Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Sep 1924, p. 1

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VOL. XIII, NO. 50 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1924 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS SIRE LAST USHERS I FREE TO CHILDREN Through the courtesy of the Village theatre, all children of school age are invited, this afternoon, t,o witness the three-reel picture, "The Signing of the Declaration of Independence," shown as a feature of the National Defense Day program in Wilmette. The first performance will be given at 2 o'clock. This picture is shown free to all school children. The committee ~n observan·ce of Defense Day states it has been very fortunate in securing this program for the juveniles. Reorganization of the Paul Heinsen and company real estate concern provided the most important real estate on the north shore this week, New Riclae School Ready to news when it was announced that the new Receive Chilcli'ea of the firm would be known as Heinsen and Kroll, Inc. with George C. Kroll as Patriotic Mua Meetina at Playpounda Will Be Oimu Upper Gradel president, }ohn J. Rink, vice president I to Mobilization Teat DemoDttration -:1nd Paul Heinsen, secretary and treasurer · · in the Villqe Offices of the concern will be rePROGRAM EXPLAINED. tained as they were under the previous 'Organization, it WlU .explai'\ed. Mr. Kroll, who has heen wtth Paul Chndre t Be .a.-- · eel Heinsen and company for 18 mon(hs, n 0 ~·an to has resided in Wilmette for 15 years. DEFENSE DAY PROCLAMATION Rooma Monday His home is located at 1023 GreenWHEREAS, in accordance with an Act of Congress, the wood avenue. · He enjoys a broad exUnited States Governn1ent has called upon the State and perience in the real estate and building field. During the late war he Municipal Authorities to observe Friday, September 12, 1924, School days, school daysl was associated with General Kniskern as National Defense Test Day, by summoning the citizenry Monday morning at 9 o'clock in- in the. construction of vast go,·ernment of every city, town and community to Patriotic Assembly and augurates school days for the year projects including a $2,000,000 1924-25 for Wilmette public school chem1cal plant and other extensive demonstration, now children. projects. Shortly after the war he THEREFORE. I, Edward Zip£, President of the Village was interested, with General Kniskern All children who attended school of Wilmette, Illinois, do hereby request and urge all citizens the last year will report to the build- in the construction of several home~ of this villae-e to prominently display the flag of the United . Evanston Camp, No. 57, United ings and rooms occupied by them at in Wilmette. States .on September 12, 1924, from their homes and places o~ Mr. Rink and Mr. Heinsen are well Spanish War Veterans, this week isthe time school closed in June. There business, and to ·wear upon their persons the National Colors; they will be assigned the classrooms known and highly reputable real sued an invitation to every Spanish war veteran on the north shore to for the coming school session, accord- estate men of the north shore. and to, voluntarily, cease from their accustomed tasks beHeinsen and Kroll, Inc., will serve join with that unit in a patriotic ing to Superintendent }. R. Harper. tween the hours of 7 P. M. and 9 P. M., to engage in a The day's program will be outlined the public of the north shore from demonstration on the evening of partiotic Assembly. after an introductory talk welcoming five offices: 7 W. Madison street, Chi- National Defense Day, September 12. (Signed) Edward Zip£, the pupils back to school and bidding cago; 1611 Sherman avenue, Evans- The official invitation sent out by the President. them "God speed" on their renewed ton; 421 Fourth street, Wilmette; 556 camp, follows : Center l>treet, Winnetka, and 520 Cen- "Dear Comrade : scholastic undertakings. "Friday, September 12, 1924, has tral avenue, Highland Park. Those children just entering school been set aside by the Government of Plans for the most impressive patriotic dem,onstration ever or enrolling in the Wilmette schools the United States as NATIONAL for the first time, will report to the DEFENSE TEST .DAY. staged in Wilmette were completed this week by Col. H. C. Boyden, building in their neighborhood. At "It is the duty of every American grand · marshal, in connection with the Community Defense Test Day the sctlool buildings they will be sent to comply with the President's wishes parade program this evening. The great procession, including in to the proper classes. and devote a small part of that day f h · 11 1 1 · · f 1 d 'f d . Eaplaila Ho·la, S:r·tto show his Loyalty and Patriotism. the line o marc vtrtua y ~very oca ctvtc, raterna an unt orme .Th1s year the openmg of tile new "The Spanish-American War Vet- unit,as well as a host of children represented in the various Scout, R1dge school, 17th street and Spencer erans all over the country have Camp Fire and Church group organizations, and a great outpouring avenue, has brought relief from the unanimously endorsed the movement c' · n ~ will b\e at 7 o'clock in the "L" Terminal district r:lltW d ('J) " n ~the c.lae_..._ ~ -· . ns c~mpratd ~~~--~~14~~p~r~;~M~~PW~e!IJs ;[l.e.;.