WILMETTE LIFE. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1924 13 Miss Elizabeth Fitch, 1033 Elotwoocl avenue, has returned from a very en· joyable ahd interesting summer · in Newfoundland, Labrador. Miss Eliza· beth Merrian of Framingham, Mass· achusetts, is the guest of Mrs. Claude E. Fitch for two weeks. -o- s Wedding ;. Nels Peter [llerly of Wit. Catherine, to g, October 1, with the Rev, )klahoma, ofEugene Meof both farohotel. Miss Georgia more Aubere, ~ smaids. Autumn Sees Departure Of Young People for·College. T HE Ed- he ushers will 1 and Thomas ncheon at her n. Miss Eleower on Sepve a luncheon ~ mber 10, and td shower. ~her 20, Miss ~rdle will give er 27, at the ~eon rner on Seper Turner to edding date s Isabel Schilr. and Mrs. 1606 Lake avehard Tregiegas lee at the St. rch, Thursday ch was flower er of Chicago, . C. Carroll of e guests from and Mrs. Fred and Mr. and of New York. wedding trip esota and Wis- ~~eifies:_~ ~v.' of 924 Greenored east, ac· ~ughter, Mar· phn, to attend etty Hatch ot Jersey. Miss , rs. MacLean, rs. Barry, of argaret MacBarry, daughrry of Evansnaids for their rried to FredOrange. The Braithwaite family of 906 M iss Julia Ricketts, daughter of Yillage becomes more and Mr. and Mrs. C. L . . Ricketts of ~7 Greenwood avenue have gone to more deserted as the exodus of Ashland avenue, has returned from California, where they will make you ng ~eople, college-bound gets Europe. Miss Ricketts spent most of their permanent home. in·to iull sw mg. ~mong those who . --o-her time in visiting friends and relaleft. or are prepanng t.o leave very The James Watsons of 1007 Linden tives in London and Devonshire, but -(), 0011 are: Jame s ~~lvtlte who has have returned from their sumThe N. A. Hanna Hat shop, succes- 'she also went to Paris, and motored avenue oon l' to Onargo Mdttary. Academy ; mer home in Frankfort, Michigan. sor to L. C. Rambo and company, wilt through various parts of France. John r.. Wo!f who left thss week for have a formal opening on Saturday. Purdue: Dvnght Chapman and Wal~er Tea witt be served at 2 o'clock and a Pat ti·on for Harvard ,; ¥!iry Loutse display of hats and sports goods will Sc hcidcn helm and V!rgmta Thompbe on hand on Saturday,' Monday, and . 011 for Wellesley; Eltzabeth ThompTuesday. Miss Paulen e Roynon, Miss ~011. Ford Stoddard. Frank Blymey~r, Only Elizabeth Meyer, Miss Elizabeth Belt Tom King. Law~en~e Ross, and W·land Miss Elizabeth Hanna will model am Kerr for M·cht!!'an; George HanTwenty Minutea and Mrs. Charles Mock of Evanston, ah Richard Cody, Roy Welch. Florand Mrs. Charles Bull of Kenilworth enc~ Gathercoal, and Jane Nystrom by Motor wilt be assisting hostesses. for \V iscous in; Ruth Bower and Ruth Stellman, Swarthmore; Jack · and Elizabeth Cullen. Gertrude Brown, from The dancing classes of the ParentTad \Ve clowski, Genevieve Emmrich, Teacher associations will open MonWill iam Jordan, Winifred and Edith day, October 5, at the Wilmette the North Shore Adkins who have left for Illinois; Woman's club, the ballroom dancing Jack Stoddard, who has gone to St. taking place Monday afternoon and Buaineu District John 's: :Mary Stoddard to National evening, and the aesthetic dancing, Steak~ Chicken Dinners Kindergarten ; George Widger to Tuesday afternoons. Miss Edwina LU .. Cf4ION IIAVID AT. NOON' ~otre Dame, and Mary Mack, Lal\'lartine Wecklcr is the teacher, and Salle. the valuable services she rendered last year make the associations feel asGeorge Martin has already gone to sured of a most successful winter with Rro" n, Gladys White to Wellesley, the se classes. Mil dred Tidamon to Roanoke, Betty er to Downer, Kenneth Watson to -oSeventy-five