WILl\1ETTE LIFE, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1924 sund cla~· l5 111t't l. his w o Jlihl l' f\.1" 1' Ul' Hl'lll rr1 br-i ll~ pnrt111 ij Hullll shiJ>. conf er pn·ac sun< an<l ) Hun gUt' 111 .\[011 La Sa th<· c1 )l o n tlnal 11 .\Jon! !:kouts \V e<l scouts \Vecl St'I'ViC ate l ~· j m;:;~~1 mt·t· tiq Fall Is Here, Winter Is Coming Heat Will Be Needed! Good, clean coal costs no more than that which is poor and dirty. YOUR NEIGHBOR IS OUR CUSTOMER- ASK HIM ThUI will ' Thu ROY BROvVN ING, Manager, Coal Dept. Maple and Birch Wood -alao Cannel Coal for the fireplace. Th pas to ings from en t ed and 'I reach oflic& churc WINNETKA COAL-LUMBER Phone Winn. 734 CoMPANY 823 Spruce St. EARL WEINSTOCK, Vice Pres. ancl Cen. M~.