ill'l!estigatio,. of ·uertisett~ent . 11114 co·nmunity ill i mY belief th«t " the NORTH fy conclusion il realty 'Voll44torf HAEFER. rdes: ites. ' tages. TO NITY ~-alued at from establishecl. l-I SHOHE. plicants. ho will build pany THE ORRINGTON- Evanston's largest and finest apartment hotel. A beautiful buildinc of Indiana lime atone and mottled red brick, repreeentinc an investment of $3,000,000.00. The location is ideal-cloae to transportation, Northwestern Univeraity,echoola, churches, stores, clubs and the lake. Stately elma IIUJ"round the entire structure. The original buildinc was completed ~ptember lat, 1924. Eight monthslatet work was bqun, and is now finished, on a large addition necessary to accommodate the patronqe. The quarters consist of beautifully furnished aincle rooms and auitcs with and without kitchenettee, and unfurnished kitchenette apartments of two to eight rooms with hotel eervice. Maida' rooms and caraaes in direct connection are features. To the ri&ht is The C>rrin&ton in couree of construction. It is modern in every detail, and fireproof/