10 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22 1924 OCIAL Club Musicals Attractive Summer Features GREAT deal of social interest has been taken in the Sunday afternoon musicals that have become a p~rt of th~ _summer > rogram at ]ndian Hill and Skokie clubs. Arttsts of abtltty have ~ppeared at b.oth clubs and have given programs of appeal to the informal gatherings from all ~Ion~ the north shore. Each of, these cluhs j holding such _ a n aff~tr t~ts Sund<;ty afternoon at 5 o clock. The program at Indtan Htlt wtll be gn:en by Man~on M<;>nroe ~Iarble , tenor , and Mrs. Normah w_. Harn s, accompamst~ whtle at Skokie, £ya Gordon H orade ky. contralto, and B. Fred \Vtse, tenor, will appear in recital. A T HE Ouilmette Club Keeps Up Usual Summer Events lack of large affairs during the summer lent added ~est to the special dance given last week by t~e Outlmette Countn· club. Since . that , however, another qutet spell has settl ed . over the plans of the social committee .of that organization, and the regular Thursday and Monday events again hold s way. Next Monday afternoon. the '""omen ~1emb~rs o_f the club will have their weekly opportumty to en~rtatn thetr frtends, while in the evening, the monthly Smoker and Guest Night will afl"ord the men a few hours of sociability. On Thursday the cu stomary buffet supper was served. T HE Th r Beautiful Mai11 Di11i11g R oom of T he Orri11glrm. A Timely Suggestion! CTOBER lst is close at handthe season of moving, when leases expire and homes are sold or closed for the winter. With the advent of fall comes the eager search for new quarters. You have heard much of Evanston and The Orrington-<>£ the newnes!' and freshness. the elegance and home -like environment of this hap- altar bask an attracti Miss Phy Olmsted, i E. Olmste htok placE George P . tion f olio~ parents, l Swaim, 71 The bri fashioned broidered rose poinl H er tulle orange b tilies-o f-tl Her c Danville, matrons ' Great Fa Mrs. Jam gowns of chiffon, t1 skirts w· carr ied ers with Ros Miss EastmanEntertains/orOut-of-Town Guests,-,·· O pier place to live. Both Evanston and The Orrington will appeal to you-Evan ston for its convenient transportation, its schools, s tore~. clubs, etc:, and The Orrington for its attractive accommodations. Plan now to enjoy this happier mode of living. We invite you to inspect furni shed or unfurnished quarters to meet ynur needs. ISS Clementine Eastman will be hostess at bridge and mali M jongg this afternoon at her home on Elmwood avenue for her house guest, Miss Mildred McCullough, of Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Ellis D. Slater, o~ ~?sto_n. ~iss McCullough, formerly a village resident, has been vtsttmg 111 Wtlmette and along the north shore. Mrs. Slater, wh.o was Miss Priscilla Allen, is spending a part of the summer with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Allen, of Kenilworth. GJ1uJ ORRINGTON liVJ\NSTON.LLINOII ' irA· "Station-to-Station" Calls )\"STATION-TO-STATION" call is a long distance connection between any two telephones (including private branch exchange switchboard operator) as distingu_ ished from a call between individuals. Under "station-to-station" rates a charge is made where a connection is established with anyHIS company must add 120, · one at the called telephone, but the ()()(),()()()to its invest· charge is about 20 per cent lower men t every year to meet the demand for than for a "person-to-person" call. its service. If this nume, is to be obtain· cd, adequate returns To make a "station- to- station" to investors must be call, ask for "Long Distance," assured. Every tele· phone added to our give the operator the number of system increases the the distant telephone (or the name value of the service to every existing teleof the subscriber if you do not phone. know the number) and tell the operator you will talk to anyone who answers. fi T ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM Mrs. William E. Clow, of Lake Forest, was hostess for the midsummer frolic at Arden Shore camp on Wednesday afternoon. Assisting Mrs. Clow were Mrs. "William E. Casselberry. Mrs. George Richardson. Miss Alice Carpenter and Miss Dorothy Marston. of Lake Forest; Mrs. Harry Hootan. of Lake Bluff; Mrs. Harold C. Gifford, of Highland Park; Mrs. Francis E. Miller, of Glencoe; Mrs. Arthur F. Tuttle, of Winnetka; Mrs. Mark W. Cresap, of Kenilworth; Mt;s. Hays McKinney, of Wilmette; Mrs. Edwin Sherman, Mrs. Walter Rompel. Mrs. Frank Kingsley, Miss Elizabeth Thomas, and Miss Doris Starkweather. -oMrs. H . L. Flentye of 729 Lake ave- of Evanston. --()-) nue will return next week from Bay View. Michigan, where she has spent , Atlnoone~t i f 1naOe of the mar" the summer. Mis& Laura Flentye. riage of Miss Florence Barker, daughwho was west all summer. will return ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barktr. to Wilmette around September 1. Miss 1521 Forest avenue, and Nathaniel Ethel Flentye is a councilor at War- Hawkin on, of 1621 Spencer avenue. \\·ick Woods Camp, Sayner. Wisconsin , which took place on Sunday afternoon and she will come home in a week or at 5 o'clock at the