IN nlct! home; bt-st ot board and moder65x192; 15 bearing truit trees. 60 large currant bushes; 100 red raspat{· price: also garagt' space. Cen~f~~k· s:U~1at~~ E.k:ei~:e~.ld.Gr~~= trally73lol·atNl. 31 , Park Av£>. Tf'l. Point. Ill. Owne·· on prt-misf's. Tel. Wil. 1i-J . hlA!i-l tp Wll. 845-~1 . 1LTN44-ltc FOrt RENT - Fl'R~!SHJ-;n ROO:\f : FINE HO prlvat<' family: months of August ka: 6-r~~~~~~<~~~~:;/~;'G.~~J.~NET~.~\<:o~.t>Pl.j.:"r;;I~·J 5 .nt'a~Lt+~~~~~~r~ Another baq;;-ain 3 ltlk~ . wt-st Win11 1 0 1 ~~~~;ar~~~~ob!'\tl~rl~~ll~er;e~u:;out~~e F~~e Rr~~;::;,-A~~RJ.M~n~~l:e~D ~~: floor; wood-burning ftre-place; bookWinnetka 62 . 4LTNU-trc ~f:::;lc 0 ~~ghtrim~ll w~~~~e~it~tdesfl;a~i FOR RENT-GARAGES 1 -------------------1 FOR SALE- MAHG. DINING TABLE; 8 chairs modern; $45. Mahg. teab~~~· 1~~\~'\vf~~~k~a~W child's Iron ~~:t~~:n 16LTN45-ltc C 11 FOR SALE - ~fAHOGANY UPHOLstt·red davenport; ft¥eside chair and two rockers; reasonable. 16~¥.r..:ff~i/~ FOR SALE-FRENCH GREY WICKER floor lamp; table lamp and small rocker. Glencoe 4 61!. 16 L 45 _ltp 17 WANTED-HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid ror same. Croat ~~~~~\':,~~ ~Wre.Ph~o~:-~s~merson St., 17LTN24-tfc lS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ray McCallum have moved to Wilmette from the cit Pleasure rides and are living at 930 Oakwood avenue. Fishing trips -oR~a~t~t~:s :eek-end trips Mr. and Mrs. William Belt and their ... r untlng trips children are occupying their new home While your car Is In repair or paint in Kenilworth on Abingdon road. shop. -o8roes~dc~ir, 1 ~~cp;~r ~Hl~. ~[r. and Mrs. J. F. Kletzing and their These cars are Insured for your pro- daughter, 522 Washington avenue, are tectlon. motoring through northern Wisconsin. WERS'DED MOTOR -oTel. Wlnn. 165 29LTN45-1tc forD.CaEmdmp uCndustMer,orMant.chlet.gftan,laswtl1eFrreidahye ----------------will be gone a month. r The J. F. Kle-tzio--ngs and the R. C. RENT A CAR - DRIVE IT YOURSELF PAY BY THE MILE IDEAL FOR -o- IS 81~ -o- orJi~~n~ FOR SAI,F..-AUTOMOBJLES DEPENDABLE USED CARS 0 0 629 8 1 1 10 JJ JHlo §<elffi~<e~<eif & CC<IDo MOON DEALERS Tel. Ev. 10194 1029 Davis St. Evanston 1 LTN45-ltc POH SALE- DETROIT ELECTRIC; new batterlps and paint; also round dining table and chairs. Tel. 133 or eall at 219 South AVt·., Ulencoe. 18L45-Itp Slocum Motor Sales Used Cars- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES C:or. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Evanston 140 Wlllys-Knight and Overland Dealers 18LTN42-tfc 19 I<,OH SALE--liiSCELLANEOUS FOR SALE-3 AND fi GAITED REGIstered Kentucky bred saddle horses J.'or Information write Howard Dickey, C/O Martindale Farm, Paoli, Indiana. 19LTN44-2tp FOR ~ALE-IVORY BABY BUGGY; 1 d~~tt' d~n?;;Yr~~! 0:'et':"hs~~s ~~~~t~~s~ toni road, Kenilworth. 19L45-lltc FOR SALE-FOUR CYLINDER HENdersen Motor Cycle In good condition. Telephone Glencoe 793. 19LTN-ltp FOR SALE-GIRL'S SCOUT SUIT elze 12, complete for $5.00, like new: Tel. Wll. 2590. 19LTN38-tfp S II'OR RENT-Hot· E FOR SALE-GIRL'S BICYCLE; WINdow awnings. Tel. Wll. 753. 19LTN45-ltp · WANTED--MI8CELLA~EOUS WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sella rugs, stoves auto· pianos, anythlnc ueeful. 