Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Sep 1924, p. 20

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~CQXQllL WIEA'JI'IHIJE~ MAOCE§ JRIEAIL IES'JI'A'JI'E §ll'JI'UJA'JI'llcQlN EJN<CcQlUlltA<Gll~ REALTY BOARDS HOME OWNERS Securing Own Headquarters Popular Idea ___ OWNERS AT BUYERS, VARIANCE ON PRICES Rea l estate about purcha.,mg property a ong north shore, in the opinion of most north shore agents and brokers. Al though th e la~t iew wee.k~ have shown somewhat increased actt\' tty tha!l du;ing most oi tr ::: ~ummc r and spnng, ttl many in stance-. where cleats were con,ummatcd con Cl· ,,ion, were IH:cessary 10 encoura;.:c in Ye> tor:., stated one of the real e.,tate brokers. There is a feeling among m~ny prospcctin lJuy~rs that the commg presidt·ntial dec 1011, the poor weather conditions all ~ ummcr and the European sit uation. ,ho uld en.courage the owners t o reduce the pnce of property. On the oth r hand, owner s demand that sale, of their property be made only at their prices because they feel that north ~hore property will be in demanrl right along. Thu s the real estate broker.; are placed in a dilema which they can .,ca rccly a\·oid. "It's rather oitncult to determine whether present owners will dispose of their property at the prices they want, yet, they can hardly be blame.d when they note the progress that 1s being malic along the north shore," one broker remarked. "There ha,·e been many prospecti\·c property buren to "see" north shore properties. but they don't want to pay. the price> a,kccl. it is stated. l?~are sti11 1 sensit;~~ ORGANIZE NEW . REALTY FlRM ,,·hich Eddington-Allen Succeaaora f . G Co to rmt eorge mpany ·A. R. Eddington anu' D. E. Allen, Jr.. ha\'e just purchas.ed the r~al estate and insurance busmess of Fnnt Geroge and company, with offices at the "L" Terminal, 410 Linden avenu.e, Wilmette, where these two men wtll continue to operate under the name oi Eddington and Allen. d 11 r. Eddington has been engage in the real estate business for fifteen years, and has been active in Witmette and north shore property acti,·itv for nearly six years. He purchased the real estate business of D. E. Allen and Son in March, 1919, and since April 1 of this year, has been with Frint George and company. D. E. Allen, Jr., generally known as "Doe" started in to learn the real estat~ business in 1907, when as a boy he entered the office of Barker and Allen, who were pioneers in the Wilmette real estate field. In 1912 he entered business with his father, D. E. Allen, at the time they opened an office on \Vilmette avenue. Allen has heen in the real estate business in Wilmette continuously since 1907, excepting the 20 months he sp~nt in t~e service and two years restdence m Texas. He was with M. E. Barker and company at the time Mr. Barker sold his business. to Frint George and company. The new combination of Eddington and Allen keeps intact a business which has had an uninterrupted succession for the past 20 years, and Heal t·,tall· hoards hav e <lone much to place heiore the public the securi.ty and ~ati,faction of home ownershtp. Ancl within a period of three day threr mcmher lJoard s of the National a .. sociation of Real Estate Boards han· announ cr11 that as hoards they an· to han: that sec urity and those <;atis faction s for themselves. The J.oui~ville. Kentucky. Real Estate IJOard , the Miami, Florida, Real Estate t.oard, and the Delaware County, l'rnn sy lvania. Real Estate hoard each report that they have acquired their · Own home. The Louisville hoard's permanent home will also he the home of the Kentucky Real Estate association and of the Louisville Association of Building Ownas and Managers. Property directly acro~s the street from the municipal center of Louisville has just been purchased l.Jy the board at a cost of $30,000. Members of the board have donated $10,000 as the first payment on the purchase. Various committees of the hoard are already working on plans to remodel the en tire property into a modern hoard home to cost, when completed, in the neighborhood of $50,000. The Miami Realty board has just sig-ued a contract for the erection of By SCOUT RUFUS · a fifteen-story administrative huilding to coH three quarters of a million The fir:.t meeting of the year for dollars. The huilding will contain 182 the Girl Seoul'- was surely a successot1ices, and auditorium. a club room ful one. Kine new Scouts and an atand a dining room, and will have the tendance oi 58. The new Scouts entire fifteenth Aoor reserved for the names are: Ruth Phelps, Margaret hoard's executive suite. Space not Belote, Jane Gaffney. Virginia Burneeded for board quarters will be gess, "'ilma Guenther, Virginia rented for private business. The Sprague, Dorothy Paley, Annette board announces that the building is Thompson and Florence :Mitchell. planned to be the finest building of Patrol leaders and corporals were its size in the south. invested at the meeting on September The Delaware county, Pennsylvania, 17 and the real work of the year Real Estate board is less than two started. years old. It is there fore, the youngLieutenants Gladys \Vhite. Jane Nyest organization in the national as- strom, and Helen Hayes were presensociation to have acquired its own ted with silver Scout rings in aphome. preciation of their splendid work for The Philadelphia Real Estate board, Scouting. These lieutenants are leavfirst hoard in the national association ing us to go away to school but they to build its own home, completed its will keep in touch with our activities structure in 1923. financing it with a that they may give us their help dur$200,000 bontl issue purchaseable by ing vacation time. members only. Although our