Centa ,e,, Iowa. Dorothy Arnold to VerThe Misses Louise, Pauline, and million Grove, Gertrude Ingersoll to Florence McCoy, 730 Ashland avenue, Sweet Briar, and Sylvia Turner to are back from Providence. Rhode Dennison . Island, where they ha,·e been visitDoris \Voodcock, Betty Munroe, and ing several weeks. Janice West are lea,ving for WheeGet away from business by taking time off at noon -olock School, Bosto·n, and Ellis Jones, Ralph Schoemlank of New York for a run out into the country. -Wilklte Photo Fred and Harry Stone for Dartmouth. stopped off in the village for a short Kenneth Page will spend the winter Mi.. Gladya Pauline Kuelzow visit with his aunt and uncle, Mr. in Los Alamos school, Santa Fe, New and Mrs. H. J. Burbach of 1020 LinMexico, and Margaret McCue wilt at- Pauline, to William E. Shellman, son den avenue, while enroute to Oregon. of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shellman of tend the University of California. -()727 Elmwood a venue. The wedding -oMrs. C. C. Carnahan of 700 Central next June. Saturday evening, September 20, wilt take place avenue, and .Mrs. Donald Simmons of FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST ()Miss Helen Margaret Whitehill, Eleventh street, have arrived in New Mrs. Frank Teagarden and her York from Europe. They will be in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. WhiteWilmette, llliDoia hill of Indianapolis, and Albert K. daughter, Georgia, of 1102 Central the village next week, some time, havScheidenhelm, son of Mr. and Mrs. avenue have returned from abroad, ing stopped for a time in Washington. Frank J . Scheidenhelm, will be mar- where they spent the summer. CordiallJ lnYitea You and Your Fri-da to Attead --o-ried at eight o'clock at the Tabernacle Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cody, 1001 OakPresbyterian church at Indianapolis. Immediately following the ceremony, wood avenue, entertained at dinner there will be a reception at the home and bridge, Saturday night, for twelve of the bride's parents. guests. -()Miss Whitehill wilt have as maid Mrs. R. W. Schupp is expected to of honor, Miss Helen Paige of Terre Haute. Mrs. Neul D. Belnap of return to her home at 1047 Linden William Duncan Kilpatrick, C. S. B. Evanston will be matron of honor. avenue next week, having spent two The bridesmaids will be Mrs. H. Les- weeks at Hayward, Wisconsin. ter Smith of Evanston, Miss Mary -o01 Detw-oit, Mic..U.aa A. sona in every ..d. 1.o"ise Scheidenhelm of Wilmette, a M iss Edith M Call oi 530 Eiahth r or the gr1..~m, ):l(tu be a r&Jce street lefl Th day for Dubuque, A .· ory in .wery packqe. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, n of Naperville and Miss Iowa, where she will attend Mount red Conklin of Indianapolis. St. Joseph academy. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. At all W. McPherrin of Evanston wilt -oserve as best man. The ushers wilt Mrs. John Mackay and her small Leadiq Dealen Tueaclay Even.ina', September 23, ltz.4 be Alfred H. Taylor of Ottawa, Horhave returned to New York, havace J. Garver nf Evanston, Eugene E. son ing visited at the home of Mr. and Whitehill of Indianapolis, brother of At I O'elock Packed. by the bride, Ogden Cook of Kenilworth Mrs. F. B. Elliott of 739 Ninth street. --o-and John T. Beatty of Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. William Richardson In the Chureh Edi6eit After the wedding the bride and 1233 Lake avenue have reutrned groom wilt leave for a two months' of from Pennsylvania, where they were Central Annue at Tenth Str.et, WUmette, Jllinoia trip abroad. visiting Mrs. Richardson's parents. Mrs. C. E. Carlson of 208 Oxford road, gave a reception this week for her parents, Mr. and \Irs. T . 