1045 .Aah !!Jt. 20LTN-trc · HOUSEHOLD SERVICE FOR RENT-&-ROOM HOUSE· GARa e; bot water h at; ~t. let occupancy: lona- I aaeo: r a11onal>lf'; refer nc requlr d. Addr se Life-, 273. SITUATION WANTED-BY EXPERI2LTN4fi-1tp enc d colort-d couplt>. let claas refVOR R·HT-1-ROOM BRICK· H W erence . Tel. Evanston 5711. H.; Winnetka; October lat Poaa ~~~~~~7:~~7:~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!1!!5L~T;N~T4~5;-~1~tp Phone Kenilworth 2011. A44reaal' Life, 268. ILTN 4J. 4tp lt FOR 8._LF-ROU8£ROLD GOODS -· . _., · FOR SALE CHEAP-FULL SIZED s -A .. 'I'ED '1'0 asNT-ROUSEI bra s bed. sprlnga and mattress; oak W.AHTED TO RENT-7-ROOM FUR~~~~o;;!~R.wlth mirror; ro~~L~·s.i~!· ntab 4 bou· ; two batba; for 1 year· ·v Hl'lnnlng Oct. l·t at $1110-UOO per FOR SALE-SIIIALL 4 BURNER RIGHT month. Addre11 Lite, 17&. hand oven. Very cheap. 247 Laurel. 3LTN45-ltc UL45-ltc NORTH SHORE HOUSECLEANING Service cleans wall paper and paint work; expert furniture polishing ftoor waxing and housecleaning by reliable white bou1eman: prlce 11 rea·onable. Edward T. Handy, 418 Linden Ave. Tel. Wll. 1647, 7-8 A K. or 6-8 P. M. 25LTU-Stc Mouldings recentl:t drO\' e to Starved -rr"--e· Rock for seYeral days visit. '---------------~) -oLawrence Bateman. 735 Michigan ~frs. W. R. :Mahan and John, 718 avenue. has just returned from a trip Elmwood avenue, left this week to to Yellowston Park and the west. ride in the horse shows that are to be . held ~n Springfield, Milwaukee, Indtanapolts and Louisville, the latter one being one of, the .la.rgest in the country. Mrs. Mahan will enter two horses Glittering Glory and Golden Cloud' The rural letter carriers of Illinois both well known in the riding world: will hold their nnual convention at M~s. Mahan took first prize in the Dec I' on Au 15 ,. .. d lt1, and an patr class at the Hinsdale show a.nd largt: attePdance · is se~ond ribbon in the "Ladies'" class. unusually pected. Gltttering Glory won the . econd and The principal speaker will he Hon. third ribbons in the three gaited class Henry R. Rathbone, of Kenilwortl', at the South Shore show. · congressman-at-large for Illinois, who --owill deliver hi.s address on the after~r. and Mrs. Stephen A. Lloyd and noon of August 15. their daughter, Miss Priscilla. will The rural letter carriers are staunch ~tart Monday on a motor trip through friends of the congressman, it is exNew York and Pennsylvania. Their plained. as he was the one who se?l~er daughter, ~liss Dorothy, will cured them a Christmas holiday, someJOtll the.m at C~mhridge Springs, Pen- thing which they had never had bensylvanta, to drtve with them to some of the scenes of Dr. Lloyd's boyhood fore. In this connection, Ray S. Phildays in .the valley of the Susquehanna. pott. president of the Illinois 'Rural qn thetr return they will visit \Vil- Letter Carriers' association, said: lt~msport, Altoona. Johnstown and "Rural letter carriers in Illinois have Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania, and Coltried in vain for ten years to get a umbus, Ohio. holiday on Christmas day, not becau, e --othey were shirkers, hut because ChristMr. and Mrs. R. L. Blodgett of mas is the annual family homecoming, Madison, W!sconsin, ar!ived Saturday and their absence broke the family to spend thts week wtth Mrs Bloduett'~ parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. circle on that day. "The 'mail it earlv.' Christmas camTucker. 