third troop is almost The Cincinnati Real Estate board completed, there is still room for new owns its own headquarters. The members. Tenderfoot, Second class Columbus, Ohio, Real Estate board and Badge work will begin Septemhas remodeled a building owned as ber 24. One of the first badges that board headquarters and valued at the Second Class Scouts will work for $154,000. The F.vanston, Illinois, Real is the Photographers. The girls de·E state board began to occupy its new velope and print the pictures they $50,000 home in February of this year. have taken, and learn the mechanism The Chicago Real Estate board and of their kodaks and the method of the Pittsburgh Real Estate board are taking flashlight and time exposures, in the process of acquiring permanent as well as snaps. board homes. The Toledo Real The Scouts are starting their year Estate board is building its own most enthusiastically and their sucthree-atory cut stone structure. cess looks most promising for the "Biggest and Best Ever" year in HILL AND STONE ACTIVE Scouting. Reports from the Hitl and Stone real estate offices in Wilmette show McGUIRE AND ORR SALE negotiat!ons of the following recent McGuire and Orr report from the transactions: Ralph Potter, 710 Lin- Wilmette branch the sale of the cl"n avenue, purchased the home of James Topp home at 220 Broadway; Morton L. Patterson at 925 ' Chestnut W. C. Koebelin home at 720 Prairie; avenue; Edward Bond has moved to the Rosenteil home at 1316 Hill street the home of Edward F. Schoeneck and a lot at Greenleaf avenue and 815 Oakwood avenue, from whom h~ Golf terrace. purchased the dwelling recently. Mrs. Lockwood, whose home at 2651 Broadway, was sold, wilt live with Read All the Want-Ad· the Edward Band family. founded by Bargive1.1 up the re~l apartments in all, being of two, three, estate busin~ss !lnd will devote hts four and five rooms. The interior ti me to outstde mterests. decoration sch~me is colonial white 1 Inspection Day at New ;h:t, L"Inden· Crei t On S Unday scoted .hat h s, bm'I t-tn · tubs and otber Inspection day at the Linden Crest convemences. . apartments at Linden avenue and T~ere ~re also spactous receptiOll Fifth street will be Sunday, Septem- lobbtes wtth fire-places and a general her 21, when one apartment wi.ll be c~urt approac~mg the entr~nce. completely furni shed and equtpped Rtchard T. Davts, owne.r and ~ullder, with furniture, drapes, rugs and gen- has spared no expense tn makmg the era! household goods, as all the apart- Linden Crest one of the finest apart. ments will be when they arc ready ment houses on the north shore and for occupancy. in the Chicago area. kc~{/ 1 ceorgeenhas ,dasA~riginally ha~elar~eee~u~~~~ed~ th~h~~~es :~~e' ;i~~s 7: h;"a~ti~1 gt:;st~~~s~il!~::~:~ Acre Lots HEAVILY WOODED A beautiful tract of forty acre· of real virain woocla, well located, and adjoinina one of the larl'eat - d moat beautiful · Htatea on the North Shore, which we have divided into twentJeiaht very choice homeaitea of one, two - d three acre· each. Reaaonably cloM to North Shore Electric and ateam road tranaportation. GIRL SCOUTS ADD NEW NAMES TO MEMBERSHIP Choice heavily wooded acre sites 154b380 feet u low as $750.00 each. The terms are very easy and attractive. Phone for plat and full particulars. HILL & . WHEELER INC., 736 Elm Street Ph. Winnetka 142 3M Linden AYenue Ph. Wilmette 13 Aadaow anew Nokol lor la8tallatlon la~oarwater When All Others Have Failed Come To Us . When. a property owner wishes to sell his real estate, he wants qutck achon as a rule. The best way to get results is for him co list his property with a reputable and energetic realtor with an exclusive contract. We, knowing that we are protected in out efforts to sell p_r_opertx, will devote eve&']r ~sible enerp for paJdtt· a aaiA_. We will spend money advert1dng the property 'vhich we v1oula· tJot do if other brokers had the property for sale. The chances for a satisfactory and prompt sale are obviously much greater under an exclusive contract. This system gives quick results without costin~ t~e property owner one cent more than the regular sales commJsston. heater that most eeoao.teal hot water ·enlce kaown OIL HEATING CO. ZIS N. Michiaan Chicaao Telephone Central 7I3Z prond·tb· Why Not Try It? A,.,.., Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. F-tain Sq--, Ev-aton Prouty Buildin., Winnetka Evanaton . _ Wianetka zt· This gas and oiling station is just across the street from our garage, and is under our management. lllllllltal 1111111 Mllltllll"mtlllti11111111111UIIIIIIIIIIIliii11111111Ullllllll11UIIllllllllllii11111111Mili11UillliU111MI1111UlllllU-1~ EXP~!~A~~~ !~:!!NG ~=AND DECORATING CALL YOU DID! ~S, I got up this mo~ning, had a nice bath, put on fresh linen, and THE I Phoaee Winnetka 1188 or 1762 and you are sure to get QUALITY and DURABILITY at lower cost because it is the CO-OPERATIVE SYSTEM. -CE= ~=~~NETKA without extra charge to you SHORE CO-OPERATIVE PAINTERS I I I I I l. Oh, boy! how good 1t makes one feel. You know an automobile is a good deal like a human. Give it oil, grease, and tighten it up every so often, and. the result is a smooth-running engine, no squeaking and sure braking power- a machine just humming with life to go. For economy's sake-call the Hubbard Woods Garage. You will receive reliable service and couneous treatment. HUBBARD WOODS GARAGE 1010 Tower Road WINNETKA. IWNOIS lllllllllll"lli111111UitllllM111AlltlllllllllliiiiR1111111111U1111111111U11111111111111111111Mllllll...,.J. 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE t~Str~~ice With A Smile." PHONES: WJNNE1'KA A. J. WOODCOCK PH 0 NE 617-1834 1304 WILMETI'E

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