Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Aug 1924, p. 1

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·FomeriJ 1lae Lake Shere .News \'OL. XIII, NO. 47 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1924 FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE F IVE CENTS ·oPPO TUNITY DAYS, MONDAY, TUESDAY CLOUDED SKIES, BUT ABIG DAY Community Frolic at W eat Side Grove Proceec:la W ith Great Eclat PARADE WINS PRAISE ··ion children'a p--... ._. Bnn " II Hoat of Entrants DR.=it: VIENMA I Clouded skies and a constant threat Wilmette will observe National DeBy J . H. M . of rain failed to detract from the enfense Day, September 12, \\ ith a patriComing as they do on the heels of thusiasm attendant upon Wilmette otic mass meeting, it was decided at Wilmette Day, which was so fittingly Day, Wednesday, Ob$Crved with a a preliminary citizen's meeting held in observed last Wednesday, every resipicnic in the grove at Lake and Ridge the village hall Monday of this week dent of the village should wish for avenues. and at which Village President Zip£, ideal weather conditions for Opportemporary chairman, presided. With Jupiter Pluvius regarding the tunity Days, which are scheduled for proceedings with a sinister frown, the While definite plans have not been next Monday and Tuesday. Don't annual community holiday was launchcompleted at this early date, it was forget the dates-Monday and Tuesed with ceremony at 9:30 o'clock in announced as certain that there would day, August 25 and 26-for they are to the morning when the street procesbe a community observance of the day mark one of the most important social sion essayed its triumphal journey and that it will take the form of a and commercial occasions in the whole through the village to its terminus at mass meeting to be addressed by som':! range of the town's history. the gaily decorated picnic grove. prominent speaker who is familiar Opportunity Days I Think what with the purposes of the Defense Test Headed by the Winnetka Chamber they mean to the community, to the prescribed for that day by the United of Commerce band, the scores of atlocal business interests; yes, and to States army. tractively decorated floats and pleasyour own interest, too I Opportunity Monday's meeting selected Maj. ure vehicles presented a gala spectacle Days are simply this: They give you George R. Harbaugh as permanent and beckoned all to lay aside the daily an opportunity to display your home chairman for Defense Day. Lieut. tasks and enter upon the festive ocpatriotism, to learn the v~st COJ?· casion. Ralph C. Wessel was chosen secretary mercial resources of your busmess dtsof the citizens committee that is to Things began "popping" at the grOV'! . trict to get acquainted with the men arrange the program. by noontide and as the day progressed who' are the bulwarks of the town's The meeting next proceeded with the throngs of merry-makers increased growth and prosperity and who deuntil the evening shadows found a fai:- Valuable Paintin11 Demol- the selection, through Chairman Har- Swim Stars of All A1ea to serve every encouragement you can baugh of an Executive committee that portion of the population swarming offer them. will direct the observances in the vilabout .the various specialties and reJiahed by Flames Compete in Events Opportunity Days, the Chamber of lage. The personnel of thi commitireshmeoJ. booths. l Commerce tells us, are the time \o te tot : C hiW..~~: .o. ~.. l · . make inventories of the village's posLt. Col. A. L. Denman, Col. Arthur he early afternoon was featured Fire, thought to have been started Johnston, The Water Carnival is next Wed- sessions, to learn that your home Capt. Arthur Howard, Capt. the children's parade participated by crossed electric wires, caused ap- Charles A. Ellis, Capt. Melvern Hum- nesday. merchants are the peers of any in the · Y hundre~s of youngsters. al l of provimately $30,000 damage to the Swimming events of the Olympk large cities, that their stocks are whom came m for some delectable Louis A. Clark residence at 716 Lake phryes, Capt. Leslie W. Millar, Maj. games at Les Tourelles, France, witl ample, well selected, carefully puraward, the gift of the Chamber of avenue, early Saturday evening, Au- Thomas E. Bullivant, A. N. Page, Mrs. be repeated on the Wilmette bathing chased and well displayed, that there Commerce. gust 16. Valuable oil paintings, ex- R. E. Pattison Kline, A. B. Seibold, beach