WILM£TTE LIFE. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1924 when we got there, he had CAMPING EXPERIENCES enough, and was continuing his JOurney by water. We paddled after and it made him nervous. Nosed IN NATIONAL FOREST him at us once or twice, and then, puff. ~rossed 19 ~II ............. es ure at m ~---------· rounded up for camp. Then rivht by constructing a hotel at the sandy 1tumblin1 through great traaite crev· where we had passed, loomed up the bay, built a beautiful trail to the falls, ices into white foaming whirl pool · porta17e sign. Beached canoe and erected an old paddle · wheel mill for I ,·,onderful Rocky Mountain scenery in started into dense trail, breaking twigs electric light and telephone and had 1 miniature. This looked good to w. so to make return trip sure. About time our private log cabins on t~e sloping 1 we ~omprontis~ on a aixteen-acre (Continued from page 18) puff. splung, splung, he kept his wf' figured w" were in next county or shore. We b~ew <?ut the p1cture a_nd point up the nver separatc;d from. a straight tine. They do say bears want mivht hut into the Red river of the took a ten-m1le h1ke on a map m1le. Canadian island by a tumbhng b'r"ook. husky to keep you company. Hope 1 to go straivht and best not to head North, we hit daylight and the lake. log wagon road to find our land. We are so dose, when we Jet mad at see that dog next time I visit you . them off. They may want to go These map distances are deceiving. Sure, there was th~ ba~ and the.re ~as John Bull, wt can spit on his island. Well, the 1 reat. object of our ~nter straight on over the canoe. So we just That's why we need a guide. After the land all round. 1t, w1t_h a spnnk~mg Sure l'm coming ~ain. shot him, three times-with the camera ten mites by leg or canoe, to cov<:r a of Norway and jack P!ne and b~rch prise is accorttpl~ed. After s1xteen Coodi»J'· HUIIl-· t map mile I lose confidence. Then I and poplar and roanng, foammg, years of caution and calculation, we An hour after we land at Prairie -and he was so pleased he crawled up Not so good. We have spent $240 and own a camp site. Portage on the Canadian boundary. on land and sat six seconds for a lose myself and won't believe a com- tumbling rapid~. W Wlaat :-Jow kiss good-bye to humans. Here final picture. Then where he had sat. pass. We followed our broken twig had already bmlt our camp. We went 0w ow, a trail back and arrived at camp before back and ate and camp fired and lied are no huts, no people. Nothing but was just atmosphere. and star gazed and turned into our We turn homeward ·. !ea.ch camp. the dinner belt rang. rocks, trees, water, and us. We must Stud,. the Martiaaa usual pre-bedtime ac~iv.tttes, crawl .111 Another night, and camp fire, and blankets. make Knife Lake by night. · And we We made camp by night and after blankets and presto, 1t IS A. M. agatn. Next day-usual preliminaries. What a' wonderful thing is morning! do. Tents pitched, camp fire going. the usual preliminaries, smoked and, lies and lap of waves and stars, and Packed only for noon dinner, made What a wonderful thing is everything I JlOOd old bacon again sizzling, and being Saturday night and Mars so we hit the balsam. five or six liftouts along the rapids in No chance to grow weary. fish-sure we got fish. And such close, we watched the Martians. Aaxioua Th.ree fish! It's a tug of war between the Funny people; they played a game Morning. smelt the alarm clock and, Basswood river, and arrived Lower changes of scenery a day: Morntng, fish and the canoe. Usualty fish wins something like our baseball, only they as usual, first with the pan, first with Basswood Falls. U. S. Ranger camp (Continued on page 23) Beautiful scenery. Falls, unless he is goin(l" your way. And pult off a leg and bat their own heads the spoon, first at the hearty break- here. then you arrive quicker. On a copper off. Then the finale is for every player fast table. And again dish washing, line. with a guide who knows fish striking tents and off to Prairie PortHeadquarters for lanR'uage, a fish up there can sure ··'f;;ii;;i6:.;;i5~;;:~;L:;i;i;i age for motor boat tow across Bassmake time with a liJrht canoe and only I wood Lake to Upper Basswood Falls. 600 or 700 pounds of man and freight. sa,·es in three hours, a day's hard We tried "Gee" and "Haw" on them canoeing. Passed Jeff's again and but no good. A llUide makes a littl~ left our mail. Wives anxious to know ucl click-click with his tongue and teeth. whether to probate our wills and lay and there you Jl"O on a strai2ht away. wires for next. We don't eat the trained fish. Turn At Upper Basswood found camp of them loose for the next outfit. Just U. S. Coast Survey laying the bouneat the smaller ones. WILMETrE STATIONERY A GIFT SHOP dary line. They lay it every morning. After dinner we smoked, listened to they told us, and take it up at niflht. 1 Block West of School the beaver slap their tails and dive· so that's where our taxes go. Why Phone 3051 told some lies for practice, posted th~ ~~~r;!