~:.;lj;~i-11~a~~njd wend its way through the principal streets to the scene o e hous1~g he fourth, th, sixth, seventh "Evanston Camp, No. 57, United patriotic meeting at the municipal playgrounds adjoining the new ~~~~-;;'d~J..e1ghth grades at the Ridge school Spanish War Veterans intends to do Ridge scho.ol, 17th street and Spencer avenue. the Logan sohool ~king th~ . Bomb salutes at five minute intervals from 6 to 7 o'clock in the its share and will take its part in the pr1mary grades, including the kinderdemonstration and invites garten, for the children living in the Automobile windshields and store local western section of the village. Lowell windows throughout the village bear EVERY VETERAN of '98, residing evening will formally announce the hour of the formal Defense F. Todd is principal for both the Ridge the message-which embodies a chat- along the north shore, to meet with Day demonstration in the village. Every store and hop in '"' ilmette, including drug stores and and Logan schools. lenge-summoning all residents to at- the camp for this particular occasion. "Assembly at the American Legion confectionery palaces, will close its doors between the hours of 7 . Children living in the eastern sec- tend divine service on Sundav SepBenson avenue and Church street !JOn of the village will be distributed tember 14, the date of Wif~ette's Hut, m the other school buildin~s. The annual Rally Day in the Protestant Evanston, Friday, S~ptember 12, 1924; and 9 o'clock of this evening while the street procession and subat 6:30 P. M., for short parade and sequent ceremonies are in progress. Central. school will have all grades churches of the community. Every residence and place of business is requested to cooperate from kmdergarten through the sixth In every one of the several churches patriotic exercises on the Lake front. Hope you will all respond. by prominently displaying the national emblem throughout the day; and the Byron C. Stolp school will represented in Wilmette Church countake care of the seventh and eighth cil, special programs have been ar- H~~~~lt~~ Friendship, Patriotism and the flying of the flag to be signalized by a long blast of the fire grade pupils.. The Laurel school will ranged in both Sunday schools and station siren and the bursting of bombs promptly at 7 o'clock in the Hugo Pape, h~ve the pnmary grades only, from other dep3:rtment~ of parish activity, morning. Commander." kmdergarten throug~ the third grade. a~d there 1s prom1se that this Sunday Margaret C. Hayes 1s principal of the · will fin~ the lar.gest church attendance Official Ceremonies at the municipal playgrot~nds, starting immediately D. Blaauw, Byron C. Stolp school and Superin- record m the h1story of the village. the parade units have assembled on the scene, will be brief and to Adjutant. t~n.dent Harper will have direct super- ,. The plan for. Rally Day sug~ests a the point, according to General Chairman George R. Harbaugh. ns1on over the other schools. good, old-fash10ned Come to Church" The principal address will be given by Hon. Amos C. Miller of Utili- Pla:r..-o·au event that will make~ the church walls P. T. A. Grou.- tq Give Evanston, a prominent attorney and a member of the IJJinois !h~ public sc~ool outdoor athletics fa!rly bulge with the hosts of worDancin1 Leuona Atain Constitutional Convention Revision wdl m the mam take place on the shippers. The Wilmette Parent-Teacher asplayground adjoining the new Ridge Announcements for Rally Day in~ommit.tee a few years ago. Hi~ s"!b- tary Organization. The 3rd will conschool. The field is in good shape elude infor'!lation that should . sociations announce they have again Ject w·ll bea~ upon the true SJglllfi- sist of uniformed and Fraternal organifor all the sports that the children mand the mterest of every · c1t1zen. secured the services of Edwina Mar- cance of ~ahona~ Defense Day. zations. The 4th will consist of public usually enjoy, especially baseball and T~e day marks the formal inaugur- tine Weckler to conduct the classses Harbauah an Statem-t officials, civic organizations and the pubfootball. atlon of autumn activities in most of in ball room dancing sponsored each The final and official statement con- lie. ~egistration has been in progress the parishes. Ministers and other )ear by the Logan and Byron C. Stolp ~erning the D~fense Day prog_ram was 3. All organizations will assemble at th1s week and, from the reports at church workers have returned from associations. tssued late th1s week by 11aJor Har- their respective points of assembly at Classes will he given on Monday this writing, the .enrollment promises thei~ summ~r vacations, church school baugh, as follows: 6 :45 P. M. sharp. The head of each to be the largest m the history of the sesswns will he resumed with full afternoons and evenings. Special les"It ie hoped that · ...r:roae who can organization will report to the side in local schools .. Superintendent Harper proJr~ams and everything will be in sons in aesthetic dancing will be givwill join