WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 19i4 FIND JODJES Of BOY Crowe, is a widow whoR home is at 851 East 63rd place, Chic:ap. DorethJ lUI\ GJRL WJIO DRO~ Brady's mothe1' is a widow, too, :met a lli1U 'n nr.u sister of Mrs. C1'owe. Ha is at ~ VIllage, ld to the l llllnola, I or said ding to ~ t thereurned to thereon SePtemA. M., or lineae ot I persona In said may apke their ides for lment in interest centum August ING. OslxYrnes Retum After Delighti/ul Visit in London M R. and Mrs. Guy Osborne, 330 resident 1vementll e, Cook l special LH-2tc Cumnor road, arrived home Sunday from a very enjoyable trip abroad, returning on S. S. President Harding which landed in New York on Thursday. The Osbornes visited London, Holland, Switzerland and Paris. Their ~tay at London was of particular interest, as Mr. Osborne was a delegate to the International Advertising Convention, and they were guests at numerous luncheons and banquets arranged by the entertainment committee The address of welcome was given by Viscount Burnham, C. H. at the opening reception and ball at the Royal Albert Hall. Service for the delegates was held at Westminster Abbey on Sunday, July 13, when the Lord Bishop of Durham gave the address. Luncheon and tea were served for the women guests at the Savoy hotel, the same day, and in the evening Gordon Selfridge entertained at Lansdowne House, ·Berkeley square. On Monday the Prince of Wales gave an address of welcome in the main conference hall of the Palace of In<lustry, and a banquet was given at th<' Savoy hotel to meet Lord Stevenson of Holmburg, chairman of the board of management. The following day a group tour of "Old London" was made. Luncheon was served at the Criterion restaurant, with dinner at the Piccadilly hotel. On Wednesday Lord Ebury entertained at luncheon at the Lucultus resta).lrant, and a dinner was given in the evening at the National Liberal club for the overseas delegates. On Thursday, the women were entertained at tea on the .terrace of the House of Commons by Mrs. Phillipson, M. P ., and on Friday all of the delegates were invited to play golf at Walton Heath. Among the trophies given was a gold cup presented by the Lord Riddell. On Saturday they went to Windsor and were shown through the castle by the Dean of Windsor. Their luncheon was served at the Windsor Gr~at Park. The Mayor and Lady Violet Astor entertained at tea at Hever Castle, Hever, Kent, in the afternoon, The final day of the convention was taken up with a garden party given at "The Hill," at Heampstead, by Vis. count ,l.everh~lme and .Miss Lever. I Howard Durham and Miss Louise Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Younc, 333 and Emilie Durham, 431 Abbottsford Cumnor road, and Miss Jane Young road, left Monday to drive to nreen are motoring through northern Wis· Lake, Wisconsin, for a few days' stay consin and Michigan this week. after which they will motor to Lak~ -oGeneva for a week. M iss Virginia Belt left Friday for -<ra two weeks' visit in Washington, Mrs. 0. C. Owen of Essex road has D. C. as her guest, Miss Viola Vonderau --oof Cleveland. Her niece, Miss Marion Mrs. Carl Keith and Miss Cornelia MIJser of Cleveland, who was her Keith, 310 Warwick road. returned .guest last week, left FrKlay. home Wednesday from Big Lake, -o-Wisconsin. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Weber and their --odaughter, Janet, of La Grange spent Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gillett, 624 the week-end visiting Mr. L~vedale Abbottsford road, and their family, reand the Misses Lovedale of 42 Kenil- turned Friday from their summer worth avenue. · home at Ludington, Michigan. --o- Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Smith and Miss Dorothy Smith, 324 Cumnor road, leave tomorrow for Cleveland to visit Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor 'for two weeks. --oMrs. John Howard Jones. 244 Woodstock avenue, left Wednesday for Mount V.ernon, Iowa, to visit her mother, Mrs. Mary Kepler, for ten days. -()-- Mr. and Mrs. Bentley McCloud and their family, 416 Cumnor road, leave today for Omaha to visit Mrs. Mc Cloud's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H . Oms tea d. -()-- John M. Roberts, 328 Warwick road, left Sunday to join Mrs. Roberts and their family at Estes Park. They will all be away until the first of September. The bodies of Edward Crowe. 