Wednesday, August 27, with are no bargains elsewhere-not even Lea ]. Orr, and Joseph Schneider. At 2 o'clock the scene shifted to the pensive books and household furnishnumber of novelty feature races ad- in Chicago-to match those at your municipal playgrounds where were ing comprised the bulk of the loss. own doors. Name· Oflicial Sta ff ded to the program. At that, the witnessed races and contests, a first The oils represented part of a colThe official staff under Cl · '11:1· 1 contestants may number many potenKeep D~llan at Home ai~ dem<?nstration a!ld the ball game lection made by Mrs. Clark who is Harbaugh has been announced as tial stars of the Olympiads of the w1th W1lmette agamst a Winnetka now Europe. Opportunity Days should recall to follows: future years. The crack Wilmette reteam. The blaze started in the attic of Lieut. Ralph C. Wessel, Lea. J. Orr lay team which took first honors in every person living within the town Duri_ng the parade in the J;llOrning the home and had progressed to and Carl C. Renneckar, committee on the carnival held in Winnetka, Au- that his first duty is to patronize home three JUdges had great difficulty in ar- dangerous proportions before mem- 6ags and trustees of the community gust 10, will defend its title as the industry. By keeping the dollars at home, they wm do double the service riving at a decision regarding the best bers of the family, who were in the celebration fund; Lt. Col. A. L. Den- champion team of the north shore. decorated pleasure ·cars and the most lower rooms, became aware of the man and Capt. Charles A. Ellis. pubShort and long distance races for for you that they_ will give you if ~ffectively festooned floats. The win- situation. A terrific crash, caused by licity committee; Mrs. R. E. Pattison boys and girls of different ages an,l spent elsewhere. That's an economic ners were finally selected after a priv- the collapse of a portion of the roof, Kline, chairman, committee on cere- men and wonfl!n are to be held. A fact so well ' established that it reEvery dollar ate conference between the judges. brought the first warning. When the monies; Col. Arthur Johnston, mili-, diving contest, a canoe tilting contest, quires no elucidation. The pleasure car prizes were awarded fire department arrived the attic was tary adviser. exhibition swimming, water polo, spent in Wilmette means 100 cents worth of additional happiness for to the following in the order named: a roaring furnace of flames. A second meeting of the citizens w!lter baseball and special features Rotary club, First National hank. WitEvanston and Winnetka depart- committee was held Thursday eve- wtll be held. Some beach ~atron.s everyone in the place. mett~ State bank. Taylor's, Public ments were summoned when it seem- ning when the Defense Day program; requested that a .womc;n s na1l Get acquainted with your merchants. Serv·ce, A. C. Wolff and William ·~d certain the fire would get beyond was worked out in greater detail, and dr1vmg conte~t and. a p1e-eatmg race Know everyone of them well enough Rossberger_ control of the local fire fighters. A plans to secure the active cooperation be held at t~1s carmval. If there are to call him by his first name. That's The best decorated floats and truck~ small army of neighbors assisted in of enry civic organization, the e~ough entnes for these events they the ideal spirit to cultivate in a comWlll be added to the program. munity of this type. And when you're were picked in thi order: Hoffmann removing some of the furniture and churches and schools outlined. Brothers. Wilmette Decoratin~ com- household goods from the blazing One of the important suggestions Since the water carnival was ~n- forming these valuable acquaintances pany. Wilmette Ice company. Nelson structure. that has grown out of these prelimin- nounced a number of boys and g1rls you will be piling up personal asseb laundry, Warble Storage and FurniWhile the bulk of the damage was ary gatherings seeks the organization haye been d?wn at. the beach almost of great value to yourself. They are ture company, Erickson delivery com- confined to the attic and upper rooms into a local group of all of the more ~a1ly the1r strokes and try- the vestibules through which you are pany and Bernard Meyer. of the home; it was thought that an than 30 reserve officers residing in the mg to ~ttam speed. One day SOJ?e invited to pass into t he village's elect This proposed organization