Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Sep 1924, p. 11

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guarantors Opera for aa 1 00,000 a year. 1 t~e annual Par> nt management down to $350 000. l costs in produeio n of the Audiaeficit was shavt~t ar to $325,000. If s can be materiall, it may ):>c pos. I greater increases another not~:h in a..,, PLE" LIGHTS ts wilJ pass i udg. street lights which hted this week. Af. been on display for litizens will be ask~on on the proposilighting system for ~N MEDAL who attended the rraining camp at an, returned home medal for marks- Miss Bernice Bulley of Sheridan Mr. James C. Murray. 433 Cumnor road entertained last Thursday at road, left last· week to join his iamily afternoon .bridge in honor of Miss at their summer farm at Lincolnville, Ruth Hancock of Glencoe and Miss Maine. Helen Thompson of Wilmette. Miss --oHancock's parents are moving east in Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bat1 .. nd fam· RS. Mark Cresap, of 239 Essex the· near future. ily, 207 Woodstock avenue, returned --olast week from their western trip to road, ha~ invited friends to meet Miss Miriam Shattuck arrived Sat- Vancouver and Lake Louise. ' her daughter, Miss Helen Cresap, urday from Land o" Lakes, Wis. She --oon Saturday, the thirteenth of Septemspent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Littell, 322 ber, from four until seven o'clock. Miss Jane Walker, of Muskegon, \Vard Starrett of 333 Richmond road. Woodstock avenue, and their children, Michigan. who was Miss Helen's room- and left Monday for Lexington, Mass., Bill and Jane, returned Wednesday from Banff, Canada. mate at Miss Madaira's school and also to visit Mrs. Dwinnell Slater. --o-oat Vassar, will arrive today to assist ~ir. and Mrs. Frank Gerould of Mrs. Edwin Hedrich and family of at the tea on Saturday. There will be a dinner-dance for Miss Philadelphia, and Mr. and Mrs. E. E.· J<?4 Melrose avenue returned. to the Cresap and her friends at the Indian Sheridan of Evanston, leave Friday to vtllage Monday, afte~ spendtng the motor to Mamie Lake, Wis., to visit summer at Lealon, Mtch. Hill club. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ketcham for a -o-oMrs. Allen Bulley, 220 Sherida.n ~i ss ~Iary Gaskell, W'lto 'has been few days. -oroad, returned Wednesday from a two abroad this summer with a group of Mrs. D. R. DeCamp, 615 Abbotts· weeks' stay at Child's camp in Cangirls from Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, arrived at Montreal Saturday. Her ford road, entertained at dinner Mon- ada. -oparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gaske ll day for her son, Wilson DeCamp, who Mr. and Mrs. Alex Newton of Woodwent East, to return with Miss Gas~ left the following day to attend Kem- stock avenue, returned Thursday after kell on Tuesday. The Gaskell's will per Military Academy at Booneville, spending the month of August at Roarbe at the Hotel Sovereign until after Mo. ing Brook, Mich. -aOctober 1, when they ,will again oc-oMessrs. James and Robert Prentiss cupy their home at 224 Sheridan Mr. Sidney Eastman of ~lelrose aveof 201 Cumberland avenue leave Sunroad. day to attend the University of Mich- nue left Tuesday night for a ten days' -abusiness trip through Florida. Several affairs have been given this igan. Jame!> Prentiss will complete ~ week for Mrs. Charles Blackwood, of his course this year, while his brother Mr. John Keith of 310 Warwick Pa~adena, Cal., formerly of Kenilworth. enters as a freshman. road, is spending this week visiting -oMrs. F<l'ederick D'aix, 307 Melrose aveMr. and Mrs. D. R. DeCamp. 615 college friends at St. Louis, Mo. entertained three tables at luncheon -oAbbottsford road, leave Wednesday bridge on Monday and Mrs. Ed- on :Urs. E. D. Parmelee entertained the a motor trip to Menomonee, Wis., Parmalee entertained eight guests Afternoon Bridge club, Tuesday, at at luncheon on Thursday at the Orring- and the lake regions of northern \Vis· the Orrington, Evanston. ton. Mrs. Grant Ridgway is taking an cons in. automobile party of guests on a picnic The Home and Garden club will today in honor of Mrs. Blackwood. meet Monday with Miss Isabelle Cline -oof 304 Cumnor -oroad. Mrs. Henry Messrs. Richmond Kenyon, Francis Vissering, 257 Kenilworth avenue, will Allen and John Bellows have motored read a paper on "Bulbs." home from the Shattuck's summer -ohome, at Land o' Lakes, \Vis., arrivBruce Hulbert, 528 Abbottsford road, and Stedman Willard, 330 Abing here Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Shattuck bottsford road, will return Saturday and son. \Valter F., Jr., will motor after spending the summer at