12 661S W~~r avenue. Chicqo. MrL years, and Dorothy Brady, also 12, who Cr?we ts passmg the summer at l~ were drowned in the lake, off Hubbard Pnvate road, Hubbard Wooc!s, ~ Hill, on Tuesday, August 12, were found for the ~~ of George L. Smith durmc floating off the Wilmette beach in the the fam1ly s absence. vicinity of Elmwood avenue, Saturday afternoon, August 16. Two girls, whose names the officers failed to get, telephoned police headquarters at 3:30 Saturday afternoon that two bodies were in the lake. Patrol(Continued from page I) man Joe Steffens responded and recovered the body of Edward Crowe. At ond; John Berger, third~ J. 8&07. 6 o'clock that evening the body of Dor~ fourth. Mrs. Howard Durham, 431 Abbotts- othy Brady was taken from the take Stl)ut ladles-IIi yards (onr ·175 ford road, is visiting her daughter. close to the place where the Crowe boy's pou11ds)-"Mra. Jelinek, ftrst: Xra. If. A. Schwall, second; Mrs. H. Killer. Mrs. Randall Hathaway of New York, body was found. When the bodies were recovered they third; Mra. Barnlch, fourth. for a few weeks. Wilmette bualness men-50 yarcJwere sent to the John E. Maloney mort-oBernard Meyer, ftrat; Carroll Rldsway, Mrs. Clyde Ross, 1321 Chestnut road, uary at 1359 Devon avenue, Rogers second; R. Klemm, thtrd; C. 8eblldtreB, R . Huber, ftfth. has as her guest this week, her cousin, Park. That of the Crowe boy was in fourth; Three-legged r!Lce--40 yards (womea Walter . Rayner of Boston, who at- a good state of preservation, but the and ~~rtrls)-Elalne lleraenthaler &84 girl's remains had been badly decomtends Harvard. Jane Wlllard, th·at; Helen 1'r1maa4 posed. and Dorothy Tucker, aeeond; Mabel -oand Bernice Brockhauser, Corner Oscar Wolff was notified and McCauley M iss Margaret Backus, 249 Cumnor third · Gladys FeJten and-..EYA .Schmidt, road, entertained the young girls' will hold an inquest at 1 o'clock, Satur- rourth. day, August 23, in the Maloney underbridge club Tuesday evening. Three-legged race--50 yard· (men and boys)-G. Canning and K. Kerr, taking rooms. --oflrat; A. Barnlch and Ed Schuett. iecFuneral services for both children ond . Mr. and Mrs. Harold McKenzie, 416 ; Joe Swan and R . Martin, third: Woodstock avenue, were in Momence, were held from Holy Cross church, Chi- Willis Denman and Ed Comlske7, cago, on Tuesday morning, August 19. fourth. Illinois, over the week-end. Yo11cng men 's race-50 yards (15t . -o-Interment was made in Mt. Olivet years and over)R. F. Hosking, flrat; Mrs. Joseph Joyce and her daugh- cemetery. W. A. Werner, second; Jacob Gron. ter, Ruth, 539 Essex road, spent last The mother of Edward, Mrs. Gertrude third. week at Lake Geneva. CLOUDED sm FAIL TO.THWART PICNIC · Mrs. Alfred R. Hulbert, 528 Abbotts· ford road, entertained her bridge club --ofor luncheon Wednesday. Mrs. Reed Landis, formerly of Kenil--oworth, has returned from the EvansMr. and Mrs. 0. C. Owen, 205 Essex ton hospital and is with her parents, road, entertained at a small dinner Mr. and Mrs. George Keehn o f Ra- party Friday evening. vinia. Mr. and Mrs. John Hicks and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Taylor of Evanston are returning to Kenilworth family , 241 Melrose avenue, motored to live, and are moving today to 631 to Milwaukee last week-end. Abbottsford road. -<r- -o-- Hemstitcpin. g and Pleating We have installed new machines and are now prepared to take care of this line of work very promptly in our own shop. Do not overlook the fact that we clean everything that can be cleaned as well as it can be cleaned. --o- -o-Mrs. W . J. Taylor. 31U Cumnor road, left Sunday for Indianapolis for two weeks with her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Taylor. -<r- "Christ and World Court," Subject at Baha'i Temple "How would Christ Establish a World Court?" That is the question to be discussed by Albert Vail at the Baha'i temple, Sheridan road and Linden avenue, Wilmette, Sunday afternoon, August 24, at 3 :30 o'clock. The lecture is one of a series of special summer discussions at the temple. Special educational services are held in the temple structure every Sunday mon\ing at 10 o'clocll, it is announced. DE LUXE CLEANERS 1105 CENTRAL AVENUE PAone Wilmette 690 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wolfe. 