boys sh1fted to one end of the l~fe company. Race EYent. almost complete rebuilding of the village. _ lines and held on to the ropes whtle The races held on the municipal tructure will be necessary. Compete Suc:ce..fully (Contmued on page 4) they practiced paddling with their playgrounds, resulted as follows: As nearly as could be determined The home store has as many barlegs. Girls' race-25 yards (6 to 9 years) by fires officials and insurance adgains as the out-of-town place. Who-Rosemary Swanson. first; Cary Elft- justers the blaze was caused by Beach Master Francis Bradley will ever doubts this statement is urged to an, second; Florence Hotrman, third ' . . have the assistance of the bathing scan the OpportunflY Day offerings In oys· race-25 yards (6 to 9 years)_: cros:.ed electnc w1res. . beach force and several prominent the advertisements in thi issue of The Clark fire was the largest m k Stackhouse, first; Oltver Towle. cltiLens In condurting the carnival. cond; Douglas Scott, third. the village since the destruction of WILMtT'l't Lrn. A brief perusal of (This Issue) This will be the big climax of the them witt convince anybody that the G~rls-40 yards (R to 10 years)- the Harding hlock at Greenleaf and Dorothy Kummer, first, Hilda SwanR · A man sel111 hls home. But, bathing season as the beach will be local business houses can match prices son, second; Margaret Golla, third. East a1lroad a venues ahout. two he must now dispose ot all closed officially the first week in with those of any other place and yoo Boys-40 yards (8 to 10 veare)- years ago, when seven stores m the household goods and furnishSeptember. ~arold Schuett, first; Nicholas Etienne, long one-story frame commercial Ings-offers a wealth ot valuhave the additional advantage that econd; Clarence Steffens. third_ structure were completely demolished. able things ranging from a carthe home merchant is more thao Glrls-40 yards (10 to 12 yards)]lenter's bench to a grand plano. anxious that you get quality in every Dorothy Wledlln, ftrst; Marlon Towle Thia Man Finds Canada Step up, you bal-galn-hunters! - eecond; Florence Coutre. third. . Aak Moton "ata to c. ·ve Warm Whlle We Shiver purchase. Boys-50 yards (10 to 12 years)A position awaits some young Protection to home industries is a James Hoffman. first; John Ling Fa"remen Ra"crht-of-way woman who can qualify as asLawrence ]. Schildgen, manager of the logan that has won many an election second; Otto Staib, third. ' · sistant In a doctor's otflce. Girls' bob race-75 yards (for Wilmette branch of the Public Service victory in the country at large. Why Motorists are urged, according to a bobbed hair glrls)-Vernette Chrlecompany stores and service offices, re- not apply it to Wilmette? Buy at It the children are asking tor tensen, first: Mabel M:cCaulel·, second; statement from the Wilmette fire dea pet, you may be Interested turned this week from a vacation in the home, from your own neighbors; help Bernice Brockhauser, third; VIrginia partment, to observe the regulations with In some wire haired t rrlers otfishing retreats of Ontario, Canada. them to build up their enterprises. !<·red tor sale by a reputable ~~~1:r'stt;>1~~~\l~~~lyn Bongery, tltth: reference to giving the right-of-way to "Had shirt-sleeve weather up there," By so doing you wiJI be buildintr a kennel owner. Young men's open race-tOO yards the tire department when the apparatus Mr. Schildgen reports. The days were greater Wilmette and a greater Wil· (championship of Wllmette)-Gordon is answering an alarm. PHhaps you would Jike to warm and the nights just pleasingly mette means augmented wealth and Canning, ftret; Kennetth Kerr. second: The fire department was seriously drive out Into the country. Do Leroy Steiner. third; Del llfeger, hindered in its journey to the Clark cool. The return to the weather around prosperity for all. you know that you can rent a Jaeger, tlfth; Ed Hoff- home at 716 Lake avenue last Saturday Chicago was really uncomfortable." car, drive It yourself and pay Opportunity Days next Mond y and as you go-by the hour? It's Young ladles' open race-75 vards- e\'ening becau<-e of the failure of sevTuesday will give all a chance to exa fact! Vernette Christensen, first; "trgtnla eral motorists to observe the right-ofKenllworth Enters Into hibit home patrioti. m. More than _Retter, eecond; Gladye Ft>hlen, third; Anrl here's a man who Is In Evt>lyn Bongery, fourth: Florence way rule. they will teach the m mber of Wllmette Day Feativity this, tlw business of building homt>s Lucllgt>r, fltth; Astrid Anderson, sixth_ It is also pointed out that the block the community that true economy bids and assisting the prospective Married men-75 yarde-A. B. Sweet, in which a fire occurs should be cleared Offices and stores in Kenilworth were them keep their money here. And the owner to flnance the project_ ftrst; Ralph Jaeger. second; Peter J. of traffic as quickly as possible to perclosed \Vednesday to permit the em- ocial advantages that will come from ~.