Child's home this week-end, arriving here camp in Canada. Sunday. Mr. Horatio Chandler, who -ahas also been their guest, will acMrs. Frank Cherry and Miss Jeancompany them on the return journey. ette Cherry of 422 Abbottsford road, -omotored to Princeton, Ill., last week The Junior ·guild met Thursday at the where they visited Dr. and Mrs. Hodghome of Mrs. Alfred McDougal, 325 man. -oAbbottsford road. The guild plans to m~et every Thursday morning during the 1\Iiss Phylis Ruff, 236 Cumnor road. wmter months and all the younger girls will return this week . after visiting of the village are urgently invited to for some time at the home of Mr. attend as the group hopes to accomplish and Mrs. I. N. Davenport at Dubuque. some effective work in the interest of Ia. -othe Infant Welfare society. -oMr. and Mrs. G. Wegener of Oak ow many times ha~e Alex A. Joslin and daughter. Park have purchased the Gilky resyoq ~d a ~ hf nf ?.40 ~&<:P~rn<><l ~ ... .a · 4'-~ 3Q J£,..n;h.,o .. U.. avenue and. , ing womal! ask - tJris rom thetr trrpr east to Lake occupied their ne,w home Saturday. question, "Will I ever get -""·lllarnpJain and Boston. Mr. Joslin -owell?" If she will look into two ~ons have returned from Clifton Osgood of 423 Essex road, the sanity of Chiropractic week's stay in Michigan, motoring . left Thursday to attend his freshman from Muskegon to Roaring Brook year at Lake Forest Academy. science she will discover that where they spent several days. I -.we aid Nature to restore her -oDr. and Mrs. Frank Cheeseman health. We'll be glad to exMiss Isabel Lovedale and Mr. AI have taken an apartment at the Orplain how and why. Lovedale, of 42 Kenilworth avenue, rington, Evanston, for the winter. Conaultation free spent last week motoring to Big Sand Lake. Eag.e River, Wis. Mr. Lovedale left there on Friday with Mr. Harry P. Harrison, 307 \Varwick road, to be gone two weeks at Lake Lelanaw. iss Helen Cresap . to Make Her Dzbut Saturday Evening M Fint Church of Christ, Scientist, wu...ete, m. T-tla St. aad Central A·.. Services: Christian Science Reading Room na Wil...tte A~ Hours: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Sunday at 11 A. M. · Wednesday: 9 A. M. to 7 :4SP. M . Wednesday Testimonial Meetmg satur d ay ) 9 A . M· t o 6 :00 P. M . at 8 P. M. The Bible and Wonc· b7 llar7 Sunday School, 9 :45. A. M. Balter Bdd7 and all other author· Subject of the Lesson Sermon lse4 Chrl.lltlan lclence Literature may be react. borrowe4 or purSeptember 14, ..Sa1»atance" cbaae4. The Pulie ia conliall7 iam. . to attad the Clawrc1a S.nices . . . "f'iait tbe Readln· Room. Fall Cleaning Rugs or carpets can be n1ade to look like new if the proper kind of treatlnent is applied. \Ve are specialists in cleaning Oriental rugs and carpets. You would bring your clothes to the best laundry why not bring your rugs to us to be properly cleaned and repaired. Our method not only cleans them but actually helps prolong the life of the fabric. This is the time to defend yourselves fron1 the tnoths. -~~~~~~~~~~;l~ll~;lil~ Aram K. Mestjian H I North Shore'· Leatlinw Ruw Cl«tnen Phonea Wilmette 1949 Evanaton 5050 511 Main St. Wilmette Ill. -a- The Church of the Holy Comforter Rev. Leland Hobart Danforth, rector: resumes its regular autumn activity this Sunday. The Church school will also begin its full program. Edith Ray Young TEACHER OF PIANO annou~ccs IW.IIIRIIIOIIIIIl.lllft· ·\IIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIUmiMIIIIIIIIHIIIIUHIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIMI·I·IIH. .IIll.l -oServices at the Kenilworth Union church will be resumed Sunday, September 14, following the summer's vacation season. the opening of her fall term on OLD FLOORS BEAUTIFIED SEPTEMBER 15 DR. C. E. GEISS£ Osteopathic Phyaician Villqe Theatre Blq. Phone WiL 2052 For appointment T elepbone Wilmette i Linoleum We employ expert layers Hangings made to order Congoleum All patterns and sizes Window shades and . accessones zesz or 2138 .d The Van Pelt Studios Dramatics-Expression-Etiquette-Culture Special classes for children. Fall term opens Saturday, September 6, 1924. Fourth year. i · = iii ~ PILGRIM HALL, WILMETrE See Our Beautiful Wall Papers before you decorate We carry Everything for interior decorating -and- ies Wilmette ad Lake A··aee CaU Wilmette 12M for informatioia. Sofia Stephali TEACHER OF SINGING Tone Building a Specialty at Wilmette Branch Studio JJZ2 Gneawoo4 A·-- EXTERIOR PAINTING Let us figure your WORK and give suggestions 1 tl4 Telepho. . Wil-tte 211 !VJffr/~~TING St~rn~r'S Paint st(ffe 1213 WILMETTE AVE. On Wednesday from 9 A.M. to i :30 P.M.

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