414 Essex road, have motored to Trout Lake, Wisconsin, for a stay of two or three weeks. -<r- ""--ot- ' , Mrs. Helen C. Hepburn, 417 Cumnor road, has as her guest, her aunt, Miss Agnes Cass of Irvington-on -Hudson, New York. -o- For Your Drag Store Need· Call Snider-Cazel Drug Co. Phones Wilmette Mr. and Mrs. David DeCamp have as hou~e guests, her brother, Richard Dawes in Lofty Praise W1lson, and his family, who of Boy Scout Movement motored from Cedar Rapids, ·Iowa. -o-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poston and two Brigadier General Charles G. Dawes, Mrs. Roy C. Osgood, 423 Essex road, daughters of Fort Worth Texas who chairman of the Reparations Commishave been visiting Mr. a~d Mrs: De- is spending the week at Waukesha, sion, and Republican nominee for Vice· Camp, are now with friends in Bever- Wisconsin, visiting Mr. and Mrs. President, is a strong advocate of the Gage of Evanston. ly Hills. Boy Scout movement. Recently speak-C)--oMrs. Alexander S. Joslin , 240 Essex ing of the work of the Scout organizaRichard Kenyon, 304 Cumnor road, road, and their daughter, Betty, left tion, Mr. Dawes stated, "An organized and John Bellows of Toronto, leave Sunday for Lake Champlain to be movement like the Boy Scouts, conSaturday for Land o' Lakes to visit away three weeks. scientiously administered, which strives Mr. and Mrs. Walter F . Shattuck for to inculcate in the youth o{ the land re-otwo .weeks. Mr. Bellows, formerly of Mrs. Karl Korrady, 527 Abbottsford St>ect {or law, consideration of fellow Kenilworth, arrived Thursday and road, left Wednesday for a visit at man, and appreciation of the blessings of visited his parents in Evanston for a West Falmouth, Massachusetts . nature, merits the moral and financial few days before going north. support of the public. -o"Such work, developing moral fibre in -oMr. and Mrs. Robert C. Danly, 336 M:. and Mrs. Harry Vissering, 257 Essex road, are motoring to New the men of tomorrow, is particularly opportune at this time." Kemlworth avenue, motored to I.e- York. land, Michigan, last week to vislit Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hedrick and Mr. ~nd Mrs. Harry P. Harrison. Mrs. Harnson motored back with them to return to Leland again on Tuesday -()-- Robert Ely, 305 Kenilworth avenue. and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ely of Winnetka spent last week at Mus· kegon, Michigan. ·. 400-401 Wilmette and Central Avea. First Church of Christian Science Christ, Scientist, Reading Room Wilmette, IU. Tenth St. and Central A··· Services: Sunday at 11 A. M. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting at 8 P · M · Sunday School, 9 :45 A. M. Subject of the Lesson Sermon Aupst Z4, "Miacl" 1113 Wilmette A··· Hours: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Wednesday: 9 A. M. to 7 :4SP. ll. Saturday: 9 A. M. to · 9 P. M. Tbe Bible and Wonra b7 K&rT Baker Eddy and all other authorlaed Christian Science Literature ~ha.:,ed~e read, borrowed or pur- James Snydacker of 1340 Chestnut avenue, who has spent the summer in England, landed in New York on the ~auretania last week. He is spendmg a few days visiting his aunt at Canton, Ohio, and is expected home the end of the week. Millen Says: SELLERS KITCHEN CABINETS Nationally Advertlaed Flft-n Famou· F-tur·· The Public is conlially inYit. . to attead the Church S .....ices U11 ..-iait tlae Readin· Room. --oMrs. C. M. Fuller, formerly Miss Lucy Chandler of Kenilworth, and her son, Tom, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chandler of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Fulter, who have been living in Waukegan, expect to move to West Chicago soon. --oM iss Clementine Eastman of Wilmette is entertaining today at bridge and mah jongg in honor of Mrs. E. D Slater of Boston, who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen of Melrose avenue, and for Miss Mildred McCullough. -()-- It's time to repair and clean furnaces ; and if you have no furnace, it's time to buy one, so it'll be ready when cold weather sets in. And you should have your gutters and sheet metal attended to while the weather is right- Where Are. You Going This 'Evening? Try a dance and a nice little lunch over at the Lake Shore Terrace. We serve specially fine Chop Suey, made according to a recipe of a San Francisco chef. And Millen Knows. They are the Best. That'· why we handle them. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Holden and family, 527 Warwick road, left Thursday to motor to Christmas Lake, Minnesota. They expect to spend the first night at Madison, and the second at Rochester, reaching their destination the foltowing day. -<r- The Kenilworth Garden club is planning a ga11den market to be held September 19. Seedlings and perennials suitable for fall planting will be available at moderate prices. Posters will appear as reminders a little later. John Millen 61 _..._ Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Y. · Ball, 207 Woodstock avenue, and their family, are on tour to the northwest, stopping at Jasper Park Lodge, Alberta, Canada, and before returning home they will visit in Alaska. /l It'· Hardware, Mill41n Ha· It" 1Z19-Z1 Wil.ette Ate. Pboaa Wilmette 3060-3061