bride's home, Dr. two. Harry Flentye has returned from McCray of Irving Park officiatin~. a two weeks' vacation at the Flentye Relatives and a few intimate friends summer home at Bay View. were the only guests. Miss Violet Hawkinson was maid of honor and --oLester Barker was best man. Helen The Junior Auxiliary of the Infant \Velfare met on Monday at the home Sparks and Yvonne Gibbs were the of Mrs. James W . Bennett of 800 flower girls. --o-Greenleaf avenue. Thirty members Mary Louise Scheidenhelm o~ 004 were present to attend this last social Forest avenue, with a group of fnends meeting which closes the social season of the association for this sum- from Evanston, is spendmg a few mer. The business meetings will be- weeks at Lac du Flambeau as a guest gin in September and the winter"'~ of Mr .and Mrs . Mannerud of Evanston. Miss Frances Scheidenhelm. w~o work resumed at that time. has been in Europe for the past stx -omonths. will stay there all. or part of Mrs. Cecil Crabb and her daughter this summer, visiting England and left last Friday for their home in France principally. Huron, South Dakota, after visiting -oat the E. N. Jordan home, 505 Maple L . R. Hiatt, of Independence, avenue, for three weeks. Miss Con- Kansa s. spent Sunday of last week as stance Jordan has returned from the the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ivar MattApostle Islands Indian Pageant, at Bay- son at their home, 1617 Spencer avefield, Wisconsin. nue. Mr. Hiatt, who was a former Y. -oM. C. A. secretary with the C:techoMr. and Mrs. I. K. Stover of Ash - Siovakian army in Russia. is taking a land avenue, with their two children and post graduate course at Chicago uniMrs. Stover's father and mother, Mr. versity. and Mrs. Allen, of Troy, Ohio, left -()-Monday morning for a two week moMrs. Milton Cohn and her mother, tor trip in northern Wisconsin. They Mrs. Oscar Mandel. of 901 Forest avewill stay at Post Lake, for a short time. nue. are expected home this week from -oCalifornia. Mr. Cohn will return, also, Mrs. William D. Hamilton will be from an eastern business trip. The hostess this evening at -an informal buf- two children, Jane and Oscar, are in fet supper and bridge at her home on camp in Wisconsin. Sixteenth street for Miss Helen Shurt-()-leff. Mr. Frank McCue and Mr. and Mrs. -oLawrence McCue and Miss Leonora M iss Dorothy Nunn, daughter of Mr. Din'tee motored to Estes Park some and Mrs. Herbert E. Nunn, 920 Green- weeks a~o. Miss Dingee of 912 Lake wood avenue, will return the first of avenue has returned, having visited September from Camp Bryn Afon, near e\'eral other points of interest before Rooseveh, \Visconsin., where she ·has coming back. been spending a month. --o-oM is Dorothy Fuller of 915 Tenth Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Bertling, 315 street is at Lake Geneva for the month \\·a~hington avenue, and their daughter, of August. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller will Lolita, returned recently from Europe. l«?'a,·e shortly for St. Louis, where Miss Adeline Bertling has just returned Mrs. Fuller will visit relatives and from the island of Hawaii where she Mr. Fuller will attend a convention. spent the past year. --o-oMr. and Mrs. William F. Suits of Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Hathaway and 718 Forest avenue have returned from daughter, Anne, of Ottawa, Illinois. Eagle River, Wisconsin, where they who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. spent two weeks. He len and Marian A. C. GroYes of 619 Lake avenue, for Suit~ will return from camp in Wisthe past week, have returned to their consm next week. home. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Nicholson of ~lr . and Mrs. John Moran. 924 Greenleaf avenue, and their son, Le- Glt>ncoe entertained at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. John Olwin of 820 Lake averoy, left Monday for a visit with nue on Saturday evening at the rclati\·es in Cleveland. Skokie Golf club. -a-<>Martha Farmer of 915 Elmwood a\·eMrs. C. H. Klemm of 420 Park avenue has gone with the Girl Scouts to Elkhorn, Wisconsin, for two week . nue has just returned from Peru where she was the gue t of relatives. Members of the Southern Woman's club and its friends are invited to attend a club benefit lawn fete on Saturday evening, Aug-ust 23, at the resi dence of Mrs. Edgar Foster Alden. 352 Linden avenue. Winnetka. Each per on attending the 6 o'clock supper is a sked to bring a box luncheon. Coffee. cold drinks and ice cream may he purchased. An hour of humorou s and musical entertainment will follow the supper, and at 8 o'clock there will be dancing and cards. A splendid four-piece orchestra has been engaged and beautiful prizes have been provided for the occasion. room's the little white saj Clare was Mr; ushers '1 bride's Carl C ville. After Mr. and ville. Mr -1 Ashlan lated UJ urday Franci scales ' Miss Illinois Eldrid C. A. New relativ Mis and leaf a: Three of he Suz j Mars ing t the g Mr has a the from Fr Earl retur Mr. ( recc and ph a twe I !! I ·e I I -· ··· ( ···1 t·· ere am -o- -o- ye; Fe One Policy One System VnitJeTsal Senlice