1214 Lake avenue. Last Sunday ~rr. and Mr~. Tucker had as their p:ti).'n'> in the past few years have so '!uest . Mrs. ]. \V. Hoyt of Austin and effective that Chri tmas has become Mrs. Gage von Steenber~ and her two the li!Zhtest day of the 20 just before children, Leslie and Jean of Peru and after Christmas and in view of Tndiana. Mrs. Hoyt and ).frs. vo~ this fact. and the fact that the activity of rural letter carriers on Christmas Steenherg are Mr. Tucker's nieces. made it nece sary for mail clerks and -o-often postmaster to remain on the job Among other Wilmette girls who have returned to 111eir homes after while their families were celebrating, a five-week outing · Camp Awakia 1 took up the matter with RepresentWatervliet, Michigan, are Cecile Gil~ ative Henry R. Rathbone of Illinois. "Tn reply to a telegram on the sPbroy. Mary Marshall, Frances Levi Flor~nc.e Biesemeier, Frances Levv: ject, Mr. Rathbone replied, 'Immediately upon receipt of your letter ~arJOrte Solomon. Ellen Katz. Julia Kmstler an_d Caroline Haas, who has T took matter up with Postmaster b_een ~pendtng the summer with rela- General and am happy to inform yo that your request for a Christm tives 111 Wilmette. holiday for rural letter carriers has --o_Miss Georgia McClellan of 1716 been granted." Rt.dge avenue, Evanston. will enterta.m the north shore alumnae and Golf Club Gets Permit tnends of the National Kindergarten To Erect Store House !'-nd Elementary college on Monday afternoon, August 11, for their reguA permit to build a greenkeeper's lar weekly gathering. Miss McClellan storage building has been granted to f~rmer!y of the college faculty, now the Indian Hill Golf club by the Villtves m Lexington. Kentucky but lage of Wilmette. A storage shed will pends her summers in Evanston'. also be constructed by the club. The -ototal cost of both structures will be . ~frs. D. E. Wiseman of San Fran- $6,500. c·.s~~ has retu_rncd to her home after Of the other building permits issued VISttlng her. Sister, Mrs. F. L. Bate- by the Village of Wilmette. during the man. 735 Mtchigan a\·enue, for seven w~ek. Walter Scott heads the list weeks. Donald Bateman is spending w1th .an $8,000 two-story, brick veneer part .of the summer at Minocqua Wis- clwcllmg at 1200 Ridge avenue; Joseph consm. where he is a member ~f the May, a one and one-half story frame Rudolph hou e party . dwelling at 200 Sixteenth street $3,500; -oR. \V. Fyfe, two room frame ~ddition s Mr; and Mrs. Harry S. Stark of at 1330 Ashland avenue, $1,400; Charles Motts dBiuff, Nebraska, are visiting "M_. Ramsay, frame garage at 1517 r. :'-n Mr . Stanley K. Gage. 1428 Htghland avenue, $630; William Kruel, ~h~ndan ;oa~. Mrs. Stark, who is one r~om frame stucco addition at 1400 rs. Gage .s stster, is the daughter of Mrs. Hennetta Panushka 1041 F t avenue. · ores mgton avenue, $325; Alvena Feltman, -oframe garage at 1514 Spence avenue, _Mr. and Mrs. John Lin~ and M $300. ~mg;s mother, ~frs. Dru:-y 1{{6 .reenwo~d av~nue, motored t~ Lake M Rtpley, Wtsconsm. last week-end where E r. and Mrs. Fred G. Merrill, 4 Mrs . Drury remame · d f or a week. 1 ssex rc;>ad. have sold thet'r home and are movmg to Evanston in two weeks. l co. Social H·nn.ninll'!l l tees' m was th and !on over th ment Ed war fully d1 and s~ iectcd. to kno before "It said P withou~ $1,000 RATHBONE TO ADDRESS RURAL MAIL CARRIERS we can pass i "Bee a year my mi its pr '· ary a for a on t Orner "It read dent, nettle time; from tacke geste secti This that quire w \v. ~::~~~~\~~r:;·e;aur~g~t; ;~~;~~~~s~:

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