in the parad.. eitw with command of their division upon arrival. en on Tuesday afternoons. has been at h1s new office, on the first readmess to welcome the villagers. The dancing classes will begin dur- some one of the. or~aai.aatioa.a .or wi~h 4. The points of as embly will be floor of the Central school. sinc'e WedComplete details of Rally Day plans nesday, holding conferences with a~d programs in the various churches ing the first week in October at the tbe ·reat orpaaaataon of 'Cataaeaa an as follows· the Fourtb DiYieion.' Thl. i· not a · Woman's club building. parents. Will be found on the regular church tim.ited or eacluei·e parade, but a Div. No.. I. On 4th street, uth of page of this issue of WILMET'l't Ltvr,:. parad. of Wil-tte citiaea·, or aaLinden avenue, facnig north. 1 .:. L There will also be noted the church iaed and uaoraanizecl. Toai,ht. at Div. No. 2. On Linden avenue, east reden·ck E · Clera to advertisement prepared by the Wil7 o'c:loek the ...-t parade wUl atart of 4th treet, facing west. Addreaa Rally Service mette Church council as the first of from Linden aYeaue and Fourth atreet Div. No. 3. On 6th street, south of a series of forty advertisements setting headed by a st-piec:e militer:r ha.d. Linden avenue, facing north . In common with the other churches forth the benefits of church attendThe parade route aad order· are in Div. No. 4. On 6th street, north of of the village, the Wilmette Parish ance and participation in the church thi· c:oluma. Read them aad fiiHI out Central avenue, facing south. ~fethodist Episcopal church is celebrat- life of the village. 5. The line of march will be the folwhic:b 4iTiaioa you beloaJ to and thea !ng Rally Day Sunday, September 14 RaJiy Day virtually launches the .-mble at that point prepared to teke lowing route : m all its organizations. ' winter season's work in the churches. part. The meetiaJ place i· at Ridp Start at 4th street and Linden, we t Special services will be held in all It is designed to stimulate active inschool, 17th street and Spencer a,e_ on Linden to 6th street, north on 6th d~rtrnents of the ~unday school begin- terest in church affairs. aue. I o'eloclr sharp. Hoa. Am08 C. (Continued on page 8) mng at 9:30 o'clock. The High school MUa- wiD ...i·er the a....... Capt. and Adult departments will have the Foreign Miuion Auxniary R-. Cilltert StanMll, chaplain, wfll pleas~re of hearing Frederick E. Clerk, make tlae hfY-tioa, a ··. Joha NewDOLLAR DAYS COMING Holda Firat Fall Seuion supermtendent of New Trier High ..... S. J.. will proaouace the beTuNday and \Vednesda , S... school. A general invitation to others The September meeting of the Wildictioa. Dr. F. Arthur Kant. Scoutt . . ber 23 aad 24 have be~n de igwho may wish to hear Mr. Clerk is ex- mette Parish Methodist Episcopal church -·ter, will ltlow tap8. Tlae baad will nated by the Wilmett~ Chamher ~ded by the church. a~xiliar>: of the Woman's Foreign Mispla:r "America" aa4 the "Star of Commerce as Dollar Da,., for Sion soc1ety was held Thursday of this 5paaJied Banner," TIM Jullior Police the bu iness concerns in the com· week at the home of Mrs. Arthur L. Metbodiat Pariah Holda wUl police t.. aro·D4· .. " munity affiliated with that organFuller, 915 Tenth street. General Orders for the Defense Day ization. Beach Picnic Tomorrow Plans for a dinner in October the parade are set forth a follows by Dollar Da:ra meaa apecial llueaia Members of the Wilmette Parish election of officers and the selecti~n of Grand Mar hal Boyden: a:r· for the hou eholder of WilMethodist Episcopal church will en- delegates to the branch anual meeting GtstaAL Oanu No. 1 : mette. Next week' Wtt.Mf;TU Llft joy "Get-Together Day," Saturday of at Indianapolis were among the principal 1. ln accordance with plans laid will contain an array of interestthis week, with a beach party at the items of business. down by the Executive committee for in announcement setting forth foot of Washington avenue. Defense Test Day activities for the Vil- the attracti\·e features of thi unGREETS ICIN FROM ABROAD Games and contests will feature the lage of Wilmette, Ill., a parade will be u ual event in the commercial afternoon events and a basket supper hdd on the evening of September 12. aru . William Taylor, owner of the Taylor ill be served at 6 o'clock. 1924, at 7:15 P. M. sharp. Drygoodc: company on Central aveWatch ior the i ue oi \VtL ttTt "Bring your picnic baskets well nue, has been in New York city where 2. The parade will consist of four di- Lrrt of Fnda). September 19, and and also bring every member of he went to meet two sisters enroute 'risions. The 1st Division will consist 1te ..-par-.1 to take ahaatap .I the family," is the slogan for the from England to become associated of the Grand Marshal and Staff, officials Dollar DaJal frolic. with the local concern. and band. The 2nd will consist of llili- AND IROil, SCHOOL BFlLS HEINSEN NEW REALTY CONCERN .R ....ING MONDAY STREET PROCESSIO STARTS AT 7:15P.M. SPANISII WAR YmllANS CAll TO DEIONSIIATION CHURCHES CAll TO RALLY DAY 0 5 0 I START THE sEAsoN RIGHT BY READING OUR WANT ADS IT PAYS

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