0. Peterson, in celebration ~£ their golden wedding anniversary. The party took place at the Carlson home, and one hundred and twenty-five guests were present. There were many beautiful Mr. and Mrs. A. ]. Kuelzow of 611 presents, and three speakers of promiGreenleaf avenue announce the en- nence were obtained for the occasion, gagement of their daughter, Gladys Rev . Jenson of Chicago, Samuel Erickson of the Circuit court of Illinois, and Miss Amy Evald, of Chicago. Miss Mary Mack wilt go to Buffalo to visit her uncle, Frank Springer, and from there will proce~ to Niagra Falls, and other points in the east, before arriving at Laselle college in Massachusetts, where she will study this winter. -o- Business Men's Lunch ELEANOR BRAND BIRD SEED A Free Lecture on Christian Science Wilmette Bird House -o- 16 Linden ave· nfined to her went out for illness. when e~ with h~r er s home 10 ce then, Mr!l. trips, one to rville, Iltinois1 the vicinity ot Dr. and Mrs. William von Lackum are spending the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Hess of 915 Ashland avenue. Dr. von Lackum is with the Mayo clinic, of Minnesota. -o- Mrs. I. G. Moody of 921 Greenwood avenue has returned from California, where she spent the last three months visiting her brother, W. D. Logie, of Los Angeles. -o- ToLe sure of cotnfort use HART HEAT A Hart Oil Bumer keeps the home comfortable, clean and refreshed,even on the coldest days of winter. You do not have to apend your time running up and down the cellar stairs. trying to keep pace with the chan,ing temper· ature,-bccause Hart Heat is ~11 caatornatk- no dirt, no soot, no uhes. J)esieoed and built by en&lneen with thirtY-four yean of awlub~urm. Mrs. Percy Skillen and her two sons have come back from Eagle River, and after a few days spent at the North Shore hotel, they witt return to their home at 1019 Sixth street. Since 1833 Since 1853 Monarch Co&. bas been the accepted brand In homes where hi1he·C quality is demanded. Millio. driDk it every day. B ,.,.a wee to pay $1.00 · pound yoo could not buy a &.. qualq. Y.a Monarch ia priced 10 low tUt il .. ecoaomy to wrve it nplady· M~ Yarian of to Fort a short returned Indiana, . Yarian's h, who will hem. '~ Is Your Child Haadicappecl by Defective Vaion? A neglect to care for the eyes at school age is likely to seriously hamper the child's fortune. Many children who are thought to be dull or stupid would be as bright and quick to learn as any of their schoolmates if they were not handicapped by eyestrain or defective c;ight. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday from 8:30 to 10:30 A. M. and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 2:00 to 4:30 P. M. Bring your children in for examination and advice. experience. And that ia .:rb· 'be Hart OU Burner ia perfect-tit' ~- .... the pMt di&nDl br..a. of ........ - 25,.....-...... heel__, ....u.uaw.~ 01 U Y&AU" ~ .,...wldl u-cla Ia....,, ... .. . _ . . Ul7 ..... - - ....- ....... ... ... - - pudculara.de." ED. PLAnt o.-.-.. .... Children'· Fr"e Cliaic:a lll!!!!!l---.. APPlicable to any heaUn· lastalled eaaily aM -aJu.lC:IU1F. It buru a lbw cracte fuel oiL HART HEAT u REID, MURDOCH &. CO. CIDCAOO-BOSTON-PITI'88UitGH-NBW YOU ........,...,,., .,...,....,. 14 Y ttWs of St~e~'ss/fll Pracliu HART~HEAT Dr. 0. H. Bersch OptOBMtrl.l ,.,_ Mtr. o.Nel ~.C. D. P-«11, /w .._ ..............t . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1177 Wilmette Ave. AYRES-T· E FRA CO. P1rt.e W-. 1141 . . . . . . . . _ , . . . . . . A. . . . . . . . p, . . 8ft'~~ b .............. .................. 1..., NORnl SHORE BRANCH WINNETKA