~~~~~~~~~~ don't they lay a concrete boundary 1101 Ceatral A·enae guard, wet down the fire. turned into .: line and save the overhead? our blanket~. The guard is al~ays the We bought a beautiful hundred acre derfoot 1n the crowd. Like - FreshBa.. wood Falla · tract here for $1,500 with enough shore n-:an at the rail fence in the dark line for Duluth, Indianapolis and Wilto find his own head and the bleachers woods with a sack to catch the snipe . we were tq drive to him. Only we roar when they pipe a misfit. That mette. Then the survey fellows proved went home to bed, while he waited puts the fellow out. After the Mar- by their contour map that we didn't for the snipe. The guard in a camp tians went to bed, we turned to Venus contour right; our land was further is to keep the bears off. He isn't and Jupiter, but there was nothing do- down helow the falls. \Ve immedireally necessary. If bears come snoop- ing, and when traffic closed down on ately cancelled the mental purchase. inll' round. you say "Woof-woof!" the Milky Way, we went to bed. No although we had improved the property Yor. u·ifl spoil il soo11er or laler. and _if that do~sn't ~care them, you go guard tonight. We are hardened. 15 YEAR GOITRE out 111 your sh1rt tall and slap them in Dish washing over ill< the morning Do11't fool ·with your gl'lteratnrthe face. It always makes them cry and camp struck, we set off for Birch, REMOVED like a haby. I don't like such severe Newfound and Moose Lakes. Nary a Terrible Paine treatment. lt makes me homesick to soul, nary a cabin; all ours. Pitch For Peoria Lady. and Sleeple.. ne.. RelieYed by hear them cry. Really after th(' first camp in grassy cove where moose had Stainle.. Liniment. ni~ht r slept like a baby, and the bedded the night before. Two of us no1ses of bears and moose and other set out, without a guide to visit \Vind :\Irs. K. T'fei!Ter. ~37 E. \Vashlngton St .. E. Pcol"ia, Illinois, ~<a~·s: "Sorbol· ferocious animals scared me not at all. Lake. I steered. But our canoe bad has complt>teh· r<'movt>d my Out Proapec:tin' no keel to prevent skidding. Result Qua<irupl<' Inward goltr«-. The pains, sleeplessNext morning 6 :30. Guides up and we moved broadside on sometimes and ness. rt(>t·vousness and difficult breathfire going. Smell of coffee and bacon sometimes ·s kidded clear round. Never Ing havt! all disat>J)eared . Will talk beats .an alarm clock getting me up. again for me without a non-skid. or write to any one." Sold at all dru.r stores or write Beautiful sunshine, fine pine laden air Finally, after a hundred miles or so, Sorbol Com))an;v, Mechanlcsbun~. Ohio. your heart-motor. wasn't pumping properly you a nice rock to sit on and another fo; we decided they had pulled up the Locally at Renneckat· Drug Co. -Adv. a tahle. Then we leave camp with portage for winter storage, and we wouldn't try to repatr the leaky valves you phone the only noon dinner and utensils to make a circuit of Knife Lake and inspect doctor in a hurry. \Vhen your carburetor's sick we're some lands we are interested in . Save? $~00,000 this morning. Found the :\1. D.'s to doctor it into shape. :\llow us to keep ~ramte, J~spe_r a.nd ~ly greenstone. all 1ron hearmg md1cations. Costs $100,000 We wish to announce that your car in good health. ·ro prove there is no ir6n . 'Ve took it or gr ·ntcd. ' ~ "f . ¥ · ~~......-._Swing the paddle for ahout three urs, guide in bow steering, and then eat some more. Funny how hungry is now under new management. you get on British territory. Want a lef{ of mutton and mug of ale like \Ve are here to serve you in every way with highest D1ckens feeds Pickwick. But didn't at 1225 Central Avenue, Wilmette meet any rum runners. Didn't meet grade of Confections-Home Made Ice Creams. anybody but mink and eagles and a Phone Wilmette 185 couple of deer and a bear. Wouldn't CLEANLINESS QUALITY have , seen him but for the guide. \Vhat s a dot on the water a mile off We deli·er to a tenderfoot? To the guide it was Phone 474 1204 Central Avenue a bear making for an island. We headed for the other end, and sure w w".. SCHOOL BOOKS SUPPLIES IF ANNOUNCEMENT The Wilmette Confectionery WILMETTE MACHINE AND AUTO WORKS Street Cosmas Chats Saturday Specials FLATS, BLUE PLUMS Lb.................. : .......................... . DAMSON PLUMBS Per cue ..................................... . FLAT BOXES PEACHES, Colorado Elbertos Per cue ..................................... . FLATS, BLUE PLUMBS Per cue ..................................... . Best Mushrooms, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L.rge ~ichokes, each .................................. Lima Beans, fancy ....................................... Fancy ·Kal. Celery ............................ 1Oc, 15c and Fancy Tomatoes, buket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fancy ~esa ~.large b.aket ...................... Choice Tokay Grapes~ larce baskets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Come and see a wonderful display of Fancy Fruits and Vecetahlea at Barcain Prices · Our No-Odor Method Is So Satisfying Q UR modern and sanitary pro~ess of Dry Cleaning guarantees the conversiOn of your last season's garments into spic and pan looking clothes. The ~are we gi\'e each piece brought here for attention insures you against damage in the cleaning process. Household effects, such as draperies, rugs and curtains, may also be cleaned here without ft:ar of injury to the m st delicate fabrics. Prices are moderate enough to give you real savings. lOc SI.95 SI.95 $.129 90c 23c 35c 25c llc 49c 69c 1 their no'v aterial t, ~eased Schultz & Nord · THE NORTH SHORE'S LEADING TAILORS today ells at. Coamu and Fresh Fruit and ve.etahlea are SynonJIDOUS COSMAS BROTHERS Oppoeite d. V~ Theatre-WILMETI"E 1152 Central Ave.