2 an o C west sub· burbt of hi o. . To ke the work entirely effectiye here, the north shore comnaul)ities st foil suit so that this vicinity may effect direct communication with the National Scout offices in New York and be in a posi· tion to hold official Courts of Honor and have the work here officially Field Manager for Central recognized at national headquarters. "I would like to give you men an States Streuea Need to inspirational talk on the Scout Move· ment." l\fr. Chadwick told his hearers Rotary Club on \\' ~dnesday, "but it is not necessary to sell the Scout cause to Rotarians. r am here at the behest ol national NEED PAID EXECUTIVE headquarters to establish an execu· tive council on the north shore and it is with that purpose in view that I 1 d de come to enlist your cooperation and . · P ropoaed D aatnct n U a active assistance. The north shore is Entire North Shore particularly well suited for such a council. You have here two great centers that could readily be utilized for Scout group activities, the New An executive council for all the Trier Township Hig h school and the Boy Scout troops on the north shore Deerfield-S hields Township High comprising all communities from \ViJ - school. You have splendidly supermette to Lake Bluff, inclusive, was vized Scout work in each of the sevrecommended Wednesday of this eral communities hut it is essential week by L. P. Chadwick, field man- that you ha,·e a di st rict executive ager of the Boy Scout movement in council and a trained executive who Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wis- can de,·ote all of hi s time to the local con sin, in an add res~ IJc iore the \Vil- field and serve as advisor to the varmette Rotary club. iouo; Scoutmasters and councilors." Praising the work of the various "The Boy Scout movement is one of Scout orgat;Jizations in this territory, the greatest corporations on earth," Mr. Cha~w1~k stressed th.e necessity Mr. Chadwick declared in his concludof estabhshmg an executive council ing remark s. "It's worth cannot be for the north shore and the retention computed in terms of dollars and of a trained executive to supervise the cents. It is making for good boyhood Scout movement in this area. and efficient manhood. Records in Appointment of c-ommittees in each juvenile courts show that very few community was re 0mmended as the Boy Scouts are among the delinquents first step in the establishment of the who daily face the authorities. The proposed executive council. In this Scout movement makes good boys; it connection Mr. Chadwick suggested makes thrifty. reverent. God-fearing that representatives of the Rotarv kind and happy boys. ' . cluh, the Optimist club and the local elf-reliant, "In thi s work that I love o well. I po~ts of the American legion be apam oiten reminded of the axiom-'in pomted to a ss ume an active part in e,·ery hoy who falls a good man dies.' the furtherance of this object. The Boy Scout movement is preventNeed Trained Esecutiye Organization of a district executive ing such 'fatalities.'" ~ouncil would have the effect of placmg the Boy Scout work of the north "Dad" Elliott Speaks at shore on an efficient business-like basis, said Mr. Chadwick. It would Covenant Church, Evanston Rev . A. ]. " Dad" Elliott, well known n~eessitate securing the service~ of a h1ghly:trained and thoroughly efficient resident of \Vilmette, preached at the executive who would be responsible morning service at CoYCnant ).feth for the furtherance of Scout activity odist church. E,·anston. Sunday morn in t.his vicinity. It would also m~ c ing. August 24. :\I r. Elliott i' an internationallv ct'ssrtate the establi~hrnent of a budget to defray the expenses of this general known Y. :\I. C. A. leader whose work supervi>ion, i.ncluding th e salary of the is as~ociated principally with the Scout ext·rutJ\"l". Th e budget would he ~c hool s and colleges of the United pro ; ate~l among- the communities in States. pro uort10n to the demand s of Scout ac~ivity ,in the respective villages. A. A. Faupel Critically Wrlmettc s probable share of such a Ill in Chicago Hoapital hudget under present ci rcum q:~m·c, wa ; estimated hy Mr. Chadwick at A. A. Faupel. 230 Catalpa place is confined . at the Illinois Masonic hosfrom $1,200 to $1,500 annua.lty. .The speaker stated that a survey in- pi~al. Chicago, where 11e is being subdrcated that all of the communities nlltted to sc rutinizin~ examin:1tion for included in the proposed district had a complication of ailments. He is re ported to be in a critical condition. signified approval of the plan. . Mr. Faupel suffered a severe atCited ·· Nece .. ity tack of pneumonia a few years ago and Evanston posse:,ses an executive Scout council and a Scout executive is said to be suffering from after efit was stated, as do also Waukegan' fects of the illness. WANT DISTRICT SCOUT We Make Plans Come True! Those vacation plans that you have laid year after year and given up just as often because when the titne rolled ro.und you didn't have the tnoney you could spare for the purpose CAN be realized through our new Vacation Club. It's the same thing as the Christtnas Club, designed for another purpose; you put by a little each week, and then next sun1n1er, when vacation tin1e comes, you have the money, for the vacation you've planned on so long. No tllatter WHAT it is you wish to do, you can do it if you'll plan ahead a little! Join up NO\N! 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The same delightful sensation is felt when par acq abo pro pre acT, Cle at t to but Rubbing Alcohol soothes and comforts fevered skin and tired, aching muscles. Puretest Rubbing Alcohol is our finest recommendation for a rub-down after exercise. It also removes the odor of perspiration and provides a bracing bath for babies and doctors' patients. 7Sc a Pint One of 200 Puretest preparations for health and hygiene. Every item the best that skill and care can produce. HOFFMAN BROS. Renneckar Drug.Co. Telepbonea 28-29 Phone WUmette 131