~~~:·B~~~~~: :fth~- Schmidt, fourth; mit the fire apparatus sufficient room Above are glcaning11 from a ployes to take part in the celebration the e events cannot but equal those glanee through the Classified l\.larrled women-50 yards-Mrs. for efficient operation when the emerof \Vilmette Day. Children of the vil- of a financial nature. Stand by your Aclvertlslnl' s ctlon In this Issue. Kummer, flrst; Mrs. A_ ~fontonara, gency arises. lage and their parents came to the \Vil- colors and protect the old home town. It wlll be worth your time to .econd; Mrs. F. May, third; l\fre. Barconsider thee(' opportunities mette village hall green to take part in Monday and Tursday are mobilizatioa Residents of the village are also fourth: Mrs. Ludlger, fifth. and bargains. They're all on the the parade. They al o participated in days for the village defen e. Wilmen-50 yards (over 200 pounds) urged by the department to not go Want Ad Page. ck Kalmas, ftrst; A'. C. Wolff sec- within the fire line , 'lince there i althe races and other event held at th mette wilt have no room for tackers (Continued on page 5) ' playground. ways grave danger of an accident. at that time. Dr. Lester E. Mee, well known Witmette physician and surgeon, returned to the north shore late last week from Vienna where he has been giving several months' time to advanced study with world famous European specialists. "I enjoyed a very pleasant and most instructive experience in Vienna," Dr Mee states, "supplementing my own work, I took opportunity to observe at first hand something of the life of the people in Vienna a.Jid its environs, and I am prepared to say that conditions there are indeed improving. In fact reports current in the United States regarding unrest and generally unsettled conditions are for the most part rather exaggerated. I, for instance, witnessed many demonstrations in the vicinity of the Ratshaus at Vienna and I must say that the socalled militant gatherings were less disturbing than the soap-box harangues one notes in the larger cities of America. The people seem to take their plight philosophically. Conditions, to be sure, are not of the best, but the Viennese are looking forward with confidence to a better day." Dr. Mee will resume his practice within a week. "I am spending most of my time with my family this week," he explained. NAME DEFENSE DAY COMMITI'EE · Wilmette Anglera Win Tlaeir Niclaea In Hall ol Fame D. W. Cusack, 1203 Elmwood avenue; W. C. Braun and Albert Nystrom, also of Wilmette, are listed in the "Hall of Fame" for fishermen in the Wisconsin northwoods. Reports concerning the lofty honors conferred upon the local anJlers are found in the Fishing Bulletin published recently by the Chicago and North Western railroad company. Cusack, the report shows, captured an 18 pound muskellunge, won a battlt with a 5~ pound bass and came out on top in a tussle with 10 pike averaging four pounds in weight. He did his fishing at B\g Twin lake, Lakota Resort, Conover, Wis. Braun and Nystrom specialized in bass, getting among others a string of four 5-pounders. They cavorted at Crawling Stone Lake, Lac du Flambeau, Wis. "It's not too late to get in on this fine sport," reads the North Western Bulletin. "Fishing keeps good until late in the fall. The fishing population is growing faster than Chicago, Detroit or Los Angeles in their palmiest days. Fishermen who have haunted the Wisconsin lakes for 32 years declare this season to be the best ever for the great sport." BARGAIN DAYS AUGUST 25-26 Buaineu People Invite Buyinc Public to lupect Stocka of Warea Maj. Georce R. Hubauch Ia Chosen Chairman for Local Observance WESSEL IS .SECRETARY Plan Patrio"tl"c· M-tincr ~ · on September 12 COMMUNITY PROJECT Would Brine Buyer Coeer to Merchant $30,000 BLAZE IN CLARK HOME BEACH CARNIVAL NEXT WEDN'SDAY a In the Want Ads-

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